

Software Chapter Tips Node--Studio 1
     Due to the limited area of ??the studio interior, lighting devices are also similar, with scenery and props it is not always possible to replace the (expensive investment for decorating), so the change in the way of shooting on location photography rigid than many.
     In addition, the indoor studio lighting techniques has its fixed form, often several basic lighting the traditional method, or a change in style of play is very limited, so shooting in the studio out of the picture style and scene content, simply can not like location photography is so spectacular and moving, or changing.
     Especially with a view location photography art portrait photo, for studio photography space is extremely limited, it is extremely difficult to achieve!
【Type  term】
     Within seven to spare formula composition class close-up photos of the most
     Style changes, many changes need to rely on either portrait style or change the background elegant fancy, to make the work presented higher order than the change of tone or low-tone photos, or repeated exposure, such as photos.
【Lighting terminology】
     The most important is the lighting techniques.
     Once you have a good basic lighting technology, they can use their work environment is easy and fast to shoot beautiful wedding photography and art photos.
     One of the biggest advantages of indoor studio is sufficient light, simplicity and perfection, using a combination of lighting the lamp has a complex method of re-lamp lighting can be more perfect than the location photography shoot close-up photos.
【1 The term high-order type tone technique】
[Characteristics and style]
1 high-order tone type photograph is a considerable component of the indoor studio shoot photos in type.
     This type of photograph only in the indoor studio, using a white background with the device series can easily be taken out.
     This type of photograph gives a fresh and bright feeling, very agreeable to those lively and cheerful young customers like it.
2 types of so-called higher-order tone photographs, picture frame that is light on the light ratio is very low, its white and bright parts of far more than the shadow of the black part;
     Or color occupies an area of many bright colors, deep shade of color only a tiny part of the picture. So the whole picture people feel very fresh and elegant, not too gloomy performance of light and shadow, which is the basic characteristic of the type of higher-order tone photographs.
   General tone photos can be roughly according to their level of light than daylight, or a concentrated area of ??dark and light areas on the screen on the proportion of the amount of the whole picture, the area is divided into higher-order tone, mid-tone and low-tone . The general picture portrait photography, the majority belonging to moderate light and dark colors in order tone performance.
3 indoor studio shooting techniques, the need to learn is to shoot high-order special colors and low-level tones type photographs, this is what every learning professional wedding photographer with artistic license must be proficient in technology. Because of its use in portrait photography is extremely broad, and style position clear, does not occupy a small proportion in photography.
[Reaction and Discussion]
   This type of photo style is fresh and bright, and only show a clear description of the subject matter, but few low performance of light and shadow, so the favorite of young people, one photo is wedding photography and art photo studio photography will be shot.
For some older ones, too dark skin or body obese and who does not love a lively performance, you should reduce the number of shots, so as to avoid discrepancies or weaknesses of character was exposed in the photo on leaving the customer to generate complaints.
[Techniques Description]
1. Background selection
     This type of photo shoot easiest techniques is to use indoor studio white or light-colored background cloth, the theme of the portrait placed directly before this type of background, you can get the basic tone of this type of photo. In addition, the choice of clothing should also try to avoid too thick dark colors, in order to avoid the loss of tone.
2. Lighting control
     This type of photo to be taken to maximize the use of plain style lighting method or low light than the lighting method, the background should also try to use plain play. Otherwise, if the ratio is too large lighting light lighting or using other techniques such as high contrast, because of the shadow of dark parts of the show, making the higher-order tone of the whole picture lost, but also because under strong off white background, shadow portrait of the face becomes more prominent, so the picture is very ugly.
3. Poor skin texture severe obesity, darker skin, such as those who have obvious defects, should be minimized to shoot this type of photo, so clear and bright lighting in the environment, the disadvantage is more exposed, not only did no beauty at all, but self-defeating.
4. The type of higher-order tone when shooting photos, do not force the mouth with a soft-focus or mist filter, otherwise the background of white light will penetrate into the face, hair and other black areas; formation of very ugly image.
【The term low-level type techniques 2 tone】
[Characteristics and style]
     Low-level tones type photographs, that is in the photo of the screen, lighting the light is relatively high, the majority of sites are all dark or dark tones, while only a small part of the site or bright colors.
     Picture gives an elegant, safe and calm feeling, which is a characteristic of low-level tones type photographs.
     It is the type of photo shoot with the higher-order tone opposite type, is extremely typical indoor studio photos and important type.
     This type is not easy to take photos outdoors, because outdoors difficult lighting environment is bright and deep black background scenes, professional photographers usually shoot indoors studio operations.
[Reaction and Discussion]
     Because this type of photo rich calm and elegant atmosphere, and therefore very suitable for the bride and wedding photography photos temperament type, but also by one of the typical picture market favorite.
     Especially the character mature and restrained, or have a certain color art skills who will love this type of photo style.
     But for younger and lively boys and girls in terms of this type of photo style is too boring.
     Professional photographers shoot pictures of this type should be more understanding of customer psychology, in order to avoid duplication of efforts.
[Techniques Description]
1. Ordinary level
     This type of photo shoot quite simple way, namely the choice to shoot a black background, you can get this tone photos.
     As for the lighting techniques, it is in any way apply polish, just feel the difference will be better or worse a little nothing.
2. Higher level
     If you want to further make a good photo of this type, you need to play more than the level of light in the background, as the theme of light, you should use thin-style lighting method or Rembrandt-style lighting method, so as to make the subject and background perfect link up.
     Clothing, but also a low tone and dazzling texture better. If it is a white dress, you should take pictures while adding black skirt part gradient shading plate so that the white gauze sense to have a gradient black out gradually, so that it can link up with a coherent overall context, to people , King consistent perfection.
【3 multiple exposure techniques term type】
[Characteristics and style]
1 multiple exposure picture is very rich type of special effects photo type. When taking pictures, the use of two or more secondary exposure, so that the original images of individual independence, and finally taken on the same film, although this is the same photo, there are a variety of imaging techniques magical combination that multiple exposure type photo shoot techniques.
Such techniques can shoot 2 different time and in the same scene superimposed on a photograph, and produce amazing results. Its combination of imaging methods, computer image synthesis methods and post-processing is quite similar to the effect that it is the type of work but more the lack of photographic original connotation.
[Reaction and Discussion]
In each set of wedding photography and art photo album, there are twelve pictures of this type is quite fresh, especially the popular novel and creative customers love this novelty.
     But such pictures should not be too much, otherwise it will flow to the overly fancy and flashy style, is appropriate there, but not much embellishment of photos.
[Techniques Description]
1. This type of photo shoot, the most important is the concept of pre-designed software, in other words, is the ability of art to be designed according to schedule dependent. That last image is formed on the photo, to be what kind of images, arranged in what position, which should be in there before shooting an idea and sketch.
     So when shooting, the camera can be perfectly up image composition and arrangement position.
2. Re-use multiple exposure techniques into individual images shot on the same film, multiple exposures to achieve the purpose.
     Of course, all need a black background for each exposure or environmental down, so as to prevent over exposure of the original image, is superimposed on the other unnecessary image.
3. During the shoot, we must pay attention to the composition theme locations. Photographer to accurately calculate the position of each subject in the viewfinder, otherwise misplaced position, it will cause a wrong image stack, thus meaningless perfect composition.
4. The camera multiple exposure operation of law, generally in accordance with the basic operation of the camera as long as repeated exposure can be achieved.
5. To achieve the most perfect picture level, the lighting techniques on each image should have a consistent lighting logic, in order to avoid confusion successive exposure of the theme of light and shadow, people have a sense of stunned ridiculous.
6. Other color schemes and space utilization and patchwork style, such as design, art should reach a certain level, otherwise it will have to form a creative style works pointless low.
【Patterning techniques type term four formula】
[Characteristics and style]
Formula 1 studio photo composition type composition and location of formula type photos, roughly the same basic characteristics. Just shed formula composition may be ideal because of the type of photo re-lamp lighting method to shoot, so the theme of the portrait's face lighting tend to be more beautiful and perfect than the location of the formula composition class photo.
2 However, the change in the background, the type of picture composition formula shed more inferior, but also more rigid.
3 for general mining that perfect facial beauty is more important than the background, so this type of photograph popular.
[Reaction and Discussion]
     This is the most popular of all professional portrait photography photo type. In the travel photographer in professional photography company, 90% of people choose this type of photograph, otherwise it will not be recognized photographers take pictures.
     This type of indoor studio photos, wedding photography has been synonymous with the art of the photo.
     In general photography company in the customer's ideas and some believe that those who shot these photos, they count has shot wedding photos and art, as art or not, it is not the point.
[Techniques Description]
1. Emphasis on location shooting techniques and composition formulas roughly the same type of shooting techniques.
2. Such photos more flexible choice of lighting techniques can use all kinds of lighting method. And most importantly, you can play face bright light quality and aesthetics, easier to shoot close-up photos of outstanding beauty.
3. In composition, with seven half-length portrait avatar and the most popular formula mapping method, especially for professional photographers to be particularly familiar with this composition.
【Article is excerpted from: Web Search】
【Reserved Integrate / Just Reference】
【Translation is by The Network】
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