








Tibor Kovacs December 7, 2017

Hello to you all. I started with PaidaLajin for about 1 months ago. The first week was terrible! I started with my arms and knees. I was shocked. My both arms went deep blue inside. My left arm on the back side was huge filled with Sha. It was very painful, barely could bend my left arm. My both knee on the front side and back was also in different colors. I looked like it I was hit by a truck or train. I continued to do PaidaLajin inside of my both legs and outside too. It was terrible, so painful....but I never quit. Never ever give up. I got big black spots on the outside of my legs special on the right leg and I was almost black colored on right leg on the inside and back of it. After a week all the colors disappeared. But something happened. For 2-3 days ago my right leg started to swallow up back of the knee. I could feel the pain when I bend down.  I’m still doing PaidaLajin but are little bit worried why I have this swelling behind the right knee. It’s hurting but can live with it.

I’m doing about 15 min PaidaLajin on both of my knees around it and sometime more. It depends where it hurt, and I do 15 min stretching on both of the legs. I drink lot of ginger water and tee and I’m fasting once a week. My both legs are sometimes icy cold and are freezing. What more can I do? And why are my right leg ore back of my knee started to swelling up? My regards to you all and God bless you all with compassion and love.

Tibor 于2017年12月7日写道:各位好!我是一个多月前开始拍打拉筋的。拍拉的第一周很可怕——我从手臂和膝盖开始拍。我的两手臂的内侧都是青紫色的,尤其是左胳膊的后侧更是一大片。很痛,很难弯左臂。我的两个膝盖的里外也被拍得五颜六色的。看起来我就像被卡车或火车撞过。我继续拍打腿的内侧和外侧,痛不可言,但我没放弃,我不会半途而废的。我的右腿的外侧出了不少黑包,而内侧和后腿则是一片黑。一周后,这些痧都褪得不见了。但是,就在2、3天前我的右膝盖的腘窝开始肿大起来,只要我下蹲便能感到痛。我现在仍然继续拍打拉筋,只是有点担心膝盖后的肿痛,虽然痛,但还能忍受。我现在是每天拍打两膝盖四周各15分钟,拉筋15分钟。我喝很多姜茶,一周辟谷一次。我的两条腿有时冰凉,我该怎么办?为什么我的右膝盖腘窝处会肿大起来?祝福大家,愿上帝祝福各位。

Comments – 网友评论

Larry Berkley:The mere fact that you are feeling pain means you have blockages. Xiao never distinguished between usual pain and blocking pain. Where there is pain there is a blockage. Everything that your body is going through are all positive signs. It shows your body is healing. You are having healing reactions. You should be celebrating and be happy that your body is having these reactions. Now. In order for your body to heal you simply need to continue to slap the areas that you are complaining/worried about. With time these areas will unblock and you'll be healed.

Larry Berkley: 唯一的事实是你觉得痛就说明你的经络有堵塞。萧老师从来不对常规痛和经络不通所造成的痛做区分。不通则痛。在你身上发生的都是好现象,说明你的身体在自愈,在经历气冲病灶。你应该庆祝为有这些气冲病灶而高兴。为了能更好地自愈,请继续在你担心的部位拍打,直到打通了,你就自愈了。

Tibor Kovacs (after the Group Admin checked on his status, Mr. Kovacs wrote the message below on 1/8/2018) Thank you very kind of you to ask. It’s a long story. But let me tell you everything is better. I had a lot of blockages, knees around, legs, arms, well it was very painful sometimes, and I had lot of strange heat experiences. I know why now because the energy started to flow. 

My stomach has being much better. It was a rough time after the gallbladder operation but now my stomach is working very well. I still have a small pain on my right knee on the backside but special after Paida time. But after 30-min’s Lajin on each leg, it is just fine, especially on the day after. I’m doing Paida 1-2 a week and minimum 30 min on every basic point. It takes time but I feel very good afterwards.

There is very little Sha left now so it’s good. My body feels much stronger and when I feel little cold when I do the Paida on the arms and breast. Next day is gone. So no doubt PaidaLajin is very effective.

I will start Paida in Hungary and Denmark because I speak both languages. I have also get in touch with Janne from Sweden and Janne who have started a paida group over there and we help each other. It’s great and I feel blessed not because of just that paida lajin is there but because people want to take response for their lives. The medicinal industry had become a monster who don’t want you to be free from illness, there is no moral in their minds. What a shame!




Ricardo Tulio Jr.:Wow...very inspiring...thanks for info... 

Ricardo Tulio Jr.:哇,太鼓舞人了,谢谢分享。

Ramesh Deshpande on December 4, 2017 -

Hon Honghchi Sir, Please accept my humble Namaste to you. It's almost one month now that I have been practicing Paida-Lajin as taught by you on Youtube. My chronic constipation vanished in just 5 days. How it happened worth mentioning here. First my bloating of stomach reduced. Next acidity after having any food stopped. Gases stopped. Then digestion improved on the 5th day. I found my bowel strength had increased!!! It was such a relief. People shy away sharing their health improvements as they consider it as private to their life. But by sharing many can learn by that experience also it's acknowledging. Many other benefits I experienced like increased joints flexibility, eyesight improvement (I am 56, male, from Mumbai, India), posture correction, belly reduction by 2 inches (from 40" to 37.5") Thanx again, God Bless You!!!

Ramesh 写于2017年12月4日:尊敬的萧宏慈先生,请接受我崇高的问候。我自从开始在Youtube 网上学习拍打拉筋已有一个月了。我的慢性便秘在我拍拉五天后消失了。怎么发生的,值得我说一下。首先是我的胃胀气得以缓减了,然后是餐后泛胃酸的症状消失了,排气停止了。在第五日我感觉我的消化系统改善了不少。排便能力增强了,这让我感到非常欣慰。人们因隐私为由常常不愿将健康改善的信息公布于众,但我把这些告诉大家也是要向公众说明拍拉的有效性。我通过拍打拉筋受益的还有关节灵活了不少,视力也改善了。(我今年56岁,男性,住在印度孟买。身形得以矫正,腰围也从原来40英寸减少了2英寸。感恩!)

Emre Gundogdu

December 17, 2017 at 11:48am

Hello everyone. I have been doing Paida for a while now. I tried different parts of the body for different problems and I had great results over the time. Sometimes right away, sometimes in time. What I want to ask/discuss is one particular problem which I haven't been able to solve with Paida. I have a bad right knee (torn meniscus more than 12 years ago, and I had a successful surgery for it right after it was torn) and I have been trying Paida focusing on that knee every time feel uncomfortable or even when everything goes well. I haven't seen much improvement to be honest and I would like to discuss it with you.

Emre 在2017年12月17日写道:大家好!我拍打已有些日子了。拍打了身体的不同部位,状况有明显改善。有时是立竿见影,有时则是稍后有所改善。我现在有个关于拍打的问题想请教各位。我的右膝12年前拉伤过,当时的手术很成功。每当我的右膝盖不舒服时或有时即使身体没有什么不适,我会着意地去拍打它,可是老实地说我没有看到明显改善,想请教各位。

Kunal Pattnaik January 6 at 10:48am

My paralysis patient age 71 hair colour full white after paida and lajin hair colour gradually changing to black.

2018年1月6日,Kunal 发布了两张照片,介绍说其71岁瘫痪病人在接受拍打拉筋后全白的头发逐渐变黑。有成员问拍拉了多久,Kunal 答复说1年。


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