





以下人物A为Estella  人物B为Fred。

A: 最近有几家大型公司邀请我去面试,只是我的英文太差,只有作罢。

A: Recently, I’ve got some interview invitations from several large-scale foreign-invested enterprises. Unfortunately, thanks to my poor English, I have to give up all of these opportunities. 

B: 是吗?听起来蛮好的机会呢?

B: Really? Seemed pretty nice.

A: 是的呢?你也知道,大学毕业以后,我从没在外企呆过,我基本就没有用过英文。你对英文学习有什么建议呢?

A: Absolutely. I haven’t use English for ages. As you know, I’ve never worked for a foreign company after graduated from my university. Any constructive suggestions for English learning?   

B: 这是一个很大的话题啊,你关注的是哪方面呢?

B: It’s a big topic. Then, what about your concern?

A: 最想提升口语,书面倒不是太急迫,毕竟有时间可以借助翻译软件来帮忙,而口语则要求与对方直接交流,借助不了任何翻译软件。

A: To be frankly, oral English is my first priority. When it comes to written English, you know, I can use translation software. Contrast to written English, during oral communication, we cannot use translation software anymore.

B: 谈到这里,我认为首先你得让发音准确,这个不用我多说吧?发音不准确,会让对方根本不知道你说的是什么。这也是为什么很多人有一天突然发现,以前学习的英文都像是山寨的英文,因为我们无法用准确简洁的英文向对方传递信息。

B: Here I think the first thing that you have to do is to ensure your pronunciation. Mispronunciation will lead to a terrible result-people will failed to understand what you are talking about. This is why so many people feel that they’ve learned fake English before. Because when we speak English, we cannot be able to transfer our ideas to the others by providing correct and concise information.

A: 嗯,你说的没错。不久前,有个电话面试,招聘单位一位人事专员让我英文简单介绍自己,把我折腾的够呛。自我介绍之后,对方又让我用汉语解释了以下,因为她压根不知道我说的英文是什么。

A: You are completely right. I can tell you a sad story. Not long before, I participated in a phone interview and was asked to give a self introduction by the female recruiter. It drove me to crazy. And what's worse is, the lady asked me to re-introduce myself, for she failed to catch my meaning. 

B: 理解,我曾经和你的状态也是差不多的。我觉得大家在学习中,忽略了一个很重要的工具。知道是什么吗?是专业的英文词典!发音不准确,先听一听专业的词典是怎么准确的发音的。

B: Understand. Also, I do suffered from the similar issue. For my money, a very useful tool was neglected in the journey of English learning. Do you know what it is? The answer is: a professional English dictionary. If your pronunciation is not accurate, just listen to a professional English dictionary to obtain the correct one.    

A: 这倒是个不错的主意。说实话,我一直认为跟着那些“高手”学习英文,才是学好英文惟一的出路。

A: That’s a great idea. To tell you the truth, I believe the only way to learn good English is to follow those masters.

B: 你说的也不能算错,毕竟你所说的“高手”确实有经验的。不过,如果光是用对方的方法来学习,是否真的有效,真的没人敢打保票,毕竟英文学习方法也是要因人而异的。

B: Anyway, your view maybe is not wrong, for those so called “masters” do have adequate experience in English learning. No one dare even to guarantee the efficiency of English learning while you just follow the methodologies as those masters taken. The reality is that the methodology we need varies from person to person.

A: 另一点,我也比较苦恼。你知道,我加了不少微信英文交流群,一开始也是蛮有学习热情的,不过我说了几次之后,群里不少人都会嘲笑我说的英文是“苏北英文”,久而久之,我就不再在微信英文交流群发声了。

A: Another point also made me crazy. As you may know, I’ve joined many Wechat English communication groups. At the beginning, I was full of passion in English communication. Unfortunately, after speak English for several times in those groups, many people described my English as “English with Northern Jiangsu Accent”. As time passed, I kept silence in those Wechat groups.  

B: 这确实是个问题,不过,我觉得加了多少个英文群与英文学习是否真的进步没有必然的联系。还有,你提到的“苏北英文”,应该指的是口音方面吧? 

B: It’s a problem. Still, in my point of view, there is no inevitable connection between how many English groups you’ve joined and whether you can make a big progress in English learning. Just now, you mentioned “English with Northern Jiangsu Accent”, so do you care about English accent?

A: 是的,你知道我是江苏苏北的,说英文时,有着浓厚的苏北口音。

A: Of course. You know, I grew up in the Northern part of Jiangsu. So I speak English with heavy Northern Jiangsu Accent.

B: 说实话,我一直不是很在意所谓的英文口音问题。我也在不少英文微信群里呆着,也与一些外国人交流,就连美国人、英国人都承认他们在国内也面临着英文口音问题,不过这很少影响他们正常的交流。另外,学习英文时,过分在意所谓的面子,是学不好英文口语的。犯错的过程,其实就是学习的过程。还有一点,我觉得你可以试着听美国之音或者英国广播公司的慢速英文。

B: To be honest, I paid less attention to English accent issue. Also, I joined many Wechat English communication groups and communicated with foreigners. Even American people and the British people do admit they also suffered from English accent issues in their countries. Actually, English with different accents do little affect in their normal communication. In addition, it’s pretty hard to learn English well while you pay much more attention to your so called "face. So please put your face in your pocket. When you are making mistakes, you are learning. Meanwhile, I do recommend you to listen to special English provided by VOA(Voice of America) or BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation)

A: 谢谢,理解你的意思了。总结起来,对我来说就是要做到“准确发音,大胆开口,不要在意自己的所谓苏北口音英文”。与其羡慕别人,不如苦练自己。

A: I got it. Thanks a lot! For me, I have to implement the principle of “accurate pronunciation and dare to speak out, meanwhile, pay less attention to so called 'English with Northern Jiangsu Accent’”. It’s better to force myself to practice hard than to envy others.

B: 完全同意你的看法,后续在英文学习上遇到任何问题,随时都可以提出来与我一起探讨。

B: I couldn't agree more. You can raise your questions during English learning.

A: 好的,再次感谢。

A: Ok, thank you again.

B: 太客气了。

B: Don’t mention about it.

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