




英语中有些及物动词,除有一个直接宾语以外,还要有一个宾语补语,才能使句子的意义完整。 “宾语+宾语补语”就称为复合宾语。

Electricity can make a machine run. 电能使机器运转。

We consider (或 think) the answer (to be) correct. 我们认为这个答案是正确的。

Changes in temperature and pressure often cause matter to change from one state to another. 温度和压力的变化,常引起物质从一种状态变为另一种状态。

It is the reform and opening-up policy that is making China a powerful country. 就是这个改革开放政策正使中国变为一个强国。


I found the empty oil tank. 我发现这个空油箱。(定语)

I found the oil tank empty. 我发现这个油箱是空的。(宾语补语)



Ⅰ. 用名词及其短语(或名词性物主代词)或某种名词从句表示:常见动词:


choose, color, count, declare, keep, leave, nominate, think, vote等

We call such a process the software development.  

Thinking and practicing make the English grammar(或 what we learn)ours.  

I count him my closest friend.

His father died young, leaving him an orphan.

The sun set colored the sky a brilliant red.

II. 用形容词及其短语表示:动词:

beat, believe, boil, burn, color, count, drink, cut, declare, dye, feel, fill, hold(认为),leave, let, prefer, prove, render, set, shout, strike, talk, want, wish,  think,see,have,keep,judge,wipe(如 wipe… dry 将…擦干),wash(如wash… clean 将…洗干净),push(如 push the door open 把们推开),drink(如 drink a well dry 将井水喝干),hold(如 hold… silent 使…安静)等。

We consider the food no longer fit for human consumption. 我们认为该食物对人不再适用。

Computers make work still easier. 计算机使工作更为省力。

They painted their boat green. 他们把船漆成绿色的。

We must get something right. 我们必须搞清某事。

We have found it necessary to develop information technology. 我们发现有必要发展信息技术。

They beat the boy black and blue.

The mayor declared the exhibition open.

You have filled the bath too full.

The earthquake rendered thousands of people homeless.

The news struck him dumb.

I prefer my tea strong.

He held his head high.

I always drink my coffee strong.

III. 用不定式及其短语表示:

We consider all matters to possess weight. 我们认为一切物质都有重量。

We know computers to be very important. 我们知道计算机十分重要。

Let us try to make the machine run. 让我们试一试将这台机器运转起来。

We use atomic energy to make ships go and to make electricity. 我们用原子能使轮船航行,也使用原子能来发电。

注 1:注意感官动词和使役动词的宾语补语用不定式表示时,不可加 to。Help 后的不定式加不加 to 均可。

注 2:注意“动词+名词+不定式动词”中的不定式动词并不都是宾语补语。

1)Now doctors can use e-mails to answer their patients’ inquiries. 现在医生能用电子邮件来回答病人的询问。

2)He promised me to give my son the game software. 他答应了我,要给我的儿子游戏软件。---主补

2)He asked me to give my son the game software. 他答应了我,要给我的儿子游戏软件。---宾补


We call this reaching out for a yard after getting an inch.

People term it removing the bridge after crossing the river.

Ⅴ. 分词做宾补:

1.      用现在分词及其短语表示。这时宾语和宾语补语是主动态关系,而且还常具有“进行时”含义。

2.      用过去分词及其短语表示。这时宾语和宾语补语是被动态关系。


    感官动词  notice, observe, smell , watch, be hold, see, look at, listen to 等

    使役动词 get,have, catch , keep, leave , set 等

We saw her entering the room. 我们看见她正走进那个房间里去了。

Do you feel the house shaking?你感到房子在摇动吗?

A phone call sent him hurrying to the hospital. 当时一个电话就是他急急忙忙地往医院去。

Your words set me thinking.

I want this done at once.

They found Beijing greatly changed. 他们发现北京变化大。

At that time we were there and saw it done. 那时我们在那儿,并见到这件事做完。

Emily is tired of having her studies interrupted. 埃米莉讨厌别人打扰她的学习。(非谓语动词短语仍可保留宾语补语的搭配用法。)

Ⅵ. 用 as 引出宾语补语:

James and Lisa take English as a use full tool for research work. 詹姆士和莉萨把英语当作研究工作的一种有用的工具。

I look upon him as my teacher. 我把他看成我的老师。

He perceived this discovery as a major breakthrough.

They pictured Liz as a woman dominated by her husband.

She intended it as a joke.

He carries himself as a scholar.

In many cases, the cloth people wear identify them as belongings to a particular social class.

I have accepted the conclusion as correct. 我已接受这个结论是正确的。

I think of this plan as practical.

We regard World Report as true. 我们认为世界报导是真实的。

I regard Jack as very much to blame. (as+不定式)

We showed these computers as having different functions. 我们表明了这些计算机具有不同的功能。

We usually speak of water as being a compound of two elements. 我们通常把水说成是两种元素的化合物。

We thought of her as being vain.

We regard the river as having been polluted.

We consider the machine parts as linked. 我们认为机器零件连接好了。

We take it as settled.

I regard his speech as of great importance, (as+介词短语)

We consider the vase as of little value. (as+介词短语)

The farmer identified the cow as his by the brand on its back.(as+代词)

注 1: as 后接的词并不限于名词,形容词,还有不定式,现在分词、过去分词、或介词短语,代词

注 2:有时由于宾语太长而让宾语补语出现在它的前面,从而引起难点。例如:

Astronomers no longer regarded as fanciful the idea that they may one day pick up signals which have been sent by intelligent beings on other planets. 宇航员认为有朝一日他们可截取外星智能人发出的信号,这种想法不再是富于幻想的了。

注 3:注意当“impress, strike, succeed + 宾语 + as + 形容词”时,as 后的形容词是主语补足语, 如:

1)Henry impressed us as (being) very clever. 那时亨利给我的印象是头脑十分灵敏。

2)It didn't strike me as surprised that nobody talked about the matter. 当时没人谈及此事,并不使我感到惊讶。

3)His joke didn’t strike me as being very funny.

4)He will succeed Foley(人名) as a spokesman of the Ministry of Commerce.

注 4:有时候用for 来代替as , for+名词/ for+过去分词  做宾补

They took him for a fool by mistake.

I mistake her for her elder sister.

I’m glad to have you for a roommate.

Don’t take his kindness for granted.

Ⅶ. 用副词表示:

Let the fresh air in. 让新鲜的空气进来。

He saw me out with Joe and Derek. 他看见我同乔和德立克外出了。

His bedroom was dirty, and so he didn't ask me in. 当时他的卧室很脏,因此没请我入内。

She went out with the gloves on. 她戴着那副手套出去了。(on 作介词宾语 gloves 的宾语补语。)

Ⅷ. 用介词短语表示宾语补语

We found everything in the chemistry laboratory in good order. 我们发觉化学实验室内每件东西放得井井有条。

They consider isotopes of great value for research work. 他们认为同位素对研究工作有很大价值。

So many functions which a computer possesses make it of much use. 计算机具有的那么多的功能使它成为十分有用。

Whenever you may go, you will find him at work. 不论什么时候去,你都可以看见他在工作。

She left her luggage behind and went out go do some shopping.

They argued her into withdrawing her complaint.

We finally brought the fire under control.

The man carries himself like a solider.

Tedd held the ladder firmly in place.

The news set my mind at rest.

He tried to sleep her out of mind.

It plunged him into despair.

I reasoned them out of quarrelling.

She talked him out of selling the house.

He worried himself out of spirits and appetite.

They trapped him into accepting the terms of the contract.

They tricked her out of her savings.

They managed to get the cow out of the well.

Ⅸ. 用 what 从句作宾语补语

Now each type of computer has its own name. You mustn't call it what you will (call it). 现在每种型式的计算机各有它自己的名称。你不可以随便称呼它什么。

They wish to make their company what Microsoft is now in the near future. 他们希望在不久的将来把他们的公司发展为当前微软公司那样的规模。

The economic reform has made China what it is today.

三、注意在有宾语补语的句子中使用先行词(即形式宾语)it 的情况

They thought it right(或 of much use)to do this test. 他们原先想,做这项试验是对的(或十分有用的)。

We consider it useless (或 no use) learning a theory without practice. 我们认为学习理论而没有实践是无用的。

We think it our duty to support him. 我们认为支持他是我们的职责。

We all regard it as very important(或 of great importance)that theory should be combined with practice. 我们都认为理论结合实践是很重要的。

注:能在复合宾语中先用形式宾语 it,然后再用真正宾语的动词并不多,常见的有 think, find, consider, deem(以为),judge(判断),feel,make,take 等。


1. 宾语和宾语补语被从句割裂的现象

We call atoms of the same element that have different atomic weights isotopes/'aisətəup/ 我们把具有不同原子量的同一种元素的原子叫做同位素。

We may speak of anything whose pressure is higher than that of the earth as being positive, and of anything whose pressure is less than that of the earth as being negative. 我们可以把凡是比地球电位高的东西说成是带正电的,而把凡是比地球电位低的东西说成是带负电的。

The electronic computer has had all the facts the problem needs stored in its memory. 电子计算机已把算题所需的一切事实都贮存在储存器内。

The need for engineers who can view the whole area of engineering, wide and complicated as it is, as a single field of operation of a few basic laws and methods has become increasingly felt. 对工程师的需要已感到增长起来了。虽然整个工程领域既广阔又复杂,但这些工程师仍然把它看作是运用若干基本定律和方法的简单场所。(在 view 后的宾语和第二个 as 后的宾语补语之间插入一个让步状语从句,并且还是采用颠倒语序和加 as 方法构成的。)

3.      宾补和宾语倒置

    表示强调 He throw aside his clothes and jumped into the river.


The government is to set in motion a wide-ranging review of the defense spending.

I found running in the field a little boy with nothing on.

You should keep secret what I told you tonight.

    break, cut, force, knock, push, tear, +open(补足语) +宾语,通常把补足语open前置

The policemen broke open the window and arrested the criminals.

He forced open the garden gate and rushed out.

    lay+ bare/open/waste(补足语)+宾语,补足语bare/open/waste前置

She laid bare every aspect of their private lives.

He laid open his true intentions.

The earthquake laid waste the whole city.


She didn’t want to make known her true purpose.

He has made clear the arrangement for tomorrow.

The spokesman has made public the details of the government report.

The hostess made ready three rooms upstairs for the guests.

    set free, cut short, let fall, let go, let fly, let drop, let slip +宾语结构中,宾补倒置

He set free the monkey

You’d better cut short your spending.

The solider let fly an arrow.

She let fall a further heavy hint.

She tried not to let slip what he knew.

    let go, let slip 宾补置于宾语前后均可

五、注意“have + 宾语 + 宾语补语(以不带 to 的不定式或过去分词表示)”有时仅表示“遭受某种情况”,并不含有句中主语的意志即主观上的想法。

a. We will have the twins go with us. 我们要这两个双胞胎同我们一块走。(表示主语 we 的主观想法。)

b. I shall have some students come here。将有一些学生来这里。(无主语 I 的主观想法,仅是反映客观情况而已。)

The girl had her purse stolen. 这女孩的钱包被偷了。(仅表示“遭到某种情况”,决无主语主观想法即“请人偷她的钱包”。)

I had my right hand injured. 我的右手受伤了。(无主语的主观想法。)

She had her younger sister die. 她的妹妹死了。(同上。)

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