

A dog is a useful animal for human beings. Training a dog to be a watchdog often produces unexpected effects.
      Some dogs quickly learn the    between unwanted people and friends. This is    their masters welcome their friends and invite them to their houses.   , some dogs will always jump at the postman who comes to deliver letters. Why? One explanation for this behavior is that    the postman comes to the house often, he never enters the house. Because of this, the dog thinks the postman is someone    is not wanted, but keeps coming back anyway.
      Masters of the dogs that attack the postman can     show the dog that the postman is a friend and that the dog doesn’t need    him as an unwanted person. A dog is quite ready to do    his master wishes. And a dog is always happy when he is praised for understanding correctly. 

   Dogs are also useful as companions(伙伴) for blind people. When a dog has    properly trained, he will always lead his blind master in the right direction and keep him out of  10  . For example, seeing-eye dogs learn never to cross a busy road when cars are coming, even if their masters order them to do so.

)1. A. different   B. difference   C. secret   D. results
)2. A. because   B. why    C. how    D. when
)3. A. Or    B. But    C. However   D. Therefore
)4. A. if    B. since C. as  D. although
)5. A. who B. what  C. which D. whether
)6. A. hard   B. difficult   C. easily    D. hardly
)7. A. think of   B. regarding  C. considered    D. to treat
)8. A. what B. that  C. which  D. who
)9. A. be  B. to be  C. being  D. been
)10. A. safe B. safety  C. danger  D. dangerous
      Working on a newspaper is a very busy job. Many newspapers are printed every day, and they have to provide people   11   all the latest news. The editor is in charge of the paper. Reporters search news stories and write them. The paper is printed   12   it is on sale all over the country.
       People phone up the editor when something interesting   13  . The editor then sends a   14   and a photographer to find out   15   about it. After the reporter gets the story, a typist types it out. Important stories usually take up most of a page. The stories are typed into a computer and printed. The first copies are called proofs(校样).  16   editors correct mistakes in them.
       Not all newspapers   17   every day. Some   18   weekly. Local newspapers report news from different parts of the country.
       Working on a daily paper is always   19  . But people working on a weekly paper don’t have to work in   20   hurry. Sometimes reporters travel all over the world to collect news.
)11. A. in    B. with    C. on    D. at
)12. A. in order to    B. so that  C. such that      D. so as to
)13. A. happen      B. happening C. happens     D. will happen
)14. A. editor       B. people   C. reporter        D. typist
)15. A. some       B. many   C. more     D. most
)16. A. Other       B. Others   C. The others     D. Another
)17. A. come along   B. come up  C. come true   D. come out
)18. A. is   B. are   C. was   D. were
)19. A. interesting         B. exciting    C. busy           D. easy
)20. A. so a          B. such a    C. a so             D. a such
       Last year, Thomas, who was born in a small town, graduated(毕业) from a university   21   was not famous in England. He studied very hard in the university   22   he wanted to find a good job. 
       After he graduated, he went to London to see   23  he could find a job. He went from one company to  24   but no company wanted him. Soon, he had 25   money left and had to go back to his small town. So he came to the railway station. He felt  26   and tired. It was very late at night and the station was   27   of people. They were all waiting to buy the tickets for the last train. 28   , he bought the last ticket and he was very happy.
      29  , a woman with a crying baby in her arms walked to Thomas. She asked if he could sell her the ticket.   30   at the faces of the woman and the crying baby, Thomas gave the ticket to her and didn’t ask   31  money. He thought she was   32   in need of the ticket.
      After the woman left, he sat on the seat and didn’t know   33   to go. Just then,   34   old man came and said, “Young man, I have seen what you did to the woman. I have a big company. I   35   a good young man like you. Would you like to work for me?”
)21. A. who  B. where    C. it          D. which
)22. A. but    B. because  C. in order to      D. because of
)23. A. how   B. what    C. why     D. if
)24. A. other  B. others   C. another     D. one
)25. A. little  B. much  C. lots of  D. few 
)26. A. happy       B. excited     C. sad          D. surprised
)27. A. full            B. filled      C. crowded           D. lack
)28. A. Lucky     B. Unlucky     C. Luckily      D. Unluckily
)29. A. At present        B. So    C. But                 D. At that time

)30. A. Finding    B. Seeing    C. Watching     D. Looking
)31. A. some   B. any   C. no     D. few
)32. A. usually             B. especially   C. seldom       D. hardly
)33. A. what         B. which      C. how            D. where
)34. A. a   B. an     C. the    D. /
)35. A. needn’t       B. dislike     C. need        D. ask

      David lived in a small village. His father was often ill and he had to spend much money on medicine. And when he was twenty-six, he   36   some money from his friends and   37   married. His wife was beautiful but she came from a   38   family. So she could not help him and told her husband to find work in the town. She hoped he would get enough money to pay off his debts(债).
       The young man could neither read nor write. Of course   39   in the town would employ(雇佣) a man    40   him. He had to go to   41   island to work for a farmer there. The island was small and there were only three men on it. They lived a hard life and David    42   his father and wife very much. He wanted to write to them,   43   he
couldn’t. Luckily, Charlie,    44   had been in school for five years, helped him. And then David asked the farmer to post the letter for him. From then   45   , David waited for a reply every day.
      About two months later, the farmer brought his wife’s letter to the island. He was very   46   but he couldn’t read it. He had to ask Charlie to help him again. When the farmer came out of the house, he found David   47   Charlie’s mouth. The farmer was very   48   at what David was doing.
      49   are you doing it for, David?” he asked.
     “I   50   let him read my wife’s letter,” David replied.
)36. A. borrowed  B. lent     C. kept           D. made
)37. A. is   B. had    C. got    D. were
)38. A. big   B. small  C. rich   D. poor
)39. A. nobody        B. anybody    C. somebody      D. everybody
)40. A. beside          B. like     C. except            D. besides
)41. A. /     B. a     C. an    D. the
)42. A. thanked          B. missed    C. hated            D. loved
)43. A. and   B. or   C. but D. however
)44. A. he   B. who    C. which  D. whom
)45. A. on    B. in      C. off     D. by
)46. A. afraid          B. worried      C. interested           D. excited
)47. A. cover          B. covering     C. to cover           D. be covered
)48. A. sad       B. happy     C. surprised       D. angry
)49. A. Why   B. Who   C. Where   D. What
)50. A. can   B. must    C. can’t   D. need
Key: A) 1-5 BACDA      6-10 CDADC 
         B) 11-15 BBCCC  16-20 ADBCB
         C) 21-25 DBDCA  26-30 CACDD  31-35 BBDBC
         D) 36-40 ACDAB  41-45 CBCBA  46-50 DBCDC
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河南省中招复习指导(100道单选,附答案) (2013.3.15 Jackie整理)
Diamond Dogs
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