

(Metro English - 137 -TV Series - Breaking Bad

TV Series - Breaking Bad 绝命毒师

Has it been eleven years already? Breaking Bad burst onto the TV scene in 2008 and by the time it had finished airing, was one of the most-watched, most highly-rated television shows of all time. It’s dumbfounding what an ex-science teacher, Walter White, and his former pupil, Jesse Pinkman, can do once drawn into the world of drugs, guns, and violence while clinging tenuously to some sort of faulty moral compass. If you’re up for heart-attack-inducing moments and clever twists, Breaking Bad is certainly a good TV show to watch.


Skyler: I've said it before. 我之前说过。If you are in danger, we go to the police. 如果你有什么危险,我们就去找警察。

Walter: Oh, no. 哦,不。 I don't want to hear about the police. 我可不想听什么警察。

Skyler: I do not say that lightly. 我可没有开玩笑。I know what it could do to this family. 我知道对这个家意味着什么。But if it's the only real choice we have-- 但是,如果这是我们唯一的选择, If it's either that 如果不这样的话 ,-- Oh or your getting shot when you open your front door 哦,没准儿你一开门,就吃枪子了呢!

Walter:  I don't want to hear about the police. 我不想听什么警察。

Skyler: You're not some hardened criminal, Walt. 你不是什么铁了心要做坏人的人,沃尔特。You're in over your head. 你已经糊涂了。That's what we tell them. 我们就这么跟他们说。That's the truth.  这是实话。

Walter: That is not the truth. 这不是事实。

Skyler: Of course it is. 怎么不是。A schoolteacher, cancer, desperate for money? 一个老师,得了症,急需钱?

Walter:  Okay, we're done here. 得了,我不想听你说了。

Skyler: Roped into working for-- Unable to even quit? You told me that yourself, Walt. 被工作套牢了---甚至连辞职都不可能吗?那可是你告诉我的,沃尔特。

Jesus, what was I thinking? Walt, please. 天哪,我在想些什么?好啦,沃尔特。Let's both of us stop trying to justify this whole thing and admit you're in danger.   让我们都别再想办法让这件事听上去合情合理了,你得承认你现在很危险。

Walter:  Who are you talking to right now? Who is it you think you see? Do you know how much I make a year? I mean, even if I told you, you wouldn't believe it.  你知道你在和谁说话吗?你以为你面前得这个人是谁?你知道我一年挣多少钱吗?我就是告诉你,想必你也不会相信的。

Walter: Do you know what would happen if I suddenly decided to stop going in to work? 你知道如果我突然决定不工作的话,会发生什么吗? A business big enough that it could be listed on the NASDAQ goes belly-up, disappears.  一个大到可以在纳斯达克上市的公司就会倒闭,消失。 

It ceases to exist without me.  没有我,它就不能存在下去。No. 不能。

You clearly don't know who you're talking to, so let me clue you in.

I am not in danger, Skyler. 很明显,你并不知道你是在和谁说话,所以我索性告诉你吧,我并非身处危险境地,斯凯勒。I am the danger. 我就是那个危险

A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? No.

I am the one who knocks. 一个家伙打开门,然后挨了一枪,你以为我是挨枪的那个?不对,我是那个敲门的。

lightly  漫不经心地,满不在乎地

lull  使放松

gut   取出…的内脏(以便烹饪)

sense of security  安全感

in charge  全面负责

mediocre 平庸、普通

以上就是今天的内容。欢迎继续关注Metro English。

七月份,Metro English的主题是Lines from TV Series - 英美电视剧中的经典台词。人人都是戏精,你也可以说出一口漂亮的英文!美剧经典台词模仿,进群就可以开始飚英语。不怕不着魔,只怕你胆子小!七月里的23句英剧、美剧经典台词,还有一些关于这23个剧目你不得不知道的内幕消息。


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