



2. 偶然看到一个观点说:“多看世界地图不如走遍世界地图”。这给我一个启发,就是以后我也可以试试不再漫无目的地看地图,而是没事时沿着电视剧里或者小说里的人物的轨迹,在地图上“走”一遍,没准印象会更深刻。

3. 今天起早了,才发现原来农村里这些小鸟们4点多就开始叽叽喳喳地叫了。

4. 5点多起床后,给小鸡小鸭们弄点吃的喝的,看着这些小家伙们大快朵颐真让人开心。

5. 喂完鸡鸭,我骑上自行车带着俩小狗出去转一圈,朝阳金灿灿的彩霞大朵大朵,映照在大片的水田里很是好看。

6. 早饭后,老爸出门钓鱼去了,我去后岗上的地里除草,可惜中途铁锹把断了只好回来。

7. 中午吃了点儿煎饼。

8. 下午热得很,中途也就陪着小狗们去河滩转了一圈,其他时间根本就不想出门。一直到傍晚,凉快了我才和老爸一起去地里栽了点辣椒。


1. I slept a little early last night, and as a result, I woke up at 4 o'clock this morning. Since I couldn't sleep, I simply got up and filled in my diary. On the way, I heard little geese crying outside. At first, I thought I was听错了 (mistaken), but later I found that it kept crying, so I went out with a flashlight to take a look. After walking out following the source of the sound, I found that the original sound came from the neighbor's house next door. It should be that their family also bought gosling. I was afraid that our little geese had gotten lost, so I went to the cage and counted them twice in a row before I felt relieved. It seems that I should remember to count before closing the cage tonight.

2. I happened to see a point of view that said: "Seeing more world maps is not as good as traveling all over the world map." This gave me an inspiration that in the future I can also try not to look at the map aimlessly anymore, but when I have nothing to do, I will "walk" through the trajectory of the characters in TV dramas or novels on the map once, maybe the impression will be deeper.

3. I got up early today and found out that these little birds in the countryside started chirping at more than 4 o'clock.

4. After getting up at more than 5 o'clock, I got something to eat and drink for the chicks and ducklings. Watching these little guys eat heartily really makes people happy.

5. After feeding the chickens and ducks, I rode a bicycle and took the two puppies out for a spin. The golden morning glow was in large patches and was very beautiful when reflected in the large paddy fields.

6. After breakfast, dad went out fishing, and I went to the field on the back hill to weed, but unfortunately the handle of the spade broke in the middle and I had to come back.

7. I ate some pancakes at noon.

8. It was very hot in the afternoon. I just went to the river beach with the puppies for a lap in the middle, and I didn't want to go out at other times at all. It wasn't until the evening when it was cooler that I went to the field with dad to plant some peppers.

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