

Unit 8 the green image

听力教程第三版 5  Unit 8  the green image


  1. carbon monoxide:CO

  2. sulfur dioxide:SO₂

  3. 臭氧ozoneO₃ a poisonous gas with a strong smell that is a form of oxygen

  4. 含磷化合物phosphate:any compound containing phosphorus , used in industry or for helping plants to grow

  5. 物质主义materialism:the belief that money, possessions and physical comforts

  6. 杀虫剂pesticide:a chemical used for killing pests , especially insects

  7. 杀虫剂insecticide:a chemical used for killing insects

  8. 喷雾器aerosols:a small container in which a liquid such as paint or deodorant 

  9. 摄氏度 °C: degree Celsius

  10. 隔热insulation: a material that prevents heat, sound, electricity,

  11. 长颈鹿giraffe:live in African

a tall African animal with a very long neck

  1. 含铅leaded/不含铅unleaded:sth with lead added to it / sth without lead added to it

  2. 骇人听闻的 appalling:shocking; extremely bad

  3. 皮划艇运动canoeing:the sport of travelling in or racing a canoe

  4. 潜水scuba diving:is the activity of swimming underwater using special breathing equipment. 

  5. 哮喘asthmatic:People who suffer from asthma 

  6. 过敏反应allergic reaction:hypersensitivity reaction to a particular allergen

  7. 防腐剂chemical preservative:a substance used to prevent food or wood from decaying

  8. 损耗depletion:To deplete a stock or amount of something 

  9. 不受影响的 impervious:not influenced by sth

  10. 多年生植物 perennial:plants

a plant that continuing for a very long time

  1. 飞镖boomerang:come from Australian Aborigines

a curved flat piece of wood that you throw and that can fly in a circle and come back to you. 

  1. 食腐动物scavenger:an animal, a bird or a person that scavenges

  2. 水龙头faucet:a device that controls the flow of water from a pipe

A. The natural world


  1. 完成句子:Now, when you were there did you see the giraffes?

  2.  What kind of a son do this long neck animal make?

no sound

1. Man: no, they live in Africa and they feed on leaves. I don't think they roar or make any noise. Oh, they've got these wonderful long necks. Now, when you were there did you see the giraffes? 它们生活在非洲,以树叶为食。我认为它们不会咆哮或发出任何噪音。哦,他们的脖子很长。你在那儿的时候看到长颈鹿了吗?

Giraffes:长颈鹿    学名:Giraffe camelopardalis

  • 含义: is a large African animal with a very long neck, long legs, and dark patches on its body.

  • 站立时由头至脚可达6-8米,体重约700千克

  • 长颈鹿雄性身高4.5-6.1米、雌性身高4.1-5.5米;雄性重量900-2000千克、雌性重量700-1300千克;

  • Ethiopia, Sudan, Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia in Africa. 非洲的埃塞俄比亚、苏丹、肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚和赞比亚等国。

  •  The origin of giraffes is in Asia长颈鹿的祖籍却在亚洲

  •  It inhabits grassland, shrub and forest land.  栖息于草原、灌丛、林地。

  • Food食物:leaves


  1. what can be felled? trees

2. Woman: felled and burned, all sorts of rare plants and animals are killed and we'll never see them again - these species will all become extinct.砍伐和烧毁,各种珍稀动植物被杀害,我们再也见不到它们了——这些物种都将灭绝。


非洲:Nigeria 尼日利亚





l  all sorts of rare plants and animals are killed各种珍稀动植物被杀死

l  these species will all become extinct. 这些物种都将灭绝。

l  It reduces the function of ecological regulation. 它降低生态调节功能。

l  It reduces the ability of air purification. 它降低空气净化能力。

l  It causes soil erosion, dust storms and tornadoes  水土流失,引发沙尘暴,龙卷风


  1. the overuse : chemical fertilizers and insecticides

3. Man: well, it’s pollution,  all cause damage to the environment. the overuse of chemical fertilizers and insecticides in agriculture这是污染,都会对环境造成损害。农业中化肥和杀虫剂的过度使用

environmental Pollution  环境污染分类:

(1). air pollution;

(2). soil pollution;

(3).  Water pollution.

Pollution  环境污染原因

l  the overuse of chemical fertilizers and insecticides化肥和杀虫剂的过度使用

l  Waste gas and waste water discharged from the factory工厂排出的废气、废水

l  Domestic wastewater   生活废水

l  A lot of garbage that can't be treated大量无法处理的垃圾


l  New Delhi 新德里(Nigeria尼日利亚)【城市】

Kuwait科威特 【国家】

Pakistan 巴基斯坦


  1. being damaged:the ozone layer

4. Woman: of carbon dioxide and other gases has led to an irreversible situation where the ozone layer is being damaged and the earth is likely to become warmer - this is known as the greenhouse effect.二氧化碳和其他气体的排放导致了一种不可逆转的情况,臭氧层正在受到破坏,地球可能会变暖——这就是所谓的温室效应。

greenhouse effect.温室效应原因:

l  Emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases二氧化碳和其他气体的排放

l  Damage to the ozone layer 对臭氧层的损害

greenhouse effect.温室效应后果:

l  sea level rise  海平面上升

l  Abnormal climate  气候异常

l  Land desertification   土地沙漠化


l  Maldives  马尔代夫

l  Bengal孟加拉

l  Nepal尼泊尔


  1. why are the trees are dying?

the reason why the trees are dying is basically because the smoke and exhaust gases from industry, power stations and vehicles is (are) full of Sulphur dioxide and this poisonous substance falls to earth again as acid rain.

5. Man: the reason why the trees are dying is basically because the smoke and exhaust gases from industry, power stations and vehicles is (are) full of Sulphur dioxide and this poisonous substance falls to earth again as acid rain.

the reason why the trees are dying树木死亡的原因:acid rain

acid rain酸雨形成原因:

the smoke and exhaust gases from industry, power stations and vehicles are full of Sulphur dioxide工业、发电站和车辆排放的烟雾和废气中充满了二氧化硫


China, Canada, America, Germany


  1. 完成句子:if your car can be adjusted by them to run on unleaded petrol.

  2. 铅的化学符号symbol of chemical element:Pb

6. Woman: all new cars take it, but if you're not sure about your car, ask your garage if your car can be adjusted by them to run on unleaded petrol. 所有新车都会使用无铅汽油,但如果你对自己的车不确定,可以问问你的车库,他们是否可以调整你的车,使其使用无铅汽油。

新车:unleaded petrol无铅汽油

For gasoline with lead content below 0.013g/L, tetraethyl lead is not added as anti-explosion additive in the refining process含铅量在0.013g/L以下的汽油,在提炼过程中没有添加四乙基铅作为抗震爆添加剂


无铅汽油普及率最低:France 法国

美国无铅普通汽油的平均价格:    $4.23 per gallon  每加仑4.23美元

美国原油价格: about $100 per barrel    每桶100美元左右


  1. 三大化学燃料 fossil fuels:coal, oil and natural  gas

7. Man: may be true but the article I read said that we should cut down on the amount of energy we use if we want to conserve fossil fuels and reduce the pollution they cause. Apparently, the only way of producing electricity without pollution is by using nuclear energy.节约化石燃料并减少其污染:使用无污染电力;使用核能生产无污染电力。


l  No sulfur dioxide    不会产生二氧化硫等有害气体

l  It will not pollute the air.  不会对空气造成污染。

l  No carbon dioxide is produced.  不会产生二氧化碳。

l  Much less fossil fuel is consumed.   消耗的化石燃料要少得多。


  1. recycled products :paper, glass bottles and metal

  2. 同义替换 products:materials

8. Woman: yes, you see, paper, glass bottles and metal can all be used again more cheaply and without causing pollution or needing to cut down more trees. All these products can easily be recycled.

可以回收利用的:paper, glass bottles and metal


l  Improve waste utilization  提高废品利用率

l  Pollution reduction  减少污染

l  Reduce deforestation   减少森林砍伐


l  Sweden:Up to 99%

l  Germany:56.1%

B. An interview with Jonathon Porritt

  1. what is friends of the earth? an environmental pressure group

  2. where is teaching? in inner London

  3. definition of ecology:Ecology is the study of the relationships between plants, animals, people, and their environment, and the balances between these relationships.

  4. Jonathon Porritt是怎么认为ecology? consider ecology within a social and political context. 

I - interviewer      P - Jonathon Porritt

Part 1

I: Could I ask you please, how did your interest in the environment, and the need to protect it, begin?

P: It really all began because I was a teacher, and teaching in an inner London comprehensive school near Shepherd's Bush, and obviously a lot of the work we were doing were... was making assumptions about the shape of the future, and the world into which those children would have to go out, after they'd finished their five years' schooling. And I became more and more involved in trying to think what the shape of the planet would be like, and one of the big projects that we did with some of our kids was to look more carefully at the relationship between humankind and the planet. And that got me interested in the whole subject, and I started reading much more about ecology. And then I began to realize that you can't really talk about ecology as a science, you have to consider ecology within a social and political context. And that's what drew, drew me into Green politics.

Jonathon Porritt


工作地点:inner London comprehensive school

Shepherd's Bush    牧羊人丛林:

Located in the second west end of London位于伦敦西二区


It is adjacent to Kensington and Notting Hill in the East and Chelsea in the southeast东向毗邻著名的肯辛顿和诺丁山,东南便是切尔西

l  Located in Hammersmith Fulham, London位于汉默史密斯-富勒姆伦敦自治市

l  虽然主要是一个residential district住宅区,但Business is also very developed商业也十分发达,却以牧者丛格林购物区Shopping area而著称,北部有欧洲最大的都市型购物中心Westfield London。

l  2011年,牧者丛的人口有39,724人。

l  牧羊丛有一座足球场洛夫特斯路球场,是女王公园巡游者的主场球场。

Part 2

  1. I call myself:a constructive pessimist。

  2. the crucial problems population

  3. what is the problem of population? too much population/ too large

  4. too much people:overpopulation

  5. 非洲城市:Ethiopia and the Sudan 埃塞俄比亚和苏丹

  6. 埃塞俄比亚和苏丹在非洲哪里:Northeast Africa

  7. money1, 000, 000, 000, 000 dollars

I: And when you look into the future, the next thirty years, a reasonably long term, you perhaps see reasons to be both optimistic and pessimistic. What changes and developments do you think we might see over the next thirty years? 你认为在接下来的三十年里我们会看到什么样的变化和发展?

P: It is very hard to predict - it has to be said - and I do feel a strange mixture of pessimism and optimism. I call myself a constructive pessimist, because you can't help but be pessimistic, looking at some of the issues we face, and yet if we don't face them in a constructive way, then that pessimism merely feeds on itself, and becomes fatalism, and the world really will get into a very sorry state. But obviously, the crucial problems we face now are largely those of population, which is a problem .. which is unfolding remorselessly, and will really hit us in the middle of the next century; the misuse or abuse of the world's resources, both the renewable resources, such as the clean air, clean water, and the nonrenewable resources, the speed with which we're using up oil, gas, whatever else it may be; the appalling problems of poverty and famine and hunger, which what we saw last year in Ethiopia and the Sudan, I'm sorry to say, is merely a very small indication of the kind of things we're going to see; the arms build-up, which has reached really staggeringly immoral levels 1,000,000,000, 000 dollars now being spent on arms every year, instead of being spent on the kinds of things that it ought to go on. And all of those problems, to us, which we consider to be the problems of the misuse of the planet are very daunting. And they're not separate, they are all interconnected. And what I think is, is only just dawning on people, is that a lot of these problems do have the same roots, namely the unsustainable system that we insist upon at the moment, believing that the only way we can increase human wealth is by producing more and consuming more, even if we destroy the planet in the process.

未来三十年:a strange mixture of pessimism and optimism.悲观主义和乐观主义的混合 

Jonathon Porritt:

l  自称a constructive pessimist

l  because you can't help but be pessimistic, looking at some of the issues we face

the crucial problems:population

last year in Ethiopia and the Sudan埃塞俄比亚和苏丹:the appalling problems of poverty and famine and hunger

军需储备金额:$ 1,000,000,000

increase human wealth : produce more and consume more

Part 3

P: They're all pessimistic. On the other side of the, of the coin, it has to be said, that I would think there are three main things that are now beginning to... allow us to be a little more optimistic.

First is awareness. I mean, in the last ten years there has been an astonishing array of, books, and er... different ideas forthcoming about the state of the planet, and how we need to change our ways to cope with that. And that's wholly good, because many more people are now better informed than they used to be.

Secondly, there is an increasing political awareness that these things have to be given political expression, people need to involve themselves in organizations, in groups; they need to put pressure on politicians so they don't get away with the absurd things they're doing at the moment. And again, there is a sense - a growing strength of - within the Green Movement that we can actually do things.

thirdly, and I personally consider this to be as important as the first two, there is an increasing awareness of the spiritual values of the alternative that we're putting across, namely alternatives to materialism, as a better way of meeting people's needs, rather than this absolutely crude pursuit of material affluence, as the only way of satisfying people. And I think that spiritual aspect, combined with the political aspect, set within a context of greater awareness, is really the path that the "Green Movement" is trying to carve out for itself at the moment.

C. How do we put a stop to pollution?

  1. what do World Watch is common? the environmental pressure group

  2. what is our world ? a talk show

  3. Andy Pearson谈论方式serious and convincing / objective

  4. John Mortimer谈论方式skeptical、no convincingStubborn

  5. Andy 说除了土地被污染了,还有:sea and air

  6. Andy 怎么去演播室的:she was driving a car with unleaded petrol

  7. John 的儿子喜欢户外活动canoeing and mountaineering and scuba-diving

  8. 一代:25 years

  9. plant pollen:植物花粉

  10. EECEuropean Economic Community

  11. chemicals are killing off our :wild flowers and the insects

Announcer: Hello and welcome to Our World. Tonight in the studio we have Andy Pearson of the environmental pressure group World watch and John Mortimer of the Chemical Industries Association. The question we are all pondering tonight is: how can we put a stop to the pollution that threatens our country?

这个节目叫Our World

Andy Pearson: the environmental pressure group World watch

John Mortimer: the Chemical Industries Association

Question: How can we put a stop to the pollution that threatens our country?

Andy:  Well, first of all, it's not just our country that's at the risk bur the seas that surround it and the air that we breathe above it. All these elements are finite and we have to try and persuade the chemical industry 所有这些元素都是有限的,我们必须努力说服化学工业

John:  That's all very well but do you intend to legislate to stop people using certain products or driving their cars? Everybody has the right to choose how they live the sort of lifestyle they wish to pursue. The lifestyle we enjoy today would have been unthinkable only thirty years ago. May I ask you how you traveled to the studio this evening? Did you walk or ride a bicycle? 但是你打算立法阻止人们使用某些产品或驾驶他们的汽车吗?每个人都有权选择他们希望追求的生活方式。仅仅在30年前,我们今天享受的生活方式是不可想象的。请问你今晚是怎么去演播室的?你是走路还是骑自行车?

Andy:  I drove here. But I made sure the car I was driving was using unleaded petrol. If I have a choice, I always try to minimize environmental damage and I believe most people, if they stopped to think, would do the same. Ten years ago, it was only possible to buy leaded petrol. Now the oil companies are offering us the choice.

Andy: drive here; uses unleaded petrol;

十年前 Ten years ago: it was only possible to buy leaded petrol. 含铅汽油

John:  OK. Let's look at one area where there can be no doubting the contribution of the chemical industry to the good life or any sort of life; life full-stop: medicines. Now, my son is asthmatic. He has trouble with breathing. He's had it since he was a boy. But you would hardly notice from talking with him. There are medicines available today which enable him to live a completely normal life — if you can call皮划艇、登山和潜水 canoeing and mountaineering and scuba-diving leading an ordinary life! Now I don't need to remind you that medicines are chemicals, they start a chemical reaction in the body.

化学工厂的贡献 contribution of the chemical industry:the good life or any sort of life; medicines

John' son 儿子:is asthmatic 哮喘;

has trouble with breathing;

He's had it since he was a boy.

There are medicines available which enable him to live a normal life

medicines are chemicals, they start a chemical reaction in the body.

Andy:  Asthma, the figures tell us, is on the increase. In fact it's of the order of ten times more common now than it was two generations ago say fifty years ago. Now, we don't really understand asthma - or any of the other allergic reactions, but your son and all other asthmatics are responding to something in the air. And the only thing that has changed the air in the last fifty years is industrial pollution. There's probably less plant pollen, if anything. So it may very well be that modern medicines, admirable though they are, are doing no more than putting right the problems - the unnecessary problems in our view - of modern life. Look at food and fertilizers; another case in point where over-production has led to damage of the environment and the economic disasters of the EEC food mountains for instance

哮喘 Asthma:is on the increase。(中国2020年的65.0百万,65 million / 65,000,000

现在哮喘 Asthma: 比50年前 more common ;

是以前的十倍 ten times

哮喘发病率高国家:New Zealand (Wellington)新西兰(惠灵顿)、

Canada 加拿大、

Australia 澳洲、

Japan 日本

Switzerland 瑞士、

USA 美国。


  • industrial pollution. 工业污染

  • plant pollen 植物花粉

over-production:damage of the environment

the economic disasters of the EEC food mountains

EECEuropean Economic Community 欧洲经济共同体

成立时间 : January 1, 1958 (1958年1月1日)

总部 Headquarters:Brussels布鲁塞尔


Ukraine, known as the "European granary", is one of the world's top five exporters of wheat and corn.

John:  But look at the extensive range in vegetables and fruit that can be bought at every high street supermarket today. Thanks to chemical preservatives you can eat most produce all the year round.

chemical preservatives: you can eat most produce all the year round.

Andy:  Yes, but can you deny that 滥用磷肥the unrestricted use of phosphates and nitrates is having a terrible effect on our environment? They get into our rivers and into our seas killing the fish. And the effect on the farms themselves, chemicals are killing off our wild flowers and the insects on which our birdlife feeds. Instead, we're breeding a strain of super-bugs which are impervious to all pesticides unless they are administered in larger and larger doses. And why are we doing all this intensive farming? To cut down on manpower - so we can produce more for less.

 the unrestricted use of phosphates and nitrates: 磷酸盐和硝酸盐的无限制使用:

  • is having a terrible effect on our environment 磷酸盐和硝酸盐对我们的环境产生了可怕的影响。

  • killing the fish.杀死鱼类

  • are killing off our wild flowers and the insects on which our birdlife feeds.正在杀死我们的野花和鸟类赖以生存的昆虫

  •  we're breeding a strain of super-bugs( which are impervious to all pesticides unless they are administered in larger and larger doses. )我们正在培育一种超级病菌,除非剂量越来越大,否则它们对所有杀虫剂都不敏感。

集约农业intensive farming:To cut down on manpower 减少人力

Andy:  I don't want to stop people from doing what they want, but we have to try and educate the consumer and the industrialist alike. 我不想阻止人们做他们想做的事,但我们必须努力教育消费者和实业家。

We can have the good life, with a pollution-free environment, but there has to be the political will and public concern must be fostered in order to bring pressure to bear on the policy makers before it's too late. 我们可以在没有污染的环境中过上美好的生活,但必须有政治意愿,必须培养公众的关注,以便在为时已晚之前向决策者施加压力。

Consider the depletion of the ozone layer and the contribution this makes to the greenhouse effect; again it is chemicals contained in aerosols that are to blame.考虑臭氧层的损耗及其对温室效应的贡献;同样,气溶胶中所含的化学物质也是罪魁祸首。

D Creating green roofs

Reporter: As Hong Kong struggles to build an environmentally friendly city, one professor is studying ways to help cut carbon emissions and lower electricity usage by covering the city's rooftops with plants.在香港努力建设一个环境友好型城市之际,一位教授正在研究如何通过在城市屋顶种植植物来帮助减少碳排放和降低用电量。

Jim Chi Yung, a geography professor at the University of Hong Kong, set up his first green roof in 2006 on top of one of the buildings at the university. He wanted to research how plants and grass covering a roof affect heating and cooling. The roof was divided into four parcels: one is bare concrete, and three others are covered with different plants. The first is grass, the second, a perennial that produces yellow flowers and the third, a shrub.

Jim Chi Yung:

  • 职业:a geography professor

  • 地点: the University of Hong Kong

  • 成就:set up his first green roof in 2006 (on top of one of the buildings at the university.)

  • 研究方向:how plants and grass covering a roof affect heating and cooling.

  • The roof was divided into 4 parcels: 屋顶被分成四块

one is bare concrete, and three others are covered with different plants.


The first: is grass, 第一种是草

the second: a perennial that produces yellow flowers 第二种是多年生的开黄花的植物

and the third: a shrub. 第三种是灌木。

Jim:  So far, I have been able to find out quite a significant sort of difference between the three different vegetation types.吉姆:到目前为止,我已经找到了三种不同植被类型之间相当显著的差异。

Reporter: Using infrared sensors between the plant layer and the roof, Jim found that the planted areas lowered the roof's surface temperature by as much as 26 degrees Celsius. 吉姆在植物层和屋顶之间使用红外传感器,发现种植区域使屋顶表面温度降低了26摄氏度。

夏天 Bare roofs can reach temperatures as high as 50 degrees on a hot summer day because of all the solar radiation they take in, while planted surfaces stay closer to the air temperature. 夏天屋顶可以达到50度的温度。

冬天 In the winter, Jim found, the planted area helps the roof below stay warmer. 吉姆发现,在冬天,种植面积有助于下面的屋顶保持温暖。

对于业主 For building owners, this means the top floors of a building remain cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter, so less money is spent on heating and cooling. 对于业主来说,这意味着建筑物的顶层在夏季保持凉爽,在冬季保持温暖,因此用于供暖和制冷的资金较少。

教授的研究 The professor's study is expanding. He has covered the university's library roof with plants, and he is researching what plants can best endure the intense sunlight in Hong Kong, and can grow in a thin layer of soil. 他用植物覆盖了大学图书馆的屋顶,他正在研究什么植物最能忍受香港强烈的阳光,并能生长在一层薄薄的土壤中。

他的计划His plan is developing a lightweight green roof for the city's old neighborhoods. The older buildings in those areas cannot handle a lot of extra weight on their roofs.为城市的老社区开发一个轻质的绿色屋顶。这些地区的老建筑无法承受屋顶上的大量额外重量。

建筑和能源专家Construction and energy experts say many cities in warm climates, such as Hong Kong, never included insulation and other conservation measures to reduce electricity use.香港等许多气候温暖的城市 从未采取绝缘和其他节约措施来减少用电量。

John Herbert

  • 职业:is an energy scientist and director of Kelcroft 能源科学家和董事

  • 地点an environmental consulting company in Hong Kong. 环境咨询公司

  • 理论:rapidly developing countries such as China and India can reduce their energy use significantly by avoiding mistakes made in other cities.

John:  India and developing countries, in general, should really, instead of just plowing ahead, they should really look at the mistakes that the West has made in the building sector and not repeat them. And it's easy not to repeat them because the evidence is here all around us.


绿色屋顶行业 The green roofing industry :is well established in Europe, Germany in particular, and in Asian countries such as Singapore and Japan. North America is also catching on. 在欧洲,尤其是德国,以及新加坡和日本等亚洲国家都很成熟。北美也在流行起来

世界各地的研究Studies throughout the world show similar results to Professor Jim's. While the temperature reductions vary, all indicate that plants act as added insulation, reducing a building's energy demand. 植物起到了额外隔热的作用,降低了建筑物的能源需求。

研究Studies show that can mean savings of 25% in cooling costs.节省25%的冷却成本

屋顶花园的作用Roof gardens :can also reduce storm water run-off and help combat urban heat island effect. 还可以减少雨水径流,帮助对抗城市热岛效应

热岛效应原因:That is caused by heat bouncing off concrete and steel, running engines and machinery and pollution. 由混凝土和钢材反弹的热量、运转的发动机和机械以及污染造成的。

热岛效应结果:City temperatures can be up to three degrees higher than in rural areas.

绿色屋顶现状Despite the benefits of green roofs:demand in Hong Kong remains relatively low. 香港的需求仍然相对较低

需求低的原因:People fear that loading roofs with plants will lead to leaks, cracks, mosquitoes and other pests. They also fear the construction cost and maintenance fees.  人们担心在屋顶上种植植物会导致漏水、裂缝、蚊子和其他害虫。他们还担心建筑成本和维护费用。

So far, the push to create green roofs in Hong Kong is a voluntary, non-profit effort that gets little attention. Jim says the government needs to do more.到目前为止,在香港推动屋顶绿化是一项自愿的非营利活动,很少受到关注。吉姆说政府需要做更多。

Jim: What I would describe as psychological barriers which could easily be overcome by providing people with the right kind of information and knowledge. And we should tell the world that even a compact city can be built in an environmentally friendly as well as sustainable manner.吉姆:我所说的心理障碍,可以通过向人们提供正确的信息和知识来轻松克服。我们应该告诉世界,即使是一个紧凑的城市也可以以环保和可持续的方式建设。

Reporter: Jim hopes that the green roof effort in Hong Kong will eventually follow in Singapore's footsteps - with roof gardens producing fresh vegetables and fruit.


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