



8:41 Leila Josefowicz 来自图像与眼睛

艾略特·厄威特(Elliott Erwitt ,1928- )马格南(Magnum)图片社主要成员,以拍摄富有幽默感的纪实摄影而著称。1928年出生在巴黎的一家美国人开设的医院,1939年跟随俄裔双亲移居美国。1942年起他在洛杉矶大学进修了两年摄影并对此进行了深入的研究。毕业后,他服役于美国陆军通信部队,驻扎在欧洲,并一直担任摄影助理的工作。1950年,厄威特开始为美国标准石油公司工作。1954年,就在马格南纽约办公室迁址后,他正式加入该组织。


艾略特·厄威特时常沉溺在博物馆和艺术展览中,思考艺术作品,观察并拍摄看展览的人们,他送给自己的礼物就是这本《MUSEUM WATCHING》。作品从1950年末一直拍到1999年,艾略特·厄威特以其不同的视角带你进入博物馆看展览

GB. ENGLAND. London. 1995. British Museum

GREECE. 1976

Elliott Erwitt 1959

ITALY. Pisa. 1976

FRANCE. 1991

POLAND. 1964

EGYPT. 1958

USA. New York. New York. 1958. A fire at the Museum of Modern Art

Miscellaneous. St. Peter's Basilica, Vatican City,Rome.1993

RUSSIA. St. Petersburg. 1957. Museum Ship, Aurora

USA. 1974. Huntsville, Alabama

JAPAN. 1958

Elliott Erwitt 1997

Elliott Erwitt 1998

Elliott Erwitt 1958

JAPAN. Hiroshima. 1970

EGYPT. 1958

EGYPT. Giza. 1958

EGYPT. 1958

USA. 1988

GERMANY. Berlin. 1995. 'Wrapped Reichstag' by Christo and Jeanne-Claude

Miscellaneous. 1968

Elliott Erwitt 1986

POLAND. 1964

Auschwitz concentration camp

POLAND. 1964

Elliott Erwitt 1998

Elliott Erwitt 1998

USA. New York. New York. 1953. The Metropolitan Museum of Art

ITALY. Florence. 1976. Loggia della Signoria

Elliott Erwitt 1998

Elliott Erwitt 1996

POLAND. 1964

FRANCE. Paris. 1967. Louvre Museum

Personal. Villa Borghese, Rome. Italy. 1996

USA. New Mexico. Truth or Consequences. 1998

Elliott Erwitt 1999

Elliott Erwitt 1969

Miscellaneous. 1988

FRANCE. Yvelines departement. 1975. The Castle of Versailles

“摄影是你对周遭的观察,生活中到处都是照片,问题在于,你能否注意到,并将这些画面组织起来。你需要时刻关注四周,注意那些充满人性以及喜悦的画面。”——Elliott Erwitt

RUSSIA. Moscow. 1959

USA. New York City. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 1988

Acropolis Museum in Athens

Miscellaneous. Via del Babuino, Rome. 1993

Personal. 1996

FRANCE. Paris. 1997. Cluny Museum, or National Museum of the Middle Ages

USA. Michigan. Detroit. 1975. Detroit Institute of Arts

USA. New York City. 1969. The Frick Collection

GREAT BRITAIN. London. 1996. The Victoria and Albert Museum

Personal. 1996

FRANCE. Paris. 1998. Rodin Museum

Miscellaneous. 1993

Elliott Erwitt 1986


Elliott Erwitt 1998

Elliott Erwitt 1998

Elliott Erwitt 1997

Personal. 1996

Miscellaneous. 1976

ITALY. Florence. 1976

Miscellaneous. 1976

Elliott Erwitt 1999

Miscellaneous. 1995

Elliott Erwitt 1997

Elliott Erwitt 1997

GREECE. Athens. 1963. The Acropolis Museum

Personal. 1996

Personal. 1996

Elliott Erwitt 1998

FRANCE. Paris. 1975. On the painting, Gabrielle d'Estrees (mistress of Henri IV) and her sister, the duchess of Villards. Anonymous, Ecole de Fontainebleau.

ITALY. Verona. 1997. Juliet's balcony

SPAIN. Madrid. 1995. Prado Museum

GREECE. 1963

Personal. 1996

Elliott Erwitt 1978

ITALY. Florence. 1949. A guard at Palazzo Vecchio

USSR. 1957

ENGLAND. London. 1996. British Museum

Elliott Erwitt 1997

FRANCE. Paris. Subway. 1991

USA. Washington. Seattle. 1962. Seattle Art Museum

Personal. 1996

USA. New York City. 1996. Metropolitan Museum of Art

GERMANY. Berlin. 1998. Nationalgalerie

SPAIN. Madrid. 1995. Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia. 'Guernica' by Pablo PICASSO.

MEXICO. Guanajuato. 1957

Elliott Erwitt 1997

Personal. 1997

Elliott Erwitt 1969

Elliott Erwitt 1997

SPAIN. 1995

ENGLAND. London. 1993. The Tate Gallery

Villa Adriana, Rome, 1959

Elliott Erwitt 1978

Elliott Erwitt 1997

Elliott Erwitt 1999

Personal. Musei Capitolini, Rome, Italy. 1996

Elliott Erwitt 1995,2

FRANCE. Paris. 1998. Louvre Museum

Personal. 1996

USA. Rhode Island. Providence.1955

Elliott Erwitt 1996

FRANCE. Paris. 1967

USA. New York City. 1953

USA. New York City. 1970. The American Museum of Natural History

GREAT BRITAIN. London. 1996. British Museum

Personal. 1996

Elliott Erwitt 1998

Personal. 1996


Elliott Erwitt 1998

Italian Jr. Highschool. 1966

RUSSIA. Moscow. Official visit of Charles DE GAULLE to USSR. 1966

Personal. 1996

Personal. 1996

IRAN. 1967

Elliott Erwitt 1991

RUSSIA. Razliv. 1988. Lenin's hideout at the Sarai Museum

Personal. 1996

FRANCE. Paris. 1997. Musee du Louvre. In front of the Mona Lisa

GREAT BRITAIN. London. 1996. British Museum

Elliott Erwitt 1998

FRANCE. Yvelines department. 1975. The Palace of Versailles.

Venice. 1965

USA. NYC. 1958. The future king of Spain, JUAN CARLOS, being shown around the Metroplitan Museum of Art by a museum director.

POLAND. 1964

ITALY. Florence. 1976. Galleria degli Uffizi

Elliott Erwitt 1997

GREAT BRITAIN. London. 1996. Tate Gallery

FRANCE. Paris. 1998. Musee de l'Orangerie

FRANCE. Paris. 1989. Centre Georges Pompidou

Elliott Erwitt 1999

Personal. 1996

Elliott Erwitt 1997

USA. Washington D.C. 1967. The Smithsonian Institute

USA. New York City. Metropolitan Museum of Art. 1949

GERMANY. Berlin. 1995





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