


英特尔公共部门和教育销售全球总监Cigdem Ertem讨论了技术在疫情期间建立教育弹性的重要性。她强调了Covid-19造成的干扰,包括学生面临的心理健康问题和对心理健康支持的需求。Artam还强调了学生与未来劳动力之间的技能差距,以及技术在确保学生为全球格局做好准备方面的作用。她提出了一个有弹性的教育系统,其中包括可靠的基础设施、教师和学生的设备、教育工作者的专业发展以及适应性强的数字内容。Artam最后表示,英特尔致力于支持教育转型计划,并与合作伙伴合作,建设得更好。



Hi, my name is Cigdem Ertem. I'm the global director for Public sector and Education sales at today. I am pleased to join you for the third day of bedfast, where the team is resilient, features a topic that is top of mind for everyone, and I will talk about the importance of technology in building resilience into education.

你好,我的名字是Cigdem Ertem。我是当今公共部门和教育销售的全球董事。我很高兴加入你们参加第三天的教育数字化行动座谈活动,该团队非常有韧性,其主题是每个人都非常关注的一个话题,我将谈论技术在教育中建立韧性的重要性。

Systems. 2020 was a very difficult year for educators, parents and students worldwide. Covid-19 disrupted our education systems with forced school closures, causing education decision makers to scramble to ensure the education continued by whatever means possible. The sudden shift in educational modality resulted in huge challenges for students, teachers and parents, as well as the education system itself. It's infrastructure, content and evolution. Metrics about all the expanding learning gap has reached alarming levels for governments, educators, parents, and of course, for students.


Stressed students and educators are not a new phenomenon. In 2020, in fact, according to the World Health Organization, 10% to 20% of children and adolescents worldwide experienced mental health disorders even before Covid-19. The sudden changes brought by Covid-19 and the interruption of campus activities face to face interaction and social learning environment help make things worse.

In China, studies show a rise of about 10% in depression and anxiety in children and young adults compared with 2000 1980. The same is true in Germany. In addition, confinement has made it more challenging for some people schools to provide mental health services. In a UK study, 23% of respondents said that the there was less mental health support in their school than before pandemic, while only 9% said there were there was more mental health support.

强调学生和教育工作者并不是一个新现象。实际上,根据世界卫生组织的数据,到2020年,全球10% 至20% 的儿童和青少年在Covid-19之前就经历了心理健康障碍。Covid-19带来的突发性变化,校园活动面对面互动和社交学习环境的中断,使事情变得更糟。

在中国,研究表明儿童和年轻人的抑郁和焦虑症状比2000年或1980年增加了约10%。在德国也是如此。此外,禁闭使得学校提供心理健康服务变得更具挑战性。在英国的一项研究中,23% 的受访者表示,他们学校的心理健康支持比疫情前要少,而只有9% 的受访者表示学校有更多的心理健康支持。

The stress felt about the present situation is often made worse when thinking about the future. Forecasts show that the typical student might expect about 3% lower career earnings, even if schools immediately return to 2019 performance levels.


And in addition to the disruption of pandemic, our world is also transforming. The fourth industrial revolution is fundamentally disrupting. Our world is, which brings with it feelings of uncertainty as well as excitement. We are perched at the edge of a revolution. A revolution that expands our idea of the possible beyond what you have ever imagined. It will redefine the roles of humans and machines in the workplace to maximize innovation and creativity. Some call it the fourth industrial Revolution. Some call it industry 4.0.


For the nearly 2 billion children in school around the globe, this shift will significantly impact their lives and their roles in the future workforce. These changes hold great promise to help us solve the greatest challenges facing our world. Today's young people will require higher order thinking skills so that they can solve problems in ways never imagined before. Even traditionally, hands on careers will harness the power of technology. These future jobs will demand analytical thinking, ideation, and complex problem-solving systems. Analysis and evaluation, technology design and programming. Creativity, innovation. Using technology to access and consume content is no longer sufficient. Students need devices, tools, and training to apply, analyze, and create at the pace of change.


Even before Covid-19, we knew that preparing the next generation for this future world would be a big and urgent challenge. The disruptions the education system has faced in this past year have just brought that challenge into a sharper focus on this is threatening global education systems, including universities, but also the future competitiveness of the countries. There is such a big skill gap between that. Some employers, including Google, are already developing alternatives to traditional education paths. And with more companies planning for telework and the job market is increasingly becoming globals. So as the tech leaders, what is our response to possibility?


How can we build education systems that can help develop the human resilience required to face the challenging of the global landscape? How can we make sure that students will be ready for the workplace of the future? We need to start by building education systems that are more resilient, resilient enough to handle whatever the future throws at us, whether it's a natural disaster, a future pandemic, or demanding changes of the job market place.


Now, let's take a look at what it means to be resilient. Human resilience is defined as our ability to adopt and bounce back when things do not go according to plan, It requires hard work. And Tennessee teamwork and collaboration working towards a shared vision for it, calls for social emotion, skills and composure, as well as the reasoning ability to problem so of and a dedicated, healthy lifestyle. So what is a resilient education system?

A system is resilient when it can rapidly and effectively protect its critical capabilities from disruption caused by future events and conditions. Education systems need to be resilient themselves before they can support the resilience of students and educators. So what does it take to create this? It takes dedicated people, a culture of resiliency and innovative use of all tools available, including technology.

现在,让我们来看看有韧性意味着什么。人类的韧性被定义为我们在事情没有按计划发展时适应和反弹的能力,它需要努力工作。田纳西州和田纳西州的团队合作与合作,为实现共同的愿景而努力,需要社交情感、技能和冷静,以及解决问题的推理能力和专注、健康的生活方式。那么,什么是弹性教育系统?当系统能够快速有效地保护其关键能力免受未来事件和条件造成的破坏时,系统具有弹性。教育系统需要具有韧性,然后才能支持学生和教育工作者的韧性。那么,创造这个需要什么呢?这需要敬业的员工、富有弹性的文化和对所有可用工具 (包括技术) 的创新使用。

At Intel, we believe that technology can play an important role here. So let's see how.


First, by providing reliable, secure and robust infrastructure, including connectivity, storage, capacity, data security, and tools for manageability to keep the teaching and learning experience experience as seamless and secure as possible.

Second, ensuring that each person is equipped with the right device. The right combination of performance and futures are to take the stress out of anywhere learning and keep teachers and students focused on teaching and learning, not on technology issues and troubleshooting.

Third, creating a structure for educators to become the leaders of their learning. This is about professional development and supporting the changing role of educators, enabling teachers to handle different learning modalities and address the future needs of their students.

Fourth, creating digital content adapted to anywhere, learning to maximize continuity and minimize learning loss during disruptions and allowing teachers to maximize technology use for project based learning and future skills.

Whether the students are as well school or a tone and finally, fostering continuous connection and collaboration not only for mental health, but also for human connectedness and teamwork, important social skills now and in the future.


Now let's start with the need for a reliable, secure and robust infrastructure. Covid-19 has shown us the challenges of bringing technology into the learning experience. During the first wave of school closures In the us, 87% of educators reported spending more time in troubleshooting technology issues than before.

现在让我们从对可靠、安全和强大的基础设施的需求开始。Covid-19向我们展示了将技术引入学习体验的挑战。在美国第一波学校关闭期间,87% 的教育工作者报告说他们比以前花更多的时间来解决技术问题。

We must make wiser choices and consider the longterm viability of students the long term investments. Consider connectivity, manageability, security, and performance. It infrastructure must deliver an easier, frictionless, more manageable, and more equitable learning and teaching expert experience. Some school districts had the foresight to build a strong infrastructure, and we're able to respond quickly. For many, the work has just begun. And as the 2020 2021 school year continues with the largest experiment of hybrid learning, we have to consider our choices wisely, Sil, so we can provide a reliable learning experience for everyone.


Next, we need to consider that technology is essential for a more equitable world. First, it facilitates access to educational opportunities. And lets not forget that there are still millions of students without this key support. But beyond excess alone, the PC is no longer just a tool to serve up content to be consumed. The PC is becoming a powerful gateway to many interactive learning experiences. These rich experiences model physical settings like chemistry lab, foster teamwork and collaboration via video conferencing, as well as enable rich media creation with the right PC. This can happen anywhere. In fact, we call it anywhere learning.


Using the PC teachers can integrate project based skilled building activities such as skills for innovation, an Intel initiative that can help introduce excitement and new challenges in remote and in classroom learning. They can also help the students gain reasoning and analogical needed for their future 4th Industrial Revolution careers. Overall, these rich activities nurture a sense of purpose.


A great example is math hoops from Learn Fresh Air. Originally based on a board game donated by Hasbro, the program engages elementary and middle school students in math and social emotional learning through partnership with the MBA Angle and the won MBA basketball. As a result of Covid, the learned fresh team developed a PC based digital experience that maintains the game play excitement as it shifts from physical to virtual.

The new digital edition of NBA Matthews reimagines the inperson experience in an engaging virtual environment and. NBA Matthew caters to many teaching and learning styles, including classroom out of school time and at home educational. This year, our educators and families can choose to implement the program and facilitate a more independent learning environment. I find it inspiring to see how this team is following their passion for supporting students even remotely and helping build the new skills during this these difficult times.


Let's now consider the importance of professional development for teachers. In this time of change, the role of teachers is evolving. Teachers now have technology available to help them personalize instruction or use the new content ready for anywhere learning. They are expected to adapt new education models like the Flipped Classroom and massive open online courses, and increasingly expect it to become more of a facilitator than a director in the classroom. Meanwhile, they are being held to hire standards for student outcomes. To do all of this effectively, they need to build new skills, which requires investing more time to professional development.


As part of intellectual skills for Innovation Initiative, we are developing tools to help educators integrate technology, involve skilled building and higher order thinking in their teaching, and be ready to create the new content adapted to these new skills in a blended learning environment. We are enabling educators to become leaders of the learning experiences so that students are can develop a positive vision of themselves for the future and gain the new mindsets and skill sets such as Tennessee composure and reasoning that they need to be successful.

There are higher expectations for students as well. Students are now expected to create, not just consume content and to develop problem solving skills. They are also expected to collaborate with their classmates and learn how to present their work to their teachers and peers. All of this is aimed at equipping them to be self-directed, lifelong learners.


This requires enriching the curriculum to focus on building the right skill sets and mindsets. The Singapore Academy of Young Engineers and Scientists and the Stamming Program took the Intel Skills for Innovation Starter Pack to jump start this effort. One is key. Here is the full integration of technology and topics such as computational thinking, programming, and coding into other disciplines. Using a projectbased learning approach, the starter pack provided them a set of ready to use lesson plans together with curriculum mapping guidance and recommendations for hardware software technology. This is an example of how skills for innovation can be brought to through an immersive learning experience while building resilience for the future.


Finally, with the rise of video conferencing and collaboration tools, we have gained a full appreciation for online collections. The ability to connect virtually has lessened the feeling of isolation. However, low speed connectivity remains a concern. It can diminish the quality of learning and create unnecessary ice and drain for students and teachers. Fortunately, pieces with embedded AI capabilities can mitigate the negative impact of slow connectivity during this conferences and compensate for poor image quality. We also see technology playing an active role in strengthening the resilience of students using technology and analytics tools.


Schools can support the social and emotional wellbeing of their students to help them grow the skills of self awareness and self regulation. In this time of stress. As we move forward, we must consider the essential role that schools play in the wellbeing of children and students. When our education systems fail, we failed the next generation, so we need to invest in students and educators and the technologies to help them succeed.


Over the past 15 years, Intel has played an important role in education. We have immense it. More than $1 billion globally, we have trained more than 15 million teachers world worldwide. In ICD skills. We partnered with our ecosystem research institutes and Ngos and support education transformation programs globally. Since April 2020. As part of our pandemic response efforts, we have worked with our partners to combine our unique assets and capabilities to ensure that students have access to a meaningful virtual learning experience. In these challenging times, we continue to show our support. We believe that together we can build back better, and we want to work with you to make it happen. Thank you.


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