

一、心总是贪求阳光的温暖,用你的品味,熟悉而温柔。指向过去,挥之不去,萦绕在心头,回首往事,凝聚成最温暖的荣光,通过你娇生惯养的双眼,穿越时空,在每一个寂寞的夜晚,用我的,一首永不厌倦的歌聆听,我不知道,因为歌词太美,或者有我们的痕迹,我不知道。Heart is always greedy for the warmth of sunshine, with your taste, familiar and gentle. Point to the past, linger in my heart, look back on the past, condense into the warmest glory, through your spoiled eyes, through time and space, in every lonely night, with my ears, a song that never tires of listening, I don't know, because the lyrics are too beautiful, or there are traces of us, I don't know.
二、肩上的石头只能成为一种负担,只能增加前进的难度;脚上的石头,会成为一种攀登的台阶,会增加成功的力量。不同的选择有不同的结果,诠释了人生的智慧。Stone on shoulder can only be a burden, but can only increase the difficulty of progress; Stone on foot, will become a step of climbing, will increase the strength of success. Different choices have different results, interpreting the wisdom of life.
三、善良的付出,感动了自己,失去了理解,后来,没有了钱,没有了朋友,一个明白,一个伤痛,一个冷漠,零散的感情,从此不同了两种宽容。Kind efforts, moved themselves, lost understanding, and later, no money, no friends, a understand, a pain, a cold, scattered feelings, henceforth different from two kinds of tolerance.
四、如果你想成为一个更好的人,你必须看到更大的世界,认识更多优秀的人,学习更多的知识。你不需要太多的赞扬,因为你知道你有多好,内在的力量总是比外在的华丽。If you want to be a better person, you must see the bigger world, know more excellent people, and learn more knowledge. You don't need too much praise, because you know how good you are, and your inner strength is always more magnificent than your outer strength.
五、习惯每天一个人坐在公共汽车上,插上耳塞,看着窗外那些和我们一样忙于生活的人。我想知道生活有多艰难,不再是父母怀抱中的孩子,但长大后我们会被电影中的一些情节所感动。生活改变了我们,但坚强的外表下却没有敏感脆弱的心。It's customary to sit alone on the bus every day, plug in earplugs, and look out the window at people who are as busy as we are. I want to know how hard life is, no longer a child in the arms of parents, but when we grow up, we will be touched by some of the plots in the film. Life has changed us, but there is no sensitive and fragile heart beneath the strong exterior.
六、我曾经认为爱是生命的全部,但有一天我发现它只是我最浪费时间的一部分。我曾经认为如果我爱上你,我仍然可以全身撤退,但有一天我发现我身上布满了伤疤。I used to think of love as the whole of life, but one day I found it was only part of my most wasted time. I used to think that if I fell in love with you, I could still retreat, but one day I found myself covered with scars.
七、生活就像一出戏,作家就是你,导演就是你,演员就是你,你必须把戏演得很好;生活就像一首歌,歌词就是你,音乐就是你,歌手还是你,你必须把歌唱得很好。做最好的自己,独一无二的自己!Life is like a play, the writer is you, the director is you, the actor is you, you must perform the play well; life is like a song, the lyrics are you, the music is you, the singer or you, you must sing well. Be the best of yourself, unique of yourself!
八、不要总是怀念过去的幸福,不要总是想要未来的幸福。你唯一能掌握的就是现在。让自己快乐的最好方法就是放下那些让你不快乐的事情。人们不快乐的原因也可能是他们自己的延迟。Don't always miss the happiness of the past, don't always want the happiness of the future. The only thing you can master is now. The best way to make yourself happy is to let go of the things that make you unhappy. People may also be unhappy because of their own delays.
九、孤独,成就了一个人的心理素质,熬夜,改变了一个人的生活环境,长大了,让自己学会实践,让生活学会无助,为了得到最大的筹码,我们必须建立起生活的感触。Loneliness, the achievement of a person's psychological quality, stay up late, change a person's living environment, grow up, let oneself learn to practice, let life learn helplessness, in order to get the greatest chips, we must establish the feeling of life.
十、实际上,它是否漂亮并不重要。我一直认为一个女孩可以对任何事情都保持冷静的态度,一颗能忍受孤独的心。这是一种非常迷人的气质,是她骨子里的一种力量。In fact, it doesn't matter whether it's beautiful or not. I always think that a girl can keep a cool attitude to everything, a heart that can endure loneliness. It's a very charming temperament, a force in her bones.
十一、无论你在经历什么,无论你是否快乐,世界都不会因为你累而停止。那些你不能放手的人和事总有一天会被忘记,而你却不能忘记。不管夜晚有多长,黎明总是准时到来。Whatever you are experiencing, whether you are happy or not, the world will not stop because you are tired. Those people and things you can't let go will be forgotten one day, but you can't forget them. No matter how long the night is, the dawn always comes on time.
十二、有时,我想,也许世界上有我,也有我,包括我周围的人,如果不是我,他们也可以生活得很好。所以我可以走了。也许我已经摆脱了自己和他人。Sometimes, I think, maybe there are me in the world, as well as me, including the people around me. If not for me, they can also live a good life. So I can go. Maybe I've got rid of myself and others.
十三、你要做一个不动声色的大人了。不准情绪化,不准偷偷想念,不准回头看。去过自己另外的生活。你要听话,不是所有的鱼都会生活在同一片海里。You're going to be a quiet adult. Do not be emotional, do not secretly miss, do not look back. Live a different life for yourself. Be obedient, not all fish will live in the same ocean.
十四、和聪明人交流,和靠谱的人恋爱,和积极的人共事,和幽默的人随行。人生若能如此,就是最大的幸福。不曾辜负过每个朝阳,不曾荒废过每个深夜,因为平凡而奋斗,因为奋斗而不平凡。Communicate with smart people, fall in love with reliable people, work with positive people, and go with humorous people. If this is the case in life, it is the greatest happiness. Never let down every morning sun, never abandoned every night, because ordinary struggle, because struggle is not ordinary.
We desire simple, simple walk, simple love, simple life. Why dance with the wisdom of life, mysterious mystery, can't see through, can't touch? Bosom friend, can have one or two already very good, really need not be too much, the joy of friends, depend on that solid trust.
十六、怀念不一定就要相见,喜欢不一定就要在一起。要相信,每一种距离都会有它存在的意义。真希望一觉醒来,事情都变好。所有深夜的心事都变成头顶的那一颗星星,指向每一条正确的路。Memories don't necessarily have to meet, likes don't necessarily have to be together. Believe that every distance has its meaning. I wish everything would be better when I wake up. All the thoughts of late night turn into the star overhead, pointing to every right way.
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