


Lesson No. 4



Carrel and Lakhovsky are the greatest scientists of the age so far as the constitution of Man is concerned. The former dug deeper into the body and its processes perhaps than any one else in modern times, while the latter swept the universe in his search for the secret of Life.



Carrel devoted a chapter of his work, Man, The Unknown, to the important subject of Adaptive Functions, and declared them to be responsible for the duration of man’s life. He showed why man’s body, composed of soft, alterable matter, susceptible of disintegration in a few hours, lasts longer than if made of steel. He wrote:

卡雷尔在他的书《人,未解之谜》中,用了整整一章来诠释适应性功能(Adaptive Functions)这个重要主题,而且宣称是这些功能对人寿命的长短起了决定性作用。人体,虽然由柔软、易变的物质组成,数小时后即告分解,却为何能有那么长的寿命,好似钢铁铸成一般。对此他解释道:


“Not only does he last, but he ceaselessly overcomes the difficulties and dangers of the outside world. He accommodates himself, much better than the other animals do, to the changing conditions of his environment. He persists in living despite physical, economic and social upheavals. Such endurance is due to a very particular mode of activity of his tissues and humors. The body seems to mold itself on events. Instead of wearing out (collapsing) it changes. Our organs always improvise means of meeting every new situation; and these means are such that they tend to give man a maximum duration. The physiological processes are always incline in the direction leading to the longest survival of man. This strange function, this watchful automatism with its specific characters, makes human existence possible. It is called Adaptation.” 191-2.



People know so little concerning the adaptive functions of the body. Hence it will be difficult for the reader to understand that the weaker his body becomes the longer its duration under adverse conditions.



Carrel himself appears not to know that man “persists in living despite physical, economic, and social upheavals,” because of the fact that as the “body seems to mold itself on events,” it suffers in the process a corresponding weakness which will be explained as we proceed, and that explanation will be so new to the student that he will miss some vital points unless he reads this lesson several times.




Disease Germs



We shall begin by referring to the fraudulent claim that the world is filled with evil entities which attack healthy persons without reaction and the result is “disease,” something so dangerous that it must be combated and cured.

开始我们要提到这个骗子言论,言论称这个世界充满了邪恶的实体(evil entities),它们攻击人类,而人类并不自觉,其结果就是人类患上“疾病,”——非常危险,必须抵抗,并加以治疗。


A deceived world believes in this and rejects evidence that exposes it. Carrel believed in it to the extent that he asserted, “scientific medicine has given to man artificial health” (P. 311).

这个蒙在鼓里的世界非常相信这种说辞,而且拒绝相信揭穿这种说辞的证据。卡雷尔一定程度上也是相信的,所以他声称,“科学医药给予人类人工的健康”(P. 311)。


It requires great prejudice to blind a scholar so completely that he cannot see the obvious absurdity of such a statement.



According to cosmic law, man reaps as he sows; and that law has no exception (Gal. 6:7). We shall use that law as a guide to lead us through the wilderness and confusion created by Carrel’s “scientific medicine.”




Good Health Is Not Immunity



Doctors volubly discuss the theory of “resistance to disease,” and Carrel believed in it. Supposedly good health makes man “immune” to disease-breeding influences, to the attack of germs, to vicious habits, to hostile environment.



The theory of “scientific medicine” is that man is attacked by disease because of a weakening of the natural body defenses. Alfred Pulford, M.D., M.H.S., F.A.C.T.S., a medical practitioner of fifty years, wrote:

“科学医药”的理论是,人之所以得病,是因为自然身体防御的弱化。阿尔弗雷德·普尔福德(Alfred Pulford),医学博士,健康科学硕士,F.A.C.T.S.,五十年的资深医师,写道:


“The exciting and contributing causes of pneumonia may be, and are, legion; but they all simmer down to the one point, viz., the breaking down of the natural body defenses (Truth Teller, April 1944, P. 2).

“加重肺炎及肺炎的致病原因或许是多方面的;但是都归于一点,即,自然身体防御的瓦解(说真话的人Truth Teller19444月,第2页)。


In his daily column in the press of June 8th, 1944, Irving S. Cutter, M.D., said:

194468日的每日专栏报道中,医学博士欧文·卡特(Irving S. Cutter)说:


“Now is the time to think of getting rid of that chronic winter cough. Yes, bacteria are responsible. But their very existence with all the irritation they can create, means that basic resistance (of the body) is too depleted to throw them off.”



The better doctors know the germ theory of disease is false. If it were true, no man nor beast could live long. They would be literally devoured by “disease germs.”



Natural science shows that correspondence must prevail as between the living organism and its environment. That is the positive, primal, and fundamental condition of Existence.



It were impossible for primitive man to come into physical being unless the proper, perfect and harmonious condition of his Environment prepared the way. Furthermore, the health condition of man’s body can never be any better than the health condition of his Environment, with the condition of which his body must always be in correspondence.



Bananas grow not in a cold climate because their constitution does not correspond with such climate. Salt water fish live not in fresh water because their constitution does not correspond with such water. That is natural science.



Man is the most perfect of all creatures, and is able to rise superior to bananas and fish by reason of his body’s “watchful automatism with its specific characters” which “make human existence possible.” He can modify the condition of a hostile climate or adjust himself to it so as to live for a limited time in the hottest and coldest regions on earth.



The Law of Correspondence in this case means that a condition of harmony must exist as between living things and their environment, or they will die and disappear. That does occur occasionally, causing certain plants and animals to become extinct.

这种情形下的一致性法则(The Law of Correspondence)意味着生物及其环境之间肯定存在某种和谐,否则它们就会死亡、消失。这确实时有发生,某些动植物的灭绝便是例证。


Spencer formulated the Law of Eternal Physical Existence and sought to show that Death was the end result of environmental changes which the living organism had not adapted changes to meet, thus creating a condition of discord and friction that sent the body down to death.



The human body is so perfectly constituted that it possesses the power to prolong its duration by adapting itself to conditions so adverse that they would otherwise cause not only early death, but instant death in some cases.



On this point Dr. Charles W. Greene wrote:

在这点上,查理·格林(Charles W. Greene)博士写道:


“As the air exhaled from the lungs contains a large proportion of carbon dioxide and a small amount of organic matter, it is obvious that if the same air be breathed again and again, the proportion of carbon dioxide and organic matter in it will increase until it becomes decidedly unfit to breathe.



“It is a remarkable fact that the organism, in time, adapts itself to a very vitiated atmosphere, and that a person soon comes to breathe, without sensible inconvenience, an atmosphere which, when he first enters it, feels intolerable. But such an adaptation can occur only at the expense of a depression of all the vital functions, which must be injurious if long continued or often repeated” (P.286).



There is a definite statement of what occurs in the body as its “watchful automatism with its specific characters make human existence possible” in an atmosphere so badly poisoned that it feels intolerable when one first enters it. The adaptation occurs “at the expense of a depression of all the vital functions, which must be injurious if long-continued or often repeated.”



That is how the body builds up “basic resistance” to inimical influences and unhealthful conditions. We must first weaken the body’s vital powers before it will submit without protest to “the dangers of the outside world” and the evil effects of bad habits.




Immunity Reduces Power to Resist



The secret of Vital Adaptation is the riddle that puzzles the doctors. They term it immunity. The body acquires immunity to dangers by reducing its powers to resist them. Exactly the opposite of what medical art teaches.

活力适应(Vital Adaptation)的秘密是医生无法解开的谜。他们称之为免疫力。通过减弱抵抗危险的功能,身体获得了对危险的免疫力。而这和医学所教授的完全相反。


We shall recite another instance of this weakened condition which medical art terms immunity. Greene continues.



“This power of adaptation is well illustrated by an experiment of Claude Bernard. He showed that if a bird is placed under a bell-glass of such size that the air contained in it will permit the bird to live for three hours, and the bird is removed at the end of the second hour, when it could have survived another hour, and a fresh, healthy bird is put in its place, the latter will die at once” (Kirks Physiology, revised by Greene, P. 304).

“克劳德·伯尔纳(Claude Bernard)的一个试验很好地证明了这个适应的力量。他指出,假如一只鸟被放在一个玻璃钟罩内,而这个罩内的空气只够让这只鸟存活三个小时,在第二小时结束时,把这只鸟取出,虽然它还可能再活一个小时,之后把另外一只鲜活、健康的鸟放进去,结果后面这只鸟立刻死去”(柯克斯生理Kirks Physiology,格林修订,P. 304)。


According to medical theory of ‘vital resistance,’ the fresh healthy bird should have resisted the effect of the polluted air in the bell-glass and lived for three hours. But it died immediately; whereas the other bird that had been under the bell-glass for two hours and suffered a certain degree of debilitation by reason of breathing the poisonous exhalations of its own body, could have lived for another hour.



This illustrates what Carrel means when he says, “Our organs always improvise means of meeting every new situation; and these means are such that they tend to give man (living creatures) a maximum duration. The physiological processes (of all animals) always incline in the direction leading to the longest survival of man.”



Man in the civilization is born into and grows up in an environment of polluted air that may kill in a day a wild Indian of the hills, whose vital body would react so violently to the shock, that death may soon result.



No matter how repugnant or destructive a thing may be, we can endure it provided time is given to secure the efficient operation of the body’s power of adjustment, whereby is prevented a violent swaying of vital activities from one extreme to the other. Only sudden and violent changes become immediately destructive to life, even sometimes when it is a change from evil to good habits.



By the reduction of its vitality, the body pays in the process of becoming “immune” to discordant conditions, to poisonous substances, to evil habits.



That is the reason why the vigorous Indians of America became a “dying-race” when they came in contact with the enervating habits of the white man of Europe who survived in spite of the evil effects because he was born in and grew up under those health destroying conditions. His body was accustomed to them, was adjusted to them; but the body of the healthy Indians was not, and they died like flies.



All evidence proves conclusively that the more vital the organism, the more quickly it succumbs to unhealthful conditions and harmful practices. That is another paradox. We live in a world of illusion.



There is a natural condition of Vital Adjustment to unhealthful conditions and harmful habits, but no Vital Resistance. That is another fallacy that belongs in the same category with the absurd theory of “contagious disease.”

对于不健康的状况及有害习惯,人会自然做活力调整(Vital Adjustment),但并没有活力抵抗(Vital Resistance)。这和荒唐的“传染病”理论一样,同属谬论。


It is a paradox that the body, in a weakened condition, will tolerate and endure longer than a more vital body, the various evil practices and inimical influences which it cannot control, and which it must endure or die. Carrel says “the body perceives the remote as well as the near, the future as well as the present,” and it prepares accordingly (P. 197).

身体,在更为虚弱的状况下,反而比在更为活力的状况下更能容忍及承受它无法控制的各种不良做法及有害影响。而不能忍受的话就得死亡。这也是一种矛盾。卡雷尔说“身体由近及远,由现在推知未来,”它会随机应变(P. 197)。


Creative Intelligence knows that the weakened body will endure more and live longer under adverse conditions. This appears paradoxical, yet the truth of it every scientist can demonstrate for himself.

创造智能(Creative Intelligence)清楚,在恶劣的条件下,越是虚弱的身体越能承受,活得越久。这好像矛盾,但其中的真实性每个科学家都能加以验证。

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