






乌克兰军队在使用土耳其国防公司 Baykar 的 Bayraktar TB2 无人机对抗俄罗斯装甲车和火炮系统方面取得了巨大成功。2019年,乌克兰购买了6架TB2,成为Baykar的第一个出口客户。在战争爆发前的几天里,巴伊卡尔同意与乌克兰共同生产无人机,并在去年夏天加倍承诺,宣布计划在未来两年内在乌克兰建立一个完整的生产设施。

为了寻找与乌克兰攻击无人机能力相匹配的方法,俄罗斯去年夏天开始购买伊朗无人机,并使用了 Shahed-129、Shahed 136、Shahed-191 和 Mohajer-6 无人机。尽管失败了,而且乌克兰声称击落了大量此类无人机,但额外的能力使俄罗斯能够造成大范围的破坏,摧毁了敖德萨的发电站和基辅地区的其他电力系统。

尽管乌克兰的防御已被证明可以有效抵御俄罗斯和伊朗的攻击无人机,但蜂群无人机的使用极大地增加了侵略者的成功机会。例如,当受到 30 架 Shahed 136 无人机群攻击时,80% 的有效反无人机响应仍然是失败的。只需一架无人机就可以摧毁一座发电厂或基础设施的另一个关键要素。


与此同时,据美国国防部称,其最新宣布的针对乌克兰的 5 亿美元安全计划包括对防空能力的重大贡献。其中包括9架反无人机(C-UAS)30毫米炮车和10套移动式C-UAS激光制导火箭系统,美国希望这些系统能够探测和拦截难以跟踪的无人机,例如伊朗的Shahed系列无人机。这些系统的成功程度很可能会远远超出乌克兰的范围。

Counter UAS becomes top priority in Ukraine war

By Carrington Malin

No conflict or external threat has so extensively tested drone warfare as the Ukraine war, nor highlighted the devastating consequences of not having deployed the right counter drone systems. Not only have Russia and the Ukraine accelerated acquisition and development of combat unmanned aerial systems (UAS), but so have defence manufacturers around the world.

Both Russia and Ukraine began using UAS at the outset of the war. Ukraine has used a variety of drone systems from different countries and manufacturers, while Russian forces have used domestically manufactured drones such as the ZALA Lancet UAV and loitering munition throughout the past year.

Ukrainian forces have had great success in using Turkish defence firm Baykar’s Bayraktar TB2 UAV against Russian armoured vehicles and artillery systems. Ukraine became Baykar’s first export customer in 2019, with the purchase of six TB2s. In the days leading up the war, Baykar agreed to co-produce the drones with Ukraine, doubling down on the commitment last summer by announcing plans to build a full production facility in the country within the next two years.

Looking for ways to match Ukraines attack drone capability, Russia began buying Iranian drones last summer and has used Shahed-129, Shahed 136, Shahed-191 and Mohajer-6 UAVs. Despite failures and Ukraine’s claims to have shot down high numbers of these drones, the additional capability has allowed Russia to cause widespread damage, knocking out power stations in Odessa and other power systems in the Kyiv region.

Although Ukrainian defences have proved to be effective against Russian and Iranian attack UAVs, the use of swarm drones increases the aggressor’s chances of success dramatically. For example, an 80 percent effective counter drone response when being attacked by a swarm of 30 Shahed 136 UAVs is still a failure. It only takes one drone to get through to potentially take out a power plant or another key element of infrastructure.

In consequence air defence has become a top priority for Ukraine and its Western backers, but this also highlights the lack of effective military systems able to counter a variety of different drones. Both Germany and the US agreed to provide Ukraine with a Raytheon MIM-104 Patriot Defence System, the first being delivered by Germany earlier this month. However, the Patriot surface-to-air missile system is designed primarily to counter traditional air threats.

Meanwhile, according to the US Department of Defense, its latest $500 million security package announced for Ukraine, includes a significant contribution to air defence capabilities. Among these are nine counter-UAS (C-UAS) 30mm gun trucks and 10 mobile C-UAS laser-guided rocket systems, which the US hopes will be able to detect and intercept hard-to-track drones such as Iran’s Shahed series UAV. How successful the systems are could well have an impact far beyond Ukraine.

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