

2021年福州市初中毕业班教学质量 检测--阅读理解(2021.5.24)


     To get ready for the upcoming 2022 Winter Olympics,Beijing    held its first round of test activities on ice-based sports venues     across the city.On April 7,2021,the test for speed skating kicked   off at the National Speed Skating Oval,which is the only newly-built venue for the games.


The Oval is equipped with the newest technology,including      energy-saving and low-carbon emission techniques.Compared with traditional technology,it can save 2 million kilowatt-hours of  electricity a year.It is the first time in the Olympics' history that     carbon dioxide direct cooling technology is used to cut down on carbon emissions.


By using AI in ice-making system and indoor environment control,the Oval will be able to exactly control the temperature and thickness of the ice and the stability of its surface so that athletes will be provided with great skating condition.At the same time,the temperature of the seating area will be kept around 16 'C,helping the audience have the best possible watching experience.

     通过在制冰系统和室内环境控制中使用人工智能,可以精确地控制冰的温度、厚度和表面的稳定性,为运动员提供良好的滑冰条件。同时,座位区温度将保持在16 'C左右,帮助观众获得最佳的观看体验。

Athletes who have just finished the game have said that the competition environment here is quite excellent.Epperdine Yahefu,who won the men's 500-meter speed skating competition, even scored his best performance of the season here.He told reporters that the results are inseparable from the help of the new venue.

     刚结束比赛的运动员说,这里的比赛环境很好。赢得男子500米速滑比赛的叶海夫(Epperdine Yahefu)甚至在这里取得了他本赛季最好的成绩。他告诉记者,这些成果离不开新场馆的帮助。

The skating hall of the Oval has an ice surface of about 12,000  square meters,making it the largest speed skating venue in Asia . It will not only stage international sports events but will be open to the public after the 2022 Games.  



     Cultures across the world have different ways for people to greet one another.In Spain,many people kiss both cheeks.In New  Zealand,they bump noses!The goal of these actions is to make     others feel welcome.However,some people would rather say hello orally.They don't like being touched.Neither does the sensitive plant.


Some people keep the sensitive plant as a houseplant because of its interesting behavior.When you touch the leaves of the sensitive plant,it releases water from its leaves and stalks.As water drains to the plant's base,the leaves close and the stalks droop.This causes the plant to look wilted!


The sensitive plant draws back from physical contact because it doesn't want you to touch it,of course!Just like people,this plant sends phyical signals that you should leave it alone.This reaction to touch is a defense mechanism.Many animals and insects eat plants,so the sensitive plant learned to move to scare away predators.Frightened by the sudden wilting,hungry animals move away to find a different plant to eat.Additionally,wilted plants don't look mouth-watering.This encourages other nearby predators to look for their dinner elsewhere.


 If you touch the sensitive plant and it wilts,have no fear!It's still a healthy plant.After a few minutes,it will send water back to its leaves and stand straight up again.However,it takes a lot of time for the sensitive plant to rejuvenate itself.Don't touch the plant just to watch it wilt.It may seem like fun,but it's not fun for rejuvenate.


 It's always important to pay attention to the body language of plants,animals,and other people!We should never want to make other living things uncomfortable,and especially not for our own entertainment.


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