


Nine films to watch in September

9月的大银幕上可谓巨星云集,不仅有大表姐詹妮弗·劳伦斯在惊悚片《母亲!》中飙演技,阿汤哥在《美国制造》中玩起三面间谍,还有“小鲜肉”尼古拉斯·霍尔特在《麦田里的反叛者》中挑战文学作家塞林格,流行天后Lady Gaga的纪录片《女神嘎嘎:五尺二寸》本月也将上映。



《美国制造》(American Made


Tom Cruise has been playing a number of lovable rogues lately, whether his cowardly military officer inEdge of Tomorrowor his cursed grave-robber in The Mummy.American Made continues the pattern: in this true-life thriller he plays Barry Seal, an airline pilot asked by the CIA to run covert missions in Latin America who then becomes a drug courier for Pablo Escobar's cartel before ultimately becoming a DEA informant to avoid jail time. So he's a triple agent? Cruise reunites with Doug Liman, his director onEdge of Tomorrow, for this 1980s period piece that's already getting strong reviews. Of particular note is the cocky swagger that Cruise brings to the character, something he's been delivering on screen since Risky Businessin 1983. Or as Guy Lodge puts it in Variety, “American Made is a showcase for the dateless elasticity of Cruise's star power. It feels, for better or worse, like a film he could have made at almost any point in the last 30 years.”





Director David Gordon Green has been one of the US film industry's great chameleons, shifting from austere, emotionally shattering indies likeGeorge WashingtonandSnow Angelsto 'bro-comedies', such asPineapple ExpressandThe Sitter, to misguided attempts at starry awards-bait dramas likeOur Brand Is Crisis. His latest falls into the last category, but feels much more promising than that dead-on-arrival Sandra Bullock vehicle from 2015 about the world of political consulting. Stronger stars Jake Gyllenhaal as Jeff Baumann, a real-life survivor of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing who lost both of his legs and then struggled with his very public role as the face of the victims of the tragedy – he was honored at sports events, appeared on TV, and was lauded as a hero even as he struggled to deal with his own emotional trauma and bristled at the idea that anything he had done was particularly exceptional. The film is based on Bauman's own memoir about his ordeal.



《麦田里的反叛者》(Rebel in the Rye


JD Salinger remains the great literary enigma of the 21st Century. Why did this author of such prodigious talent ultimately choose to release only one novel and three short story collections in his lifetime? Why did he stop publishing 45 years before his death and become a virtual recluse? Rebel in the Ryeattempts an answer. It shows Salinger (Nicholas Hoult) as he hones his craft at Columbia University in the late 1930s and develops the phony-hating character of Holden Caulfield before then fighting in World War Two for three years – an experience that profoundly unsettled the young author and cast a shadow over his subsequent work. Kevin Spacey plays Whit Burnett, the Columbia professor and editor ofStorymagazine who helped shape the young Salinger's prose style, while Sarah Paulson is the literary agent who championed his work.





For many Stephen King fans, the definitive portrayal of It's Pennywise, an evil clown that's really a malevolent spirit that feeds off fear, was by Tim Curry in a 1990 TV miniseries. So Bill Skarsgård has big clown shoes – and pantaloons – to fill. In this film version of the 1986 novel, It is much more clearly a metaphor for how powerful forces can divide and destroy a society, in this case the small town of Derry, Maine, by playing off people's greed, ambitions, and fears – the evil spirit that manifests as Pennywise only appears to people in the form of something that will scare them the most. So for a group of children in Derry, the thing that scares them the most is an evil clown. And, like the children in Stranger Things, these kids have to fight back against the evil facing them.






Looking like a hybrid of Rosemary's BabyFunny Games, and Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Mother! stars Jennifer Lawrence and Javier Bardem as a married couple who, at any superficial glance, appear to be enjoying connubial bliss. But then the husband invites another couple, played by Ed Harris and Michelle Pfeiffer to stay with them, and things go badly wrong. Things go very, very wrong. Mother! appears to have as many frights, if not more so, than Darren Aronofsky's previous foray into horror, Black Swan. Since that film was released in 2010, he's only made one other, Noah (2014), an adaptation of the Biblical tale that polarized critics. What both of those films had in common was characters cast adrift by primordial forces over which they have no control and barely understand – and for at least Jennifer Lawrence's ultimately suffering wife character in Mother! it appears to be much the same.


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