

Why are publishers rewriting classics?
Only days after a British publisher came under fire for edits made to Roald Dahl’s children’s books, the Telegraph revealed Feb. 25 that James Bond was getting the same treatment. Just as Dahl’s books would be adjusted to remove language that today’s readers deem offensive, the estate of Bond author Ian Fleming has conducted a sensitivity review before an upcoming reissue of the spy novels.
It’s hard for anyone to argue in favor of the language in question—in Dahl’s case, offensive terms relating to race, gender, weight, and mental health have been rewritten; in Fleming’s, language describing Black people has particularly come under the microscope, though Bond’s notorious attitude toward women will reportedly remain. The reaction to the news is a case study in both why such a decision would draw scrutiny, and why publishers and authors’ estates may see it as in their best interest regardless.
Dahl, whose works have sold more than 300 million copies worldwide, is an illustrative example. In the years since his death in 1990, some have turned their focus to a number of racist and sexist tropes in his works. (Before his death too: in the first edition of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Oompa-Loompas were pygmies from “the deepest and darkest part of the African jungle”; that changed after pressure from Dahl’s publisher.) Puffin Books, a children’s imprint of Penguin Books, worked with the Roald Dahl Story Company (RDSC), which is now owned by Netflix, to review the texts before issuing new editions. RDSC says it hopes the resulting rewrites ensure that “Dahl’s wonderful stories and characters continue to be enjoyed by all children today.”
The review was conducted with Inclusive Minds, an organization that works with the children’s book world to support diversity and inclusion. The group told TIME they “do not write, edit, or rewrite texts, but provide book creators with valuable insight from people with the relevant lived experience that they can take into consideration.”
Hundreds of changes have reportedly been made to Dahl’s body of work. These edits include a line in James and the Giant Peach, recast from “I’d rather be fried alive and eaten by a Mexican!” to “I’d rather be fried alive and eaten.” In Matilda, a mention of going to India with English novelist Rudyard Kipling— who has been variously labeled a colonialist, a racist, and a misogynist in recent years—has been cut and a reference to Jane Austen has been added.
Some critics, like Suzanne Nossel, CEO of PEN America, have argued that Dahl’s work should stand as is, with new introductions to prepare readers with context. In a Twitter thread, she wrote that the “problem” with rewrites “is that there is no limiting principle.” And Booker Prize–winning author Salman Rushdie tweeted: “Roald Dahl was no angel but this is absurd censorship.” Amid the backlash, Penguin Random House announced on Feb. 24 it would continue to publish “classic” versions of Dahl’s books alongside the revised versions.
Yet Karen Sands-O’Connor, a professor of children’s literature at Newcastle University, says there is a precedent for rewriting texts—including the Oompa-Loompas—and a reason publishers go to the trouble. She says they have three choices: stop publishing the work and lose money, continue publishing the original texts amid controversy, or tailor the texts to today’s audience. Sands- O’Connor says the third is the “least problematic option”—but an even better approach is discovering new and exciting authors. “The books are out there,” she says, “people just need to look for them.
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