



(小帆在纽约市长办公室实习时与彭博市长在官邸酒会合影) ­


美国大学放暑假了。小帆除了实习打工,并且勤学中文,她试着把《藏在故事背后的心灵》翻成英文,我们会随时放几篇上来。她的中文能力有限,可能有译不妥的,请大家千万别客气,除了欣赏,也帮忙指点(欢迎至讨论区留言指教)。谢谢。 ­


(观看所有译文请按此〈小帆翻译《藏在故事背后的心灵》的文章〉) ­


〈心中的恶魔〉 ­

“Ah! There’s a devil in your house!” the minister exclaimed. ­

“What?” said the fearfully surprised layman, as he looked toward where the minister’s shivering hand was pointing. “That’s just a painting I collected. Is there a problem?” ­

“A painting?” The minister’s face was now pale. “What painting? That’s not a painting. That’s a devil! I really can’t believe that after being a Christian for decades, you don’t even know that dragons represent devils.” ­

“Dragons? Oh!” the layman said, smiling. “But they’re imaginary. Where on this earth are there dragons? Who has ever seen a dragon? That’s the work of a famous artist. I bought it at a charity auction, with quite a bit of money!” ­

“Stupid! You spent money to buy home a devil.” The minister’s face was not just pale but now green. “Hurry up and burn the painting, or else the devil will enter your home, and you will never have a day of peace, let alone get into heaven.” ­

The layman was afraid to resist, so he obediently took down the painting, ripped it, and threw it away before the minister. ­

“Good! Now you will be able to enter heaven,” the minister said. ­

A few days later, the minister and the layman got into a deadly car accident. ­

Their souls ascended together. At the gates of heaven, they saw a line of people waiting to pass through “customs.” ­

Some people successfully crossed the border into heaven. Others were denied and sent into the darkness. ­

“I can instantly see who will get in,” the minister said, as he pointed at the people in front of him. “This one, this one, I know them. They’re very religious and will definitely get in. That one, that one, ah. Why did they even come? All day long, they complain about this and that; they won’t get in.” ­

Just as he said, two entered heaven, and two were pushed away. ­

It was finally the minister and layman’s turn. While he provided the appropriate documentation, the minister kept trying to look inside heaven. Suddenly, his face turned pale, and he shouted with great shivering fear: “The most terrible! Everybody look! There’s a devil in heaven!” ­

“Devil? How can there be a devil there?” God asked, as he came to see what the commotion was about. ­

“Look! Isn’t that the devil?” the minister yelled, pointing into the distance. “There is a dragon.” ­

God looked and laughed. “Oh! I know. I’ll tell him to come over.” He motioned for the dragon to come closer. ­

The dragon came, and it was actually a shirtless man with tattoos all over his body, including nine tattooed dragons. ­

“He used to be a gangster, who fought and caused trouble all the time, and even got a bunch of dragon tattoos. But he later turned good and was kind and helpful to everyone, so he entered heaven.” ­

“But… but…” the minister stammered, “There are dragons on his body, and dragons are devils!” ­

God smiled and said: “Tattoos of dragons, paintings of dragons—they’re all fabrications. Only a dragon in your heart is a devil. Do you want me to skin him or something?” ­

“But… but… I get scared looking at it!” the minister exclaimed. ­

“With me here, how can you still be afraid?” God said, glaring. “Do you believe in me, or in the dragon? As I see it, you’re the one who has a devil in his heart.” ­

The minister’s passport was returned to him, and on it was stamped in large letters: “REJECTED.” ­





























〈快感与美感〉 ­

What is a pleasant feeling? What is an aesthetic sense? ­

If you drink a beverage and say: “It is really too delicious! It’s so ­

thirst-quenching!” This is a pleasant feeling. ­

If you drink a beverage and say: “It’s a bit sour and a bit sweet, ­

kind of like falling in love for the first time.” This is an aesthetic ­

sense. ­

What is aesthetic sense from a distance? ­

If you see a portrait and recognize its subject, you would surely ­

judge how well it resembles the actual person. ­

If you see a portrait and do not recognize its subject, you would ­

surely judge how beautiful the painting is. ­

The difference between the two is aesthetic sense from a distance. ­


〈点一盏心灯〉 ­

A little nun went to speak to her master: “Master, I have become ­

disillusioned with the mortal world. I have already been a Buddhist ­

nun for numerous years. Everyday between these green hills and white ­

clouds, I eat vegetarian and dress in plain robes, drum at sunset and ­

ring the bells at sunrise. But the more I study scripture, the ­

distraction in my heart not only doesn’t decrease, but rather ­

increases. What should I do?” ­

“Light a lamp, so that it brightens you, yet does not give you a ­

shadow. Then, you will understand.” ­

Several decades passed… ­

There was a temple, well known near and far as the Temple of Ten ­

Thousand Lamps because its interior was filled with lamps, thousands ­

and ten thousands of lamps. When one walked inside this temple, it was ­

as if one had entered a sea of lamps, magnificent and glorious. This ­

Temple of Ten Thousand Lamps’ abbot was our little nun from years ago. ­

Although she was now of elderly age and had hundreds of disciples, she ­

was still unhappy. With every charitable deed that she performed, she ­

lit a lamp. But regardless of whether she placed the lamp at her feet, ­

above her head, or even when she completely surrounded herself with a ­

sea of lamps, her own shadow was always present. One could even say ­

that the brighter the lamp, the clearer her shadow; the more lamps, ­

the more shadows. She was perplexed and no longer had a master to ­

consult. Her master had long since passed away, and she was not far ­

from death herself. ­

Now she has passed away too, and it is said that she finally ­

understood right before she left. ­

She could not find in the midst of ten thousand lamps what she had ­

spent her life looking for, but rather she finally understood inside ­

her own dark room. She realized that no matter how multitudinous her ­

accomplishments and how bright her lights, they would only create ­

shadows behind her. There was only one way to cleanse her soul and rid ­

her heart of all worries. ­

She lit a lamp in her heart! ­













〈「今是」里有「昨非」〉 ­

A disciple said to his master: “I finally understand! I feel like I’ve ­

been all wrong for decades, so I never want to think about my past ­

again, as if those days never existed.” ­

“Hmm!” the master said. “That’s great! Tomorrow, go to the flower shop ­

at the foot of the mountain, and bring back a bouquet of tuberose. You ­

must take the most direct path there; no detours allowed.” ­

“But no detours means I must pass through the immoral district!” the ­

disciple said hurriedly. ­

“Just go buy the flowers!” the master said with disregard. ­

The flowers having been brought back, at night they filled the entire ­

house with fragrance. ­

“Did you follow my orders and buy them from that flower shop?” the ­

master asked. ­

“Yes!” ­

“Did you pass through the immoral district?” ­

“Yes I did, twice.” ­

“Didn’t you go to buy flowers? How did you end up in the immoral ­

district?” the master asked, with coldness in his eyes. ­

“But without passing through the immoral district, I couldn’t get to ­

the flower shop,” the disciple quickly explained. ­

“Having gone through that kind of dirty place, are the flowers still ­

fragrant?” ­

“Yes! Yes! Didn’t you smell them? They’re even more fragrant than when ­

I first bought them!’ ­

“That’s it! Without going through years of mistakes, how could be ­

where you are today? You could even say, without the pain of being ­

lost, how could you attain joy? Although the past has passed, that ­

period will always be there; you cannot deny its existence. Rather, ­

you emerged from the mud and became a lily flower.” the master said, ­

revealing his true kindness. “Believing that you’re right today and ­

was wrong yesterday is certainly a realization, but not a great one. ­

The great realization is not minding yesterday’s wrongs because ­

today’s rights involve yesterday’s wrongs!” ­





















〈满了吗〉 ­

A disciple went to see his master: “Master, I already learned enough. I can graduate now!” ­

“What is enough?” the master asked. ­

“That means it’s full; it can’t contain anymore.” ­

“Then go get a large bowl of stones!” ­

The disciple did as he was told. ­

“Is it full?” the master asked. ­

“Yes, it’s full!” ­

The master took a handful of sand and mixed it into the bowl, which did not overflow. ­

“Is it full?” the master asked again. ­

“Yes, it’s full!” ­

The master took a handful of lime powder and mixed it into the bowl, which did not overflow. ­

“Is it full?” the master asked yet again. ­

“Yes, it’s full!” ­

The master now poured a cup of water into the bowl, which still did not overflow. ­

“Is it full?” ­

“………………” ­






















〈随时、随性、随遇、随缘、随喜〉 ­

During the dog days of summer, the temple’s lawn had largely dried and turned yellow. ­

“We have to hurry up and sow some seeds! The grass looks terrible!” the little monk said. ­

“Wait till it’s cooler,” said the master, as he waved the comment off. “Go along with time!” ­

When it was mid-autumn, the master bought some grass seeds and told the little monk to sow them. ­

In the autumn wind, the seeds flew up as soon as they were scattered. ­

“Oh no! So many seeds have been blown away!” the little monk shouted. ­

“No worries. The ones that got blown away were empty. They would not have sprouted even if they were sown properly,” the master said. “Go along with nature!” ­

Soon after all the seeds were sown, a few birds came looking for food. ­

“Oh no! The seeds are all getting eaten by birds!” the little monk panicked, stomping his feet. ­

“No worries. The birds won’t be able to finish all the seeds,” the master said. “Go along with chance!” ­

A storm happened in the middle of the night. The little monk rushed into the temple in the morning, crying: “Master! We’re really done now. The storm washed away so many seeds!” ­

“They will sprout wherever they are washed to,” the master said. “Go along with fate!” ­

A week passed. ­

Where there was once bare land, now was an abundance of grass sprouts. Even some unsown areas were covered in light green. ­

The little monk danced and clapped with happiness. ­

The master nodded and said, “Go along with joy!”­





















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