

Case Files: Anesthesiology 学习笔记(109)颅内占位开颅切除术2.

 Case 28  Craniotomy for Brain Mass Excision 

The preoperative assessment of this patient includes knowledge of the size and site of lesion and its vascularity. This information can be obtained by physical examination and evaluating the radiological images and medical record.

(cranial stabilization system)

1. deficit ['defəsɪt] n.赤字 deficiency in amount or quality

2. head pins 颅骨钉 Skull Pins are usedin conjunction with MAYFIELD Skull Clamps when rigid skeletal fixation is required. 安置神经外科头架时,用于固定患者头部。

3. mannitol ['mænɪtol] n.【化】甘露糖醇

Mannitol is a diuretic ( [ˌdaɪjʊˈretɪk] adj.【医】利尿的 n.利尿药) that is used to reduce swelling and pressure inside the eye or around the brain.

Mannitol is also used to help your body produce more urine. Mannitol injection is used in people with kidney failure, to remove excess water and toxins from the body.

Mannitol is sometimes given so that your body will produce enough urine to be collected and tested. This helps your doctor determine if your kidneys are working properly.

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4. furosemide [fjʊə'rəʊsəmaɪd] n.【药】速尿(灵) 呋塞米(furosemide/INN/BAN/)、frusemide (前 BAN),又名呋喃苯胺酸、速尿 ,是一种广泛应用于治疗充血性心力衰竭和水肿的袢利尿药。

5. periodic [ˌpɪəriˈɒdɪk] adj.间发性的;定期的;周期的 happening or recurring at regular intervals // It has urged pharmacies to conduct periodic inspection to remove out-of-date drugs from their shelves. 该协会已敦促药房定期检查,以清除货架上的过期药物。→ periodically adv.周期性地

6. deterioration [dɪˌtɪərɪə'reɪʃn] n.恶化;退化 the action or process of becoming impaired or inferior in quality, functioning, or condition : the state of having deteriorated. → deteriorate [dɪˈtɪəriəreɪt] v.退化;变质 // Things can rapidly deterioratein the absence of treatment. 如果没有治疗则会急剧恶化

8. intracranial pressure (ICP) 颅内压Intracranial pressure (ICP) isdefined as the pressure within the craniospinal ([k'reɪni:əʊspɪnl] adj.颅脊柱的) compartment, a closed system that comprises a fixed volume of neural tissue, blood, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). 颅内压(ICP)是指颅腔内容物对颅腔壁上所产生的压力。颅腔、脑组织、血液和脑脊液是颅内压形成的基础。颅腔内的上述三种内容物,使颅压保持在一定的压力,成为颅内压。

9.  cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen (CMRO2) 脑氧代谢率Cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO2) is the rate of oxygen consumption by the brain and is thought to be a direct index of energy homeostasis and brain health. 为单位时间内氧气的消耗量 (in units of ml O2 per 100g tissue per minute). 大脑氧代谢率是组织活力和大脑功能的重要指标. Volatile anesthetics decrease the cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumption (CMRO2). Because of flow-metabolism coupling this should result in reduced cerebral blood flow (CBF) and intracranial pressure. 

10. inhalational [ˌin-hə-ˈlā-shnəl] adj.吸入的 → inhalation n. → inhale v.

11. nicardipine [ˌnī-ˈkär-də-ˌpēn] 尼卡地平 Nicardipine is a second generation calcium channel blocker used in the treatment of hypertension and stable angina pectoris ([ænˏdʒaɪnəˈpektərɪs] 心绞痛)

12. To minimize bleeding at the surgical site, the patient is extubated with minimal coughing and bucking....

buck  [bʌk] v.弓背跃起  jump vertically, with legs stiff and back arched 

13. vault [vɔːlt] n.穹隆 cranial vault un.颅顶;颅穹窿 // The cranium is that part of the skull that holds and protects the brain in a large cavity, called the cranial vault. 脑颅骨属于颅骨的一部分,它们形成一个大的腔隙,容纳并保护着脑组织。

Case Files: Anesthesiology 学习笔记(108)颅内占位开颅切除术1.

颅内压 intracranial pressure (ICP)

大脑的结构 Illustration of Brain

Grand Mal Seizures 癫痫大发作


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