

一、 我像个路人看着你的生活,心酸的是你的喜怒哀乐全不是为我。时间是最好的解药,终究淡化了一切消散成烟云。时间也是最好的毒药,越久记得越清晰越是中毒太深。I look at your life like a passer-by, sad that your joys and sorrows are not for me. Time is the best antidote, and eventually desalinates everything into smoke. Time is also the best poison. The longer you remember, the clearer you will be, the deeper you will be poisoned.
二、有时候,我们活得很累,并非生活过于刻薄,而是我们太容易被外界的氛围所感染,被他人的情绪所左右。其实你是活给自己看的,没有多少人能够把你留在心上。Sometimes, we live very tired, not too mean life, but we are too easily infected by the outside atmosphere, by the emotions of others. In fact, you live to see for yourself, not many people can keep you in mind.
三、希望会有那么一个人,在我面无表情的时候轻轻的用力的搂紧我。然后说,你在我的面前永远都不需要伪装坚强。不是不渴望,是怕遇到不同的人,再给了同样的伤痛。I hope there will be someone who will hold me gently and forcefully when my face is expressionless. Then say, you never need to pretend to be strong in front of me. It's not that you don't want to, but that you are afraid to meet different people and give them the same pain.
四、生活不能等待别人来安排,要自己去争取和奋斗;而不论其结果是喜是悲,但可以慰藉的是,你总不枉在这世界上活了一场。有了这样的认识,你就会珍重生活,而不会玩世不恭;同时,也会给人自身注入一种强大的内在力量。Life can't wait for others to arrange it. It's up to you to fight and fight for it. Whether the result is joy or sorrow, it's comforting to know that you've lived in the world in vain. With this understanding, you will value life, not cynicism; at the same time, you will inject a strong inner strength into yourself.
五、有人说,爱情遥不可及。有人说,单着单着就真怕幸福再也不会来敲门了。我觉得爱情不分早晚,遇见才分,爱情只有好坏。爱对了人,你的世界将会晴空万里。爱错了人,天天都是雷阵雨。Some people say that love is out of reach. Some people say that happiness alone is afraid that it will never knock on the door again. I think love is good or bad, no matter how early or late it is, when it meets talent. Love the right person, your world will be clear. Love the wrong person, thunderstorm every day.
六、万物皆不完美,人生总有缺憾。真正的朋友,应该是在共同的思想基础和奋斗目标上,一起追求,一起进步,如果没有内在精神的默契,只有表面上的亲热,这样的朋友是无法真正沟通和理解的。Everything is imperfect, and there are always shortcomings in life. A true friend is one who pursues and advances together on the common ideological basis and goal. If there is no tacit understanding of inner spirit and only superficial intimacy, such a friend can not really communicate and understand.
七、最怕你一身轻松地走,我却背负着你给的所有伤痛停在原地,怎么也迈不开脚步,我总以为你会跟我一样,一样对这段感情恋恋不舍,总有一天你会停下离开的脚步,回头跑向在原地等你的我。Most afraid that you can walk easily, but I am carrying all the pain you have given me to stop in situ, how can not take a step, I always think you will be the same as me, reluctant to part with this sentiment, one day you will stop to leave the footsteps, and run back to where you are waiting for me.
八、 所有爱好的本质都应该是让自己开心为目的,先学会对自己的快乐负责吧,别总想着让别人满意。永远不要沉溺在安逸里得过且过,能给你遮风挡雨的,同样能让你不见天日。只有让自己更加强大,才能真正地撑起一片天。The essence of all hobbies should be to make oneself happy. Learn to be responsible for one's own happiness first. Don't always think about making others satisfied. Never indulge in the comfort of living, can give you shelter from the wind and rain, also can let you not see the day. Only by making ourselves stronger, can we really hold up a day.
九、有一种爱,永藏心底,全世界只有你自己知道,虽然苦涩,但偶尔想起,还是会有甜蜜的成分。只愿所有默默付出的人,都能够被这个世界温柔以待。There is a kind of love, always hidden in the heart, the world only you know, although bitter, but occasionally think of, there will be sweet ingredients. I just hope that all those who give in silence can be gently waited for by the world.
十、我们每个人天生都有良好的心态。随着世界的成长、微不足道的影响和人们欲望的膨胀,我们慢慢失去了自己的理智。但在经历了世界的沧桑和挫折之后,我们的心态逐渐平静下来。Everyone of us is born with a good mentality. With the growth of the world, the insignificant influence and the expansion of people's desires, we have gradually lost our reason. But after the vicissitudes and setbacks of the world, our mind gradually calmed down.
十一、用一颗清醒的心看待世界,快乐地生活,正常的心情生活,用一颗柔软的心消除障碍。当我们年轻时,我们放弃了认为这只是一段关系。后来,我们知道这真的是一辈子。Look at the world with a clear heart, live happily, live in a normal mood, and remove obstacles with a soft heart. When we were young, we gave up thinking it was just a relationship. Later, we knew it was a lifetime.
十二、人都是被逼出来的,人的潜能是无限的,安于现状,你将逐步被淘汰,逼自己一把,突破自我,你将创造奇迹,千万不要对自己说不可能,树的方向,风决定。人的方向,自己决定。People are forced out, people's potential is infinite, content with the status quo, you will be gradually eliminated, forced to break through oneself, you will create miracles, do not say impossible to oneself, the direction of the tree, the wind decides. Man's direction is determined by himself.
十三、 或许,一个人就算再好,但不愿陪你走下去,那是过客;一个人再有缺点,但能处处忍让你,陪你到最后,才是终点。世界上最难断的是感情,最难求的是真情,最难猜的是心情,最痛苦的是自作多情。Perhaps, even if a person is good, but not willing to accompany you down, it is a passer-by; a person has shortcomings, but can tolerate you everywhere, accompany you to the end, is the end. The most difficult thing in the world is emotion, the hardest thing to ask for is true feelings, the hardest thing to guess is mood, and the most painful thing is self-indulgence.
十四、我不确定自己能用多少时间把你忘了,也不敢保证我就能真的把你忘了,我只能像现在这样,不吵不闹,不悲不喜,安安静静的与你再无交集。I'm not sure how much time I can spend to forget you, and I can't guarantee that I can really forget you. I can only like now, no noise, no sadness, no joy, no quiet intersection with you.
十五、人生有如梦境,岁月亦无情。我们的生活总是很拥挤,总是很忙碌,过去的已成为历史,而未来还是未知,我们不须为昨日而哀叹,也不必为明天而担忧,我们要活在今天,活在过去与将来的隔仓里,才能把今天的事做好,明天才会有希望。Life is like a dream, and time is ruthless. Our life is always crowded, always busy, the past has become history, and the future is still unknown, we do not have to lament for yesterday, nor worry about tomorrow, we must live in today, live in the past and the future, in order to do a good job today, tomorrow will have hope.
十六、 如果你能够学会控制自己,你可以改变你人生当中的许多事。也许我们都曾勇敢而坚毅,只是,在与时间老人的对峙中,我们从来都不是赢家。If you can learn to control yourself, you can change many things in your life. Perhaps we have all been brave and determined, but in the confrontation with the old man of time, we have never been the winner.
十七、我是要有多勇敢,才敢一直对你念念不忘。我是要有多坚强,才能承受你的一伤再伤。你没有错,只是没有爱我很久,没有陪我到最后;我也没有错,因为累了所以只能放手。How brave must I be to remember you all the time. How strong should I be before I can bear your repeated injuries? You are not wrong, but did not love me for a long time, did not accompany me to the end; I am also not wrong, because tired so can only let go.
十八、真正的爱情不是一时好感,而是明明知道不一定有结果,还想要坚持下去的冲动。我知道遇到你不容易,错过了会很可惜。True love is not a temporary favor, but an impulse to insist on knowing that it does not necessarily lead to results. I know it's not easy to meet you. It's a pity to miss it.
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