


Food waste is a big problem in the United States, where a typical household of four tosses out about $1,600 worth of food annually. 


So, we did a deep dive on how how to reduce food waste.


 Our roundup is by no means an exhaustive list, but below are a few tips we felt inspired by. 


1.Used coffee grounds can be dried and used in a steak rub or mixed with coconut oil and sugar and used as a body scrub. — @Chefanniecarroll


2. Collect vegetable scraps such as carrot tops, ends of onions, celery leaves and ends etc. Keep in freezer in a mason jar. 


When you have about three full jars, empty them into a large pot and add water to cover. 


If you have whole black peppercorns, add a few to the pot and any fresh herbs like parsley or thyme, throw a few sprigs in the pot. Add 1-2 tsp of salt or to taste. 


Boil for 20 to 30 minutes. 


Strain and discard boiled scraps to your compost. 


Let cool and freeze or refrigerate if you plan to use [the broth]. — @vegan.wolverine

如果你打算用这种肉汤,可以让它冷却、冷冻或冷藏。 — @vegan.wolverine

3. I bring in anything and everything to my office. Weird chips that we didn't like? Leftover birthday cake? They'll eat ANYTHING! — @zoe.khh


4. We keep our pantry stocked with dry foods so we don't feel like we always have to have fresh food around that doesn't get eaten and goes to waste. So we supplement our diets with canned fruits, vegetables, stuff like that. —@Bohemianrhapsody29

4. 我们的食品储藏室里都是干粮,这样我们就不会总觉得周围必须有新鲜的食物,它们不会被吃掉,也不会被浪费掉。所以我们用罐装水果,蔬菜等来补充我们的饮食。


5. One thing we can all do is change our language. Start using the term "food scraps" rather than "waste." This material is a resource not a waste. Changing the language can catalyze a change in value and perception. —@Livingrootscomposttea

5. 我们都能做的一件事就是改变我们的语言。开始使用“食物残渣”而不是“废物”这个词。这种材料是一种资源,不是一种废物。改变语言可以促进价值观和观念的改变。 


6. We freeze leftovers if not eaten in a couple of days. Soups and other soft foods are frozen in silicone muffin tins so we can thaw one or two servings rather than a quart. [Also,] wash and reuse takeout containers to bring home leftovers when we eat out rather than using restaurant's styrofoam boxes. — @Dianee229

6. 我们把没吃的剩菜冷冻几天。汤和其他软性食物被冷冻在硅胶松饼罐里,这样我们可以解冻一到两份而不是一夸脱。此外,当我们外出就餐时,清洗并重复使用外卖容器,把剩菜带回家,而不是使用餐馆的泡沫塑料盒。

— @Dianee229

7. I switched to shopping for two-three days at a time. Also meal prep the food. That alone has made the biggest change. The refrigerator is quite empty and stays organized so there is nothing hiding and going bad. — @n8talee

7. 我改为一次买两到三天的食物。同时规划好如何烹煮食物。仅这一点就带来了最大的变化。冰箱里空空如也,也很整洁,所以没有什么东西藏在里面,也不会变质。——@n8talee

8. Try to use every part of a vegetable or animal for cooking. Kale stalks are delicious and tender if you cut them really small and sauté them well; same with broccoli stalks and cilantro stems. The greens surrounding cauliflower can be used the same way as collard greens. — @xincitanz

8. 尽量使用蔬菜或动物的每一部分来烹饪。如果你把羽衣甘蓝切得很小,炒得很好,它的茎干又嫩又好吃;西兰花茎和香菜茎也是如此。菜花周围的绿色部分可以像羽衣甘蓝一样使用。


9. To avoid the dreaded lettuce tub rot, it's best to either stab holes in the package (be careful) or transfer to a container with air flow. Adding a paper towel to the container usually helps to prevent the lettuce from rotting in the residual water in a closed container, with no air circulation. — @larryparry1

9. 为了避免可怕的生菜腐烂,最好是在包装上戳几个洞(小心点),或者转移到有气流的容器里。在容器中加入纸巾通常有助于防止生菜在没有空气循环的封闭容器中残留的水中腐烂。——@larryparry1

10. Label everything. Take a photo of fridge interior when you leave for work so if you need to go shopping you don't buy duplicates. Also [the] fridge photo is shareable. If after school kid says there's nothing to eat, send photo. If you want after school kid to start prepping dinner, send photo. — @Joanietells


— @Joanietells

11. Pesto is great for a ton of herbs, not just basil (cilantro and parsley). Wilted spinach goes in spaghetti or soups. Wrinkled tomatoes are great for roasting with garlic, olive oil, salt and thyme for a pasta sauce. — Georgina Garretson

11. 香蒜沙司可以搭配很多香草,而不仅仅是罗勒(芫荽叶和欧芹)。菠菜干可以用来做意大利面或汤。起皱的番茄与大蒜、橄榄油、盐和百里香一起烘烤是很好的意大利面酱。

— Georgina Garretson

12. I have a system that I called the "reverse shopping list" - where, before I do my weekly grocery shop, I go through my pantry, fridge and freezer to see what I already have and write them all down. Often I can get at least two or three meals/snacks for the week based on what I already have, and it encourages me to actually use those items in the back of the freezer/pantry, instead of hoarding bags of lentils and cans of beans for literal years. — Jacqueline C. Lawler

12. 我有一个我称之为“反向购物清单”的系统——在我每周去杂货店买东西之前,我要检查一下我的储藏室、冰箱和冷冻室,看看我已经有了什么,然后把它们都写下来。通常情况下,我一周至少可以吃两到三顿饭或零食,这是基于我已经拥有的,它鼓励我使用这些冰箱/食品储藏室的后面东西,而不是囤积成袋的扁豆和豆子罐头。

— Jacqueline C. Lawler





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