

学人寻踪 || 任泰(Jen Tai)是谁?
期阅读香港《联合书院学报》(United College Journal),看到一位名为任泰(Jen Tai)的学者发表了三篇译作(诗)和八首自己创作的英语诗歌,翻译水平和英诗水平都挺高,可惜的是查阅了各种资料,无法弄清楚这位任泰具体是何人?
曾经见到一个信息与任泰相关,钟再强博士(后)曾在《外语研究》(2014年第3期)上发表文章“刍议赛珍珠英译《水浒传》的国外影响”,第三条参考文献中提到任泰先生,信息如下:Jen, T. 1933. A Chinese Classic: Review of All Men Are Brothers trans. by Pearl S. Buck[J]. Saturday Review of Literature, 10(7): 162-163.


Three Poems in English 英文詩三首(1962年第1期);
The Mu Lan Rhyme (A Translation) 英譯木蘭詩(1962年第1期);
The Expedition Memorial of Chu-Ko Liang 諸葛亮出師表(1963年第2期);
Five Poems 英文詩五首(1963年第2期);
The Everlasting Woe (Ch'ang Hen Ko) 長恨歌(1964年第3期)






To Chu Yuan

Commemorating the death of Chu Yuan on Poet's Day, the fifth day of the fifth month (the tenth of June), 1959. This poem also serves as my criticism against dehumanizing concepts of the West now tearing the world to pieces.

My Heart
It grows in peace, it grows instrife,
                 With open joy,
Holding the universal life
                 Of nature's boy.
The voice of my heart is faint
                  and shy but speaks
With overpowering charm and scent
                  Like rosy cheeks.
And nowhere lies my heart, but search
                 And you will find
It outside this and that man's church
                 Among the wind.

The Rose
Your silent gaze I covet, rose!
       While you arrest my heart
With wanton scent and jaunty blows
       That baffle works of art.
What mortal charm, what virgingrace,
       Could be so sweet and pure
As your emotive sylvan face
       Holding the woodland lure?
What language could to hearts convey
       Such joyous eloquence
As does your word of silence gay
       And blushing innocence?
With steadfast glance, without aword,
       You look at me to find
That your sweet panting thoughts are heard
       By ears blithe in my mind.





Time Reaps Man's Harvest
Behind red leaves, behind the Western Hill
The sun is sinking—lonesome as my heart—
In silent glory. It has played itspart.
And all is mute, drinking a sullen chill
While deep in my self [voiceless voices fill
Me with this utterance: "I tends to start".
This autumn touch of nature's wanton art.
Is it against the urge of human will?
My heart is failing—lonesome as thesun—
With ebbing splendour. It has runthe race
That called for its warm blood. When life is done,
All shall be undone: passion, breath, and grace.
Against and for the will of human urge
Time reaps man's harvest: a high joy. a dirge.

In Praise of Woman
Virgin, woman and mother! you aregreat.
Great beauteous feminine trinity!
The stream of life, with love,fecundity.
And grace, you nourish and perpetuate.
What human edifice, what human state
Or task, could reach for its sublimity
Without beauty's breath and love's sanctity?
Selfless, claimless you toil for your mate.
Sweet mystery and mortal-charming flower
Sublime! And in his passion desert burning
Your modest self, with streams of innocence
trickling full of delicious melting power.
Gives him peace, ecstasy, comfort and yearning
That hold him fast .to his own confidence. 

I paint and powder only when I hate
To see my face, the beautiful creation
Of God and pride of human admiration,
Index the siege of time. All desperate
Trying to hold my beauty for my mate,
With prayers and sighs, courage and consternation,
I wage my losing war. What devastation
Could be so cruel as t' annihilate
The very hope and ecstasy of life?
When others drink my beauty, their high joy
I relish, and in peoples' eyes I see
My lot: beauty's passionate passion strife
Holds the griefs and joys of many a Troy
That burns with love's flaming eternity.

Agelong Hesitation
I have traversed the continent of life;
It is not my home.
And back I turn to my self.
Back I turn to my self,
Forsaking all: everything and everyman.
And thoughtless, aimless I roam
From realms to realms
Far beyond torment and strife.
Could I, without those tender ties,
Without those smiles and tears,
Live by myself and for my self?
Let me take again the dirt andlies.
Let me breathe the mundane air,
Let me utter the cries for passion and powers:
These are part of myself—part of everyman.
Fare you well, my orchid flowers, 1
For back I turn now to hold and share,
With many a friend and foe,
With Christ and Satan,
Everyman's joy and everyman's woe. 

1. Orchid flower is the symbol of fragrance, purity and hermitude. 

The Gypsy in My Heart
There is that gypsy in my heart
Which makes me laugh and lie
When nature yields its crown toart.
And fountains, forests sigh
And sigh.

There is that gypsy in my heart
Which loves to read the star,
The holy book with human chart.
So high there but not far,
Not far.

There is that gypsy in my heart
Which loathes to stay at home;
Tearing my gentleman apart,
It bullies me to roam
And roam.

And so 1 roam from land to land,
Reading my wordless books
Of vagrant clouds, despairing sand,
Siren isles and lorn nooks-
Lorn nooks.



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