



http://www.eng24.com 2011-10-12 15:40:54  来源: 环球英语网校(eng24)  

 教育类  1. Some universities,like Oxford and Cambridge in Britain,are residential,which means students live and study on campus.Other universities are non-residential,which means students have to spend a lot of time to travel daily to their lectures.

  There are also part-time students who have to do their work during the day,and they study in the evening.Other part-time students have to study by correspondence.

  ”The Open Universities”can also help students to gain university degrees.Here,lectures are mainly given on radio or television.However,for a few weeks each year,students can attend vacation courses at universities.

  For admission to any university degree course,a student has to pass qualifying examinations.In Britain,there are not enough places for asll secondary school students,so these qualifying examinations are highly competitive.


  2. Last year a research was carried out on the skills of university students.The findings confirm the worry of employers about the lack of basic skills in some university graduates.

  The research showed that less than 20% of all university students achieves the levels expected of them in the three key skills,that is,communication,the application of number and information technology.

  Some teachers and experts have argued that there are two other key skills which the university students might be expected to show.These skills are to improve their own learning and to work with others.

  If we add in these skills,the research showed that only about a dozen university students among nearly two hundred who were tested scored top marks,which is,of course,a very disappointing and uncomfortable figure.


  3. 大多数人认为,书本和课本基本上是一回事,其实这种想法是完全错误的。书本并不仅仅是指课本。如果我们仅仅通过课本去学习,这就意味着我们把自己局限于生活中很狭小的一个方面。大多数教育专家都强调“终身学习”的重要性,认为继续教育的一个重要途径就是阅读各种书籍和报纸杂志。他们指出,学习永无止境,是个连续不断的过程。每一个人都可以,也完全可以做到:活到老学到老。

  It is a view held by most people that books and textbooks mean almost the same thing,which ,actually,is all wrong.

  Books are not just textbooks,and if we only read textbooks,it means that we are concentrating only on one small aspect of life.

  Most education experts stress the importance of life-long learning,thinking that an important way of continuing one’s education is by reading books,magazines,and newspapers on every subject.

  They point out that education never ends.It is a continuous process.All of us may,and are entirely able to ,accomplish this kind of life-long education.The day we stop learning is the day when we die.

  4. 松江大学城作为本市最大的大学社区,于昨日正式启用,迎接来自上海外国语大学、上海外贸学院及立信会计学院三所高校的5500名新生。该大学城占地306公顷,其中240公顷用于教室等各类教学设施,其他用于寝室食堂和商店。整座大学城的建成将耗资25亿人民币。松江大学城的建立,旨在使大学生得到全面、健康的发展,即每个学生都得以在德、智、体、美各个方面 有所提高。按计划,今年年底松江大学城将完成一批大型体育综合设施-包括运动场和体育馆。据市教育部门的官员说,这些设施能承担国际性的比赛。

  Songjiang College Town,Shanghai’s first planned university community,officially opened yesterday,welcoming 5,500 freshmen from the three institutions of higher learning,that is,Shanghai International Studies University,Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade and Lixin Accounting College.

  The college town has an area of 306 hectares,of which 240 hectares will be developed for educational facilities such as the classrooms and rest for dorms,cafeterias and stores.

  The(setting-up of the)college town is to met the ducational objective that every student has an overall healthy development while studying in the town.That is,every student is given the best opportunity to grow morally,intellectually,physically and aesthetically.

  Scheduled for completion at year’s end is a massive sports complex-with stadiums and gymnasium that can be used for international competitions,according to city education officials.

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