

Stone culture of Yunfu

Yunfu, located in the Midwest of Guangdong Province and south of the middle reaches of Xijiang River, is known as "Shidu" and "Shixiang". Yunfu's stone has a long history, originated in the Neolithic age, developed in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and the early Republic of China, flourished after liberation at the end of the last century, and is stronger than the beginning of this century. It is "the center of China's stone base", "China's stone circulation demonstration base", "China's man-made stone capital" and "hometown of Chinese folk culture and art (stone carving)". Yunfu's stone craft has a long history with more than 400 years of development. It is the representative of Lingnan stone carving technology. After continuous creation and improvement, with the integration of "culture, science and technology, and creativity" elements, Yunfu stone crafts are changing with each passing day, and its artistic value is constantly improving. The creative development of Yunfu stone handicrafts has been constantly expanding, including stone carving, stone carving, jade carving, jigsaw, decoration technology and other types, which permeate all aspects of daily life, such as stone tea plate, stone platform, stone stool, etc. In every aspect of our life, we can show the characteristics of Yunfu stone technology. This stone culture is also very deep in our bones and into our blood.

According to statistics, there are more than 3800 stone enterprises in Yunfu City, among which more than 1000 are engaged in stone art creation, with an annual production of more than 7 million sets (pieces) of stone craft products. Yunfu has many stone craft manufacturers, a large number of manufacturers and a wide distribution of manufacturing areas, which undoubtedly drives the economic development of Yunfu, the spread of stone technology culture and the continuous improvement of stone technology. In order to create a brand of stone art culture, Yunfu City has held six international stone science and technology expositions in succession, and jointly held "Guangdong Province (Yunfu) stone art creative competition" with the Provincial Department of culture to guide some basic enterprises to the direction of stone art decoration culture. In the prosperity of stone art culture, every leader, every manufacturer and every Yunfu person are actively engaged in the construction of stone technology. In the eyes of Yunfu people, the stone factories on both sides of the road are also a beautiful scenery of Yunfu. In the words of a leading cadre in Yunfu City, stone is the economic card of Yunfu.

In the early stage of Yunfu's stone industry, the "road economy" formed by the business model of "front shop and back factory" has made a great contribution to the environment. In the later period, after paying close attention to the people-oriented ecological economic development mode, Yunfu government focused on building an international stone art culture city, and became an architectural decoration design, exhibition and circulation center interacting with building materials, household appliances, furniture, electronics and other industries. Using the local manufacturing industry foundation, introducing cultural factors, forming the "new decoration culture industry concept". In addition, Yunfu is committed to mining, inheriting and protecting the stone art culture. It has done further research and Research on the historical origin and artistic characteristics of folk stone crafts, striving to put "Yunfu stone art" on the national intangible cultural heritage protection list. Protect our stone culture to ensure that our culture is deeply rooted, has a long history and has a long history, and creates our own glory again.

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