

All About Hands
Posing hands in a photograph is confusing for the photographer and the client. Back in the day, photographers were taught to adhere to very strict guidelines about posing hands: Don’t show the back of a woman’s hands, don’t put a hand on a neck so it looks like the model’s neck is hurting, don’t cut off hands at the wrists. These rules were handed down from classic painters from the Renaissance period. They new how to make a woman’s hands look beautiful and natural.
Now there are no rules. I see thousands of professional images in my FB feed every week. Hands are everywhere! I don’t think there is anything wrong with breaking rules, but it seems that common sense has flown out the window. One of my favorite photographers, Sue Bryce, says “Make me believe it.” That is the credo I shoot by, and I think it’s valuable for photographers and anyone taking photos of people. Even if it’s just a snapshot, make the pose be one that you believe that person would take naturally. If a professional is taking your picture, don’t be afraid to step in and say “this doesn’t feel natural to me,” if you are being posed in an awkward way. Poses that may seem “fashionable” now, will look ridiculous in ten years, and a beautiful portrait should be timeless.
If hands aren’t necessary in the shot, or if a person feels uncomfortable posing them, DON”T SHOW THEM. It’s a portrait of the face, not the hands.
Give hands something to do. One of my trademarks is including real flowers in my shoots. Not just because they are beautiful, but it gives the hands something to do.
Watch your models natural mannerisms. Sometimes I’ll be chatting with a client and I’ll notice something pretty and natural she does with her hands. I immediately stop her and take the shot. You really have to pay attention at all times when your shooting, even mid-conversation.
People are individuals, and no one sits, stands, leans, touches the same way. That’s why contrived poses look so fake.
Finally, when posing more than one person, touching hands are a great way of showing a connection and emotion. I hate to see portraits where no one is touching hands. The simple gesture conveys so much.
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