

厕所文化(Toilet Culture)

   Everybody staying at a certain place long enough needs to know where the toilet is. I tried to find one when I first visited the Divinity School Library, the oldest school in Yale University: I tried to find the signs with words such as WC, Ladies, Bathroom, and Washroom. I used all the knowledge I had about toilet, but I could not find one. My common sense told me that it was impossible not to find one in the library, so I kept trying. Eventually I found a door on which was a single word: WOMEN.
    Although it did not look at all like a toilet, I assumed it must be one. And because I couldn't wait any longer, I had to try it. As I opened the door, I was sure I made a mistake, so I came out immediately. For what I had entered was a room much larger than my living room in Beijing, with a standing lamp by an antique-like table on a beautiful green carpet. On one side of the room, there was a very decent brown sofa, above which there was a wall mirrored up to the ceiling. There were two other sofas, by the side of the table. In one corner was a clothes hanger and in another corner was a big pot of green plants. It looked like a sitting room or lobby in a hotel. There was no sign of a toilet. But it was the only possible place a toilet could be. Then I remembered that there was another door in the room, so I went back in and opened the door. And there it was! What relief! I found it at last! The toilet room was only half the size of the outer room. It had only two seats with two sinks. What luxury“! It was like a two-room flat.
    After I relieved myself, another question occurred to me: since it was impossible for such a big library to have only one toilet, I had to ask someone about toilets. A “Rest Room” is also a toilet. The “rest” had only one seat and it was unisex. Both women and men could use it by locking the door from the inside.
    To refer to a toilet as a “rest room” is miles apart from the Chinese idea of a toilet. I never related the “rest room” with a “toilet”。 Here at Yale, when I use a toilet designated “women”, I feel myself a queen and enjoy looking at myself in a large mirror to see if I am properly attired. And when using a “rest room”, I do have a feeling of rest, because it is clean and has a window with a beautiful view.
    My experience with the toilet at Yale has enlightened me as to why American visitors often asked for the toilet when they arrived at our university: they may have needed to relieve themselves but they may have needed more to make sure that they were presentable before meeting our president. It is a kind of moment of privacy that they need. I can imagine how disappointed they must have been when they found no mirrors in our toilets! Their toilets have more functions than ours.
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