

Workplace Topic Talk:Falling out of favor with your boss.

Workplace Topic Talk

TopicYou are falling out of favor with your boss.

这是接受语言训练的Topic Talk,不是各人畅所欲言的Free Talk,没人对你的Talk的观点感兴趣,我们只对你的英语感兴趣,看能不能从你这里学到好英语。


定位你的身份:作为依然是处于接受语言训练、而不是做母语式的内心思想、想法、观点沟通交流的学生的你,你打算从哪个角度去这个Topic 母语式的Free talk一通?把你的“母语观点想法在大脑里“汉译英”后用蹩脚英语free talk一通吗?如果我不点明这点,你是不是准备这样做?

这是你熟悉的、也是你常见的Topic Talk模式,但是,你觉得这种各人把各人自己的内心想法汉译英式的free talk一轮能提高你的英语吗?能提高你的口语



我们应该是做“读了再talkTopic Talk才对,即一定是URead & UTalkTalk你所读,能用别人的内容来talk,最终存储积累别人的这些英语就算达到一次安排的Topic Talk的训练目的。

切不可有10个人Talk,就有10个人的英语,纯粹的Free Talk也,Talk一通下来,一点帮助作用都没有。

先好好读透下面文章,然后就用它来Topic Talk吧:你心中有“料”可Talk了,Talk的英语也能让听众跟你学到很多good English

7 Signs You are Falling Out of Favor With Your Boss


A boss is that person who deals with an employee according to his will. Everything might be just fine and one morning he comes and makes your life hell. You are perfect when it comes to work and responsibilities but the boss feels the need to correct you again and again. Here a few signs which indicate that you are no longer in your boss’s good books.

1. You are not given client introductions

You were working very well on a project but suddenly the boss gives the charge to someone else. He no longer introduces you to the new clients as he used to earlier.

2. You are not party to decision making

Your boss for no valid reason stops asking for your opinions and advice on important matters concerning clients, projects and the company. You are not informed about meetings and discussions. This is a sign that you are falling out of favor.

3. You have a bleak chance of promotion

Your boss had promised you a raise and promotion but suddenly he/she just refrains from talking about the subject. Even when you bring up the topic he changes it or dismisses it.

4. You have been forgotten

Your boss always spares some time to talk and chat with his/her favorite employees but he/she doesn’t even bother listening to you about important matters. He/she either reschedules or cancels the meeting with you or at times even forgets about them.

5. Your suggestions are not accepted and appreciated

If during a board meeting or an important creative discussion your boss tags your idea as rubbish without listening to it in detail or rather doesn’t give you a chance to put forward your point at all, then something is wrong.

6. You have been placed in the zero value category

If your boss gives you negative feedback, you can work on the flaws but if your boss stops giving you any feedback, positive or negative then he probably doesn’t even go through your work. He thinks you are of no value and that is not a good sign.

7. You are assigned unimportant and insignificant tasks

If all of sudden your boss starts assigning work to you which you know holds not much importance then it is a sign you are falling out favor with him.

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