



对比于BAM之前所公布的第二版名单,哈佛大学的建筑学硕士专业依旧位列榜首。倘若分区域来看,西班牙的马德里高级建筑技术学院与苏黎世高工联办(ETSAM + ETH Zurich)的合作硕士项目是欧洲地区的翘楚(总排名第三);而清华大学的建筑学硕士项目则摘得了亚洲地区的桂冠(总排名第七);拉丁美洲的得主则是智利天主教大的建筑硕士项目(总排名第十六)。


1.哈佛大学 | Master in Architecture II

The program leading to the Master in Architecture II (MArch II) is a post-professional degree intended for individuals who have completed a five-year undergraduate professional program in architecture or its equivalent.

2.哥伦比亚大学 | Master of Science Degree in Advanced Architectural Design

The Master of Science degree in Advanced Architectural Design is a three-term program consisting of summer, fall, and spring terms. The objective of the program is to provide outstanding young professionals who hold a Bachelor of Architecture or Master of Architecture an opportunity to engage with and conceptualize design as a critical practice that shapes the world’s technological, relational and environmental evolutions.

3.马德里高级建筑技术学院与苏黎世高工联培 | Master in Collective Housing

The Master of Architecture in Collective Housing, MCH, is a postgraduate full-time international professional program of advanced architecture design in cities and housing presented by Universidad Politécnica of Madrid (UPM) and Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH). After ten editions, it is rated as one of the best architecture master’s programs by architects and experts.

4.代尔夫特理工大学 | The Berlage Post-master in Architecture and Urban Design

The Berlage Post-master in Architecture and Urban Design focuses intensively on how architects and urban designers practice in a globalized world, concentrating on the complex development of the built environment within different contexts.

5.麻省理工大学 | Master of Science in Architecture and Urbanism

The Master of Science in Architecture Studies (SMArchS) is a two-year program of advanced study founded on research and inquiry in architecture as a discipline and as a practice. The program is intended both for students who already have a professional degree in architecture and those interested in advanced non-professional graduate study.

6.伦敦大学学院 | Architectural Design MArch

This programme explores the frontiers of architecture and design, with an emphasis on the latest technological advances, particularly computation and robotics.

7.清华大学 | Master in Architecture

In 2008, the School of Architecture began offering the English Program for Master in Architecture, the first M. Arch. taught in English in China. In the International Assessment on the Academic Program of Architecture in 2010, the school was evaluated as having “High Standing in the World”.

This internatinoal program at Tsinghua combines a critical, academic atmosphere with real-world issues. Based on a theory of reflexive regionalism, the program follows the school’s tradition of integrating a critical understanding of regional conditions with a global, multidisciplinary network environment.

8.慕尼黑技术大学 | Master of Arts MA in Architecture

While the Bachelor’s study program in Architecture imparts basic knowledge of all architecture-related topics, students of the Master’s study program in Architecture have the choice to engage themselves in advanced studies of the basis of architectural work, planning and design, and to concentrate on technical priorities, based on personal preference, interests and qualification.

9.康奈尔大学 | Post-Professional Master of Science, Advanced Architectural Design

Cornell’s post-professional Master of Science, Advanced Architectural Design program (M.S. AAD) is an intensive, advanced architectural design research program open to individuals holding a B.Arch. or professional M.Arch. degree. The program offers a critical framework for investigating pertinent design concerns, practices, and technologies in 21st-century architecture and urbanism. Three- and four-semester options are available, both starting with a summer semester in New York City and continuing at the Ithaca campus.

10.普林斯顿大学 | Post-professional Graduate Program in Architecture

The Professional Master in Architecture degree (M.Arch.), accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB), is intended for students who plan to practice architecture professionally. It qualifies them to take the state professional licensing examination after completing the required internship.

11.建筑联盟学院 | March in Architecture & Urbanism (DRL)

Championing an unapologetic belief that design and discourse permeates all aspects of life. Architecture here is a framework to explore, invent and respond to the challenges of today. It is a pursuit for an adaptive and enabling architecture that can evolve with us. Participation is at the heart of this project in which self-organised teams of international researchers come to our lab to collaborate on complex problems that necessitate progressive and shared ideas to construct our collective future. Architecture in this expanded field is understood as a spatial framework that challenges the norm and the habitual tendencies that limit possibilities. The attempt is to offer more – to examine architecture as a mode of enquiry that enables social and material agency.  Our architecture is a continuous work in progress altered daily. 

11(并列).柏林高等工业学校 | Master of Architecture in Tipology M-ARCH-T

M-ARCH-T is a 4-semester consecutive international “Master of Science” (M.Sc.) program in architecture. The main focus of the program is typology. It is taught in English.

M-ARCH-T understands typology as a model of change with a special potential for current challenges: the densification of cities in many regions goes hand in hand with the development of open-use, hybrid building types. In a process of appropriation and use, existing buildings are constantly being adapted to changing requirements. The differentiation of ways of life in an increasingly connected transcultural society affects the shape and organization of buildings. With the technical requirements for buildings, also the potentials of new planning and construction technologies are increasing. As a result, our knowledge of building types is being questioned again today.

13.米兰理工大学 | Master Architecture and Urban Design

The Study Course in Architecture and Urban Design lives and feeds on the project experience at different scales, from the architectural to the urban one, with its theoretical and operational aspects, always contextualized within the city.

The areas of interest that have in common the centrality of the project and the intervention on the physical environment concern the architectural and urban design, the landscape project and the enhancement of the architectural heritage.

14.南加利福尼亚州建筑学院 | M.Arch 2

SCI-Arc’s M.Arch 2 is a two, five-semester program leading to a Master of Architecture degree accredited by National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB), allowing graduates to pursue architectural licensure for professional practice in the United States.

Open to students who hold an undergraduate degree in architecture, the M.Arch 2 program at SCI-Arc is specifically geared to propel speculative design exploration and new modes of communication, while advancing formal experimentation that expands the boundaries of contemporary architectural practice.

14(并列).西班牙纳瓦拉大学 | Master's Degree in Theory and Architectural Design

The Master’s Degree in Theory and Architectural Design (MtDA) was born from the social demand to advance in the quality and suitability of architecture as an immediate response to the challenges and requirements of modern day society.

That is why the MtDA offers advanced training in the conception and design of architectural projects, in the theory behind them, the history that builds them and the critique that enables speculation on their processes. In short, it offers an excellent intensification in the heart of the practical and cultural-historical processes of architectural projects.

16.智利天主教大学 | Magíster en Arquitectura

MARQ places its debate in the contemporary context, understanding the project as a field of research and speculation that must confront the knowledge of the discipline with the problems of the city and the built environment. For this, a critical evaluation of the historical, theoretical and cultural preexistence is combined, with the development of new project methods and instruments, fostering crossings between theory and practice that allow expanding the disciplinary scope.

17.加泰罗尼亚理工大学 | MBArch Master's Degree in Advanced Studies in Architecture

The Master’s Degree in Advanced Studies in Architecture-Barcelona (MBArch) is an official postgraduate program (60 to 90 credits), which focuses on the contemporary architectural and urban design. The MBArch combines in a new integrated master a selection of specialized masters previously offered by the ETSAB that used to enjoy a high level of recognition.

18.曼彻斯特大学 | Architecture and Urbanism (MA)

MA Architecture and Urbanism allows you to study, and conduct in-depth research into the influence of global cultural and economic forces on contemporary cities.

Throughout the course, you will explore the design, functioning and future of urban situations in written, drawn and modelled work that builds on the legacy of twentieth century urban theory and is directed towards the development of sustainable cities.

The course is therefore perfect preparation for careers in roles associated with the development of sustainable urban spaces.

19.安第斯大学 | Maestría en Arquitectura

The program seeks for the student to acquire skills that allow him to structure and develop research from the different areas of study of architecture and the city . The objective is for the student to inquire about a topic of interest, construct new ways of reading problematic situations and / or propose innovative answers to questions posed, through a set of methods applied in a systematic way.

20.洛杉矶加利福尼亚大学 | M.S. Architecture and Urban Design

The M.S.AUD (formerly M.Arch.II) is a one-year post-professional degree program that leads to a Master of Science in Architecture and Urban Design degree.

This unique program offers students with a professional degree in architecture the opportunity to specialize their skills and apply architectural design thinking and capabilities to real-world challenges outside the field.


2020@Shanghai Studio

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