

Knitted DROPS jacket with lace pattern and cables in ”Paris”. - 辣妈款镂空开衫、套衫
Sweet Peach Cardigan by DROPS Design
       Knitted DROPS jacket with lace pattern and cables in ”Paris”. Size: S - XXXL.
Sweet Peach Cardigan by DROPS Design

Knitted DROPS jacket with lace pattern and cables in ”Paris”. Size: S - XXXL.

DROPS 159-15

Sweet Peach Cardigan by DROPS Design

Knitted DROPS jacket with lace pattern and cables in ”Paris”. Size: S - XXXL.

DROPS 159-15

DROPS design: Pattern no w-548
Yarn group C or A + A
Size: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL
DROPS PARIS from Garnstudio
500-550-600-650-750-800 g colour no 01, apricot

DROPS DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES and CIRCULAR NEEDLE (80 cm) SIZE 5 mm - or size needed to get 17 sts x 22 rows in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm.
DROPS MOTHER-OF-PEARL BUTTON: Arched (white), NO 521: 6-6-6-6-6-6 pieces

All yarns are DROPS yarns. Color charts and updated retailer lists at www.garnstudio.com

Yarn costs for this pattern: from8.00 GBP / 10.00 EUR in yarn

DROPS Max Prices (per 13.07.2015)

You #5 (50g)0.80 GBP1.00 EUR
1.15 GBP
2.00 EUR
1.30 EUR
0.90 GBP
1.50 EUR
1.00 EUR
DROPS Needles & Hooks from 1.00 GBP from 1.30 EUR

To get the measurement tape to be 100 % accurate, you have to print out the pattern in full scale (and not use the print option "fit to page").

Instructions to DROPS 159-15 Need help? Read more at the end of the pattern

GARTER ST (worked in the round):
* K 1 round and P 1 round *, repeat from *-*. 1 ridge = 2 rounds.

GARTER ST (back and forth):
K all rows. 1 ridge = 2 rows K.

See diagrams A.1 to A.5. The diagrams show all rows in pattern seen from RS.

Dec for buttonholes on right band from RS. 1 buttonhole = K tog 3rd and 4th st from mid front, then make 1 YO. Dec for buttonholes when piece measures:
SIZE S: 10, 17, 24, 31, 38 and 46 cm.
SIZE M: 10, 17, 24, 32, 40 and 48 cm.
SIZE L: 10, 18, 26, 34, 42 and 50 cm.
SIZE XL: 10, 18, 26, 34, 43 and 52 cm.
SIZE XXL: 10, 18, 27, 36, 45 and 54 cm.
SIZE XXXL: 11, 20, 29, 38, 47 and 56 cm.

Worked back and forth on circular needle from mid front to mid front. Cast on 157-173-189-205-229-245 sts (incl 5 band sts towards mid front in each side) on circular needle size 4 mm with Paris. Work 3 ridges. Switch to circular needle size 5 mm. Continue to work pattern from RS as follows: 5 sts in garter st (= band), A.1 (= 19 sts), A.2 A (= 2 sts), A.2 B over the next 14-18-22-26-32-36 sts, A.2 C (= 2 sts), A.3 A (= 2 sts), A.3 B over the next 14-18-22-26-32-36 sts, A.3 C (= 2 sts), A.4 (= 37 sts), A.2 A (= 2 sts), A.2 B over the next 14-18-22-26-32-36 sts, A.2 C (= 2 sts), A.3 A (= 2 sts), A.3 B over the next 14-18-22-26-32-36 sts, A.3 C (= 2 sts), A.5 (= 19 sts), 5 sts in garter st (= band). REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION Dec for BUTTONHOLES on right band - see explanation above. Continue pattern until piece measures 35-36-37-38-39-40 cm. Now work as follows from RS: Work 39-43-47-51-57-61 sts (= right front piece), cast off 6 sts for armhole, work 67-75-83-91-103-111 sts (= back piece), cast off 6 sts for armhole, work 39-43-47-51-57-61 sts (= left front piece). Finish each part separately.

= 67-75-83-91-103-111 sts. Continue to cast off for armholes at beg of row in each side as follows: 2 sts 1-2-3-4-6-7 times and 1 st 0-1-2-3-5-6 times = 63-65-67-69-69-71 sts. Continue the pattern like this. When piece measures 52-54-56-58-60-62 cm, cast off the middle 25-27-29-31-31-33 sts for neck and finish each side separately. On next row dec 1 st towards the neck = 18-18-18-18-18-18 st. Cast off when piece measures 54-56-58-60-62-64 cm. Work the other shoulder the same way.

= 39-43-47-51-57-61 sts. Cast off for armhole in the side as on back piece = 37-38-39-40-40-41 sts. When piece measures 48-50-52-54-54-56 cm, slip the first 15-16-17-18-18-19 sts on a stitch holder. Then cast off for neck every other row as follows: 2 sts 1 time and 1 st 2 times = 18-18-18-18-18-18 sts. Cast off when piece measures 54-56-58-60-62-64 cm.

Work as left front piece but reversed.

Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 37-39-41-43-44-46 sts on double pointed needles size 4 mm. Work 3 ridges. Switch to double pointed needles size 5 mm. Insert 1 marker at the beg of the round. Then work in stocking st. When piece measures 8 cm, inc 1 st on each side of marker. Inc every 4-3?-3-2?-2-2 cm 10-11-12-14-16-17 times in total = 57-61-65-71-76-80 sts. When piece measures 48-47-47-46-45-43 cm (NOTE! Shorter measurements in the larger sizes because of longer sleeve cap and wider shoulders) cast off 6 sts mid under sleeve (cast off 3 sts on each side of marker). Then continue back and forth on needle and cast off for sleeve cap at the beg of row in each side as follows: 2 sts 3 times, 1 st 1-2-3-4-6-9 times, then cast off 2 sts in each side until piece measures 55-55-56-56-57-57 cm. Cast off 3 sts 1 time in each side before the remaining sts are cast off.

Sew the shoulder seams. Sew in the sleeves.

Pick up approx. 84-95 sts (incl sts on stitch holders) around the neck on a circular needle size 4 mm. Work 2 ridges. Cast off. Sew the buttons on to left front piece.

=K from RS, P from WS
=P from RS, K from WS
=K 2 tog
=slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso
=1 YO between 2 sts
=slip 3 sts on cable needle behind piece, K 3, K 3 from cable needle
=slip 3 sts on cable needle in front of piece, K 3, K 3 from cable needle

Diagram for DROPS 159-15

Diagram for DROPS 159-15


Sweet Peach by DROPS Design

Knitted DROPS jumper with lace pattern and cables in ”Paris”. Size: S - XXXL.

DROPS 159-16

DROPS 159-16

Sweet Peach by DROPS Design

Knitted DROPS jumper with lace pattern and cables in ”Paris”. Size: S - XXXL.

DROPS 159-16

DROPS design: Pattern no w-547
Yarn group C or A + A
Size: S - M - L - XL - XXL - XXXL
DROPS PARIS from Garnstudio
500-550-600-650-750-800 g colour no 01, apricot

DROPS DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES and CIRCULAR NEEDLE (80 cm) SIZE 5 mm - or size needed to get 17 sts x 22 rows in stocking st = 10 x 10 cm.
DROPS DOUBLE POINTED NEEDLES and CIRCULAR NEEDLE (80 and 40 cm) SIZE 4 mm - for garter st.

All yarns are DROPS yarns. Color charts and updated retailer lists at www.garnstudio.com

Yarn costs for this pattern: from8.00 GBP / 10.00 EUR in yarn

DROPS Max Prices (per 13.07.2015)

You #5 (50g)0.80 GBP1.00 EUR
1.15 GBP
2.00 EUR
1.30 EUR
0.90 GBP
1.50 EUR
1.00 EUR
DROPS Needles & Hooks from 1.00 GBP from 1.30 EUR

To get the measurement tape to be 100 % accurate, you have to print out the pattern in full scale (and not use the print option "fit to page").

Instructions to DROPS 159-16 Need help? Read more at the end of the pattern

GARTER ST (worked in the round):
* K 1 round and P 1 round *, repeat from *-*. 1 ridge = 2 rounds.

See diagrams A.2 to A.4. The diagrams show all rows in pattern seen from RS.

Worked in the round on circular needle. Cast on 146-162-178-194-218-234 sts on circular needle size 4 mm with Paris. Work 3 ridges in GARTER ST - see explanation above. Switch to circular needle size 5 mm. Then work pattern as follows: * A.3 A (= 2 sts ), A.3 B over the next 14-18-22-26-32-36 sts, A.3 C (= 2 sts), A.4 (= 37 sts), A.2 A (= 2 sts), A.2 B over the next 14-18-22-26-32-36 sts, A.2 C (= 2 sts) *, repeat from *-* one more time. Insert 1 marker at beg of round and 1 marker after 73rd-81st-89th-97th-109th-117th st. REMEMBER THE KNITTING TENSION. Continue pattern until piece measures 35-36-37-38-39-40 cm. Now cast off 3 sts on each side of every marker (= 6 sts in each side) and finish each part separately.

= 67-75-83-91-103-111 sts. Continue to cast off for armholes at beg of row in each side as follows: 2 sts 1-2-3-4-6-7 times and 1 st 0-1-2-3-5-6 times = 63-65-67-69-69-71 sts. Continue the pattern like this. When piece measures 52-54-56-58-60-62 cm, slip the middle 25-27-29-31-31-33 sts on a stich holder for neck and finish each side separately. On next row dec 1 st towards the neck = 18-18-18-18-18-18 st. Cast off when piece measures 54-56-58-60-62-64 cm. Work the other shoulder the same way.

= 67-75-83-91-103-111 sts. Cast off for armholes in the sides as on back piece = 63-65-67-69-69-71 sts. Continue the pattern like this. When piece measures 48-50-52-54-54-56 cm, slip the middle 19-21-23-25-25-27 sts on a stitch holder for neck and finish each part separately. Then cast off on every other row towards neck as follows: 2 sts 1 time and 1 st 2 times = 18-18-18-18-18-18 sts. Cast off when piece measures 54-56-58-60-62-64 cm. Work the other shoulder the same way.

Worked in the round on double pointed needles. Cast on 37-39-41-43-44-46 sts on double pointed needles size 4 mm. Work 3 ridges. Switch to double pointed needles size 5 mm. Insert 1 marker at the beg of the round. Then work in stocking st. When piece measures 8 cm, inc 1 st on each side of marker. Inc every 4-3?-3-2?-2-2 cm 10-11-12-14-16-17 times in total = 57-61-65-71-76-80 sts. When piece measures 48-47-47-46-45-43 cm (NOTE! Shorter measurements in the larger sizes because of longer sleeve cap and wider shoulders) cast off 6 sts mid under sleeve (cast off 3 sts on each side of marker). Then continue back and forth on needle and cast off for sleeve cap at the beg of row in each side as follows: 2 sts 3 times, 1 st 1-2-3-4-6-9 times, then cast off 2 sts in each side until piece measures 55-55-56-56-57-57 cm. Cast off 3 sts 1 time in each side before the remaining sts are cast off.

Sew the shoulder seams. Sew in the sleeves.

Pick up approx. 84-95 sts (incl sts on stitch holders) around the neck on a short circular needle size 4 mm. Work 2 ridges. Cast off.

=K from RS, P from WS
=P from RS, K from WS
=K 2 tog
=slip 1 st as if to K, K 1, psso
=1 YO between 2 sts
=slip 3 sts on cable needle behind piece, K 3, K 3 from cable needle
=slip 3 sts on cable needle in front of piece, K 3, K 3 from cable needle

Diagram for DROPS 159-16

Diagram for DROPS 159-16

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