

定义“阅读(Reading)”(下) - 英语教学法原著选读0126





下文选自上海外语教育出版社出版的《英语阅读技巧教学》(Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language,作者Christine Nuttall)第一章“What is Reading?”,选文翻译:武太白

Reading for meaning


Whatever your reasons for reading (excluding any reading for language learning), it is not very likely that you were interested in the pronunciation of what you read, and even less likely that you were interested in the grammatical structures used. You read because you wanted to get something from the writing. We will call this the message: it might have been facts, but could just as well have been enjoyment, ideas, feelings (from a family letter, for instance).


Whatever it was, you probably wanted to get the message that the writer intended. You were interested in what the writing meant; hence the sort of words found in group c on p2 turn out to be the important ones if we are trying to make a definition that covers most authentic reasons for reading. (By authentic I mean reasons that are concerned not with language learning but with the uses of reading in our daily lives outside the classroom.)


The view of reading offered in this book is essentially concerned with meaning, specifically with the transfer of meaning from mind to mind: the transfer of a message from writer to reader. As we shall see, it is not quite as simple as that, but we exclude any interpretation of the word reading in which meaning is not central. We shall explore how we get meaning by reading, and how the reader, the writer and the text each contribute to the process.


Why do people read foreign languages?


Perhaps the advantages of knowing a foreign language are clear to your students - better jobs, access to literature or whatever. Reading is usually recognized as a necessary part of these activities. However, if the only foreign language items you have read recently (your list in Activity 1.2) were directly concerned with your teaching, it may be that you, and your students too, do not really need to read that language except for classroom purposes.


If this is the case, we must not be surprised if student motivation is low. This is a major problem for many language teachers: the motivation of needing to read is powerful. However, you can also motivate students by making their foreign language reading interesting in itself. The language is alive - its users have the same variety of purposes for reading as anybody has when reading their mother tongue - and this fact can be used by teachers to increase motivation.


I contend that by treating reading as a purposeful activity, we can make teaching more purposeful and classes livelier, even in the difficult circumstances just outlined. If you teach in such circumstances, please suspend your disbelief for the moment; we are going to discuss the way reading works when it is used for real life purposes, and this should give you a better understanding of it. Later (mainly in Part Three) we shall explore ways of using this understanding to help students read better, whether this is a matter of real necessity or just an examination requirement.


Getting a message from a text


We shall assume, therefore, that reading has one overriding purpose: to get meaning from a text. Other ways of looking at reading will not concern us. Our business is with the way a reader gets a message from a text. So we will begin by establishing what we mean by a message.





定义“阅读(Reading)”(上) - 英语教学法原著选读0125

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