

知识汇总 | 从美剧里学点常用的英语口语句子吧!你都学会了吗?

2022.06.06 四川


1. Are you seeing someone? 你跟某人约会吗?

2. Break a leg. 祝你好运。(演员,音乐家在登台前说的)

3. Can I take a rain check? 我可以和你改天再约吗?

4. Count me in. 算我一份

5. Did you cheat on me? 你对我不忠吗?

6. Do you want to grab a cup of coffee? 你想要喝杯咖啡吗?grab 攫取

7. Easier said than done. 说的比做的容易

8. Everybody deserves a second chance. 每个人都应该有第二次机会

9. Everything comes for a reason.一切都会好的

10. Go for broke. 放手一搏

11. He stood me up. 他放了我鸽子(失约)

12. He s going through a hard time. 他正经历一段困难的时期

13. How long are you gonna make me wait? 你还要让我等多久?

14. I couldn t agree with you more. 我非常赞同

15. I langhed my head off. 快笑死我了

16. I couldn t be less insterested. 我也很想知道

1. I couldn t sleep a wink. 我完全睡不着

2. I covered for you. 我帮你掩饰了

3. I don t get it. 我不明白

4. Maybe she s having her period. 大概是她“大姨妈”来了

5. I don t have a problem with her. 我对她没意见

6. You got a problem with that? 询问他人对某事是否有意见?(挑衅)

7. I don t think that s a good idea. 我不认为那个是个好主意

8. I don t want to ruin our friendship. 我不想破坏我们的友谊

9. I have feelings for you. 我对你有感觉 或 I fancy you

10. I just lost my appetite. 我没有胃口

11. I think he s on his way. 我想他正在路上

12. I totally lost track of time. 我完全忘了时间

13. I ll keep that in mind. 我会记住这点

14. I ll keep you posted. 我会让你了解(最新消息),随时告知某人

1. I ve got to work overtime. 我必须要加班

2. I ll make it up to you. 我会补偿你

3. The pleasure is mine. 这是我的荣幸

4. I ll gonna take that as a compliment. 我会把你说的话当成赞美

5. I m jet lagged. 我有时差

6. I m kind of in the middle of something. 我有点忙

7. I m over you. 我已经不在乎你了

8. I m so sorry for the pain I ve caused you. 我为我给你带来的痛苦感到抱歉

9. I m heartbroken and I don t want to see you. 我心碎了,而且我不想再见到你

10. I m so trilled. 我非常兴奋

11. I m sure you ll find some way to repay me. 我确信以后你会找到报答我的方式


12. I m working on it. 我正在努力。(别人询问你进展如何使)

13. It has nothing to do with me. 这跟我没关系(当你要撇清某是不是你做的)

14. It s a long story. 说来话长(某人询问某事,你说明的时间很长)

15. It s for your own good. 这是为你好

16. It s no/not a big deal. 这没什么大不了

17. My cell phone is dead. 我的手机没电了  How can ** reach me? 怎么联系我?

18. It s up to you. 由你决定

19. Let me get this straight. 让我弄清楚(确定对方说话是不是和你想的一样)

20. Let s get down  to business. 我们进入主题吧。

21. I like it pretty much actually. 事实上我还挺喜欢的。

22. Let s just keep this between us. 让我们保密这件事,只有我们两个人知道。

23. Make yourself at home. 不要拘束

24. May I have a word? 我可以和你谈一谈吗?I d like (to have) a word with you.

25. Maybe we should stay away from each other for a while. 也许我们该分开一阵

1. My phone s dead. 我的电话没电了

2. No hard feelings? 没芥蒂吧?(和好之后希望对方不要心存芥蒂时)

3. No offense. 无意冒犯。(想表达和别人不同的意见,但又怕说了伤和气时)

4. No strings. 不谈感情 No strings attached. 只想和异性做普通朋友

5. I don t want to be in a relationship right now. 我现在不想谈感情。

6. Something has come up. (突然)有事情发生 Something came up.

7. Something on your mind? 你有心事吗? 

What s on your mind?  

Do you have something on your mind?

8. Why are you so glum? 你怎么闷闷不乐?

9. It/That doesn t make sense.  那没道理(某事,某种说法无意义或没道理时)

10. It make sense. 有意义,有道理

11. That s the lamest excuse I ve ever heard. 那是我听过最烂的理由 lame 无说服力的

12. That s the way things are supposed to be. 事情原本应该是这样的,事情发展和原本预想不同

13. The past belongs in the past. 让过去的事过去吧 The past is past.

14. The postion has been filled. 这个工作没有了/这个职缺找到人了

15. I want to apply for a position as a engineer. 我想申请工程师职位

16. There s a first time for everything. 凡事总有第一次

17. Truth or dare? 真心话还是大冒险?

18. We should get going? 我们该走了 I ve got to leave now.

19. What are you up to? 你现在在做什么?What are you doing?

20. What brings you here? 什么风把你吹来了?

21. What took you so long? 你怎么那么慢?

22. What s going on? 怎么回事?

23. You guys seem to be very happy. 你们大伙看起来似乎很开心

24. What s the catch? 有什么陷阱?

25. I want you to take a business trip with me. 我想要你哥们我一起出差

26. Whatever s happened in the past,right now.I wanna be with you.无论过去发生什么事,现在,我只想和你在一起

27. My world won t be complete without you. 没有你,我的世界也不完整

28. Would you excuse me? 抱歉,我离开一下 I need to got to the ladies  room

29. You have my word. 我保证

30. Yous should go for it. 你应该大胆尝试

31. You ve in my shot. 你挡住我的镜头了

32. You ve been avoiding me. 你最近一直躲我

33. You ve got to be kidding. 你是在开玩笑吧

标签:小学英语  知识汇总  美剧  口语  句子


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