

Unique Flower Arrangements

Unique Flower Arrangements

Unique flower arrangements were on display at a recent flower exhibition.

You can see good combination of flowers and materials, colors and design from the arrangements.

This arrangement is formed in a basket made of vines. The handles are accentuated by asparagus leaves and yellow calla lilies.

The contents of the basket are mostly pompoms and some white cymbidiums. Green berries are also used around the inner of the basket.

Here is something different. I think it is a bird cage, decorated with shining buttons of blue and orange. In the inside, are white Madonna Lilies.

In fact, from the door of the cage, we have flowers and some vegetables flowing out. I can see, cymbidiums, amaryllis and onions.

Looks very ethnic. Perhaps this is what the designer is trying to show.

This piece resembles two swans, one big and one small, made of curled wood. Not much flower used here, but orange dendrobiums.

Since the colour of the dendrobium and the wood is about the same, I can hardly tell which is which.

But this piece does give a romantic feeling. What do you think?

This arrangement actually comprises of two rectangles, inside each rectangle, the designer is trying to introduce lines.

The curvy lines of the branches are enhanced by placing assorted flowers along the lines. Flowers used are mainly tropical flowers, red anthuriums, orange, purple and yellow dendrobiums.

Also used are amaranthus, blue hydrangeas and ivy as foliage.

Here is a cylindrical-shaped arrangement, which uses colored tissue paper lined vertically to form the cylinder.

Colors are sequential and the color of the flowers compliment the color of the tissue paper.

An armature is built around the cylinder to hold the flowers. Many kinds of flowers are used, for example, yellow roses, red carnations, green anthuriums, green and yellow pompoms, etc.

This unique flower arrangement comprises of flowers arranged in groups by color. A group of red flowers (carnations, anthuriums, orchids), yellow flowers (gerberas, orchids, Golden Ramseys), green (orchids and asparagus leaves) and blue/purple flowers (chrysanthemums, orchids, etc.).

This is a big dome arrangement of pink roses, shocking pink pompoms, purple pompoms and madonna lilies. Green dendrobiums are also used but it can't be seen. On top of the dome are light purple alliums which looked like cotton balls.

Here is a simple one. A combination of arachnid orchids, dark pink gerberas, yellow bird of paradise and green anthuriums. Rattan sticks are also used in this arrangement.

Rattan sticks are jumbled up to form a swan, and decorated with moth orchids and some foliage. In this arrangement, the orchids are used in its most natural state.

An arrangement that uses vines in the form of loops, decorated by heliconias and amaranthus.

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