

Paper:《Instruction Tuning for Large Language Models: A Survey—大型语言模型的指令调优的综述》翻译与解读
Paper:《Instruction Tuning for Large Language Models: A Survey—大型语言模型的指令调优的综述》翻译与解读
导读:2023年8月21日,浙江大学等团队,发布了《Instruction Tuning for Large Language Models: A Survey》。指令微调是在大规模语言模型的基础上,使用包含(指令,输出)的监督数据进行进一步训练,以减小模型原有的预测目标与用户指令之间的差距。其目的是增强模型的能力和可控性。
>> 指令微调的方法,包括构建指令数据集、进行指令微调等。构建指令数据集可基于现有数据集转换,也可以使用语言模型自动生成。指令微调则是在指令数据集上进行监督训练。
>> 指令数据集的类型,包括自然指令、非自然指令、跨语言指令、对话指令等多种类型。
>> 应用指令微调的语言模型,如InstructGPT、Alpaca、Vicuna等在大型预训练语言模型基础上进行指令微调的模型。
>> 指令微调的效果评估、分析和批评,需要关注指令数据集的质量、指令学习是否只停留在表面模仿等问题。
>> 提高指令微调效率的方法,如基于适配器、重参数化等方法来进行高效微调。
LLMs之Data:指令微调的简介、Self Instruction思想(一种生成指令数据集的方法论—主要用在指令微调阶段)的简介、Alpaca/BELLE应用、实战案例代码实现之详细攻略
LLMs之Data:指令微调的简介、Self Instruction思想(一种生成指令数据集的方法论—主要用在指令微调阶段)的简介、Alpaca/BELLE应用、实战案例代码实现之详细攻略_一个处女座的程序猿的博客-CSDN博客
2023年8月21日—Paper:《Instruction Tuning for Large Language Models: A Survey—大型语言模型的指令调优的综述》翻译与解读
Paper:《Instruction Tuning for Large Language Models: A Survey—大型语言模型的指令调优的综述》翻译与解读_一个处女座的程序猿的博客-CSDN博客
《Instruction Tuning for Large Language Models: A Survey—大型语言模型的指令调优的综述》翻译与解读
文章地址:Instruction Tuning for Large Language Models: A Survey | Papers With Code
文章地址:Instruction Tuning for Large Language Models: A Survey - AMiner
Shengyu Zhang♠, Linfeng Dong♠, Xiaoya Li♣, Sen Zhang♠
Xiaofei Sun♠, Shuhe Wang♣, Jiwei Li♠♣, Runyi Hu♠
Tianwei Zhang▲, Fei Wu♠ and Guoyin Wang
This paper surveys research works in the quickly advancing field of instruction tuning (IT), a crucial technique to enhance the capabilities and controllability of large language models (LLMs). Instruction tuning refers to the process of further training LLMs on a dataset consisting of (Instruction, Output) pairs in a supervised fashion, which bridges the gap between the next-word prediction objective of LLMs and the users’ objective of having LLMs adhere to human instructions. In this work, we make a systematic review of the literature, including the general methodology of IT, the construction of IT datasets, the training of IT models, and applications to different modalities, domains and application, along with analysis on aspects that influence the outcome of IT (e.g., generation of instruction outputs, size of the instruction dataset, etc). We also review the potential pitfalls of IT along with criticism against it, along with efforts pointing out current deficiencies of existing strategies and suggest some avenues for fruitful research.
本文调查了指令微调(IT)领域中的研究工作,这是一种关键技术,用于增强大型语言模型(LLM)的能力和可控性。指令微调是指以监督方式进一步训练LLM,使用由(Instruction, Output)对组成的数据集,从而弥合LLM的下一个词预测目标与用户要求LLM遵循人类指令的目标之间的差距。
1 Introduction引言
The field of large language models (LLMs) has witnessed remarkable progress in recent years. LLMs such as GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020b), PaLM (Chowdhery et al., 2022), and LLaMA (Touvron et al., 2023a) have demonstrated impressive capabilities across a wide range of natural language tasks (Zhao et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2022b, 2023a; Wan et al., 2023; Sun et al., 2023c; Wei et al., 2023; Li et al., 2023a; Gao et al., 2023a; Yao et al., 2023; Yang et al., 2022a; Qian et al., 2022; Lee et al., 2022; Yang et al., 2022b; Gao et al., 2023b; Ning et al., 2023; Liu et al., 2021b; Wiegreffe et al., 2021; Sun et al., 2023b,a;Adlakha et al., 2023; Chen et al., 2023). One of the major issues with LLMs is the mismatch between the training objective and users’ objective: LLMs are typically trained on minimizing the contextual word prediction error on large corpora; while users want the model to "follow their instructions helpfully and safely" (Radford et al., 2019; Brown et al., 2020a; Fedus et al., 2021; Rae et al., 2021; Thoppilan et al., 2022)
To address this mismatch, instruction tuning (IT) is proposed, serving as an effective technique to enhance the capabilities and controllability of large language models. It involves further training LLMs using (Instruction, Output) pairs, where INSTRUCTION denotes the human instruction for the model, and OUTPUT denotes the desired output that follows the INSTRUCTION. The benefits of IT are threefold: (1) Finetuning an LLM on the instruction dataset bridges the gap between the next-word prediction objective of LLMs and the users’ objective of instruction following; (2) IT allows for a more controllable and predictable model behavior compared to standard LLMs. The instructions serve to constrain the model’s outputs to align with the desired response characteristics or domain knowledge, providing a channel for humans to intervene with the model’s behaviors; and (3) IT is computationally efficient and can help LLMs rapidly adapt to a specific domain without extensive retraining or architectural changes.
为了解决这种不匹配,提出了指令微调(IT),作为增强大型语言模型能力和可控性的有效技术。它涉及使用(Instruction, Output)对进一步训练LLM,其中指令表示模型的人类指令,输出表示遵循指令的所需输出。
Despite its effectiveness, IT also poses challenges: (1) Crafting high-quality instructions that properly cover the desired target behaviors is non-trivial: existing instruction datasets are usually limited in quantity, diversity, and creativity; (2) there has been an increasing concern that IT only improves on tasks that are heavily supported in the IT training dataset (Gudibande et al., 2023); and (3) there has been an intense criticism that IT only captures surface-level patterns and styles (e.g., the output format) rather than comprehending and learning the task (Kung and Peng, 2023). Improving instruction adherence and handling unanticipated model responses remain open research problems. These challenges highlight the importance of further investigations, analysis, and summarization in this field, to optimize the fine-tuning process and better understand the behavior of instruction fine-tuned LLMs.
(2)越来越多的人担心,IT只会改善那些在IT训练数据集中得到大量支持的任务(Gudibande et al., 2023);
In the literature, there has been an increasing research interest in analysis and discussions on LLMs, including pre-training methods (Zhao et al., 2023), reasoning abilities (Huang and Chang, 2022), downstream applications (Yang et al., 2023; Sun et al., 2023b), but rarely on the topic of LLM instruction finetuning. This survey attempts to fill this blank, organizing the most up-to-date state of knowledge on this quickly advancing field. Specifically,
>>Section 2 presents the general methodology employed in instruction fine-tuning.
>>Section 3 outlines the construction process of commonly-used IT representative datasets.
>>Section 4 presents representative instruction- finetuned models.‌‌‌
>>Section 5 reviews multi-modality techniques and datasets for instruction tuning, including images, speech, and video.
>>Section 6 reviews efforts to adapt LLMs to different domains and applications using the IT strategy.
>>Section 7 reviews explorations to make instruction fine-tuning more efficient, reducing the computational and time costs associated with adapting large models.
>>Section 8 presents the evaluation of IT models, analysis on them, along with criticism against them.
In this section, we describe the general pipeline employed in instruction tuning.
2.1、Instruction Dataset Construction指令数据集构建:
Each instance in an instruction dataset consists of three elements: an instruction, which is a natural language text sequence to specify the task (e.g., write a thank-you letter to XX for XX, write a blog on the topic of XX, etc); an optional input which provides supplementary information for context; and an anticipated output based on the instruction and the input.
input :可选的input ,为上下文提供补充信息;
output:以及基于指令和输入预期的output 。
There are generally two methods for constructing instruction datasets:
>>Data integration from annotated natural language datasets. In this approach, (Instruction, Output) pairs are collected from existing annotated natural language datasets by using templates to transform text-label pairs to (Instruction, Output) pairs. Datasets such as Flan (Longpre et al., 2023) and P3 (Sanh et al., 2021) are constructed based on the data integration strategy.
>>Generating outputs using LLMs: An alternate way to quickly gather the desired outputs to given instructions is to employ LLMs such as GPT-3.5-Turbo or GPT4 instead of manually collecting the outputs. Instructions can come from two sources: (1) manually collected; or (2) expanded based a small handwritten seed instructions using LLMs. Next, the collected instructions are fed to LLMs to obtain outputs. Datasets such as InstructWild (Xue et al., 2023) and Self-Instruct (Wang et al., 2022c) are geneated following this approach.
>> 基于现有数据集成策略法—从带注释的自然语言数据集中集成数据。在这种方法中,通过使用模板将文本-标签对转换为(Instruction, Output)对,从现有的带注释的自然语言数据集中收集(Instruction, Output)对。Flan(Longpre等,2023)和P3(Sanh等,2021)等数据集是基于数据集集成策略构建的。
>> 采用LLM自动生成法—使用LLM生成输出:一种快速获取给定指令所需输出的替代方法是使用LLM,例如GPT-3.5-Turbo或GPT4,而不是手动收集输出。指令可以来自两个来源:(1)手动收集;或(2)使用LLM扩展基于小型手写种子指令。接下来,收集到的指令被输入LLM以获得输出。InstructWild(Xue等,2023)和Self-Instruct(Wang等,2022c)等数据集是按照这种方法生成的。
For multi-turn conversational IT datasets, we can have large language models self-play different roles (user and AI assistant) to generate messages in a conversational format (Xu et al., 2023b).
2.2、Instruction Tuning指令微调:有监督的训练
Based on the collected IT dataset, a pretrained model can be directly fune-tuned in a fully- supervised manner, where given the instruction and the input, the model is trained by predicting each token in the output sequentially.
3、Datasets数据集:大多都是英文指令,Natural Instructions/Unnatural Instructions/Super-Natural Instructions、P3/xP3、Flan 2021、Self-Instruct、Evol-Instruct、LIMA、Dolly、OpenAssistant Conversations、Baize
In this section, we detail widely-used instruction tuning datasets in the community. Table 1 gives an overview of the datasets.
3.1、Natural Instructions自然指令:来自193K个实例和61个NLP任务,2元组{输入,输出}
Natural Instructions (Mishra et al., 2021) is a human-crafted English instruction dataset consisting of 193K instances, coming from 61 distinct NLP tasks. The dataset is comprised of "instructions" and "instances". Each instance in the "instructions" is a task description consisting of 7 components: title, definition, things to avoid emphasis/caution, prompt, positive example, and negative example. Subfigure (a) in Figure 2 gives an example of the "instructions". "Instances" consists of ("input", "output") pairs, which are the input data and textual result that follows the given instruction correctly. Subfigure (b) in Figure 2 gives an example of the instances.
The data comes from existing NLP datasets of 61 tasks. The authors collected the "instructions" by referring to the dataset annotating instruction file. Next, the authors constructed the "instances" by unifying data instances across all NLP datasets to ("input", "output") pairs.
Natural Instructions(Mishra等,2021)是一个人工创建的英语指令数据集,包含了193K个实例,来自61个不同的自然语言处理任务。数据集由“指令”和“实例”组成。
P3 (Public Pool of Prompts) (Sanh et al., 2021) is an instruction fine-tuning dataset constructed by integrating 170 English NLP datasets and 2,052 English prompts. Prompts, which are sometimes named task templates, are functions that map a data instance in a conventional NLP task (e.g., question answering, text classification) to a natural language input-output pair.
Each instance in P3 has three components: "inputs", "answer_choices", and “targets". "Inputs" is a sequence of text that describes the task in natural language (e.g., "If he like Mary is true, is it also true that he like Mary’s cat?"). "Answer choices" is a list of text string that are applicable responses to the given task (e.g., ["yes", "no", "undetermined"]). "Targets" is a text string that is the correct response to the given "inputs" (e.g., "yes"). The authors built PromptSource, a tool for creating high-quality prompts collaboratively and an archive for open-sourcing high-quality prompts. the P3 dataset was built by randomly sampling a prompt from multiple prompts in the PromptSource and mapping each instance into a ("inputs", "answer choices", "targets") triplet.
P3(Public Pool of Prompts)(Sanh等,2021)是一个指令微调数据集,通过整合170个英语自然语言处理数据集和2052个英语提示来构建。提示有时被称为任务模板,是一种将传统自然语言处理任务(例如,问题回答、文本分类)的数据实例映射到自然语言输入-输出对的功能。
P3中的每个实例有三个组成部分:“输入”,“答案选择”和“目标”。 “输入”是一系列以自然语言描述任务的文本序列(例如,“如果他喜欢玛丽是真的,那么他是否也喜欢玛丽的猫?”)。 “答案选择”是一个文本字符串列表,是给定任务的适用响应(例如,“是”,“否”,“不确定”)。 “目标”是文本字符串,是给定“输入”的正确响应(例如,“是”)。
xP3 (Crosslingual Public Pool of Prompts) (Muennighoff et al., 2022) is a multilingual instruction dataset consisting of 16 diverse natural language tasks in 46 languages. Each instance in the dataset has two components: "inputs" and "targets". "Inputs" is a task description in natural language. "Targets" is the textual result that follows the "inputs" instruction correctly.
The original data in xP3 comes from three sources: the English instruction dataset P3, 4 English unseen tasks in P3 (e.g., translation, program synthesis), and 30 multilingual NLP datasets. The authors built the xP3 dataset by sampling human-written task templates from PromptSource and then filling templates to transform diverse NLP tasks into a unified formalization. For example, a task template for the natural language inference task is as follows: “If Premise is true, is it also true that Hypothesis?”; "yes", "maybe", no" with respect to the original task labels "entailment (0)", "neutral (1)" and "contradiction (2)".
xP3(Crosslingual Public Pool of Prompts)(Muennighoff等,2022)是一个多语言指令数据集,包含46种语言中16个不同的自然语言处理任务。
数据集中的每个实例有两个组成部分:“输入”和“目标”。 “输入”是自然语言中的任务描述。 “目标”是按照“输入”指令正确生成的文本结果。
3.4、Flan 2021:将63个NLP基准转换为输入-输出对进而构建,2元组{输入+目标}
Flan 2021 (Longpre et al., 2023) is an English instruction dataset constructed by transforming 62 widely-used NLP benchmarks (e.g., SST-2, SNLI, AG News, MultiRC) into language input- output pairs. Each instance in the Flan 2021 has "input" and "target" components. "Input" is a sequence of text that describes a task via a natural language instruction (e.g., "determine the sentiment of the sentence ’He likes the cat.’ is positive or negative?"). "Target" is a textual result that executes the "input" instruction correctly (e.g., "positive"). The authors transformed conventional NLP datasets into input-target pairs by: Step 1: manually composing instruction and target templates; Step 2: filling templates with data instances from the dataset.
Flan 2021(Longpre等,2023)是一个英语指令数据集,通过将62个广泛使用的自然语言处理基准(例如,SST-2、SNLI、AG News、MultiRC)转换为语言输入-输出对来构建。Flan 2021中的每个实例包含“输入”和“目标”两个组成部分。“输入”是描述任务的自然语言指令序列(例如,“确定句子'他喜欢猫。'的情感是积极还是消极?”)。 “目标”是正确执行“输入”指令的文本结果(例如,“积极”)。作者通过以下步骤将传统的自然语言处理数据集转换为输入-目标对:
3.5、Unnatural Instructions非自然指令:基于InstructGPT构建的24万个实例,4元组{指令+输入+约束+输出}
Unnatural Instructions (Honovich et al., 2022) is an instruction dataset with approximately 240,000 instances, constructed using InstructGPT (text- davinci-002) (Ouyang et al., 2022). Each instance in the dataset has four components: INSTRUCTION, INPUT, CONSTRAINTS, and OUTPUT. Instruction" is a description of the instructing task in natural language. "Input" is an argument in natural language that instantiates the instruction task.
非自然指令(Honovich等,2022)是一个包含约24万个实例的指令数据集,使用InstructGPT(text-davinci-002)(Ouyang等,2022)构建而成。数据集中的每个实例有四个组成部分:指令、输入、约束和输出。 “指令”是自然语言中的指令任务描述。 “输入”是实例化指令任务的自然语言参数。
LLMs之Data:指令微调的简介、Self Instruction思想(一种生成指令数据集的方法论—主要用在指令微调阶段)的简介、Alpaca/BELLE应用、实战案例代码实现之详细攻略
LLMs之Data:指令微调的简介、Self Instruction思想(一种生成指令数据集的方法论—主要用在指令微调阶段)的简介、Alpaca/BELLE应用、实战案例代码实现之详细攻略_一个处女座的程序猿的博客-CSDN博客
Self-Instruct (Wang et al., 2022c) is an English instruction dataset with 52K training instructions and 252 evaluation instructions, constructed using InstructGPT (Ouyang et al., 2022). Each data instance consists of "instruction", "input" and "output". "Instruction" is a task definition in natural language (e.g., "Please answer the following question."). "Input" is optional and is used as supplementary content for the instruction (e.g., "Which country’s capital is Beijing?"), and "output" is the textual result that follows the instruction correctly (e.g., "Beijing").
自我指导(Self-Instruct)(Wang等,2022c)是一个英语指令数据集,包含52K个训练指令和252个评估指令,使用InstructGPT(Ouyang等,2022)构建而成。每个数据实例包括“指令”、“输入”和“输出”三个部分。 “指令”是自然语言中的任务定义(例如,“请回答以下问题。”)。 “输入”是可选的,用作指令的补充内容(例如,“哪个国家的首都是北京?”),而“输出”是正确遵循指令生成的文本结果(例如,“北京”)。
The full dataset is generated based on the following steps: Step 1. The authors randomly sampled 8 natural language instructions from the 175 seed tasks as examples and prompted InstructGPT to generate more task instructions.
Step 2. The authors determined whether the instructions generated in Step 1 is a classification task. If yes, they asked InstructGPT to generate all possible options for the output based on the given instruction and randomly selected a particular output category to prompt InstructGPT to generate the corresponding "input" content. For Instructions that do not belong to a classification task, there should be countless "output" options. The authors proposed to use the Input-first strategy, where InstructGPT was prompted to generate the "input" based on the given "instruction" first and then generate the "output" according to the "instruction" and the generated "input".
Step 3. Based on results of step-2, the authors used InstructGPT to generate the "input" and "output" for corresponding instruction tasks using the output-first or input-first strategy.
Step 4. The authors post-processed (e.g., filtering out similar instructions and removing duplicate data for input and output) the generated instruction tasks and got a final number of 52K English instructions.
3.7、Evol-Instruct:包含基于ChatGPT采用进化策略(添加约束、增加推理步骤、复杂化输入等)构建的52K个训练指令和218个评估指令,二元组{instruction, response}
Evol-Instruct (Xu et al., 2023a) is an English instruction dataset consisting of a training set with 52K instructions and an evaluation set with 218 instructions. The authors prompted ChatGPT (OpenAI, 2022) to rewrite instructions using the in-depth and in-breath evolving strategies. The in-depth evolving strategy contains five types of operations, e.g., adding constraints, increasing reasoning steps, complicating input and etc. The in-breath evolving strategy upgrades the simple instruction to a more complex one or directly generates a new instruction to increase diversity. The authors first used 52K (instruction, response) pairs as the initial set. Then they randomly sampled an evolving strategy and asked ChatGPT to rewrite the initial instruction based on the chosen evolved strategy. The author employed ChatGPT and rules to filter out no-evolved instruction pairs and updated the dataset with newly generated evolved instruction pairs. After repeating the above process 4 times, the authors collected 250K instruction pairs. Besides the train set, the authors collected 218 human-generated instructions from real scenarios (e.g., open-source projects, platforms, and forums), called the Evol- Instruct test set.
作者首先使用52K个 (instruction, response)对作为初始集。然后随机选择一个进化策略,要求ChatGPT根据选择的进化策略重写初始指令。作者使用ChatGPT和规则来过滤掉未进化的指令对,并使用新生成的进化指令对更新数据集。在重复上述过程4次之后,作者收集了25万个指令对。除了训练集之外,作者还从真实场景(例如,开源项目、平台和论坛)中收集了218个人工生成的指令,称为Evol-Instruct测试集。
3.8、LIMA:包含1K数据实例的训练集(75%源自3个社区问答网站)和300个实例的测试集,二元组{instruction, response}‌‌
LIMA (Zhou et al., 2023) is an English instruction dataset consisting of a train set with 1K data instances and a test set with 300 instances. The train set contains 1K ("instruction", "response") pairs. For the training data, 75% are sampled from three community question & answers websites (i.e., Stack Exchange, wikiHow, and the Pushshift Reddit Dataset (Baumgartner et al., 2020)); 20% are manually written by a set of the authors (referred Group A) inspired by their interests; 5% are sampled from the Super-Natural Instructions dataset (Wang et al., 2022d). As for the valid set, the authors sampled 50 instances from the Group A author-written set. The test set contains 300 examples, with 76.7% written by another group (Group B) of authors and 23.3% sampled from the Pushshift Reddit Dataset (Baumgartner et al., 2020), which is a collection of questions & answers within the Reddit community.
LIMA(Zhou等,2023)是一个英语指令数据集,包含一个包含1K个数据实例的训练集和一个包含300个实例的测试集。训练集包含1K个(instruction, response)对。对于训练数据,其中75%来自三个社区问答网站(即Stack Exchange、wikiHow和Pushshift Reddit数据集(Baumgartner等,2020));20%由一组作者(Group A)手动编写,受到他们兴趣的启发;5%来自Super-Natural Instructions数据集(Wang等,2022d)。至于验证集,作者从Group A作者编写的集合中抽样了50个实例。测试集包含300个示例,其中76.7%由另一组作者(Group B)编写,23.3%来自Pushshift Reddit数据集(Baumgartner等,2020),这是Reddit社区中的问题和回答的集合。
3.9、Super-Natural Instructions超级自然指令:包含1616个NLP任务和500万个任务实例+涵盖76种任务类型和55种语言,二元组(“指令”和“任务实例”)
Super Natural Instructions (Wang et al., 2022f) is a multilingual instruction collection composed of 1,616 NLP tasks and 5M task instances, covering 76 distinct task types (e.g., text classification, information extraction, text rewriting, text
composition and etc.) and 55 languages. Each task in the dataset consists of an "instruction" and "task instances". Specifically, "instruction" has three components: a "definition" that describes the task in natural language; "positive examples" that are samples of inputs and correct outputs, along with a short explanation for each; and "negative examples" that are samples of inputs and undesired outputs, along with a short explanation for each, as shown in Figure 2 (a). "Task instances" are data instances comprised of textual input and a list of acceptable textual outputs, as shown in Figure 2 (b). The original data in Super Natural Instructions comes from three sources: (1) existing public NLP datasets (e.g., CommonsenseQA); (2) applicable intermediate annotations that are generated through a crowdsourcing process (e.g., paraphrasing results to a given question during a crowdsourcing QA dataset); (3) synthetic tasks that are transformed from symbolic tasks and rephrased in a few sentences (e.g., algebraic operations like number comparison).
超级自然指令(Super Natural Instructions)(Wang等,2022f)是一个多语言指令收集,包含1616个自然语言处理任务和500万个任务实例,涵盖76种不同的任务类型(例如,文本分类、信息提取、文本改写、文本组成等)和55种语言。数据集中的每个任务包括“指令”和“任务实例”两个部分。
Dolly (Conover et al., 2023a) is an English instruction dataset with 15,000 human-generated data instances designed to enable LLMs to interact with users akin to ChatGPT. The dataset is designed for simulating a wide range of human behaviors, covering 7 specific types: open Q&A, closed Q&A, extracting information from Wikipedia, summarizing information from Wikipedia, brainstorming, classification, and creative writing. Examples of each task type in the dataset are shown in Table 2.
3.11、OpenAssistant Conversations
OpenAssistant Conversations (Köpf et al., 2023) is a human-crafted multilingual assistant-style conversation corpus consisting of 161,443 messages (i.e., 91,829 user prompts, 69,614 assistant replies) from 66,497 conversation trees in 35 languages, along with 461,292 human-annotated quality ratings. Each instance in the dataset is a conversation tree (CT). Specifically, each node in a conversation tree denotes a message generated by roles (i.e., prompter, assistant) in the conversation. A CT’s root node represents an initial prompt from the prompter, while other nodes denote replies from a prompter or an assistant. A path from the root to any node in a CT represents a valid conversation between the prompter and assistant in turns and is referred to as a thread. Figure 4 shows an example of a conversation tree consisting of 12 messages in 6 threads.
OpenAssistant Conversations(Köpf等,2023)是一个人工创建的多语言助手风格对话语料库,包含161443条消息(即91829个用户提示,69614个助手回复),来自35种语言中66497个对话树,同时还包含461292个人工注释的质量评分。
The authors first collected conversation trees based on the five-step pipeline:‌
Step 1. prompting: contributors performed as the prompter and crafted initial prompts;
Step 2. labeling prompts: contributors rated scores to initial prompts from step 1, and the authors chose high-quality prompts as root nodes with a balanced sampling strategy;
Step 3. expanding tree nodes: contributors added reply messages as prompter or assistant;
Step 4. labeling replies: contributors assigned scores to existing node replies;
Step 5. ranking: contributors ranked assistant replies referring to the contributor guidelines.
The tree state machine managed and tracked the state (e.g., initial state, growing state, end state) throughout the conversation crafting process. Subsequently, the OpenAssistant Conversations dataset was built by filtering out offensive and inappropriate conversation trees.
树状态机在整个对话创作过程中管理和跟踪状态(例如,初始状态、增长状态、结束状态)。随后,通过过滤掉冒犯性和不适当的对话树,构建了OpenAssistant Conversations数据集。
Baize (Conover et al., 2023b) is an English multi- turn chat corpus with 111.5K instances constructed using ChatGPT. And each turn consists of a user’s prompt and a response from the assistant. Each instance in Baize v1 contains 3.4 turns of conversations.
To create the Baize dataset, the authors proposed self-chat, where ChatGPT plays roles of the user and the AI assistant in turns and generates messages in a conversational format. Specifically, the authors first crafted a task template that defines the roles and tasks for ChatGPT (as shown in Table 3). Next, they sampled questions (e.g., "How do you fix a Google Play Store account that isn’t working?") from Quora and Stack Overflow datasets as conversation seeds (e.g., topics). Subsequently, they prompted ChatGPT with the template and the sampled seed. ChatGPT continuously generates messages for both sides until a natural stopping point is reached.
Baize(Conover等,2023b)是一个包含111.5K个实例的英语多轮聊天语料库,使用ChatGPT构建。每个轮次包括用户的提示和助手的回复。Baize v1中的每个实例包含3.4轮的对话。
为了创建Baize数据集,作者提出了自我对话的概念,其中ChatGPT在轮流扮演用户和AI助手的角色,以会话格式生成消息。具体来说,作者首先创建了一个任务模板,定义了ChatGPT的角色和任务(如表3所示)。接下来,他们从Quora和Stack Overflow数据集中抽样问题(例如,“如何修复不工作的Google Play Store账户?”)作为会话种子(例如,话题)。随后,他们使用模板和抽样的种子提示ChatGPT。ChatGPT持续地为双方生成消息,直到达到自然停止点为止。
4、Instruction Fine-tuned LLMs指导微调的LLM模型
In this section, we detail widely-used LLM models in the community that are trained through instruction fine-tuning.
LLMs之InstructGPT:《Training language models to follow instructions with human feedback》翻译与解读
LLMs之InstructGPT:《Training language models to follow instructions with human feedback》翻译与解读_our models generalize to the preferences of “held-_一个处女座的程序猿的博客-CSDN博客
InstructGPT (176B) (Ouyang et al., 2022) is initialized with GPT-3 (176B) (Brown et al., 2020b) and then fine-tuned on human instructions. The fine-tuning procedure is composed of the following three steps: (1) supervised fine-tuning (SFT) on the human-filtered instruction dataset, which is collected from Playground API history records; (2) training a reward model to predict human preferences based on an annotated dataset, which is constructed though human labors by sampling multiple responses for one instruction and rank them from the best to the worst; (3) further optimizing the model from Step 1 with new instructions and the trained reward model in step (2). Parameters are updated using the proximal policy optimization (PPO) (Schulman et al., 2017) method, a policy gradient reinforcement learning method. Steps (2) and (3) are alternated multiple times until the model performance does not significantly improve.
(1)在人类筛选的指令数据集上进行监督微调(SFT),该数据集从Playground API历史记录中收集;
Overall, InstructGPT outperforms GPT-3. For automatic evaluations, InstructGPT outperforms GPT-3 by 10% on the TruthfulQA (Lin et al., 2021) dataset in terms of truthfulness and by 7% on the RealToxicityPrompts (Gehman et al., 2020) in terms of toxicity. On NLP datasets (i.e., WSC), InstructGPT achieves comparable performance to GPT-3. For human evaluations, regarding four different aspects, including following correct instructions, following explicit constraints, fewer hallucinations, and generating appropriate responses, InstructGPT outperforms GPT-3 +10%, +20%, -20%, and +10%, respectively.
总体而言,InstructGPT在真实性QA数据集(Lin等,2021)方面比GPT-3表现出色,真实性方面提高了10%,在RealToxicityPrompts数据集—即评估生成文本模型的毒性(Gehman等,2020)方面提高了7%。在自然语言处理数据集(例如WSC)上,InstructGPT的性能与GPT-3相当。在人类评估方面,涉及遵循正确指令、遵循明确约束、幻觉较少以及生成适当响应等四个不同方面,InstructGPT分别优于GPT-3 +10%、+20%、-20%和+10%。
LLMs:《BLOOM: A 176B-Parameter Open-Access Multilingual Language Model》翻译与解读
LLMs:《BLOOM: A 176B-Parameter Open-Access Multilingual Language Model》翻译与解读_一个处女座的程序猿的博客-CSDN博客
BLOOMZ (176B) (Muennighoff et al., 2022) is initialized with BLOOM (176B) (Scao et al., 2022), and then fine-tuned on the instruction dataset xP3 (Muennighoff et al., 2022), a collection of human-instruction datasets in 46 languages, coming from two sources: (1) P3, which is a collection of (English instruction, English response) pairs; and (2) an (English instruction, Multilingual response) set which is transformed from multilingual NLP datasets (e.g., Chinese benchmarks) by filling task templates with pre- defined English instructions.‌‌
For automatic evaluation, BLOOMZ performs better than BLOOM in the zero-shot setting by +10.4%, 20.5%, and 9.8% on coreference resolution, sentence completion and natural language inference datasets, respectively. For the HumanEval benchmark (Chen et al., 2021), BLOOMZ outperforms BLOOM by 10% in terms of the Pass@100 metric. For generative tasks, BLOOMZ receives +9% BLEU improvement compared to BLOOM on the lm-evaluation-harness benchmark.
对于自动评估,BLOOMZ在zero-shot设置下在共指消解、句子补全和自然语言推理数据集上分别比BLOOM提高了10.4%、20.5%和9.8%。对于HumanEval基准(Chen等,2021),BLOOMZ在Pass@100度量上优于BLOOM 10%。对于生成任务,BLOOMZ在lm-evaluation-harness基准上比BLOOM的BLEU分数提高了9%。
"Pass@100" 是一种评估指标,用于衡量生成式模型在生成任务中的性能。通常,生成式模型会根据输入生成相应的文本输出。
T1、BLEU指标:在文本生成任务中,一种评估方式是将生成的文本与人工提供的参考文本进行比较,以测量生成文本的质量。"BLEU"(Bilingual Evaluation Understudy,双语评估候补)是一种常用的自动评估指标,用于衡量生成文本与参考文本之间的相似性。
T2、Pass@K指标:而在生成式任务中,尤其是类似问答任务中,还有一些其他的评估指标,如"Pass@K",其中 K 代表一个特定的数值,表示模型生成的回答是否在前 K 个候选中。例如,"Pass@100" 意味着模型生成的回答是否在前100个候选中。
4.3、Flan-T5:基于T5模型+FLAN数据集微调,基于JAX的T5X框架+128*TPU v4=37小时
Flan-T5 (11B) is is a large language model initialized with T5 (11B) (Raffel et al., 2019), and then fine-tuned on the FLAN dataset (Longpre et al., 2023). The FLAN dataset is a collection of (instruction, pairs) pairs, constructed from 62 datasets of 12 NLP tasks (e.g., natural language inference, commonsense reasoning, paraphrase generation) by filling templates with various instructions under a unified task formalization.
During fine-tuning, FLAN-T5 adapts the JAX- based T5X framework and selects the best model evaluated on the held-out tasks every 2k step. Compared with T5’s pre-training stage, fine-tuning costs 0.2% computational resources (approximately 128 TPU v4 chips for 37 hours).
For evaluation, FLAN-T5 (11B) outperforms T5 (11B), and achieves comparable results to larger models, including PaLM (60B) (Chowdhery et al., 2022) in the few-shot setting. FLAN- T5 outperforms T5 by +18.9%, +12.3%, +4.1%, +5.8%, +2.1%, and +8% on MMLU (Hendrycks et al., 2020), BBH (Suzgun et al., 2022), TyDiQA (Clark et al., 2020), MGSM (Shi et al., 2022), open-ended generation, and RealToxicityPrompts (Gehman et al., 2020), respectively. In few-shot settings, FLAN-T5 outperforms PaLM +1.4% and +1.2% on the BBH and TyDiQA datasets.
Flan-T5(11B)是一种大型语言模型,其初始化采用T5(11B)(Raffel等,2019)并在FLAN数据集(Longpre等,2023)上进行微调。FLAN数据集是一个包含(instruction, pairs)对的集合,通过在统一任务规范下使用各种指令填充模板,从12个自然语言处理任务的62个数据集构建而成(例如,自然语言推理、常识推理、释义生成)。
在微调过程中,FLAN-T5采用基于JAX的T5X框架,并在每2k步时选择在预留任务上评估的最佳模型。与T5的预训练阶段相比,微调过程消耗0.2%的计算资源(大约128个TPU v4芯片,耗时37小时)。
对于评估,FLAN-T5(11B)优于T5(11B),在少样本设置中实现了与更大模型(如PaLM(60B)(Chowdhery等,2022))相当的结果。FLAN-T5在MMLU(Hendrycks等,2020)、BBH(Suzgun等,2022)、TyDiQA(Clark等,2020)、MGSM(Shi等,2022)、开放式生成以及RealToxicityPrompts(Gehman等,2020)方面分别优于T5 +18.9%、+12.3%、+4.1%、+5.8%、+2.1%和+8%。在少样本设置中,FLAN-T5在BBH和TyDiQA数据集上分别优于PaLM +1.4%和+1.2%。
LLMs之Alpaca:《Alpaca: A Strong, Replicable Instruction-Following Model》翻译与解读
LLMs之Alpaca:《Alpaca: A Strong, Replicable Instruction-Following Model》翻译与解读_一个处女座的程序猿的博客-CSDN博客
Alpaca (7B) (Taori et al., 2023) is a language model trained by fine-tuning LLaMA (7B) (Touvron et al., 2023a) on the constructed instruction dataset generated by InstructGPT (175B, text-davinci-003) (Ouyang et al., 2022). The fine-tuning process takes around 3 hours on an 8-card 80GB A100 device with mixed precision training and fully shared data parallelism.
Alpaca (7B) achieves comparable performances to InstructGPT (175B,text-davinci-003) in terms of human evaluation. Specifically, Alpaca outperforms InstructGPT on the self-instruct dataset, garnering 90 instances of victories compared to 89 instances.
Alpaca(7B)(Taori等,2023)是一种语言模型,通过对由InstructGPT(175B,text-davinci-003)(Ouyang等,2022)生成的构建指令数据集进行微调,使用LLaMA(7B)(Touvron等,2023a)完成微调。微调过程在8卡80GB A100设备上进行,使用混合精度训练和完全共享的数据并行技术,大约耗时3小时。
LLMs之Vicuna:《Vicuna: An Open-Source Chatbot Impressing GPT-4 with 90%* ChatGPT Quality》翻译与解读
LLMs之Vicuna:《Vicuna: An Open-Source Chatbot Impressing GPT-4 with 90%* ChatGPT Quality》翻译与解读_一个处女座的程序猿的博客-CSDN博客
Vicuna (13B) (Chiang et al., 2023) is a language model trained by fine-tuning LLaMA (13B) (Touvron et al., 2023a) on the conversational dataset generated by ChatGPT.
The authors gathered user-shared ChatGPT conversations from ShareGPT.com, and got 70K conversation records after filtering out low-quality samples. LLaMA (13B) was fine-tuned on the constructed conversation dataset using a modified loss function tailored to multi-turn conversations. To better understand long context across multiple- turn dialog, the authors expanded the max context length from 512 to 2048. For training, the authors adopted the gradient checkpointing and flash attention (Dao et al., 2022) techniques to reduce the GPU memory cost in the fine-tuning process. The fine-tuning process takes 24 hours on an 8 × 80GB A100 device with fully shared data parallelism.
The authors built a test set used exclusively to measure chatbots’ performances. They collected a test set composed by 8 question categories, such as Fermi problems, role play scenarios, coding/math tasks, etc, and then asked GPT-4 (OpenAI, 2023) to rate models’ responses considering helpfulness, relevance, accuracy, and detail. On the constructed test set, Vicuna (13B)outperforms Alpaca (13B) (Taori et al., 2023) and et al., 2022), open-ended generation, and LLaMA (13B) in 90% of the test questions, and generates equal or better rating responses compared to ChatGPT in 45% of the questions.
为了更好地理解多轮对话中的长上下文,作者将最大上下文长度从512扩展到2048。在训练过程中,作者采用了GradientCheckpointing和FlashAttention(Dao等,2022)技术,以减少微调过程中的GPU内存成本。微调过程在8个80GB A100设备上进行,使用完全共享的数据并行技术,耗时24小时。
4.6、GPT-4-LLM:基于LLaMA模型+利用Alpaca的指令和GPT-4生成指令数据集进行有监督微调→基于构建比较数据集(收集GPT-4、InstructGPT 等多个大模型的指令响应+GPT-4对响应评分1~10分)训练RM模型(PPO优化),8*A100-80G+AMP+DP=3小时
GPT-4-LLM (7B) (Peng et al., 2023) is a language model trained by fine-tuning LLaMA (7B) (Touvron et al., 2023a) on the GPT-4 (OpenAI, 2023) generated instruction dataset. GPT-4-LLM is initialized with LLaMA, then fine-tuned in the following two steps: (1) supervised fine- tuning on the constructed instruction dataset. The authors used the instructions from Alpaca (Taori et al., 2023), and then collected responses using GPT-4. LLaMA is fine-tuned on the GPT-4 generated dataset. The fine-tuning process takes approximately three hours on an 8*80GB A100 machine with mixed precision and fully shared data parallelism. (2) optimizing the step-1 model using the proximal policy optimization (PPO) (Schulman et al., 2017) method, the authors first built a comparison dataset by collecting responses from GPT-4, InstructGPT (Ouyang et al., 2022), and OPT-IML (Iyer et al., 2022) to a collection of instructions and then asked GPT-4 to rate each response from 1 to 10. Using the ratings, a reward model is trained based on OPT (Zhang et al., 2022a). The fine-tuned model from Step 1 is optimized by using the reward model to compute the policy gradient.‌
For evaluations, GPT-4-LLM (7B) outperforms not only the baseline model Alpaca (7B), but also larger models including Alpaca (13B) and LLAMA (13B). For automated evaluation, GPT- 4-LLM (7B) outperforms Alpaca by 0.2, 0.5, and 0.7 on User-Oriented-Instructions-252 (Wang et al., 2022c), Vicuna-Instructions (Chiang et al., 2023), and Unnatural Instructions (Honovich et al., 2022) datasets, respectively. For human evaluation, regarding aspects including helpfulness, honesty, and harmlessness, GPT-4-LLM outperforms Alpaca by 11.7, 20.9, and 28.6 respectively.
(1)在构建的指令数据集上进行监督微调。作者使用了Alpaca的指令,然后使用GPT-4生成了响应。LLaMA在由GPT-4生成的数据集上进行微调。微调过程在8个80GB A100设备上使用混合精度和完全共享的数据并行技术,大约耗时三小时。
(2)使用近端策略优化(PPO) (Schulman et al., 2017)方法优化step-1模型,作者首先通过收集GPT-4、InstructGPT (Ouyang et al., 2022)和OPT-IML (Iyer et al., 2022)对指令集合的响应构建比较数据集,然后要求GPT-4对每个响应进行1到10的评分。使用评级,基于OPT训练奖励模型(Zhang et al., 2022a)。通过使用奖励模型来计算策略梯度,对步骤1的微调模型进行优化。
在评估方面,GPT-4-LLM(7B)不仅优于基准模型Alpaca(7B),还优于更大的模型,包括Alpaca(13B)和LLAMA(13B)。在自动评估方面,GPT-4-LLM(7B)在用户导向的指令-252(Wang等,2022c)、Vicuna-指令(Chiang等,2023)和非自然指令(Honovich等,2022)数据集上分别优于Alpaca 0.2、0.5和0.7。在人类评估方面,关于可帮助性、诚实性和无害性等四个不同方面,GPT-4-LLM分别优于Alpaca 11.7、20.9和28.6。
Claude is a language model trained by fine-tuning the pre-trained language model on an instruction dataset, aiming to generate helpful and harmless responses. The fine-tuning process consists of two stages: (1) supervised fine-tuning on the instruction dataset. The authors created an instruction dataset by collecting 52K different instructions, paired with responses generated by GPT-4. The fine- tuning process takes approximately eight hours on an 8-card 80GB A100 machine with mixed precision and fully shared data parallelism. (2) optimizing the step-1 model with the proximal policy optimization (Schulman et al., 2017) method. The authors first built a comparison dataset by collecting responses from multiple large language models (e.g., GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020b)) to the given collection of instructions and then asking GPT-4 (OpenAI, 2023) to rate each response. Using the ratings, a reward model is trained. Then, the fine-tuned model from Step 1 is optimized using the reward model with the proximal policy optimization method.
Claude generates more helpful and harmless responses compared to the backbone model. For automatic evaluations, Claude outperforms GPT- 3 by 7% on the RealToxicityPrompts (Gehman et al., 2020) in terms of toxicity. For human evaluations, regarding four different aspects, including following correct instructions, following explicit constraints, fewer hallucinations, and generating appropriate responses, Claude outperforms GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020b) +10%,+20%, -20%, and +10%. respectively.
(1)在指令数据集上进行监督微调。作者通过收集了52K个不同的指令,并与GPT-4生成的响应配对,创建了一个指令数据集。微调过程在8卡80GB A100设备上使用混合精度和完全共享的数据并行技术,大约耗时八小时。
与骨干模型相比,Claude生成的响应更有帮助且无害。在自动评估方面,Claude在RealToxicityPrompts(Gehman等,2020)方面优于GPT-3 7%。在人类评估方面,关于遵循正确指令、遵循明确约束、幻觉较少以及生成适当响应等四个不同方面,Claude分别优于GPT-3 +10%、+20%、-20%和+10%。
4.8、WizardLM:基于LLaMA模型+Evol-Instruct指令数据集(ChatGPT生成)微调,8*V100 GPU+Deepspeed Zero-3技术+3个epochs =70小时
WizardLM (7B) (Xu et al., 2023a) is a language model trained by fine-tuning LLaMA (7B) (Touvron et al., 2023a) on the instruction dataset Evol-Instruct generated by ChatGPT (details see Section 3.7). It is fine-tuned on a subset (with 70K) of Evol-Instruct to enable a fair comparison with Vicuna (Chiang et al., 2023). The fine-tuning process takes approximately 70 hours on 3 epochs based on an 8 V100 GPU with the Deepspeed Zero-3 (Rasley et al., 2020) technique. During inference, the max generation length is 2048.
To evaluate LLMs’ performances on complex instructions, the authors collected 218 human- generated instructions from real scenarios (e.g., open-source projects, platforms, and forums), called Evol-Instruct testset.
Evaluations are conducted on the Evol-Instruct testset and Vicuna’s testset. For human evaluation, WizardLM outperforms Alpaca (7B) (Taori et al., 2023) and Vicuna (7B) by a large margins, and generates equal or better responses on 67% test samples compared to ChatGPT. Automatic evaluation is conducted by asking GPT-4 to rate LLMs’ reponses. Specifically, WizardLM gains performance boosts compared to Alpaca by +6.2%, +5.3% on the Evol-Instruct testset and Vicuna’s test sets. WizardLM achieves outperforms Vicuna by+5.8 on the Evol-Instruct testset and +1.7% on the Vicuna’s test set.
WizardLM(7B)(Xu等,2023a)是一种语言模型,通过对由ChatGPT生成的Evol-Instruct指令数据集进行微调,使用LLaMA(7B)(Touvron等,2023a)完成微调(详见第3.7节)。它在Evol-Instruct的一个子集(含70K)上进行微调,以便与Vicuna(Chiang等,2023)进行公平比较。微调过程基于8个V100 GPU和Deepspeed Zero-3(Rasley等,2020)技术,在3个epochs 内耗时约70小时。推理过程中,最大生成长度为2048。
为了评估LLM在复杂指令上的性能,作者从实际情境(例如开源项目、平台和论坛)中收集了218个人工生成的指令,称为Evol-Instruct测试集。评估在Evol-Instruct测试集和Vicuna的测试集上进行。在人类评估中,WizardLM在绝大多数情况下都优于Alpaca(7B)(Taori等,2023)和Vicuna(7B),并且与ChatGPT相比,在67%的测试样本上生成相等或更好的响应。自动评估通过要求GPT-4对LLM的响应进行评分进行,其中更高的得分意味着更好的性能。具体来说,在Evol-Instruct测试集和Vicuna的测试集上,WizardLM在比较上优于Alpaca +6.2%、+5.3%。WizardLM在Evol-Instruct测试集上优于Vicuna +5.8%,在Vicuna的测试集上优于Vicuna +1.7%。
ChatGLM2 (6B) (Du et al., 2022) is a language model trained by fine-tuning GLM (6B) (Du et al., 2022) on a bilingual dataset that contains both English and Chinese instructions The bilingual instruction dataset contains 1.4T tokens, with a 1:1 ratio of Chinese to English. Instructions in the dataset are sampled from the question-answering and dialogue completion tasks. ChatGLM is initialized with GLM, then trained by the three-step fine-tuning strategy, which is akin to InstructGPT (Ouyang et al., 2022). To better model contextual information across multi-turn conversations, the authors expanded the maximum context length from 1024 to 32K. To reduce GPU memory cost in the fine-tuning stage, the authors employed multi-query attention and causal mask strategies. During inference, ChatGLM2 requires 13GB GPU memory with FP16 and supports conversations up to 8K in length with 6GB GPU memory using the INT4 model quantization technique.‌
Evaluations are conducted on four English and Chinese benchmarks, including MMLU (English) (Hendrycks et al., 2020), C-Eval (Chinese) (Huang et al., 2023), GSM8K (Math) (Cobbe et al., 2021), and BBH (English) (Suzgun et al., 2022). ChatGLM2 (6B) outperforms GLM (6B) and the baseline model ChatGLM (6B) on all benchmarks. Specifically, ChatGLM2 outperforms GLM by+3.1 on MMLU, +5.0 on C-Eval, +8.6 on GSM8K,and +2.2 on BBH. ChatGLM2 achieves better performances than ChatGLM by +2.1, +1.2, +0.4,+0.8 on MMLU, C-Eval, GSM8K and BBH, respectively.
评估在四个英文和中文基准数据集上进行,包括MMLU(英文)(Hendrycks等,2020)、C-Eval(中文)(Huang等,2023)、GSM8K(数学)(Cobbe等,2021)和BBH(英文)(Suzgun等,2022)。ChatGLM2(6B)在所有基准数据集上优于GLM(6B)和基准模型ChatGLM(6B)。具体来说,ChatGLM2在MMLU上优于GLM +3.1,在C-Eval上优于GLM +5.0,在GSM8K上优于GLM +8.6,在BBH上优于GLM +2.2。ChatGLM2在MMLU、C-Eval、GSM8K和BBH上的性能也优于ChatGLM +2.1、+1.2、+0.4、+0.8。
LIMA (65B) (Zhou et al., 2023) is a large language model trained by fine-tuning LLaMA (65B) (Touvron et al., 2023a) on an instruction dataset, which is constructed based on the proposed superficial alignment hypothesis.
The superficial alignment hypothesis refers to the idea that the knowledge and capabilities of a model are almost acquired in the pre-training stage, while the alignment training (e.g., instruction fine-tuning) teaches models to generate responses under user-preferred formalizations. Based on the superficial alignment hypothesis, the authors claimed that large language models can generate user-satisfied responses by fine-tuning it on a small fraction of instruction data. Therefore, the authors built instruction train/valid/test sets to verify this hypothesis.
Evaluations are conducted on the constructed test set. For human evaluations, LIMA outperforms InstructGPT and Alpaca by 17% and 19%, respectively. Additionally, LIMA achieves comparable results to BARD, Cladue, and GPT-4. For automatic evaluation, which is conducted by asking GPT-4 to rate responses and a higher rate score denotes better performance, LIMA outperforms InstructGPT and Alpaca by 20% and 36%, respectively, achieving comparable results to BARD, while underperforming Claude and GPT-4. Experimental results verify the proposed superficial alignment hypothesis.
LLMs:《OPT: Open Pre-trained Transformer Language Models》翻译与解读
LLMs:《OPT: Open Pre-trained Transformer Language Models》翻译与解读_csv数据集下载_一个处女座的程序猿的博客-CSDN博客
Dolly 2:基于Pythia模型+微调databricks-dolly-15k指令数据集
OPT-IML (175B) (Iyer et al., 2022) is a large language model trained by fine-tuning the OPT (175B) (Zhang et al., 2022a) model on the constructed Instruction Meta-Learning (IML) dataset, which consists of over 1500 NLP tasks from 8 publicly available benchmarks such as PromptSource (Bach et al., 2022), FLAN (Longpre et al., 2023), and Super-NaturalInstructions (Wang et al., 2022d). After fine-tuning, OPT-IML outperforms OPT across all benchmarks.
Dolly 2.0 (12B) (Conover et al., 2023a) is initialized with the pre-trained language model Pythia (12B) (Biderman et al., 2023), and fine- tuned on the instruction dataset databricks-dolly- 15k, which contains 7 categories of NLP tasks such as text classification and information extraction. After fine-tuning, Dolly 2.0 (12B) outperforms Pythia (12B) on the EleutherAI LLM Evaluation Harness benchmark (Gao et al., 2021) by a large margin, and achieves comparable performances to GPT-NEOX (20B) (Black et al., 2022), which has dolly-15k two times more parameters compared to Dolly 2.0 (12B).
OPT-IML(175B)(Iyer等,2022)是一种大型语言模型,通过对构建的Instruction Meta-Learning(IML)数据集上的OPT(175B)(Zhang等,2022a)模型进行微调,该数据集包含来自8个公开可用基准数据集的1500多个NLP任务,如PromptSource(Bach等,2022)、FLAN(Longpre等,2023)和Super-NaturalInstructions(Wang等,2022d)。微调后,OPT-IML在所有基准数据集上优于OPT。
Dolly 2.0(12B)(Conover等,2023a)通过在databricks-dolly-15k指令数据集上进行微调,使用Pythia(12B)(Biderman等,2023)进行初始化,该数据集包含文本分类和信息提取等7类NLP任务。微调后,Dolly 2.0(12B)在EleutherAI LLM 评估套件基准(Gao等,2021)上远远优于Pythia(12B),并在性能上与拥有两倍参数的GPT-NEOX(20B)(Black等,2022)达到相当的性能。
Falcon-Instruct:基于Falcon模型+微调英语对话数据集(Baize数据集150M/1.5亿tokens+RefinedWeb数据集),降内存(Flash Attention+MQ)
LLMs之Data:《The RefinedWeb Dataset for Falcon LLM: Outperforming Curated Corpora with Web Data, and Web Data Only》翻译与解读
LLMs之Guanaco:《QLoRA:Efficient Finetuning of Quantized LLMs》翻译与解读
LLMs之Guanaco:《QLoRA:Efficient Finetuning of Quantized LLMs》翻译与解读_一个处女座的程序猿的博客-CSDN博客
Falcon-Instruct (40B) (Almazrouei et al., 2023a) is a large language model trained by fine- tuning Falcon (40B) (Almazrouei et al., 2023b) on an English dialogue dataset, which contains 150 million tokens from the Baize dataset (Xu et al., 2023c), with an additional 5% of the data from the RefinedWeb dataset (Penedo et al., 2023). To reduce memory usage, the authors employed flash attention (Dao et al., 2022) and multi-query techniques. For evaluation, Falcon- Instruct (40B) achieved better performance on the Open LLM Leaderboard (Beeching et al., 2023) compared to the baseline model Falcon (40B), and outperforms the Guanaco (65B), which has more model parameters.
Guanaco (7B) (JosephusCheung, 2021) is a multi-turn dialog language model trained by fine- tuning LLaMA (7B) (Touvron et al., 2023a) on the constructed multilingual dialogue dataset. The multilingual dialogue dataset comes from two sources: Alpaca (Taori et al., 2023), which contains 52K English instruction data pairs; and a multilingual (e.g., Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, German) dialogue data, which contains 534K+ multi-turn conversations. After fine-tuning, Guanaco is to generate role-specific responses and continuous responses on a given topic in multi-turn conversations.
Falcon-Instruct (40B) (Almazrouei等人,2023a)是一个大型语言模型,它是通过对Falcon (40B) (Almazrouei等人,2023b)在英语对话数据集上进行微调训练而成的,该数据集包含来自Baize数据集(Xu等人,2023c)的1.5亿个令牌,以及来自RefinedWeb数据集(Penedo等人,2023)的额外5%的数据。为了减少内存使用,作者采用了Flash Attention (Dao et al., 2022)和多查询技术。在评估中,Falcon- Instruct (40B)在Open LLM排行榜(Beeching et al., 2023)上的表现优于基线模型Falcon (40B),优于模型参数更多的Guanaco (65B)。
Minotaur:基于Starcoder Plus模型+微调WizardLM和GPTeacher-General-Instruc指令数据集
Minotaur (15B) is a large language model trained by fine-tuning the Starcoder Plus (15B) (Li et al., 2023f) on open-source instruction datasets including WizardLM (Xu et al., 2023a) and GPTeacher-General-Instruct. For model inference, Minotaur supports a maximum context length of 18K tokens.
Nous-Herme (13B) is a large language model trained by fine-tuning LLaMA (13B) (Touvron et al., 2023a) on an instruction dataset, which contains over 300k instructions, sampled from GPTeacher, CodeAlpaca (Chaudhary, 2023), GPT-4-LLM (Peng et al., 2023), Unnatural Instructions (Honovich et al., 2022), and BiologyPhysicsChemistry subsets in the Camel- AI (Li et al., 2023c). Responses are generated by GPT-4. For evaluations, Nous-Herme (13B) achieves comparable performances to GPT-3.5- turbo on multiple tasks like ARC challenge (Clark et al., 2018) and BoolQ (Clark et al., 2019).
Minotaur(15B)是一种大型语言模型,通过在包括WizardLM(Xu等,2023a)和GPTeacher-General-Instruct在内的开源指令数据集上,微调Starcoder Plus(15B)(Li等,2023f)。在模型推理阶段,Minotaur支持最大上下文长度为18K标记。
Nous-Herme(13B)是一种大型语言模型,通过在基于GPTeacher、CodeAlpaca(Chaudhary,2023)、GPT-4-LLM(Peng等,2023)、Unnatural Instructions(Honovich等,2022)以及Camel-AI(Li等,2023c)中的BiologyPhysicsChemistry子集中,包含超过300K个指令的指令数据集上进行微调,使用LLaMA(13B)(Touvron等,2023a)进行初始化。评估结果显示,Nous-Herme(13B)在多个任务(如ARC挑战和BoolQ)上与GPT-3.5-turbo的性能相当。
TÜLU :基于OPT 模型+微调混合指令数据集
TÜLU (6.7B) (Wang et al., 2023c) is a large language model trained by fine-tuning OPT (6.7B) (Zhang et al., 2022a) on a mixed instruction dataset, which contains FLAN V2 (Longpre et al., 2023), CoT (Wei et al., 2022), Dolly (Conover et al., 2023a), Open Assistant-1, GPT4-Alpaca, Code-Alpaca (Chaudhary, 2023), and ShareGPT. After fine-tuning, TÜLU (6.7B) reaches on average 83% of ChatGPT’s performance and 68% of GPT- 4’s performance.
YuLan-Chat (13B) (YuLan-Chat-Team, 2023) is a language model trained by fine-tuning LLaMA (13B) (Touvron et al., 2023a) on a constructed bilingual dataset, which contains 250,000 Chinese- English instruction pairs. After fine-tuning, YuLan-Chat-13B achieves comparable results to the state-of-the-art open-source model ChatGLM (6B) (Du et al., 2022), and outperforms Vicuna (13B) (Chiang et al., 2023) on the English BBH3K (BBH3K is a subset of BBH benchmark (Srivastava et al., 2022)) dataset.
TÜLU (6.7B) (Wang等人,2023c)是在混合指令数据集上通过对OPT (6.7B) (Zhang等人,2022a)进行微调而训练的大型语言模型,该数据集包含FLAN V2 (Longpre等人,2023)、CoT (Wei等人,2022)、Dolly (Conover等人,2023a)、Open Assistant-1、GPT4-Alpaca、Code-Alpaca (Chaudhary, 2023)和ShareGPT。经过微调,TÜLU (6.7B)平均达到ChatGPT的83%和GPT- 4的68%的性能。
YuLan-Chat (13B) (YuLan-Chat- team, 2023)是通过微调LLaMA (13B) (Touvron et al., 2023a)在包含25万个中英文指令对的构建双语数据集上训练的语言模型。经过微调,YuLan-Chat-13B在英语BBH3K (BBH3K是BBH基准(Srivastava et al., 2022)的一个子集)数据集上取得了与最先进的开源模型ChatGLM (6B) (Du等人,2022)相当的结果,并且优于Vicuna (13B) (Chiang等人,2023)。
MOSS (16B) is a bilingual dialogue language model, which aims to engage in multi-turn conversations and utilize various plugins, trained by fine-tuning on dialogue instructions. After fine- tuning, MOSS outperforms the backbone model and generates responses that better align with human preferences.
Airoboros (13B) is a large language model trained by fine-tuning LLAMA (13B) (Touvron et al., 2023a) on the Self-instruct dataset (Wang et al., 2022c). After fine-tuning, Airoboros significantly outperforms LLAMA (13B) (Touvron et al., 2023a) on all benchmarks and achieves highly comparable results to models fine-tuned specifically for certain benchmarks.
UltraLM (13B) (Ding et al., 2023a) is a large language model trained by fine-tuning LLAMA (13B) (Touvron et al., 2023a). For evaluation, UltraLM (13B) outperforms Dolly (12B) (Conover et al., 2023a) and achieves the winning rate up to 98%. Additionally, it surpasses the previous best open-source models (i.e., Vicuna (Chiang et al., 2023) and WizardLM (Xu et al., 2023a)) with winning rates of 9% and 28%, respectively.‌
5、Multi-modality Instruction Fine-tuning多模态指令微调
5.1、Multi-modality Datasets多模态数据集
MUL-TIINSTRUCT (Xu et al., 2022) is a multimodal instruction tuning dataset consisting of 62 diverse multimodal tasks in a unified seq- to-seq format. This dataset covers 10 broad categories and its tasks are derived from 21 existing open-sourced datasets. Each task is equipped with 5 expert-written instructions. For the existing tasks, the authors use the input/output pairs from their available open-source datasets to create instances. While for each new task, the authors create 5k to 5M instances by extracting the necessary information from instances of existing tasks or reformulating them. The MUL-TIINSTRUCT dataset has demonstrated its efficiency in enhancing various transfer learning technique. For example, fine-tuning the OFA model (930M) (Wang et al., 2022a) using various transfer learning strategies such as Mixed Instruction Tuning and Sequential Instruction Tuning on MUL-TIINSTRUCT improve the zero- shot performance across all unseen tasks. On commonsense VQA task, OFA fine-tuned on MUL- TIINSTRUCT achieves 50.60 on RougeL and 31.17 on accuracy, while original OFA achieves 14.97 on RougeL and 0.40 on accuracy.
>> 对于现有任务,作者使用其可用的开源数据集中的输入/输出对创建实例。
>> 而对于每个新任务,作者通过从现有任务的实例中提取必要信息或重新构建它们来创建5k到5M个实例。
MUL-TIINSTRUCT数据集已经证明在增强各种迁移学习技术方面的有效性。例如,使用Mixed Instruction Tuning和Sequential Instruction Tuning等各种迁移学习策略对OFA模型(930M)(Wang等,2022a)在MUL-TIINSTRUCT上进行微调,改进了所有未见任务的零-shot性能。在常识视觉问答任务上,经过MUL-TIINSTRUCT微调的OFA在RougeL上达到50.60,在准确性上达到31.17,而原始OFA在RougeL上只有14.97,在准确性上只有0.40。
PMC-VQA (Zhang et al., 2023c) is a large- scale medical visual question-answering dataset that comprises 227k image-question pairs of 149k images, covering various modalities or diseases. The dataset can be used for both open-ended and multiple-choice tasks. The pipeline for generating the PMC-VQA dataset involves collecting image-caption pairs from the PMC-OA (Lin et al., 2023) dataset, using ChatGPT to generate question-answer pairs, and manually verifying a subset of the dataset for quality. The authors propose a generative-based model MedVInT for medical visual understanding by aligning visual information with a large language model. MedVInT pretrained on PMC- VQA achieves state-of-the-art performance and outperforms existing models on VQA-RAD (Lau et al., 2018) and SLAKE (Liu et al., 2021a) benchmarks, with 81.6% accuracy on VQA-RAD and 88.0% accuracy on SLAKE.
LAMM (Yin et al., 2023) is a comprehensive multi-modal instruction tuning dataset for 2D image and 3D point cloud understanding. LAMM contains 186K language-image instruction- response pairs, and 10K language-point cloud instruction-response pairs. The authors collect images and point clouds from publicly available datasets and use the GPT-API and self-instruction methods to generate instructions and responses based on the original labels from these datasets. LAMM-Dataset includes data pairs for commonsense knowledge question answering by incorporating a hierarchical knowledge graph label system from the Bamboo (Zhang et al., 2022b) dataset and the corresponding Wikipedia description. The authors also propose the LAMM- Benchmark, which evaluates existing multi-modal language models (MLLM) on various computer vision tasks. It includes 9 common image tasks and 3 common point cloud tasks, and LAMM- Framework, a primary MLLM training framework that differentiates the encoder, projector, and LLM finetuning blocks for different modalities to avoid modality conflicts.
5.2、Multi-modality Instruction Fine-tuning Models多模态指令微调模型
InstructPix2Pix条件扩散模型:基于Stable Diffusion+微调多模态数据集(综合两大模型能力【GPT-3、Stable Diffusion】来生成)
InstructPix2Pix (983M) (Brooks et al., 2022) is a conditional diffusion model trained by fine-tuning Stable Diffusion (983M) (Rombach et al., 2022) on a constructed multi-modal dataset that contains more than 450K text editing instructions and corresponding images before and after the edit. The authors combine the abilities of two large-scale pre- trained models, a language model GPT-3 (Brown et al., 2020b) and a text-to-image model Stable Diffusion (Rombach et al., 2022), to generate the the training dataset. GPT-3 is fine-tuned to generate text edits based on image prompts, while Stable Diffusion is used to convert the generated text edits into actual image edits. InstructPix2Pix is then trained on this generated dataset using a latent diffusion objective. Figure 5 shows the process of generating image editing dataset and training the diffusion model on that dataset. The authors compares the proposed method qualitatively with previous works such as SDEdit (Meng et al., 2022) and Text2Live (Bar-Tal et al., 2022), highlighting the ability of the model to follow image editing instructions instead of descriptions of the image or edit layer. The authors also presents quantitative comparisons with SDEdit (Meng et al., 2022) using metrics measuring image consistency and edit quality.
InstructPix2Pix(983M)(Brooks等,2022)是一种条件扩散模型,通过在构建的多模态数据集上对Stable Diffusion(983M)(Rombach等,2022)进行微调而训练得到,该数据集包含超过450K个文本编辑指令和相应的编辑前后图像。作者将两个大规模预训练模型的能力结合在一起,即语言模型GPT-3(Brown等,2020b)和文本到图像模型Stable Diffusion(Rombach等,2022),以生成训练数据集。GPT-3被微调以根据图像提示生成文本编辑,而Stable Diffusion则用于将生成的文本编辑转换为实际图像编辑。然后,InstructPix2Pix在此生成的数据集上使用潜在扩散目标进行训练。图5展示了生成图像编辑数据集的过程以及在该数据集上训练扩散模型的过程。
LLaVA (13B) (Liu et al., 2023b) is a large multimodal model developed by connecting the visual encoder of CLIP (400M) (Radford et al., 2021) with the language decoder LLaMA (7B) (Touvron et al., 2023a). LLaVA is fine-tuned using the generated instructional vision-language dataset consisted of 158K unique language-image instruction-following samples. The data collection process involved creating conversation, detailed description, and complex reasoning prompts. GPT-4 is used to convert image-text pairs into appropriate instruction-following format for this dataset. Visual features such as captions and bounding boxes were used to encode images. LLaVA yields a 85.1% relative score compared with GPT-4 on a synthetic multimodal instruction following dataset. When fine-tuned on Science QA, the synergy of LLaVA and GPT-4 achieves a new state-of-the-art accuracy of 92.53%.
数据收集过程涉及创建会话、详细描述和复杂推理提示。使用GPT-4将图像-文本对转换为适用于此数据集的适当的指令跟随格式。使用标题和边界框等视觉特征来编码图像。LLaVA在合成多模态指令跟随数据集上相对于GPT-4的得分为85.1%。在Science QA上进行微调时,LLaVA和GPT-4的协同作用实现了92.53%的新的最高准确率。
Video-LLaMA (Zhang et al., 2023b) is a multimodal framework that enhances large language models with the ability to understand both visual and auditory content in videos. The architecture of Video-LLaMA consists of two branche encoders: the Vision-Language (VL) Branch and the Audio-Language (AL) Branch, and a language decoder (Vicuna (7B/13B) (Chiang et al., 2023), LLaMA (7B) (Touvron et al., 2023a), etc.). The VL Branch includes a frozen pre-trained image encoder (pre-trained vision component of BLIP-2 (Li et al., 2023d), which includes a ViT-G/14 and a pre-trained Q-former), a position embedding layer, a video Q-former and a linear layer. The AL Branch includes a pre- trained audio encoder (ImageBind (Girdhar et al., 2023)) and an Audio Q-former. Figure 6 shows the overall architecture of Video-LLaMA with Vision-Language Branch and Audio-Language Branch. The VL Branch is trained on the Webvid-2M (Bain et al., 2021) video caption dataset with a video-to-text generation task, and fine-tuned on the instruction-tuning data from MiniGPT-4 (Zhu et al., 2023), LLaVA (Liu et al., 2023b) and VideoChat (Li et al., 2023e). The AL Branch is trained on video/image instru- caption data to connect the output of ImageBind to language decoder. After finetuning, Video- LLaMA can perceive and comprehend video content, demonstrating its ability to integrate auditory and visual information, understand static images, recognize common-knowledge concepts, and capture temporal dynamics in videos.‌
InstructBLIP视觉-语言指令微调框架:基于BLIP-2模型(图像编码器+LLM+Query Transformer)
InstructBLIP (1.2B) (Dai et al., 2023) is a vision-language instruction tuning framework initialized with a pre-trained BLIP-2 (Li et al., 2023d)) model consisting of an image encoder, an LLM (FlanT5 (3B/11B) (Chung et al., 2022) or Vicuna (7B/13B) (Chiang et al., 2023)), and a Query Transformer (Q-Former) to bridge the two. As shown in Figure 7, the Q-Former extracts instruction-aware visual features from the output embeddings of the frozen image encoder, and feeds the visual features as soft prompt input to the frozen LLM. The authors evaluate the proposed InstructBLIP model on a variety of vision- language tasks, including image classification, image captioning, image question answering, and visual reasoning. They use 26 publicly available datasets, dividing them into 13 held-in and 13 held-out datasets for training and evaluation. The authors demonstrate that InstructBLIP achieves state-of-the-art zero-shot performance on a wide range of vision-language tasks. InstructBLIP yields an average relative improvement of 15.0% when compared to BLIP-2, smallest InstructBLIP (4B) outperforms Flamingo (80B) (Alayrac et al., 2022) on all six shared evaluation datasets with an average relative improvement of 24.8%.
InstructBLIP(1.2B)(Dai等,2023)是一个视觉-语言指令微调框架,其初始化为一个预训练的BLIP-2(Li等,2023d)模型,包括图像编码器、LLM(FlanT5(3B/11B)(Chung等,2022)或Vicuna(7B/13B)(Chiang等,2023))和一个Query Transformer(Q-Former)以连接两者。如图7所示,Q-Former从冻结的图像编码器的输出嵌入中提取指令感知的视觉特征,并将视觉特征作为软提示输入到冻结的LLM中。
Otter (Li et al., 2023b) is a multi-modal model trained by fine-tuning OpenFlamingo (9B) (Awadalla et al., 2023), with the language and vision encoders frozen and only fine-tuning the Perceiver resampler module, cross-attention layers, and input/output embeddings. The authors organize diverse multi-modal tasks covering 11 categories and build multi-modal in-context instruction tuning datasets MIMIC-IT of 2.8M multimodal instruction-response pairs, which consists of image- instruction-answer triplets, where the instruction- answer is tailored to the image. Each data sample also includes context, which contains a series of image-instruction-answer triplets that contextually correlate with the queried triplet. Otter demonstrates the ability to follow user instructions more accurately and provide more detailed descriptions of images compared to OpenFlamingo (Awadalla et al., 2023).
MultiModal-GPT (Gong et al., 2023) is a multi- modal instruction tuning model that is capable of following diverse instructions, generating detailed captions, counting specific objects, and addressing general inquiries. MultiModal-GPT is trained by fine-tuning OpenFlamingo (9B) (Awadalla et al., 2023) on various created visual instruction data with open datasets, including VQA, Image Captioning, Visual Reasoning, Text OCR, and Visual Dialogue. The experiments demonstrate the proficiency of MultiModal-GPT in maintaining continuous dialogues with humans.
6、Domain-specific Instruction Finetuning特定领域指令微调
In this section, we describe instruction tuning in different domains and applications.
InstructDial (Gupta et al., 2022) is an instruction tuning framework designed for dialogue. It contains a collection of 48 dialogue tasks in a consistent text-to-text format created from 59 dialogue datasets. Each task instance includes a task description, instance inputs, constraints, instructions, and output. To ensure adherence to instructions, the framework introduces two meta- tasks: (1) an instruction selection task, where the model selects the instruction corresponding to a given input-output pair; and (2) an instruction binary task, where the model predicts "yes" or "no" if an instruction leads to a given output from an input. Two base models T0-3B (Sanh et al., 2021) (3B parameters version of T5 (Lester et al., 2021)) and BART0 (Lin et al., 2022) (406M parameters based on Bart-large (Lewis et al., 2019)) are fine- tuned on the tasks from InstructDial. InstructDial achieves impressive results on unseen dialogue datasets and tasks, including dialogue evaluation and intent detection. Moreover, it delivers even better results when applied to a few-shot setting.‌
Intent Classification and Slot Tagging LINGUIST (Rosenbaum et al., 2022) finetunes AlexaTM 5B (Soltan et al., 2022), a 5-billion-parameter multilingual model, on the instruction dataset for intent classification and slot tagging tasks. Each instruction consists of five blocks: (i) the language of the generated output, (ii) intention, slot types and values to include in the output (e.g., the number 3 in [3, snow] corresponds the slot type, and snow is the value used for that slot), a mapping from slot type labels to numbers, and (v) up to 10 examples to instruct the format of the outputs. LINGUIST shows significant improvements over state-of-the-art approaches in a 10-shot novel intent setting using the SNIPS dataset (Coucke et al., 2018). In the zero-shot cross- lingual setting of the mATIS++ dataset (Xu et al., 2020), LINGUIST surpasses a strong baseline of Machine Translation with Slot Alignment across 6 languages while maintaining intent classification performance.
意图分类和槽位标记LINGUIST(Rosenbaum等,2022)对AlexaTM 5B(Soltan等,2022),一个50亿参数的多语言模型进行微调,用于意图分类和槽位标记任务的指令数据集。每个指令由五个块组成:
(ii)意图、槽位类型和要包含在输出中的值(例如,[3, snow]中的数字3对应于槽位类型,snow是用于该槽位的值),从槽位类型标签到数字的映射,
6.3、Information Extraction信息抽取—InstructUIE:基于FlanT5模型+指令微调的统一信息抽取(IE)框架+将IE任务转化为seq2seq格式,每个任务实例四个属性{任务指令、选项、文本、输出}‌
InstructUIE (Wang et al., 2023b) is a unified information extraction (IE) framework based on instruction tuning, which transforms IE tasks to the seq2seq format and solves them by fine- tuning 11B FlanT5 (Chung et al., 2022) on the constructed IT dataset. Figure 8 shows the overall architecture of InstructUIE. It introduces IE INSTRUCTIONS, a benchmark of 32 diverse information extraction datasets in a unified text-to- text format with expert-written instructions. Each task instance is delineated by four properties: task instruction, options, text, and output. Task instruction contains information such as the type of information to be extracted, the output structure format, and additional constraints or rules that need to be adhered to during the extraction process. Options refer to the output label constraints of a task. Text refers to the input sentence. Output is the sentence obtained by converting the original tags of the sample (e.g. "entity tag: entity span" for NER). In the supervised setting, InstructUIE performs comparably to BERT (Devlin et al.,2018) and outperforms the state-of-the-art and GPT3.5 (Brown et al., 2020a) in zero-shot settings.
InstructUIE(Wang等,2023b)是一个基于指令微调的统一信息抽取(IE)框架,它将IE任务转化为seq2seq格式,并通过在构建的IT数据集上微调11B FlanT5(Chung等,2022)来解决这些问题。
图8展示了InstructUIE的整体架构。它引入了IE INSTRUCTIONS,这是一个由32个多样的信息抽取数据集组成的基准,以统一的文本到文本格式呈现,其中包含专家编写的指令。
>> 任务指令包含诸如要提取的信息类型、输出结构格式以及在提取过程中需要遵循的附加约束或规则等信息。
>> 选项是任务的输出标签约束。
>> 文本是输入句子。
>> 输出是通过将样本的原始标签(例如,NER中的"实体标签:实体跨度")转换为句子获得的(实体标签为槽位标签,实体跨度为值)。
ABSA/Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis基于内容的情感分析
Varia et al. (2022) propose a unified instruction tuning framework for solving Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) task based on a fine- tuned T5 (220M) (Raffel et al., 2019) model. The framework addresses multiple factorized sub- tasks that involve the four elements of ABSA, namely Aspect Term, Aspect Category, Opinion Term, and Sentiment. It treats these sub-tasks as a combination of five Question Answering (QA) tasks by transforming each sentence in the corpus using instruction templates provided for each task. For instance, one of the instruction templates used is "What are the aspect terms in the text:
$TEXT?". The framework showcases substantial improvement (8.29 F1 on average) over the state-of- the-art in few-shot learning scenarios and remains comparable in full fine-tuning scenarios.
Varia等(2022)提出了一个统一的指令微调框架,用于解决基于内容的情感分析(ABSA)任务,基于微调的T5(220M)(Raffel等,2019)模型。该框架处理涉及ABSA的四个元素的多个分解子任务,即内容术语、内容类别、意见术语和情感。它将这些子任务视为五个问答(QA)任务的组合,通过使用为每个任务提供的指令模板来转化语料库中的每个句子。例如,所使用的指令模板之一是"What are the aspect terms in the text: $TEXT?"。该框架在少样本学习场景中展示了显著的改进(平均F1值为8.29),在完全微调场景中保持了可比性。
Zhang et al. (2023d) propose Writing-Alpaca- 7B that fine-tunes LLaMa-7B on the writing instruction dataset to provide writing assistance. The proposed instruction dataset is an extension of the EDITEVAL benchmark based on instructional data, with the Updating task removed and a task for grammaticality introduced. The instruction scheme strictly follows the one in the Stanford Alpaca project, comprising a universal preface, an instruction field to guide task completion, an input field that provides the text to be edited, and a response field that requires models to fill out. The Writing-Alpaca-7B improves upon LLaMa’s performance on all writing tasks and outperforms other larger off-the-shelf LLMs.
CoEdIT (Raheja et al., 2023) finetunes FLANT5 (770M parameters, 3B parameters, and 11B parameters) on the instruction dataset for text editing to provide writing assistance. The instruction dataset comprises approximately 82K<instruction: source, target> pairs. As shown in Figure 9, the model takes instructions from the user specifying the characteristics of the desired text, such as "Make the sentence simpler", and outputs the edited text. CoEdIT achieves state-of-the-art performance on several text editing tasks, including grammatical error correction, text simplification, iterative text editing, and three stylistic editing tasks: formality style transfer, neutralization, and paraphrasing. Furthermore, it can generalize well to new, adjacent tasks not seen during fine-tuning.
CoPoet (Chakrabarty et al., 2022) is a collaborative poetry writing tool that utilizes a large language model (e.g. T5-3B, T5-11B and T0-3B models) trained on a diverse collection of instructions for poetry writing. Each sample in the instruction dataset includes an <instruction, poem_line> pair. There are three major types of instructions: Continuation, Lexical Constraints, and Rhetorical Techniques. The CoPoet is guided by user instructions that specify desired attributes of the poetry, such as writing a sentence about "love" or ending a sentence with "fly." Not only is the system competitive with publicly available LLMs trained on instructions, such as InstructGPT, but it is also capable of satisfying unseen compositional instructions.
Radiology-GPT (Liu et al., 2023c) is a fine-tuned Alpaca-7B model for radiology, which utilizes an instruction tuning approach on an extensive dataset of radiology domain knowledge. Radiology reports usually include two corresponding sections: "Findings" and "Impression". The "Findings" section contains detailed observations from the radiology images, while the "Impression" section summarizes the interpretations drawn from those observations. Radiology-GPT provides a brief instruction to the "Findings" text: "Derive the impression from findings in the radiology report". The "Impression" text from the same report serves as the target output. In comparison to general language models such as StableLM, Dolly, and LLaMA, Radiology-GPT demonstrates significant versatility in radiological diagnosis, research, and communication.
ChatDoctor (Li et al., 2023g) is based on the fine-tuned LLaMA-7B model, utilizing the alpaca instruction dataset and the HealthCareMagic100k patient-doctor dialogue dataset. And prompt templates are designed for retrieving external knowledge databases, such as the Disease Database and Wikipedia retrieval, during doctor-patient conversations to obtain more accurate outputs from the model. The ChatDoctor significantly improves the model’sability to comprehend patient needs and provide informed advice. By equipping the model with self-directed information retrieval from reliable online and offline sources, the accuracy of its responses is substantially improved.‌
ChatGLM-Med (Haochun Wang, 2023) is fine- tuned on the Chinese medical instruction dataset based on the ChatGLM-6B model. The instruction dataset comprises medically relevant question and answer pairs, created using the GPT3.5 API and the Medical Knowledge Graph. This model improves the question-answering performance of ChatGLM in the medical field.
ChatGLM-Med(Haochun Wang,2023)在基于ChatGLM-6B模型的中国医学指令数据集上进行了微调。指令数据集包括使用GPT3.5 API和医学知识图谱创建的与医学相关的问题和答案对。该模型提高了ChatGLM在医学领域的问答性能。
Goat (Liu and Low, 2023) is a fine-tuned LLaMA-7B model based on instructions, which aims to solve arithmetic problems. It expresses arithmetic problems in the form of natural language question answering, such as "What is 8914/64?", by generating hundreds of instruction templates using ChatGPT. The model applies various techniques to enhance its adaptability to diverse question formats, such as randomly removing spaces between numbers and symbols in the arithmetic expression and replacing "*" with "x" or "times". The Goat model achieves state-of-the-art performance on the BIG-bench arithmetic subtask. In particular, zero-shot Goat7B matches or exceeds the accuracy achieved by the few-shot PaLM-540B.
例如"What is 8914/64?"。该模型应用各种技术增强其适应各种问题格式的能力,例如随机删除算术表达式中数字和符号之间的空格,将"*"替换为"x"或"times"等。Goat模型在BIG-bench算术子任务上达到了最先进的性能。特别是,零样本的Goat7B的准确性达到或超过了少样本的PaLM-540B的准确性。
6.8、Code代码:WizardCoder=基于StarCoder模型+Evol-Instruct方法+微调Code Alpaca数据集,3元组{指令、输入、期望输出}
WizardCoder (Luo et al., 2023) utilizes StarCoder 15B as the foundation with complex instruction fine-tuning, by adapting the Evol- Instruct method (Xu et al., 2023) to the domain of code. The training dataset is produced through iterative application of the Evol-Instruct technique on the Code Alpaca dataset, which includes the following attributes for each sample: instruction, input, and expected output. For instance, when the instruction is "Amend the following SQL query to select distinct elements", the input is the SQL query, and the expected output is the generated answer. The WizardCoder outperforms all other open-source Code LLMs and even outperforms the largest LLMs, Anthropic’s Claude and Google’s Bard, on HumanEval and HumanEval+.
WizardCoder(Luo等,2023)以StarCoder 15B为基础,采用复杂指令微调,将Evol-Instruct方法(Xu等,2023)适用于代码领域。训练数据集通过在Code Alpaca数据集上迭代应用Evol-Instruct技术产生,该数据集为每个样本包括以下属性:指令、输入和期望输出。
例如,当指令为"Amend the following SQL query to select distinct elements"时,输入为SQL查询,期望输出为生成的答案。WizardCoder在HumanEval和HumanEval+上超越了所有其他开源代码LLM,甚至在HumanEval和HumanEval+上也超越了最大的LLM,Anthropic的Claude和Google的Bard。
LLMs之Code:Code Llama的简介、安装、使用方法之详细攻略
LLMs之Code:Code Llama的简介、安装、使用方法之详细攻略_一个处女座的程序猿的博客-CSDN博客
7、Efficient Tuning Techniques高效微调技术
Efficient fine-tuning techniques aim at adapting LLMs to downstream tasks by optimizing a small fraction of parameters in multiple ways, i.e., addition-based, specification-based, and Reparameterization-based. Addition-based methods introduce extra trainable parameters or modules not present in the original model. Representative methods include adapter tuning (Houlsby et al., 2019) and prompt-based tuning (Schick and Schütze, 2021). Specification-based methods specify certain inherent model parameters to be tuned while freezing others. For example, BitFit (Zaken et al., 2022) tunes the bias terms of the pre-trained model. Reparameterization methods transform model weights into more parameter-efficient forms for tuning. The key hypothesis is that model adaptation is low-rank, so weights can be reparameterized into low- rank factors or a low-dimensional subspace (e.g., LoRA (Hu et al., 2021)). Intrinsic prompt tuning finds a low-dimensional subspace shared by tuning prompts across diverse tasks.
高效微调技术旨在通过多种方式对少量参数进行优化,从而将LLM适应于下游任务,包括基于添加式、基于规范化和基于重参数化的方法。基于添加式的方法引入了在原始模型中不存在的额外可训练参数或模块。代表性的方法包括Adapter微调(Houlsby等,2019)和基于Prompt的微调(Schick和Schütze,2021)。基于规范化的方法在冻结某些固有模型参数的同时,指定要调整的参数。例如,BitFit(Zaken等,2022)微调预训练模型的偏差项。基于重参数化方法将模型权重转换为更加参数高效的形式进行微调。关键假设是模型的自适应是低秩的,因此权重可以重新参数化为低秩因子或低维子空间(例如LoRA(Hu等,2021))。Intrinsic prompt内在的提示微调在不同任务之间找到了一种共享的低维子空间。
Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) (Hu et al., 2021) enables efficient adaptation of LLMs using low- rank updates. LoRA use DeepSpeed (Rasley et al., 2020) as the training backbone. The key insight of LoRA is that the actual change in LLMs’ weights required for new task adaptation lies in a low- dimensional subspace. Specifically, for a pretrained weight matrix W0, the authors model the adapted weight matrix as W0 + ∆W , where ∆W is a low rank update. ∆W is parameterized as ∆W = BA, where A and B are much smaller trainable matrices. The rank r of ∆W is chosen to be much smaller than the dimensions of W0. The intuition is that instead of directly training all of W0, the authors train low-dimensional A and B, which indirectly trains W0 in a low-rank subspace of directions that matter for the downstream task. This results in far fewer trainable parameters compared to full fine- tuning. For GPT-3, LoRA reduces the number of trainable parameters by 10,000x and memory usage by 3x compared to full fine-tuning.‌
W0 + ∆W,
其中∆W是低秩更新。∆W的参数化形式为∆W = BA,其中A和B是较小的可训练矩阵。∆W的秩r被选择为远小于W0的维度。
HINT (Ivison et al., 2022) combines the generalization benefits of instruction tuning with efficient on-demand fine-tuning, avoiding repeatedly processing lengthy instructions. The essence of HINT lies in hypernetworks, which generate parameter-efficient modules for LLMs adaptation based on natural language instructions and few-shot examples. The adopted hypernetwork converts instructions and few-shot examples into a encoded instruction and generates adapter and prefix parameters using a pretrained text encoder and cross-attention based parameter generator. Then, the generated adapters and prefixes are inserted into the backbone model as efficient tuning modules. At inference, the hypernetwork performs inference only once per task to generate adapted modules. The benefits are that HINT can incorporate long instructions and additional few- shots without increasing compute, unlike regular fine-tuning or input concatenation methods.‌‌‌
QLORA (Dettmers et al., 2023) includes optimal quantization and memory optimization, aiming at providing efficient and effective LLMs fine- tuning. QLORA includes 4-bit NormalFloat (NF4) Quantization, which is a quantization scheme optimized for the typical normal distribution of LLM weights. By quantizing based on the quantiles of a normal distribution, NF4 provides better performance than standard 4-bit integer or float quantization. To further reduce memory, the quantization constants are themselves quantized to 8 bits. This second level of quantization saves an additional 0.37 bits per parameter on average. QLORA leverages NVIDIA’s unified memory feature to page optimizer states to CPU RAM when GPU memory is exceeded. avoiding out-of-memory during training. QLORA enables training a 65B parameter LLM on a single 48GB GPU with no degradation compared to full 16- bit finetuning. QLORA works by freezing the 4-bit quantized base LLM, then backpropagating through it into a small set of 16-bit low-rank adapter weights which are learned.
QLORA(Dettmers等,2023)包括最佳量化和内存优化,旨在提供高效有效的LLM微调。QLORA包括4位NormalFloat(NF4)量化,这是一种针对LLM权重的典型正态分布优化的量化方案。通过基于正态分布的分位数进行量化,NF4的性能优于标准的4位整数或浮点数量化。为了进一步减少内存,量化常数本身被量化为8位。这第二层量化平均可节省每个参数0.37位的内存。QLORA利用NVIDIA的统一内存功能,当GPU内存超出限制时,将优化器状态分页到CPU RAM中,避免训练期间的内存不足。QLORA可以在单个48GB GPU上训练65B参数的LLM,与完全16位微调相比没有降级。QLORA的工作方式是冻结4位量化的基础LLM,然后通过反向传播将其传播到一小组16位低秩适配器权重中进行学习。
LOw-Memory Optimization (LOMO) (Lv et al., 2023) enables full parameter fine-tuning of LLMs using limited computational resources through a fusion of gradient computation and update. The essence is to fuse gradient computation and parameter update into one step during backpropagation, thereby avoiding storage of full gradient tensors. Firstly, theoretical analysis is provided in LOMO on why SGD can work well for fine-tuning large pre-trained models despite its challenges on smaller models. In addition, LOMO updates each parameter tensor immediately after computing its gradient in backpropagation. Storing the gradient of one parameter at a time reduces gradient memory to O(1). LOMO employs gradient value clipping, separate gradient norm computation pass and dynamic loss scaling to stabilize training. The integration of activation checkpointing and ZeRO optimization methods saves memory.
Delta-tuning (Ding et al., 2023b) provides optimization and optimal control perspectives for theoretical analyzation. Intuitively, delta-tuning performs subspace optimization by restricting tuning to a low-dimensional manifold. The tuned parameters act as optimal controllers guiding model behavior on downstream tasks.
8、Evaluation, Analysis and Criticism评估、分析和批评
8.1、HELM Evaluation:整体评估+提高LM透明度+关注三因素(广泛性+多指标性+标准化)
HELM(Liang et al., 2022) is a holistic evaluation of Language Models (LMs) to improve the transparency of language models, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the capabilities, risks, and limitations of language models. Specifically, differing from other evaluation methods, HELM holds that a holistic evaluation of language models should focus on the following three factors:
(1)、Broad coverage. During the development, language models can be adapted to various NLP tasks (e.g., sequence labeling and question answering), thus, the evaluation of language models needs to be carried out in a wide range of scenarios. To involve all potential scenarios,
HELM proposed a top-down taxonomy, which begins by compiling all existing tasks in a major NLP conference (ACL2022) into a task space and dividing each task into the form of scenarios (e.g., languages) and metrics (e.g., accuracy). Then when facing a specific task, the taxonomy would select one or more scenarios and metrics in the task space to cover it. By analyzing the structure of each task, HELM clarifies the evaluation content (task scenarios and metrics) and improves the scenario coverage of language models from 17.9% to 96.0%.
(2)、Multi-metric measurement. In order to enable human to weigh language models from different perspectives, HELM proposes multi- metric measurement. HELM has covered 16 different scenarios and 7 metrics. To ensure the results of intensive multi-metric measurement, HELM measured 98 of 112 possible core scenarios (87.5%).
(3)、Standardization. The increase in the scale and training complexity of language models has seriously hindered human’s understanding of the structure of each language model. To establish a unified understanding of existing language models, HELM benchmarks 30 well-known language models, covering such institutions as Google (UL2(Tay et al., 2022)), OpenAI (GPT-3(Brown et al., 2020b)), and EleutherAI (GPT-NeoX(Black et al., 2022)). Interestingly, HELM pointed out that LMs such as T5 (Raffel et al., 2019) and Anthropic- LMv4-s3 (Bai et al., 2022a) had not been directly compared in the initial work, while LLMs such as GPT-3 and YaLM were still different from their corresponding reports after multiple evaluations.
(3)标准化。语言模型规模和训练复杂性的增加严重阻碍了人类对每个语言模型结构的理解。为了建立对现有语言模型的统一理解,HELM对30个知名语言模型进行了基准测试,涵盖了Google(UL2(Tay等,2022))、OpenAI(GPT-3(Brown等,2020b))和EleutherAI(GPT-NeoX(Black等,2022))等机构。有趣的是,HELM指出,例如T5(Raffel等,2019)和Anthropic- LMv4-s3(Bai等,2022a)等LLMs在初始工作中尚未直接进行比较,而GPT-3和YaLM等LLMs在多次评估后仍与其对应的报告不同。
8.2、Low-resource Instruction Tuning低资源指令微调:STL需要数据量的25%、MTL需要数据量的6%
Gupta et al. (2023) attempts to estimate the minimal downstream training data required by IT models to match the SOTA supervised models over various tasks. Gupta et al. (2023) conducted experiments on 119 tasks from Super Natural Instructions (SuperNI) in both single-task learning (STL) and multi-task learning (MTL) settings. The results indicate that in the STL setting, IT models with only 25% of downstream training data outperform the SOTA models on those tasks, while in the MTL setting, just 6% of downstream training data can lead IT models to achieve the SOTA performance. These findings suggest that instruction tuning can effectively assist a model in quickly learning a task even with limited data.
However, due to resource limitations, Gupta et al. (2023) did not conduct experiments on LLMs, like T5-11B. So, to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the IT models, further investigation using larger language models and datasets is necessary.
8.3、Smaller Instruction Dataset更小的指令数据集:LIMA(精选1,000个训练示例)表面可过少数精心策划的指令进行微调
IT requires a substantial amount of specialized instruction data for training. Zhou et al. (2023) hypothesized that the pre-trained LLM only has to learn the style or format to interact with users and proposed LIMA that achieves strong performance by fine-tuning an LLM on only 1,000 carefully selected training examples.
Specifically, LIMA first manually curates 1,000 demonstrations with high-quality prompts and responses. Then the 1,000 demonstrations are used to fine-tune the pre-trained 65B-parameter LLaMa (Touvron et al., 2023b). By comparison, across more than 300 challenging tasks, LIMA outperfrms GPT-davinci003 (Brown et al., 2020b), which was fine-tuned on 5,200 examples by human feedback tuning. Moreover, with only half amount of demonstrations, LIMA achieves equivalent results to GPT-4 (OpenAI, 2023), Claude (Bai et al., 2022b), and Bard. Above all, LIMA demonstrated that LLMs’ powerful knowledge and capabilities can be exposed to users with only a few carefully curated instructions to fine-tune.
8.4、Evaluating Instruction-tuning Datasets评估指令微调数据集:缺乏开放性和主观性的评估‌
The performance of IT model highly depends on the IT datasets. However, there lacks of evaluations for these IT datasets from open-ended and subjective aspects.
To address this issue, Wang et al. (2023c) performs dataset evaluation by fine-tuning the LLaMa model (Touvron et al., 2023b) on various of open IT datasets and measure different fine- tuned models through both automatic and human evaluations. An additional model is trained on the combination of IT datasets. For the results, Wang et al. (2023c) showed that there is not a single best IT dataset across all tasks, while by manually combining datasets it can achieve the best overall performance. Besides, Wang et al. (2023c) pointed out that though IT can bring large benefits on LLMs at all sizes, smaller models and models with a high base quality benefit most from IT. For human evaluations, Wang et al. (2023c) a larger model is more likely to gain a higher acceptability score.
8.5、Do IT just learn Pattern Copying?IT是否只是学习模式复制?——有论文指出基于IT的显著改进只是捕获表面级别模式而非理解了本质
To address the lack of clarity about the specific knowledge that models acquire through instruction tuning, Kung and Peng (2023) delves into the analysis of how models make use of instructions during IT by comparing the tuning when provided with altered instructions versus the original instructions.
Specifically, Kung and Peng (2023) creates simplified task definitions that remove all semantic components, leaving only the output information. In addition, Kung and Peng (2023) also incorporates delusive examples that contain incorrect input-output mapping. Surprisingly, the experiments show that models trained on these simplified task definitions or delusive examples can achieve comparable performance to the ones trained on the original instructions and examples. Moreover, the paper also introduces a baseline for the classification task with zero-shot, which achieves similar performance to IT in low-resource settings.
In summary, according to Kung and Peng (2023), the notable performance improvements observed in current IT models may be attributed to their ability to capture surface-level patterns, such as learning the output format and making guesses, rather than comprehending and learning the specific task.
8.6、Proprietary LLMs Imitation专有LLMs模仿:微调模型能效仿ChatGPT的表达风格,但不等于提升其通用能力→更应注重基模型及指导实例的质量
LLMs imitation is an approach that collects outputs from a stronger model, such as a proprietary system like ChatGPT, and uses these outputs to fine-tune an open-source LLM. Through this way, an open- source LLM may get competitive capabilities with any proprietary model.
Gudibande et al. (2023) conducted several experiments to critically analyze the efficacy of model imitation. Specifically, Gudibande et al. (2023) first collected datasets from outputs of ChatGPT over broad tasks. Then these datasets were used to fine-tune a range of models covering sizes from 1.5B to 13B, base models GPT-2 and LLaMA, and data amounts from 0.3M tokens to 150M tokens.
For evaluations, Gudibande et al. (2023) demonstrated that on tasks with supported datasets, imitation models are far better than before, and their outputs appear similar to ChatGPT’s. While on tasks without imitation datasets, imitation models do not have improvement or even decline in accuracy.
Thus, Gudibande et al. (2023) pointed out that it’s the phenomenon that imitation models are adept at mimicking ChatGPT’s style (e.g., being fluent, confident and well-structured) that makes researchers have the illusion about general abilities of imitation models. So, Gudibande et al. (2023) suggested that instead of imitating proprietary models, researchers had better focus on improving the quality of base models and instruction examples.
This work surveys recent advances in the fast growing field of instruction tuning. We make a systematic review of the literature, including the general methodology of IT, the construction of IT datasets, the training of IT models, IT’s applications to different modalities, domains and application. We also review analysis on IT models to discover both their advantages and potential pitfalls. We hope this work will act as a stimulus to motivate further endeavors to address the deficiencies of current IT models.
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