





okay let's talk about vertebral landmarks we're gonna identify the major


landmarks on a typical vertebra and there are the fourteen different


structures that we're going to identify and the picture on the top is a superior


view and the picture on the bottom is the lateral view so let's start with the

俯视图,底部的图片是 侧视图 所以让我们

spinous process receives its name because the spinous process is a spine

棘突开始 之所以得名,是因为棘突是一个脊椎

projection and a process as well it's a bony point of projection so in surface


anatomy it's that part in the midline that you can fill each of those


different prominent spines the most obvious one is the vertebral prominence

不同的突出部分 刺 最明显的是 c7 的椎骨突

for c7 if you drop your chin to your chest and palpate on the back of your


neck right by your collar line you'll feel that vertebral prominence it's good

你的领线,你会感觉到椎骨突出 很

to find about that level transverse process is a projection from a bone in

高兴找到那个水平的横突是一个 从

the transverse plane and muscles and ligaments attach to that the lamina is


the portion of a vertebra that's between the transverse and the spinous process


the pedicle the pedicles are region between two different structures in

处理椎弓根 椎弓根是两个不同结构之间的区域,

yellow it's called the vertebral arch and in pink


there's the vertebral body and the pedicle is a region in between now in

是椎体,椎弓根是介于两者之间的区域 现在

the lateral view you'll see that there's one pedicle and another pedicle between

在侧视图中,您会看到有一个椎弓根和另一个椎弓根 在

these two pedicles is a foramen known as the inter vertebral foramen the bottom

这两个椎弓根之间有一个称为椎间孔的孔 底部

picture shows this better in a lateral view the superior picture shows in red

图片在侧视图中显示得更好 上图以红色

highlight where I did highlight the pedicle recognize that the

突出显示 我确实突出显示了椎弓根 认识到

intervertebral foramen is between adjacent pedicles it's also called the

椎间孔位于相邻椎弓根之间 它也称为

neural foramen because that's where spinal nerves exit on either side

神经 因为那是脊神经

between adjacent vertebrae then we have this superior articular facet sometimes


called the superior ticular process it projects off the top of a vertebra which


then articulates with the inferior articular facet and together they make a


facet joint this is a synovial plane joint that allows flexion and extension

小关节 是一个滑膜平面关节,允许弯曲和

to occur between vertebrae allows you to bend and straighten your back it's also

伸展 b 椎骨之间可以让你弯曲和伸直你的背部 它也

called the zeig apophis eel joint synonymous okay the pars

被称为 zeig apophis eel 关节同义词 好吧 关节间的

interarticularis so this one that we see there in pink that's kind of blinking


it's called the pars or pars interarticularis the best way to find it

它被称为 pars 或 parsinterarticularis 找到它的最佳方法

is the following we find the transverse process and the pedicle on one vertebra

是 下面我们在一个椎骨上找到横突和椎弓根

and then you find the superior and interior Theory er articular facets and

,然后你会找到上关节面和内部理论 er 关节面,关节

the pars interarticularis is the region between those four points


pedicle and transverse processes articular facets and there's our pars


interarticularis we also have the vertebral body that we see there in blue


it's the largest and thickest portion of a vertebra now the vertebral arch shown


in yellow this is a region that encompasses our transverse process the

用黄色显示的椎弓 这是一个包含我们的横突的区域

pedicle the lamina and the spinous process so everything from the pedicle

椎弓根 椎板和棘突 所以从椎弓根开始的

basically everything posterior to the vertebral body is considered the

一切基本上都是后部的 到椎体被认为是

vertebral arch so there's our vertebral arch and the vertebral body pretty much


comprised the entire vertebra vertebral bodies anterior vertebral arch is


posterior then on each vertebral body is an intervertebral disc as we see that in


red and an intervertebral disk is comprised of fibrocartilage and the


fibrocartilage disk has two different components an annulus fibrosus which is

软骨盘有两个不同的组成部分 纤维环

the ring think-think jelly doughnut it's the outside of a jelly doughnut whereas

是环 think-think 果冻甜甜圈 它是果冻甜甜圈的外部,而

the jelly on the inside is the nucleus pulposus this is a gelatinous type of

内部的果冻是髓核 这是一种凝胶状的

fibrous cartilage and together these intervertebral discs help with


compression absorbing compression when you are putting weight on the trunk of

压缩吸收压力 将重量放在身体的躯干

the body then we have a hole in the middle of the further breh known as


appropriately the vertebral foramen there in blue if we take each of our


seven cervical 12 thoracic five lumbar five cycle vertebrae and take each

七个颈椎 12 胸椎 5 腰椎5 周期椎骨中的每一个,现在取出每个

vertebral foramen now these vertebral foramina they make a


vertebral canal which houses our spinal cord that's how it travels up and down


and this is how its protected so the spinal cords in the middle of the


vertebral canal and spinal nerves come seg mentally through those


intervertebral or neural foraminal on either side so those are our landmarks


now let's talk about unique features of an individual vertebra starting first


with our cervical vertebrae so the cervical vertebrae have this bifid


spinous process as shown here by those two yellow arrows


it's basically c2 down to 36 are the primary levels in which you're gonna see

它基本上是 c2 到 36是你会看到

this bifid spinous process in addition we have these vertebral foramina and

这个双叉棘突的主要水平 此外,我们还有这些椎孔,并

highlighted in turquoise wear which serve as the conduit for the vertebral


arteries that when they arise from the subclavian arteries these vertebral


arteries traverse these vertebral foramina all the way up to the base of


the skull traverse foramen magnum and becomes the blood supply to the

颅骨底部,穿过大孔并变成 后脑的血液供应

posterior brain now the Atlas vertebra or c1 so what we see here in blue is the

现在是阿特拉斯椎骨或c1所以我们在这里看到 蓝色是

c1 vertebra and it has these two superior articular facets that

c1 椎骨,它有这两个

articulate with the occipital condyles so remember in mythology there's Atlas


and atlas held the world on his shoulders well that's why they called


the c1 vertebra the atlas because it holds the skull world on its shoulders

称 c1 椎骨为阿特拉斯,因为它支撑着头骨世界 它的肩膀

c1 atlas vertebra the axis vertebra is shown here in lime-green and it has a

c1 atlas vertebra 轴椎骨在此处以石灰绿色显示,并且它有一个

particular bony landmark called the odontoid process odontoid for tooth

特殊的骨骼标志,称为齿状突 odontoid 的牙齿,

because it looks like a tooth coming up from it or simply known as the dens and

因为它看起来像一颗从它上面长出来的牙齿,或者简称为 dens 和

this add-on toy process helps with pivoting your head side to side is this

这个附加组件 玩具过程有助于将你的头部左右旋转这

a no so the dens articulates with c1 the atlas to create this type of movement

是一个否,所以窝点与 c1 关节连接,以创建像这样的这种类型的运动,

like this so there's the side-to-side motion or pivoting where the dens serve


as serves as an axis a pivot for that type of nod in your head no - no no or

在你的脑海中点头的那种类型的枢轴 no - no no

side to side then we have the uncinate process where that term honks innate

或左右然后我们有一个 uncinate过程,其中术语 honks innate

comes from the Latin honks and ADIS which means a hook and we can see the

来自拉丁 honks 和 ADIS这意味着一个钩子和 我们可以看到

soup here projection from the vertebral bodies in


the cervical region and they form these hooks that prevent lateral translation


of cervical vertebrae on top of each other and about thoracic vertebrae


unique features the only one I'd like to focus on are these costal facets and

独特特征,我唯一想关注的是这些 肋骨

whenever you think costal think rib and that's why we only find them in the


thoracic region where the 12 pairs of rib articulate and then the lumbar

在 12 对肋骨关节的胸椎区域找到它们,然后是

vertebrae off those articular facets we've got these bony prominences called


the mammillary processes and accessory macs mammillary processes they're on the

突,称为乳头突起和附件macs 乳状,它们在横突上,

transverse process these are for muscle attachments also the lumbar vertebrae


have the thickest and largest vertebral bodies now with movements we have


flexion and extension so there's extension and there's flexion extension


flexion extension flexion and the thing to notice about this is there's not a

关于这个的注意事项 是不是

lot of movement but when you take all cervical thoracic lumbar vertebrae and

运动量不大但是当你把颈椎胸腰椎都拿下来的时候e 并将

stack them on top of each other it becomes very obvious when you can see


that spine flexing and extending and there's our landmarks of the vertebra


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