

这9句话很伤人:千万不要对你的男友说(双语)  You might have been together for years, but once you say one of the things women should never say to men, you may end up with heartbreak。  你们也许在一起很久了,但有些话女人永远都不能对男人讲,因为这意味着你们将会分手。  Women tend to be highly sensitive, but men, albeit they are brave and patient, can get hurt too。  女人往往是敏感的,但是男人虽然勇敢、耐心,也不能轻易被伤害。  Some men are like children and it’s hard to build a serious relationship with them。  一些男人喜欢孩子,却往往很难与他们相处。  But if you love such a man, you should avoid being clingy and needy, because they are actually  clingy and needy。  但如果你真的爱那个男人,你应该避免太过于依赖他,因为事实上他们也是有依赖性的。  Moreover, they don’t like when you say something that they don’t want to hear。  然而,有些话是他们不愿意听到的。  Even if you will run away from a needy man, it’s important that you avoid saying one of these  things to your partner。  即使你离开了一个依赖你的男人,对你来说避免对同伴说一些话也是有必要的。  1. You are a mama’s boy  你是妈妈的乖乖男  Dating a “mama’s boy” is always hard, but if you love your man and want to spend your life  with him, you should never say that he is a “mama’s boy。”  跟妈妈的乖乖男约会通常让人费解,但如果你愿意跟你的男友过一辈子,你是不可以对他讲“你是妈妈的乖乖  男”的。  Accept this fact and don’t try to change him. If your man is a “mama’s boy” in his 20s, he  will be “mama’s boy” in his 40s too。  接收这个事实,不要想试图改变他。如果你的男友20岁时是妈妈的乖乖男,40岁时他还是那样。  Are you ready for it? If yes, then love and appreciate his mom more than your mom, and he will  love you till the end of his life。  他是不是这样呢?如果是,尝试去比爱你妈妈那样更爱你的婆婆,他就会跟你幸福的过一辈子。  2. Tell me more about your ex  告诉我一些关于你上个女朋友的事情  Although we know that we shouldn’t dwell on the past relationships, it’s tempting to know more  details about your boyfriend’s ex。  虽然我们知道不可以一直活在过去,但似乎知道男友前女友的一些事还蛮吸引人的。  Avoid talks about exes, especially about intimate details。  避免讨论男友的前女友,尤其是一些私人的信息。  If you have a crush on a guy, but he doesn’t show any signs he likes you, or he has a  girlfriend, don’t ask him if he slept with her。  如果你迷上一个男生,但他并没有表示出对你有好感,或者他有女朋友,千万不要问她们在一起的私事。  You will never win his heart with this question, as well as you will never improve your  relationship when you know about your partner’s exes。  你将永远得不到那个男生,也不会在你们的关系上有任何升华。  3. Look that girl looks so fabulous!  那个女孩看上去好美  This sentence ruined many relationships。  这句话破坏了很多关系  While it seems to be so simple and common, if you tell it to your partner and he will say “yes”  or “fantastic” or something like that, chances are you will get jealous and it may lead to a  fight。  这句话虽然简单且容易引起共鸣,但你告诉你的男友时,他会说“是”或“好美”等等,你会嫉妒,或者引起  一场“战争”。  You probably start asking questions like, “Is she more beautiful than me?” or “Would you like  to date her?”  你也许会问“她是不是比我漂亮”或者“你想跟她约会吗”?  First, you may say that you’re just curious and you simply want to know his thought。  你也许会说你只是好奇,或者就是问问。  But if he says “yes,” it will be the end of the world. If he says “no,” you will think that  he’s trying to hide the truth from you, and it will be the end of the world as well。  但如果他说“好看”,你们的关系也许就此终结了。如果他说,不好看,你会想他在试着隐藏一些事实,同样  你们的关系也就此终结了。  Ladies, it’s a sure sign of low self-esteem。  女士们,这是一种自卑的标志。  4. You can’t have fun  不要那么贪玩  If you’re dating an introvert, you should accept this fact and appreciate your partner’s  traits。  如果你的约会对象是一个内向的人,你应该试着欣赏他这个特点。  You love parties and you know how to have lots of fun. Your partner, however, may not like  parties, but it doesn’t mean that he can’t have fun。  你喜欢聚会,知道如何快乐玩耍。但你的男伴也许不喜欢,但这不意味着他不可以玩。  Think twice before telling him, “you should learn how to relax and have fun because you are so  shy and boring。”  在告诉他“你应该学会如何放松,因为你非常害羞且无趣”前你应该想两次  Once you tell him that, he will never want to see you again, no matter how much he loves you。  Introverts know how to relax and they are not shy。  一旦你说了这些,无论你多爱他,他都不会再想看到你了  They know how to love and they are loyal, but they are highly sensitive. After all, introverts  make the best husbands!  他们知道如何去爱,怎样变的忠诚,但是他们是高度敏感的。总之,内向的人往往是好丈夫。  5. Am I beautiful?  我漂亮吗?  Well, ladies, if you want to boost your confidence and self-esteem, leave your man alone。  女士们,如果你们想增加自尊与自信,那就远离你的男友。  While men can help women boost confidence and feel better about themselves, you should never ask  your partner “Am I beautiful?”  想让男人帮助女人增加自信,你永远不要问你的男友,“我漂亮吗”?  If he really loves you, he will tell you about it without your questions。  如果他真的爱你,他会抛开这个问题回答你。  If your man doesn’t compliment you, it doen’t mean that you are not beautiful. Probably, he  doesn’t love you at all。  而如果你的男友没有称赞你,这不代表你不漂亮。也许,他一点都不爱你。  6. You have a terrible fashion sense  你不够时尚  If you don’t like how your man dresses, don’t tell him about it。  你不喜欢你男友的打扮,请不要给他说!  You can slowly get rid of his old clothes and buy new ones, if you live together。  如果你们住在一起,你可以试着帮他买些新的衣服,不再让他穿旧的衣服。  If not, then try to go shopping together every time he wants to buy a shirt or a jacket。  如果你们没有住在一起,当他想买衣服时你可以跟他一起去。  If you tell him that he has a terrible fashion sense, he won’t break up with you, of course, but  you can greatly damage his self-esteem。  当你告诉他你不够时尚的时候,他不会跟你分手,但你极度伤害他的自尊。  7. When will you call me and I see you again?  你什么时候给我打电话?我还能再见你吗?  When you have a first date with a man you like, it’s so tempting to ask him about your second  date。  当你第一次跟你的男友约会时,会很想问他你们第二次约会是什么时候。  However, don’t do it. He will think you are clingy, and most guys avoid clingy girls。  不过, 不要那么做,他会认为你太粘人了,很多男生非常排斥粘人的女孩。  He will let you know when you will see again and when he will call you, so don’t ask him。  他会让你知道什么时候再见你,什么时候再给你打电话,所以不要这么问他。  It’s not a pride, but being clingy is not the best way out。  这无关乎自尊,但粘人不是一个好的习惯。  8. It’s just a work  那只是一项工作  If your man spent a few days trying to accomplish an important project, but his boss said that it  ’s a total failure。  如果你的男友用一段时间去做一项重要的工作项目,但他的上司告诉他,他做的那些都不对。  Don’t tell him “it’s just a work。” Men appreciate their jobs, especially when they do  something they are passionate about。  不要给他说“那只不过就是一项工作”。男人们非常爱他们的工作,尤其当他们全身心投入的时候。  You can tell something like, “Next time your boss will definitely notice your work,” or “Life  is unfair, so maybe your boss had a bad day and your project is actually great but he didn’t  notice it because of his bad mood,” “Or don’t give up. You will do it better next time. You  are strong and I believe in you。” Support your partner and he will cope with any problem faster。  你可以这样说“下次你的上司一定会留心你的工作”或者“生活是不公平的,你很努力,或许你上司心情不好  而已”。你还可以说:“不要放弃,你下次会做的更好,相信你是最棒的”。支持你的男友,他便会更快速的  处理事情。  9. You will never become successful  你永远都不会成功  If your man has a sweet temper and he can’t take serious decisions without asking for your  advice, it’s tempting to say, “You are a man, you should be brave, confident and successful。  You will never become successful, because you’re born unlucky。”  如果你的男友脾气很好,他善于参考你的观点再做决定。你生气的说“你是一个男人,你应该勇敢,自信。你  永远不会成功,因为你太不幸了”。  Don’t say it no matter what. Not only will you ruin your relationship, you will make him believe  that he’s really unlucky。  千万不要这么说,这不仅仅会破坏你们的关系,你会让他相信他真的很不幸。  Support him, motivate him, inspire him and help him, but never reproach him。  支持他,诱导他,鼓励他,帮助他,但千万不要责备他!(申书瑜译自womanitely网) 
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