



calcaneal fractures skin and soft tissue conditions

跟骨骨折 皮肤和软组织 状况

calcaneal fractures is an interesting topic and the calcaneus is known to have

跟骨骨折是一个有趣的 话题,众所周知,跟骨在手术后

a high rate of skin complications following surgery


the skin at risk more when you have a displaced humerosity fracture or an

当您有 移位的肱骨骨折或舌型

avulsion fracture of the calcaneus


in tongue type fracture(舌型骨折) if the fracture is badly displaced then it may lead to

骨折如果 骨折移位严重,可能会导致

skin complication and the fracture need to be reduced urgently

皮肤并发症,骨折 需要紧急复位

tongue type fracture is known to do well with percutaneous reduction and fixation

众所周知,舌型骨折 经皮复位固定效果很好

in case of an evolution fracture of the calcaneus you need to reduce the

,以防跟骨发生骨折, 您需要复位

fracture urgently because it threatens the posterior skin

骨折 紧急,因为它威胁 到后部皮肤,

delay in reduction of the fracture will compromise the skin and the soft tissue

延迟复位骨折会 损害后跟的皮肤和软组织

at the posterior heel this fracture occurs more in diabetics

, 这种骨折在糖尿病患者中发生率较高,

if the fragment is large you may be able to do percutaneous fixation of the

如果骨折块较大,您可能 可以进行骨折的经皮固定

fracture surgical treatment of displaced

 手术治疗 移位的

calcaneal fractures is associated with decrease in the risk of subteller

跟骨骨折与 亚型的风险降低有关

arthritis compared to non-surgical treatment

跟骨骨折的非手术 治疗

in calcaneal fractures young women do better if they have surgery

相比,年轻女性 如果接受手术治疗效果更好

the most common complication of calcaneal fracture surgery especially if


the injury is severe is wound complication and wound the essence

如果损伤严重是伤口 并发症和伤口 本质

superficial wound infection is common deep wound infection ranges from one to

浅表伤口感染是常见的 深部伤口感染范围从 1

four percent enclosed fractures

% 到 4% 的封闭性骨折

the presence of associated miracle comorbidities affects wound healing such

相关的奇迹合并症的存在 会影响伤口愈合,

as smoking diabetes and peripheral( /pəˈrɪfərəl/adj. 外围的;次要的) vascular disease

例如吸烟 糖尿病 和外周血管疾病

these factors will compromise the skin healing and increase the surgical risk

这些因素会影响皮肤 愈合并增加手术风险

so if you have an older patient with inadequate circulation


diabetes and smoking that patient may do better with conservative treatment

糖尿病并且该患者吸烟 保守治疗可能会更好

more complications will occur in sanders type 4 calcaneal fractures

Sanders 4 型跟骨骨折会出现更多并发症 

delayed fixation is often recommended depending on the condition of the soft


tissue delayed wound healing and wound dehiscence 

 延迟固定 伤口愈合延迟,伤口裂开

is the most common complication of surgical treatment of

是跟骨手术治疗最常见的 并发症

calcaneal fracture utilizing extension lateral approach

使用延伸 横向入路的

excessive approach may have delayed wound healing in about 20 percent of the

 骨折 在大约 20% 的

cases the limited sinus society approach has less incidence of skin complications

病例中,过度入路可能会延迟伤口愈合 有限跗骨窦入路 的皮肤并发症发生率较低

each approach has its own advantage and disadvantage and each approach may

每种入路都有其自身的优点和 缺点,每种入路都可能

compromise a nerve in the vicinity of the approach as you can see here in this

损害附近的神经 正如您在此


in general surgery is delayed until the soft tissue condition improves and until

中所看到的,普通手术中的方法被推迟,直到 软组织状况改善,

the wrinkle test is positive you see wrinkles in the foot and the ankle

直到皱纹测试呈阳性,您才会看到 脚和脚踝出现皱纹,

but there is one situation where you don't want to delay the surgery and that

但在一种情况下,您 不想延迟 手术,这种

situation is when the fragment is displaced such as with an avulsion

情况是当骨折块 移位时,例如

fracture of the calcaneus or tongue type fracture that's badly displaced then you

跟骨撕脱性骨折或 严重移位的舌型骨折,那么您

need to do the surgery urgently otherwise the skin on the back of the

需要紧急进行手术, 否则如果您等待,脚后跟后部的皮肤

heel will be compromised if you wait that may lead to 

将受到损害 可能导致

full thickness skin necrosis there's a very thin overlapping soft


tissue envelope in this area


patients with calcaneal fractures may also get compartment syndrome of the

包膜 如果忽视跟骨骨折的 nts 也可能患

foot if neglected it will lead to clutters


due to contracture of the intrinsic flexural muscles

in general if compartment syndrome develop then you need to do a fasciotomy(筋膜切开术)(fascia   /ˈfeɪʃə/ 筋膜)

筋膜室综合征,如果发生筋膜室综合征,通常 会由于内在弯曲肌肉的挛缩而导致混乱,那么您需要对足部进行相位

of the foot and these are examples of the incisions used in phasiotomy of the

 切开术,这些是切口的例子 用于足部切开术

foot remember there are nine compartments in

 请记住,足部有 9 个隔室,手部有 10 个隔室,

the foot and 10 in the hand so what are these nine compartments


one medial one lateral four intraoci

一个内侧, 一个外侧,四个眼

one adductor and two central surfacial and deep as you can see here in this

内,一个内收肌,两个中央表面 和深部,正如您在这张图表中看到的

diagram compartment syndrome of the foot can


occur up to 10 percent of patients with severe calcaneal fractures

多达 10% 的严重跟骨骨折患者可能会出现足部 

when compartment syndrome occurs especially when it is messed there will

当发生筋膜室综合征时, 尤其是当它被弄乱时,足部

be contractures of the intrinsic flexor muscles of the foot and that will create

固有屈肌会 挛缩,这会

glowing of the lesser toes this will create problem with wearing

导致小脚趾发光, 这会导致穿着问题

shoes the plantar fascia will limit the space

 鞋 足底筋膜会限制

that's available for hematoma and swelling this will cause damage to the

可用于血肿和 肿胀的空间 会对足部内在屈肌造成损伤,

intrinsic flexor muscles of the foot that's why fasciatomy is very important


open fractures of the calcaneus will have significant complications

跟骨的开放性骨折将 有严重的并发症

open reduction and internal fixation is not recommended for grade 3 medial

 对于 3 级内侧

wounds or for most of lateral wounds with open fractures there is a high

伤口或大多数开放性骨折的外侧伤口 ,不建议切开复位和内固定

incidence of wound complications including amputations

伤口并发症的发生率很高, 包括截肢

if it is grade 1 or grade 2 open fracture medially you can do surgical

如果是 1 级或 2 级 开放性骨折,您可以进行

repair bilateral approach because the fracture is opened medially

双侧手术修复,因为 骨折是在内侧打开的

there will be no significant difference between infection rate for this fracture


and for a similar one that is a closed fracture


give the patient antibiotics after surgery for two to three days


but open injuries conservative treatment may be advisable in this situation

但 在这种情况下,

if the soft tissue condition does not allow oven reduction internal fixation

如果软组织状况 不允许烤箱复位内固定,

even on a delayed basis the conservative treatment may be the best option

即使在延迟的基础上,保守 治疗可能是最好的。



thank you very much i hope that was helpful

非常感谢你我希望 w 对你有帮助


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