

Parents should grow up together with their children gradually




Two days ago, I was invited to have dinner with my senior college. On Sunday, I set out to her home with the gifts at 16:00. As the sister said, the family is of six members, her, her husband, her son who is three years old, her husband’s mother and father and the nurse. When I arrived, I found all the family members were sitting in the living room. However, everyone was just occupied with themselves as the TV was on. The grandparents were busy with their pad and mobile and watched TV once in a while. The sister and the nurse were preparing the dinner. Dudu’s father was just sitting freely on the sofa with scanning news with cellphone. So Dudu was playing with the toys all by himself. Suddenly, Dudu found out something special. He rushed to his father and tried to tell him. But the father rejected that daddy was busy reading the news and you could go for your mummy. Then, Dudu ran to his mummy and asked her to guess what did he discover few minutes ago. Surprisingly, the mother also turned him down with the reason that mummy was busy making preparations for the dinner. Later, the mother told her son to share with his grandparents. Finally, Dudu just went back to his bedroom slowly with lowing his head and grasping the toys tightly in hands and he slammed the door.



In our daily life, these alike images just are to be shown in different families. But the parents just pay no attention to those. They ignore their negligence and neglect the children’s sensitive heart. The parents are too mean to take little notice of their children. On the contrary, some parents are proud of being the best ever parents with presenting them with the most delicious foods, the most splendid clothes and the most amazing toys. But, the children are just the same like the adults. In addition to material necessities, they also have spiritual needs and they need to be cared, recognized and respected.



At present, there are smartphone addicts whenever the parents are at home or not. Some children are dying for getting together with their parents to do playing or just sit together silently. However, they find that it is hard to realize their little wish. For various reasons, it is the fact that parents spend little time with their children, let alone their genuine gathering time. Instead, the grandparents or nurses stay together with the children. There is no doubt that they could take care of the children. However, could they take the place of the parents in children’s inner heart or could they bear the main responsibility to educate the kids?



Of course no, it is impossible. As you see, the parents occupy the very unique position in children’s heart which is none to second. Recently, I just read a book—Take Your Time, My Babies which is written by Lung Ying-tai. At this moment, I believe that we should not only tell our children to take their time but also inform the parents to take their time. All the parents should take easy and grow up together with their children!



When some parents hang out to the amusement park with their children for the first time, some children would feel frightened and panic. The most parents and family members think little of them and regard them as coward. But, the adults will make preparations to adapt the new environment before they go out for someplace new. The adults do that, not to mention the children that they are young and fresh to the new situation. The children need time to get with the changes and build up a sense of security. As yourselves, the parents do nothing to support your kids and leave them alone when they are afraid of the surrounding. Instead, they would rather chat or play outside than offer a helping hand.



Surprisingly, some dads reply their kids with abusing when asking a question such as the following words—You are so stupid that this question is very easy and simple to handle. After establishing the above words, does the dad think it over and over time?As a dad and mature adult, you must find out that it is easy based on your present knowledge and IQ. But, if you were a student as your children, and you would not consider it as easy any more. There is a serious question that how can the dad answer in that way. If someone answers you the same way that the dads do, most of the dads will be unhappy and angry. Why are they doing like that to hurt their children? Why not just grow up with the children slowly and make them become great one day?






There is no exaggeration that the accumulated above examples have bad influence on personality development. Even, the children maybe cause personality disorder and ruin their whole life! Lately, there is an example taken from a TV series that the daddy treats his daughter very cruel. When the girl makes mistake, the dad just abuses her and breaks off all relationships with her. The girl is lonely to be cared by him. Many years later, the girl lives a wonderful life and the dad wants to know her back. However, the daughter just replies that I am an adult at present but not a juvenile who needs to be taken care of any more. Even though the girl makes a good living, there is psychological shadow in her heart that she doesn’t how to love someone and how to be loved.




When the kids first come to the world which is a whole new world, they need some could be patient and compassionate to lead and tolerate them. As freshmen, there are too many things for them to learn and practice. At the meanwhile, the parents are mostly their first trying without any experience or skill. Instead, they just follow their instincts.Being the freshmen, the children couldn’t do anything wrong. Being the first time parenthood, they couldn’t do anything right. So both of them need time to learn and practice. They should take easy and grow up together with slowing down.



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