


List 5: Prefixes, Suffixes and Roots


Prefix 前缀 Meaning 代表 Example 例词
a- not amoral 不道德,atypical 不典型,amorphous 无定形
ab- away from abnormal 异常,abrupt 突然,abstain 弃权
ante- before, in front of anteroom 接待室,antecedent 先行,antedate 先期
anti- against, opposite antidote 解毒剂,antipathy 反感,antiseptic 防腐剂
arch- chief, prime archbishop 大主教, archangel 天使长, archenemy 头号敌人
bene- well benefactor 恩人,benefit 效益, benevolent 仁
bi- two bisect 对开,bifocal 双光焦,bigamy 重婚
circum- around, on all sides circumvent 所有方面,circumscribe 限定、周围画线, circumnavigate 绕过、规避
con- with conversation 交谈,confound 混淆,convoy 车队
col- with collage 拼贴,collateral 附带、抵押, collapse 崩溃
cor- with correlate 相关,correspond 对应,correct 正确的
co- with co-worker 合作者, co-exist 共存, co-author 共同作者
contra- against, opposite contradict 矛盾,contraband 违禁品,contravene 违反
de- not, away from, down from descend 下降,deflate 紧缩,deviate 偏离
dis- apart, away, not distrust 不信任,disinterested 无私,disorder 混乱
ex-, e- out from, former exit 退出, excavate 挖掘,ex-governor 前州长,egress 出口
extra- outside, beyond extraordinary 非凡,extrasensory 超感觉的,extravagant 奢侈
in- into, not inhale 吸入,inept 不称职的,innocent 无辜的
im- into, not imbalance 不平衡的,immoral 不道德的, impel 促使
il- into, not illiterate 文盲,illegal 非法的,illegible 难以辨认
ir- into, not irregular 不正常的,irresponsible 不负责任的,irresolute 犹豫不决
inter- between, at intervals intersperse 点缀, intermittent 间歇性,intervene 干预
intra- within intracellular 细胞内的
mal- ill, badly, bad, wrong malfunction, 故障,malnutrition 营养不良, malevolent 恶意
mis- not, wrong, wrongly, misunderstanding 误解,misuse 误用,mistrust 不信任
non- not nonexistent 不存在,nonpaymen 不付款,nonconformist 不妥协
peri- around, about, enclosing perimeter 周长, periscope 潜望镜,periphery 周边
post- behind, after posterity 子孙 posthumous 死后,postscript 附言
pre- before, earlier, in front of preconceive 预感, premonition 前线, predict 预测
pro- forward, before propulsion 推进, prologue 开场白,project 项目
re- back, again reappear 重新出现,recapture 再次抓到,reclaim 回收
retro- backwards retrospect 回顾, retroactive 追溯,retroflex 卷舌音
se- aside, apart seclusion 隔离、隐居,secede 分裂,seduce 引诱
semi- half, partly semiannual 半年,semicircle 半圆,semiprecious 次贵重的
sub- under, below submarine 潜艇,subnormal 次正常, submerge 淹没
super- over, above, extra superimpose 额外叠加,supernatural 超自然的,superfluous 多余的
syn-, sym- together with synchronize 同步,synthesis 合成,sympathy 同情
trans- across, over, through, beyond transition 过渡,transcend 超越,transgress 违背
ultra- beyond, excessively ultraconservative 极端保守,ultramodern 现代,ultraviolet 紫外线
uni- one uniform 统一的,unicameral 一院制,unique 独特的
vice- one who takes the place of another vice-president 副总统,viceroy 总督,vice-consul 副领事
Noun Suffixes 名词后缀
Suffix 后缀 Meaning 代表 Example 例词
-ance, -ence act of, state of attendance 出席,precedence 优先,reliance 依赖
-ancy, -ency act of, state of hesitancy 犹豫不决,presidency 主席, consistency 一致状态
-ation state, action, institution fixation 固定, exploration 勘探,starvation 饥饿,foundation 基础,organization 组织
-dom domain, condition of freedom 自由,wisdom 智慧,kingdom 王国
-er one who painter 画家,receiver 接收器,baker 面包师
-or one who actor 演员,governor 省长,inspector 稽查
-ar one who bursar 财务主管,liar 骗子,beggar 乞丐
-eer one who profiteer 牟取暴利,racketeer 敲诈勒索,pamphleteer 小册子作者
-ist one who segragationist 种族隔离主义者,realist 现实主义者,cyclist 骑自行车者
-ess one who actress 女演员,poetess 女诗人,lioness 雌狮
-hood state of boyhood 少年时代,falsehood 谎言,manhood 男子汉气概
-ism doctrine, point of view mannerism 习气,idealism 理想主义,realism 现实主义
-ity state, quality sanity 理智, rapidity 迅速,elasticity 弹性
-ment state, quality, act of amazement 惊讶,payment 付款,embodiment 体现
-ness state of fullness 丰满,shyness 羞怯,sickness 疾病
-ocracy system of government democracy 民主,autocracy 专制,plutocracy 富豪
-ship state, condition friendship 友谊,dictatorship 独裁,membership 成员
Adjective Suffixes 形容词后缀
Suffix 后缀 Meaning 代表 Example 例词
-able, -ible capable of capable 有能力的,edible 可食用的,visible 可见的
-al like, pertaining to criminal 刑事的,practical 务实的, musical 音乐的
-ful full of, having useful 有益的,hopeful 有希望的,successful 成功的
-ish like, pertaining to foolish 愚蠢的,childish 幼稚的,selfish 自私的
-ic like, pertaining to democratic 民主的,heroic 英雄的,specific 具体的
-ive like, pertaining to active 积极的,explosive 爆炸的,sensitive 敏感的
-less without speechless 话少的,childless 无子女的,harmless 无害的
-like having the qualities of childlike 孩子般的,stringlike 似绳的,statesmanlike 政治家的
-ly having the qualities of beastly 兽性的,manly 男子气的,wordly 世俗的
-ous pertaining to, like courageous 勇敢的,ambitious 雄心勃勃的,grievous 严重的
Adverb Suffixes 副词后缀
Suffix 后缀 Meaning 代表 Example 例词
-ly in a ... manner happily 愉快的方式,strangely 奇怪的是,comically 滑稽地
-ward(s) manner and direcion of movement backward(s) 向后,earthward 回地球,homeward 回家
-wise in the manner of, as far as ... is concerned crabwise 小心翼翼,clockwise 顺时针方向,corkscrew-wise 螺旋地 education-wise 教育方面,weather-wise 天气方面
Verb Suffixes 动词后缀
Suffix 后缀 Meaning 代表 Example 例词
-en become, make deafen 使耳聋,ripen 成熟, widen 拓宽
-ify cause, make beautify 美化,diversity 多样化,simplify 简化
-ize cause, make symbolize 象征, hospitalize 住院, publicize 宣传

Roots 词根

A. LATIN 拉丁词根
Root 词根 Meaning 代表 Example 例词
agr field, farm agriculture 农业,agronomy 农学
aud hear auditorium 观众席,audience 观众
aqua water aquatic 水生的,aqueduct 渡槽
cid kill suicide 自杀,genocide 种族灭绝
celer speed, hasten accelerate 加快推进,celerity 敏捷
clud, clus close, shut seclusion 隐居,include 包括
cur, curr run incur 招致,current 目前
dict say diction 说词,contradict 矛盾
duct lead induce 引诱,abduct 绑架
fact make, do manufacture 制造,factory 工厂
flect bend inflection 拐点,deflect 偏转
frater brother fraternal 兄弟,fratricide 兄弟残杀
fund, fus pour refund 退款,effusive 热情洋溢
gress, grad go, step progress 进展,gradual 逐步
jud judgement judicial 司法判决,judicious 明智的
lect, leg read, choose collect 收集,legend 传说
loq, loc speak eloquent 雄辩,locution 惯用语
manu hand manuscript 手稿, manicure 修指甲
mar sea maritime 海洋,submarine 海底
mater mother maternal 孕产妇, matriarch 女族长
med middle intermediary 媒介的,medium 中间
min smaller, inferior diminish 缩小,minute 分钟
mort death mortician 办丧事的人,殡仪人,mortal 凡人
nom name nomenclature 命名,nominal 名义的
pater father paternal 父亲,patriotic 爱国 的
ped, pod foot pedal 脚踏,tripod 三脚架
pend hang, weigh depend 依赖,ponderous 沉闷
plic fold complicate 复杂,duplicate 复制
port carry portable 轻便携带的,import 进口
pos, pon place, put postpone 推迟,position 位置
reg, rect rule, manage direct 指导,regulate 调控
rupt break rupture 破裂,disrupt 破坏
scrib, scrip write inscribe 登记,conscription 征兵
tact, tang touch tactile 触觉的,tangible 有形
vacu empty vacuum 真空,evacuate 撤离
voca call vocal 呼叫声,invocation 调用
vora devour voracious 贪婪的,carnivorous 食肉的
GREEK 希腊词根
Root 词根 Meaning 代表 Example 例词
anthro man anthropoid 人猿,misanthrope 厌世
astro star astrology 占星术,astronaut 宇航员
auto self automatic 自动,automobile 汽车
biblio book bibliography 书目,bibliophile 藏书
bio life biology 生物学,biography 传记
chronos time chronicle 纪事,chronology 年表
demo people democrat 民主,demography 人口
geo earth geology 地质geography 地理
glot tongue polyglot 通晓数种语言, glottal 声门
gram something written telegram 电报,grammar 语法
graph write autograph 签名, biography 传记
hetero different heterogeneous 全然不同的
homo same homogeneous 同源,homosexual 同性恋
hydra water dehydrate 脱水,hydrant 消火栓
kosmo world cosmopolitan 都市,cosmonaut 宇航员
krat power democrat 民主主义者,autocrat 独裁者
logo study anthropology 人类学, chronology 年表
mega big megaphone 扩音器, megaton 百万吨级
micro small microscope 显微镜,microphone 麦克风
naut sailor astronaut 宇航员,nautical 航海
necro death necromancer 巫师
neo new neophyte 新手, neoclassical 新古典主义
neuro nerve neurology 神经学neurotic 神经
nomo knowledge, law autonomy 自主权 astronomy 天文学
patho suffering, disease pathetic 可怜的, pathology 病理
Philo love philosophy 哲学,philanthropist 慈善家
phobo fear hydrophobia 狂犬病,phobia 恐惧症
phone sound, voice phonology 音韵学,telephone 电话
photo light photography 摄影,photosynthesis 光合作用
poli city cosmopolitan 国际都会,politician 政治家
poly many polyglot 通晓数种语言,monopoly 垄断
psych of the mind psychic 精神,psychology 心理
scop examine scope 范围, telescope 望远镜
soph wise sophisticated 成熟,philosophy 哲学
tele distant telegraph 电报, telepathy 心灵感应
typ intake typical 典型, typewriter 打字机
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