

Hardware Chapter Camera Node--Camera 2
【Term structural elements】
     Generally, the main components of a camera comprising: an imaging element, a darkroom, the imaging medium, the imaging control structure.
 1. The imaging element may be imaged
     By an optical lens group is usually made of glass, called a lens. Holes, in particular an electromagnetic coil device plays a "lens" effect.
 2. The imaging medium is responsible for capturing and recording images
     Including film, CCD, CMOS and the like.
 3. darkroom between the lens and the imaging medium to provide a connection and protect the imaging medium disturbed.
 The control structure can change the way imaging or recording images to image the final imaging results.
     Including aperture, shutter speed, focus control, etc.
【Classification by purpose  1 The term】
     Landscape photography camera, printing plate camera, literature microfilm camera, micro camera, underwater camera, aerial camera, high-speed camera;
     Professional cameras and consumer cameras (shoot camera), step imaging camera, a stereo camera, etc.
【Category term 2 Press film size】
     The camera 110 (screen 13 × 17 mm) and a camera 126 (screen 28 × 28 mm) and a camera 135 (screen 24 × 18,24 × 36 mm)
     127 camera (picture 45x45 mm), 120 cameras (including 220 cameras, picture 60 × 45,60 × 60,60 × 90 mm) disc camera (picture 8.2x10.6 mm);
     The web camera, sharp camera, APS cameras, miniature cameras.

【Category term 3 Press framing】
     Perspective framing camera, dual-lens reflex camera, single-lens reflex camera.
【Classified according to the imaging medium term 4】
 Film cameras, digital cameras, Polaroid camera
 1. [film camera]
     Mainly refers to the application of the film through the imaging lens and the image recording apparatus.
 2. [digital cameras]
     Application of semiconductor optoelectronic coupled devices and digital storage method for recording images of photographic equipment, easy to use, easy to transfer photos, save and convenient.
 3. [Polaroid camera], also known as an imaging camera
     The photographic image directly in special like paper, you can see the photos in a minute, suitable souvenir photos and so on.
【Classified according to shape and structure of the term 5】
     Head-framing camera (VIEWFINDER), single-lens reflex camera (SLR), folding camera, dual-lens reflex camera,
     Head rangefinder camera (RANGFINDER), transit, plane and so on.
【Classification terminology 6 Press the shutter】
     Lens shutter camera (shutter camera, also known as the center), a focal plane shutter camera, a programmed shutter cameras.
【7 Press Category term functional and technical characteristics】
     Auto-focus camera, electronic metering manual exposure cameras, cameras and other electronic automatic exposure metering
     There are also shutter-priority, aperture-priority, program-controlled, double-priority, electric roll film (automatic film, rewind) camera,
     Autofocus (AF) camera, date back camera built-in flash cameras.
【Classification terminology 8 Press Lens】
     Zoom or bifocal camera.
     In fact a modern cameras tend to have many characteristics, it should be in a comprehensive way to define.
【Maintenance term】
 1. [Review]
 A camera as long as properly maintained, it must be able to live longer. Therefore, we do not recommend the camera in a long time, should be maintained.
     If at the beach or the mountains, you can use a blower to remove dust on the camera, and wipe clean with a soft cloth, Note: Do not rub the lens directly.
     Do not use lubricants.
     Avoid severe vibration.
     Do not place the camera directly on the moving car and train.
     When cleaning the lens applications blowing, brush to remove dust, clean the lens with a special suede wipe the lens.
     When the lens mold, should the camera to a repair center.
     In addition, the camera should be placed in ventilated environment, when the weather is wet, do not forget to put a bag of desiccant in the next camera.
     Of course, the high temperature with dusty place, not suitable for retractable camera. Finally, to remind you, is better than all checked regularly.
 2. [Clean]
 Camera lens use special wipes, cloth, or a camel hair brush to avoid scratching.
     To remove dust on the lens, it is best to use a brush to blow, not paper or cloth;
     When the mouth hair, be careful to avoid saliva stained lenses. To wet wipe lenses with a qualified cleaner, do not use strong solvents such as alcohol.
     The best protection glass on the lens or filter installation, the lens can be lengthened life on the lens.
     If the camera to the beach, be sure to go home with a soft cloth dampened with clean water, wipe the camera all the time, because the corrosive salt water absorption and are very strong.
 3. [mildew]
 When the lens is very slight musty, as soon as possible to the qualified photographic equipment line cleaning.
     But if you can clearly see the way the lens mold corrosion, it means it has beyond resurrection.
     The camera lens is a very delicate component, a slight defect can not be the focal length of the well, so be careful to prevent situations mildew.
 (1) The lens part - by wiping glasses potions to repeat the cleaning buckskin and clear lens. But Ching was out first while not happy, because it has been longer than the mold portions can easily grow again later.
     If there is a long lens, you can not clean yourself, sent to wash spend equal then buy again. In short, to pay special attention to save in a dry place.
(2) The other part - by wiping glasses potions to repeat the cleaning buckskin and clear lens. Anyway, it has been longer than the mold part, is very Yung Italian traditional illnesses recurrence. So as you are found to have affected the shooting, your camera probably soon come to an end.
 (3) to send to wash the camera - might disrupt or destroy the original setting of the best shots of the original resolution. When the camera is shipped will be adjusted by the computer, especially the lens assembly, so when you send the wash quality may be affected. This is why some people prefer to buy a new camera again.
 4. [Road]
 Whether you have not often use the camera, it is recommended once every six months to better maintenance of the collection action. Proceed as follows:
 (1) Wash your hands. Remove the camera cover, battery, negatives.
 (2) with a clean soft brush or air nozzle is generally clear all the dust inside and outside, remember to clean the lens in order to avoid some of the best Do not scratch. Soft brush or shot glasses with clear lenses to use with a deerskin, medicine can only be used in dirty lens, but not directly onto the lens, to drop in deerskin or swab to wipe the mirror on paper only. (Do not use glossy paper)
 (3) In addition to the lens, the other part of the stability of diluted cleaning available plus buckskin to graze, to remove dirt and fingerprints.
 (4) the kind of preparation have sealed transparent plastic bags (with pull-kind, completely isolated from the air flow can be used for liquids), into the camera, then put a desiccant (pastry box often, but note that the dehumidifier agents or oxygen scavengers, do not use the wrong!), and then placed in a white paper (written on the maintenance date), squeezed the bag so that the bag can be sealed to reduce air.
 5. [Collection]
 When the camera after a good maintenance, but also proper collection.
 (1) Electronic Cabinets best. As long as the cleaning is good, the camera does not significantly above the water, do not put plastic bags you can directly go.
 (2) The camera sets and cameras to separate collection. If the camera is also set in the yard to set it up, and over time you will find that the place actually grow mold airtight spent. Flower Flower mold until mold over the world, it is in trouble.
 (3) remember "not cool damp" location. This way your camera with a decade or two should be no problem.
 6. [to clean the lens]
 Most digital cameras can not be installed to protect the filter, or installation is very inconvenient.
     Usually bare, exposed lens when shooting very easy to accidentally get on the point of dust, according to the impression of a handprint or saliva or something.
     Although the surface of the lens refers to the British dirt, stains do not have much impact for imaging.
     If there was no strong direct sunlight to cause fog on the lens flare on it.
     But how can you love the camera tolerate beloved camera lens into a large painted face? Clean and not how to do?
     Now generally have multi-coated lenses, accidentally scratch the coating, lenses scratch. Cause irreparable damage to the lens.
     Experience is always more friction shot worse, rather than the more friction as possible, do not expect the lens can be restored to the factory just a new look. It is recommended as a last resort do not wipe the lens.
     Some tools come ready to open before wiping. Conventional weapons water lens, the lens paper (or wet lens paper), lens cloth (or suede), blow up balloons, cotton.
     First with a blower to remove dust, the individual can not blow away with the lens paper carefully picked off, be careful, do not force. Take a little cotton wool, dip the lens water, wet a little better, still on the lens carefully stick to dust, dirt. This process is not hard, otherwise easy to damage the lens. Ensure that no visible dust particles surface, you can wipe a large area.
First prepare a small cotton ball (with wet lens paper is also available) number, press passes into a pie, a third of the size in the mirror is appropriate. Then prepare a large number of cotton balls, also pressed over into a pie, two-thirds to three-quarters the size appropriate to the mirror, try not to let the cotton fibers exposed to the work surface. James shot of water with a small cotton ball, do a little better, wipe from the center of a spiral mirror, do not turn back.
     Then, take advantage of the water when the lens is dry, with a large cotton ball graze in the same way mirror. If you are not satisfied once, you can come once, but used a cotton ball, do not reuse. Do be careful not to let water in direct contact with the lens surface of the lens, be sure to use lens paper, otherwise it may damage the coating of water along the edge of the lens or the camera lens to penetrate inside the lens, causing the lens fogging, even unglued.
     If no lens water how to do? It does not matter, you can use toward the lens surface Kazakh gas instead. But have to pay attention: Do not faint when breathed his mouth should open mouth, gently Kazakh gas, so as not to eject saliva. We just shot the surface layer of mist on the line. If the lens is composed of a plastic lens, it is best not to use the lens of water, do not use alcohol plus ether mixture to clean the lens. Be sure to rub or use Kazakh gas approach. But in any case carefully wipe, for there is always a mirror coating damage, so as a last resort and never want to wipe the lens.
 7. [proof]
     When the camera is not in use, it should be kept in "Cabinets" or "proof box" (the electrons better).
     Should not be placed in your closet or bookcase, because the clothes and books are very hygroscopic things.
     If you have a camera holster child, and cameras should be kept separate, because leather is also very strong hygroscopic.
     If you have not used the camera for a long time, remember to take out the battery.
     Extremely high temperatures, extreme cold or humid environment is not conducive to the preservation of the camera.
【Article is excerpted from: Web Search】
【Reserved Integrate / Just Reference】
【Translation is by The Network】
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