

Hard life is the best. Don't waste your youth at the same age. It's not inspirational quotations that really inspire us to move forward, but the positive progress of the friends around us and walking with the people full of positive energy!
二、人生没有过不去的事情,只有过不去的心情。今天再大的事,到了明天就是小事;今年再大的事,到了明年就是故事。我们最多也就是个有故事的人,所以,人生就像蒲公英,看似自由,却身不由己。有些事,不是不在意,而是在意了又能怎样?做好自己该做的事和想做的事,一切无愧于心,如此,就好There is nothing in life that can't be passed, only the mood that can't be passed. What is big today is small tomorrow; what is big this year is a story next year. We are at most a storyteller, so life is like dandelion, seemingly free, but involuntarily. Some things, not do not care, but care about what can be? Do your best to do what you should and want to do, and be worthy of your conscience. That's all.
三、人,最怕:深交后的陌生;认真后的痛苦;信任后的利用;温柔后的冷漠。有时候,适合你的那个人其实一直在那儿,只是那些错的人挡住了你的视线,你才没有看见。People are most afraid of: strangers after deep friendship; pains after earnest; use after trust; indifference after gentleness. Sometimes, the person who suits you is always there, but the wrong person blocked your sight, and you didn't see it.
四、每个人都是人,都有着人性善与恶,我们永远不能因为对方表现得善良,而忘记了他也有人性的弱点。不想一个人,可又不能随便找一个人,最后还是先一个人,就这样一个人好久,慢慢的习惯了一个人。Everyone is human and has good and evil human nature. We can never forget that he has human weaknesses because the other side behaves kindly. I don't want to be alone, but I can't find anyone at will. Finally, I'll be the first one. So I've been used to a person for a long time.
五、任何得到都有代价,任何野心的实现都需点滴的积累。记住是自己选的,也就不要有怨言。有的事情让我们很是无助,有的事情让我们很是无语,可是不管是你遇到怎样的艰难,能否挺过去,取决于对自己的信心。换个角度看问题:毛毛虫所谓的世界末日,恰恰就是蝴蝶破茧而出的充满阳光的时刻。Every gain comes at a price, and every ambition needs to be accumulated bit by bit. Keep in mind that you chose it yourself, so don't complain. Some things make us very helpless, some things make us very speechless, but no matter what difficulties you encounter, whether you can survive depends on your confidence. Another way to look at it: Caterpillars call the end of the world the moment when butterflies burst out of their cocoons full of sunshine.
六、喜欢上你,并不是你长的好不好看的原因,而是你在特殊的时间里给了我别人给不了的感觉。至于未来会怎样,要用力走下去才知道,记住,不要轻易放弃,自己的命运在自己手中,跌倒失败有何惧,只要干不死,就往死里干,反正路还长,天总会亮。It's not because you look good or not that you like you. It's because you give me a feeling that others can't give me at a special time. As for what will happen in the future, we need to work hard to know. Remember, don't give up easily. Your destiny is in your own hands. What's your fear of falling down? As long as you can't die, you'll go to death. Anyway, the road is still long and the sky will shine.
七、可以坚持自己的梦想,再辛苦也值得。 我累了,你拒绝了我的爱,让我一个人承受想你的痛,我真的很烦躁,不知道怎么样去面对你,说好的一辈子,说好的要白头偕老,可是一个转身你却一个人丢下我走了。It's worthwhile to stick to your dreams. I am tired, you refused my love, let me bear the pain of missing you alone, I am really upset, do not know how to face you, said good life, said good to grow old together, but a turn you left me alone.
八、其实谁都不想发脾气,赌气不过是为了看看对方会为自己退让多少空间。我们都有这样一个习惯,闹矛盾时喜欢说话带刺,喜欢不理不睬。懂得你的人会为你放下架子,不懂你的人,维持了僵局,失望的只有你自己。Actually, no one wants to lose his temper. He just wants to see how much space the other party will give up for himself. We all have such a habit that we like to talk prickly and ignore when we are in conflict. The person who knows you will put down the shelf for you, the person who doesn't know you will maintain the deadlock, and the only person who is disappointed is yourself.
九、只是两人什么都没说,我总觉得那时候于淼再多点自信,闺蜜再多点勇气,也许这段故事就可以早点到达令人满意的结局。所谓的公平,只不过是一个冠冕堂皇的谎言,一切的一切都只是建立在强者之上,对于弱者来说,只不过是无谓的挣扎But they didn't say anything. I always felt that Yuzhao had more confidence and courage at that time. Maybe this story could reach a satisfactory conclusion earlier. The so-called fairness is just a grand lie. Everything is built on the strong. For the weak, it is just a meaningless struggle.
十、人与人之间矛盾大部分的来源都是高估了自己在对方心中的地位,把陌生人当熟人,熟人当朋友,朋友当亲人,恋人当爱人,爱人不当人。过了界,让对方不舒服是小事,最后失望的其实是我们自己。Most of the contradictions between people come from overestimating their position in each other's heart. They regard strangers as acquaintances, acquaintances as friends, friends as relatives, lovers as lovers, and lovers as inappropriate people. It's a trivial matter to cross the border and make the other party uncomfortable. It's ourselves who are disappointed in the end.
十一、有时候想找人说说话,于是一遍遍翻看手机里的电话簿,却不知道可以给谁发个短信或打个电话,最后还是按下了“清除”。其实很想找个人倾诉一下,却又不知从何说起,最终的最终是什么也不说,告诉自己,明天就好了。Sometimes I want to talk to someone, so I look through the phone book again and again, but I don't know who I can send a short message or make a phone call to, and finally I press "Clear up". In fact, I really want to find someone to talk about it, but I don't know where to start. In the end, I don't say anything. Tell myself that tomorrow will be good.
十二、只是我终于知道很多事不是希望就可以如愿以偿,正如我们不谙世事时也曾幻想能否一起携手到老。But I finally know that many things can not be fulfilled by hope, just as when we are not familiar with the world, we also had fantasies about whether we can join hands in old age.
十三、一个人的精神生活,最终想法始终是他自己和天主之间的秘密。我可以笑着给你讲道理,也可以翻脸告诉你什么叫规矩。生活只要真实、踏实,并且一直在变好,我们就应该知足和感恩。The ultimate idea of a person's spiritual life is always the secret between himself and God. I can laugh and reason with you, or turn my face and tell you what rules are. As long as life is real, down-to-earth, and has been improving, we should be satisfied and grateful.
十四、再喜欢也不要旧情复燃,从他忍心伤害你的那一刻起,他就确信生活中没你会更好了。你可以继续喜欢他,但答应我,千万千万不要再爱了。斩断自己退路,才能更好地赢得出路。很多时候,我们都需要一种斩断自己退路的勇气。因为身后有退路,就会心存侥幸和安逸,身后无退路,才会为自己赢得出路。No matter how much you like it or how old it is, from the moment he has the heart to hurt you, he is sure that life would be better without you. You can continue to like him, but promise me never to love again. Cut off your own way out, in order to better win the way out. Many times, we need a kind of courage to cut ourselves off. Because if there is a way out behind you, you will be lucky and comfortable. If there is no way out behind you, you will win the way out for yourself.
十五、决定了要走的路就不要频频回头,纠结过去的结果只会让自己止步不前。不属于你的不要硬挤,头破血流也没意义,等你足够强大,相应的会主动来吸纳你。If you decide on the way to go, don't look back frequently. Twisting the results of the past will only stop you from moving forward. Don't squeeze the circles that don't belong to you. It doesn't make sense to break your head and bleed. When you are strong enough, the corresponding circles will take the initiative to absorb you.
十六、生命在于静止。你看王八都活多少年了。若总被忽视,又何必作贱了自己;若不被珍惜,又何必苦苦去维系。Life lies in stillness. Look how many years Wang Badu has lived. If they are always neglected, why should they be humiliated? If they are not treasured, why should they suffer to maintain.
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