

Textile craft articles---Satin
Satin weave refers to the warp (or weft) float long, intertwined points less, although they form a diagonal, but not continuous, the interval between regular and uniform from this fabric
Structure known as the satin weave.
satin and sateen weave" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #fff"><English name> satin and sateen weave
"><Special color>
Satin weave their organizations spacing distance, each independent and not continuous, and in accordance with a certain order. A complete organization in at least five the number of longitude and latitude, it can also be used
Fractions. Such as 5 / 3 weft face satin, read to fly for five three weft face satin, and twill weave is different, satin weave a complete molecular organization on behalf of the longitude and latitude numbers, the denominator
Represents the flight number.
[Related terms]
1 Fly number
Flying is the number of adjacent two lines or between adjacent points separated the two organizations, the root of the number line, satin fly not less than two. Divided by the number of flight number and flight number of the zonal fly two.
2 by the number of flying
The number refers to the flying two adjacent warp between points separated by the same organization the number of latitude;
3 zonal number of flying
Flying is the number of zonal two adjacent parallel between points separated by the same organization the number of warp.
 In general, the surface segment to fly by the number of lines used to represent, weft satin surface is used to indicate the number of zonal fly. Satin fabric with satin five and eight most common.
[Satin fabric]
Satin fabric floating long-term longer fastness is also the worst, but the soft, silk smooth, shiny Ye Hao, the most rich and beautiful, it is widely used in the fabric. Such as tapestry
Satin, satin flowers and other flower tissues are used to organize the satin weave. Satin fabric generally refers to raw materials by more than reflects the side, such as bright silk satin by the users, so shiny
I call it good that side is usually satin.
Different from the plain and satin twill jumper is on the line longer, and twill angle smaller, more glossy, more smooth, more beautiful, the disadvantage is that easy to cut wire, although the smooth
But not soft.
Two adjacent warp or weft of a separate organization points evenly distributed, but not continuous with the fabric weave. Divided by the surface of satin weave satin weave and weft face satin two. It is organized Mihara
The most complex one. Satin weave a separate organization from the point of two adjacent warp or weft of the cover of floating long-term. Leveling the fabric surface smooth, soft, shiny or slightly
Showed lines. Wider use of satin weave fabric, often used as a quilt, clothing, shoe and upholstery and so on.
Satin weave available fraction that represents an organization of molecular root of the number of loops of yarn, a few short pieces; denominator represents the flight number, flight number used by the satin warp, weft flight number
Surface for the weft satin. Satin loop yarn of an organization for not less than 5 (Figure 1, Figure 2), flying should be greater than 1 but less than the number of the organization by a number of yarn loops, flying both the number and organization of cycles
Should be mutually prime. Satin weave yarn loops commonly used number of 5,8,12,16 and so on, the greater the number of organized recycling yarn, yarn, fabric surface float length, the better the luster, the more fabric
Soft, but the fastness worse.
The surface of satin fabric on the surface most of the long warp floats covered, in order to highlight the effect of the warp, the weft to the tightness tightness must be greater than the general economic, zonal tightness ratio of about 5:3,
For example, it satin, satin and other factors. Weft satin fabric surface area most covered by the weft float length, in order to highlight the effect of weft, the weft to be less than tightness tightness, general economic, tight weft
Degree ratio of about 2:3, such as cross satin and so on.
In order to make satin fabric is soft, low degree of twist of the yarn used. Yarn twist effects to the appearance of satin fabrics have a certain influence. The surface of the warp or weft satin weave satin weave the weft surface
Twist yarn in the fabric surface of the fabric to the organization's lines with the same direction, like a shiny fabric surface, such as cross satin. If the surface of these yarns in the fabric weave and twist the lines to
In the opposite direction, the lines show the surface of satin fabric, such as satin do so.
Based on the satin weave satin weave can change the evolution of many organizations. If the weft by the organization or to add a single point of four weeks or more organizations to strengthen points constitute satin weave (Figure 3);
Circulation within an organization constitute a different flight number change is satin weave (Figure 4), such as six changes the satin weave, the warp flight number 2,3,4,4,3,2; extended by to or
Constitute important point zonal organization satin weave, often used in weaving a handkerchief. Satin combined with other organizations may constitute Satin poplin, satin handkerchief fabric.


【Article is excerpted from: Baidu Encyclopedia】
【Network reprint / Just reference】
【Translation is by Goolge】

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