

(Metro English - 082 - Cooking - General Tso's Chicken

Cooking - General Tso's Chicken (左宗棠鸡)

今天的每日一句是著名的美国画家 - 摩西奶奶,她一直生活在乡下,七十几岁才开始画画,但是这一画,可就一发不可收拾了。我是摩西奶奶的粉丝,忍不住放上附上几幅她老人家的作品,大家可以一边想着左宗鸡,一边看着摩西奶奶的画作。想必你们也一定会同意我的看法,幸亏奶奶没有去养鸡,否则这么美妙的作品可就无缘天下了。

说回”左宗棠鸡“,也叫”左宗鸡“。刚到美国的时候,第一次在餐馆里听到这个陌生的、但却是响当当的、有名有姓的中国菜的时候,我心里一惊,不知道为什么自己从来没有听过,更别提吃过了。想必很多从大陆来的中国人可以明白我的心理。所以,咱们今天来给大家讲讲这个General Tso's Chicken左宗棠鸡的来历。

Whether it goes by the name General Tso’s, General Gau’s, or General Gao’s (see a spirited Yelp discussion on the matter here), the deep-fried nuggets of boneless chicken tossed in sweet-spicy sauce and served on a bed of broccoli is America’s reigning Chinese dish. 


According to the food delivery site GrubHub, General Tso’s chicken was the most popular Chinese takeout item of 2014, and the fourth most-ordered dish overall.  


In addition to being beloved, and delicious, it turns out that General Tso’s chicken is a case study in how a Chinese dish becomes American.  


The progenitor of the General Tso’s chicken that we know and love was created by an actual Chinese chef and named after a real general. Chef Peng Chang-kuei, who died last December at the age of 98, was the inventor of General Tso’s chicken.


Chef Peng is said to have created General Tso’s chicken in Taiwan in 1955 for a banquet welcoming the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He named the dish in honor of a Hunanese war hero, Zuo Zongtang (or Tso Tsung-t’ang), who is well-known in Hunan, even though the chicken is not.


Ingredients  配料

  • 300g chicken thighs  300克鸡腿肉

  • 200g corn flour, seasoned with 1/4 tsp salt, and ¼ tsp pepper  200克玉米淀粉,拌以1/4茶匙盐,和1/4茶匙胡椒

  • 10 dried red chillies  10个干的红辣椒

  • 5 slices ginger  5片姜

  • 2 cloves garlic  2瓣蒜

  • 1 spring onion  1棵大葱


  • 1 tsp sesame oil 1茶匙芝麻油

  • ½ tsp sugar 1/2茶匙白糖

  • 1 tbsp light soy sauce 1汤匙生抽

  • 1 egg 1个鸡蛋


  • 30g sugar 30克白糖

  • 1 tsp siracha chilli sauce  1茶匙是拉差辣椒酱

  • 1 tbsp sweet chilli sauce  1汤匙甜辣酱

  • 1 tbsp oyster sauce 1汤匙蚝油

  • ½ tbsp black rice vinegar  ½ 汤匙黑米醋

  • 1 tbsp light soy sauce  1汤匙生抽

  • ½ tsp dark soy sauce  ½ 茶匙老抽

  • 200ml chicken stock  200毫升鸡汤

Instructions 步骤


  1. Soak the dried red chillies in hot water for 30 minutes.  将干辣椒放在热水中浸泡泡30分钟。

  2. Finely slice the garlic, ginger and spring onion, keeping the spring onion in rings.  将大蒜,姜切成薄片,大葱切葱花。

  3. Cut the meat into large cubes or dices roughly 2cm large and place into a large mixing bowl.  将鸡肉切成大方块或2厘米的丁,放入一个盆中。

  4. Add ‘The Marinade’ ingredients to the meat and massage well until all the liquid is absorbed.   将腌汁配料汁倒入肉中,不停搅拌,直到料汁全被吸收。

  5. Combine the meat with the seasoned corn flour and massage until each piece of meat separates. Continue to add flour until a dry ‘dusty white’ consistency is reached.  将肉和拌好的玉米淀粉混合搅拌,直到每一块肉都不粘连。再加淀粉直到发干,变灰白色。

  6. Mix ‘The Sauce’ ingredients together in a bowl, boil down until reduced by half and have ready for later.  将酱汁配料一起放在一个碗中,煮开,收汁到只剩一半停火,备用。

  7. Build your wok clock. First your garlic & ginger followed by the soaked red chillies followed by your deep fried meat and then lastly the sauce bowl. 安排好用锅顺序。先炒蒜和姜,接着是泡过的红辣椒,然后是炸鸡肉,最后是酱汁碗里的酱汁。


  1. With your oil already heated to 180° deep fry the battered meat until golden brown. 将油加热至180度,将带面糊的鸡肉炸至金黄色。

  2. Remove carefully and place on kitchen towel to drain off any excess oil.  把鸡肉盛出来,放在纸巾上吸干多余的油。

  3. Once you have finished deep frying all of your meat, you can then start stir frying your pre-prepared ingredients. 炸完所有的鸡肉,就可以开始炒制那些准备好的配料了。

  4. Bring 1 tbsp vegetable oil to a high heat, add in your ginger and garlic, along with the dried chillies and then followed immediately by the sauce mixture. 锅烧热,加1汤匙植物油,加入姜和蒜,再加入红辣椒,之后立刻加入调好的酱汁。

  5. Bring the sauce to a vigorous boil and then add the deep fried meat, tossing the wok two or three times and serving straight away.将酱汁煮至沸腾,加入炸过的鸡肉,然后颠锅几次(为了鸡肉均匀地粘上酱汁),就可以出锅了。

progenitor 创始人

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