



>> MARISSA: Today we’re here to talk about nail bracing.

>> MARISSA:今天我们来谈谈 指甲支架。

Nail bracing is a great alternative for nail surgeries for things like ingrown nails, nails that are quite curved.


It’s a pain-free option.


It’s suitable for anyone.


We’re one of the very few clinics in Victoria that do this.

我们是维多利亚州为数不多的 这样做的诊所之一。

There are only a small handful that are qualified, so it gives us a really good option for patients where a nail surgery wouldn’t be suitable or for people who just don’t like needles.

合格的屈指可数的, 因此对于不适合进行美甲手术的患者 或不喜欢针头的人来说,它为我们提供了一个非常好的选择。

Today we’ll be demonstrating on Kevin.


Kevin has been wearing a nail brace for a few months now.

凯文已经戴了几个月的指甲支架 了。

He’s had an issue with ingrown nails for a while.

他有一段时间的指甲向内生长的问题 。

We’ve only been bracing one side to show the difference between the two.

我们只支持一侧以 显示两者之间的差异。

This is the nail that has been braced and we can see on the edge there, that it’s quite flat.

这是已经固定的指甲, 我们可以在那里的边缘看到,它非常平坦。

If we swap to the other to we can see there is more of a curve on this side.

如果我们交换到另一个,我们可以看到 这一侧有更多的曲线。

That’s helped him a lot to relieve pain and inflammation.

这对他减轻疼痛和炎症有很大帮助 。

He used to get a lot of redness and inflammation in this area.

他过去常常在这个区域出现很多红肿和炎症 。

How is that feeling?


>> KEVIN: It feels better definitely.

>> KEVIN:肯定感觉好多了。

>> MARISSA: There are a few different types of braces that we can use.

>> MARISSA:我们可以使用几种不同类型 的支架。

The two we tend to use most frequently are this one here.

我们最常使用的两个 是这里的这个。

It’s quite small and that one goes over the entire nail and works to bring both edges of the nail up to relieve pressure on both sides.

它非常小,可以 穿过整个指甲,将指甲的两个边缘都抬高,以减轻 两侧的压力。

The other one, which we have been using on Kevin, is suitable for somebody who has just one side of the nail that has been giving them problems.

另一种,我们一直在 凯文身上使用,适合那些只有一侧指甲一直给 他们带来问题的人。

That one, as you can see, goes around the edge of the nail and lifts that side of the nail up.

如您所见,那个围绕 指甲的边缘并向上提起指甲的那一侧。

There is a third option and that third option works really well for bring both sides of the nail up, but we tend to find those two do the trick.

还有第三种选择,第三种 选择非常适合将指甲的两边都抬起来,但我们倾向于发现这两个 可以解决问题

>> MARISSA: Now we’re going to replace Kevin’s brace that he has here.

>> MARISSA:现在我们要更换 Kevin 的 支架。

This one has grown out so we need to put a new one that’s going to work on the nail a little bit lower.

这个已经长出来了,所以我们需要把一个 新的支架调的稍微低一点。

>> MARISSA: The first thing we do is take off the old brace.

>> MARISSA:我们做的第一件事就是 取下旧支架。

Then I file 锉平the nail to make it a little bit rough so the brace will stick.

然后我锉指甲,使它有点 粗糙,这样支架就会粘住。

Then we trim the nail.


Clear the edges of all debris.


After that we clean the nail with an alcohol wipe, grab the correct brace, give it a clean,

之后,我们用酒精擦拭清洁指甲 ,抓住正确的支架,将其清洁干净,

and then measure it to make sure it is the right size for the nail.

然后测量以确保其 尺寸适合指甲。

We then twist the edge so it fits nicely around the nail, give the brace a bit of a file,

然后我们扭转边缘,使其与 指甲完美贴合,给支架一点锉刀,

clean it, put a bit of glue on it so that it stick to the nail.

清洁它,在上面涂一点胶水, 使其粘在指甲上。

Then we apply the brace by sticking it down the side of the nail and underneath the nail.

然后我们将支架贴 在指甲的侧面和指甲下面。

This involves no pain at all.


We give it a little bit of tension to pull the edge of the nail up and glue it in place.

我们给它一点张力,将 指甲的边缘向上拉并将其粘合到位。

The plastic pegs are then cut on the top of the brace.

然后在支架的顶部切割塑料钉 。

Give it a bit of a file so nothing sticks up and then we use a bit of glue to keep the edge of the brace in place and to make sure it doesn’t catch on anything.

给它一点锉刀,这样就不会粘住任何东西 ,然后我们用一点胶水将支架的边缘固定到位,并确保 它不会粘住任何东西。

Finally, we cure the glue that we just applied and give it a bit of a clean.

最后,我们(用紫外线)固化刚刚涂上的胶水 并稍微清洁一下。

All done!


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