





奶茶品类出海已不再稀奇,前有coco、快乐柠檬,现有喜茶、蜜雪冰城,看似中国茶饮品牌已经成功出圈,被隔离三年的海外同胞对奶茶仍然是来自舌尖的向往和胃的欲望。开在法国-斯特拉斯堡的奶茶品牌machi  machi(周杰伦奶茶店),远在德国的法兰克福的朋友们为了喝上一杯,组团购满200杯店家给送外卖至指定地点,再有馋友们自行前往领取。

machi machi 法国门店


 据沙利文预测,2026 年,海外中式餐饮市场规模有望达 4098 亿美元,21-26ECAGR 达 9.4%,而海外中餐市场的蓬勃发展与人口迁徙密不可分。立足中长线,跨国生产占比提升,叠加全球经贸一体化,人员互联互通更加频繁,出入境人群增长有望不断巩固和壮大海外中餐品牌的消费基础。

      蜜雪冰城海外门店已突破 1000 家,或验证了供应链驱动的小店效率模式在海外的适用性。疫情的加持下海外各国外卖的崛起,也再次推动了中餐在海外的降维发展。


食随人行,随着世界联通的重启,伴随国际分工的深化、全球一体化的发展,中国越来越多的企业、个人选择布局海外。我们认为移民、境外工作、留学、度假群体的“乡愁”为本土餐饮品牌出海培育了广 袤的需求沃土,人员的互联互通,出入境人群的稳定增长不断巩固和壮大海外中餐品牌的消费基础。

      截至 2Q22,Tiktok 在全球拥有 14.7 亿月活跃用户,中国社交产品 Tik Tok 在海外的爆红,给予了新中式文化和新中餐优质的传播载体和渠道。跨境电商的强力出海,带来了预制菜出海和海外物流仓储的建立,间接成为品牌中餐出海的催化剂。


During the long weekend of May 1stin 2023, we did not go to the “ZIBO” BBQ or watching a puddle by spending 120 Yuan.  Otherwise,  we met a lot of relatives and friends who return to their hometown for visiting their families from all over the world.  We have not seen each other around five years.  In addition to endless talking of recently situation, the most of important thing is to prepare a table of dishes which they can’t eat it in the overseas according to Chinese customs.

Even though there are about six hundred thousand in the overseas, it still can’t satisfy the needs of 60 million ethnic Chinese.Meanwhile, I have also heard a lot of stories about Chinese catering in the overseas.

It is not that rare for milk tea to landing overseas due to some brands like “COCO”, “HAPPY LEMON”,“HEYTEA” and “MIXUE” have already succeed in landing overseas.  It looks like that Chinese tea brands has been successfully going international, but those Chinese people who live in the overseas still have the passion for the milk tea from hometown.  Speaking of the “machi machi” (Jay chou’s store) from Strasbourg, France, due to some of my friends who live in the Frankfurt, Germany want to order a cup of milk tea, they have to make 200 cups milk tea of group purchasing in order to the staff from store will send these milk tea to designed location, then the customers go pick it by themselves.

According to the forecast from Sullivan, the scale of Chinese catering market in the overseas will reach to 409.8 billion U.S. dollars, and 21-26ECAGR will reach to 9.4%, it is inseparable between the flourishing development of Chinese catering in the overseas and population migration.Based on the medium and long term, the increasing of proportion of transnational production, the integration of superimposed global economic and trade , more frequency of interconnection among people and the growth of entry-exit people at customs are expected to continuously consolidate and strengthen the consumption base of Chinese catering brands in the overseas.

The number of “MIXUE” store in the overseas has already exceeded 1000, which proves that those small supply chain driven stores efficiency model in the overseas is applicable.Under the situation of the Covid-19, the rising of take-out in the all over the world has also promoted the dimension reduction development of Chinese catering in the overseas again.

Where people go, catering should follow.With the reboot of world interconnection, deepening of the international specialization and development of global integration, more and more enterprises and individuals in China has chosen to accelerate oversea layout.  We think that the “homesickness” of immigration, working in the overseas, studying abroad and holiday groups has cultivated a wide expanse of demand for local Chinese catering brands landing overseas.

Tiktok has 1.47 billion monthly active users in the world as 2Q22.The explosive popularity of Chinese social products Tik-Tok overseas has provided a high-quality carrier and channel for the spread of new Chinese culture and new Chinese food.  Strong cross-border e-commerce has brought about the establishment of prepared-dishes and overseas logistics and warehousing, which has indirectly become the catalyst for brand Chinese food to go overseas.

The second half of 2023 has arrived, during the new chapter of the world, folks, the first thing you should do is to have a look by leaving for the other countries.

信息来源:CTC餐树咨询-上海鸿雷企业管理有限公司 #餐饮咨询 #中餐出海


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