

Lesson 1   Excuse me!
excuse                   v. 原谅
me                       pron. 我(宾格)
yes                      adv. 是的
is                       v. be动词现在时第三人称单数
this                     pron. 这
your                     possessive adjective 你的,你们的
handbag                  n.(女用)手提包
pardon                   int. 原谅,请再说一遍
it                       pron. 它
thank you                感谢你(们)
very much                非常地
★Excuse me.
Excuse us for a moment. 对不起,让我们单独聊会。
sorry 对不起,用于对别人有伤害时
★me   pron. 我(宾格)
★is   v. be动词现在时第三人称单数
I am
she/ he/ it is
you/ we/ they are
★pardon   int. 原谅,请再说一遍
Pardon?/ I beg your pardon.   请求对方把刚才讲过的话重复一遍。
Excuse me.
Is this your handbag?
Is this your handbag?
Yes, it is.
Thank you very much.
Lesson 2   Is this your…?
pen                      n.钢笔
pencil                   n.铅笔
book                     n.书
watch                    n.手表
coat                     n.上衣,外衣
dress                    n.连衣裙
skirt                    n.裙子
shirt                    n.衬衣
car                      n.小汽车
house                    n.房子
① n. 连衣裙;套裙
② n. 服装,衣服
casual dress  便服
evening dress  晚礼服
★house   n.房子
house 房子,一般指独立的院落,更具体的指房子的建筑,结构
family 侧重家庭的成员
There are four people in my family. 在我家里有四口人。
home 抽象的家的概念
home road 《我的父亲母亲》
Lesson 3   Sorry, sir.
umbrella                 n.伞
please                   int.请
here                     adv.这里
my                       possessive adjective 我的
ticket                   n.票
number                   n.号码
five                     num.五
sorry                    adj.对不起的
sir                      n.先生
cloakroom                n.衣帽存放处
★here   adv.这里
here 这里                       there 那儿
home 家(副词,名词)           abroad 国外
downstairs 楼底下               upstairs 楼上
downtown 市中心
★five   num.五
★sir  n.先生
① 对不相识的男子、年长者或上级的尊称
What can I do for you, sir?  先生,您要买什么?
② sir通常用于正式信函开头的称呼:
Dear Sir
③ Sir可用于有爵士称号者的名字或姓名前,但不用于姓氏前。
Miss:小姐,一般用于指末婚女子,不过在不知道对方是否已婚时也可使用(两种发音:[mis] 已婚未婚均可;[miz]即不愿意被称为已婚,又不愿意被称为未婚)
gentleman 绅士,对男性比较有礼貌的称呼,在公众场合最得体的称呼
lady  女士
ladies and gentlemen
Lady first.
guy 在美国英语中对男性一种不正式的称呼,家伙
boy 在美语中不正式的称呼   girl  女孩
male  男性      female  女性
man  男人       woman  妇女
My umbrella and my coat please. 省略了动词和间接宾语的祈使句。
Keep off the grass!   请勿践踏草地!
Help yourself!  请自己动手!
Come and see this goldfish.
Go and buy yourself a new pair of shoes.
Wait and see.  等着瞧吧。
here is 是简单的倒装句,be 动词放在 here 的后面,这个句式就可以成为简单的倒装句式。
My ticket is here. 我的票在这。
Here is my ticket. / Here's my ticket.
My coat and my umbrella please.
Here is my ticket.
Thank you, sir.
Number five.
Here's your umbrella and your coat.
This is not my umbrella.
Sorry, sir.
Is this your umbrella?
No, it isn't.
Is this it?
Yes, it is.
Thank you very much.
Lesson 4   Is this your…?
suit                     n.一套衣服
school                   n.学校
teacher                  n.老师
son                      n.儿子
daughter                 n.女儿
Lesson5   Nice to meet you.
Mr.                      先生
good                     adj.好
morning                  n.早晨
Miss                     小姐
new                      adj.新的
student                  n.学生
French                   adj.&n.法国人
German                   adj.&n.德国人
nice                     adj.美好的
meet                     v.遇见
Japanese                 adj.&n.日本人
Korean                   adj.&n.韩国人
Chinese                  adj&n.中国人
too                      adv.也
★nice    adj.美好的
① adj. 美好的,好看的
It’s a nice day today, isn’t it?
② adj. 和蔼的,友好的
He is very nice to his neighbours.
③ adj. 使人高兴的,令人愉快的
It is so nice to have you here.
1、a, an 是不定冠词:可数名词单数前面必须要用不定冠词
a 用在以辅音音素开头的名词前面, an 用于以元音音素(元音发音的单词)开头的名词前面
a pen      an apple        an umbrella         an egg            an hour               a university
2、the 是定冠词,表示特指,有两种发音:[TE]、[Ti:],以元音发音开头的单词前面读[Ti:]。当想使听话者特别注意the后面的名词时,the就读为[Ti:],意思是“这一个而且只是这一个”或“主要是这一个”。
① 特指名词(即以说话人或听话人已知的人或物为前提)时,用the
There is an apple on the desk. The apple is mine.
Well, there is a girl in front of the classroom. The girl is my sister.
② 在专有特殊名词时,用the
the Great Wall,the Summer Palace,the Forbidden City(紫禁城),the sun
③ 在国家前不用冠词,特例国家除外
the United States of America
MR. BLAKE: Good morning.
STUDENTS: Good morning, Mr. Blake.
MR. BLAKE:     This is Miss Sophie Dupont.
Sophie is a new student. She is French.
MR. BLAKE:     Sophie, this is Hans. He is German.
HANS:        Nice to meet you.
MR. BLAKE:     And this is Naoko. She's Japanese.
NAOKO:     Nice to meet you.
MR. BLAKE:     And this is Chang-woo. He's Korean.
CHANG-WOO:  Nice to meet you.
MR. BLAKE:     And this is Luming. He is Chinese.
LUMNG:     Nice to meet you.
MR. BLAKE: And this is Xiaohui. She's Chinese, too.
XIAOHUI:    Nice to meet you.
2、Nice to meet you.
用于初次与同学、朋友见面等非正式的场合,一般回答Nice to meet you, too.
正式场合常用How do you do?回答也是How do you do?
Lesson 6   What make is it?
make                     n.(产品)牌号
Swedish                  adj.瑞典的
English                  adj.英国的
American                 adj.美国的
Italian                  adj.意大利的
Volvo [5vClvEJ]     n.沃尔沃(Swedish)
Peugeot                  n.标致(French)
Mercedes [5mE:sidi:z]   n.梅赛德斯(German)
Toyota                   n.丰田(Japanese)
Daewoo                   n.大宇(Korean)
Mini                     n.迷你(English)
Ford                     n.福特(American)
Fiat [fiEt, 5fi:At]   n.菲亚特(Italian)
★make  n.(产品的)牌子;类型,型号;式样
What make is your watch?
Her dress is of Italian make.   她的连衣裙是意大利式的
★English  adj. 英国(人)的;英格兰(人)的;英国化的
John is very English.   约翰生活行事非常英国化。
Is she a Chinese teacher or a Japanese teacher?
She isn't a Chinese teacher. She's a Japanese teacher.
Lesson 7   Are you a teacher?
I                        pron. 我
am                       v. be动词现在时的第一人称单数
are                      v. be动词现在时复数
name                     n. 名字
what                     adj.& pron. 什么
nationality              n. 国籍
job                      n. 工作
keyboard                 n. 电脑键盘
operator                 n. 操作人员
engineer                 n. 工程师
★nationality  n. 国籍
nation      n. 国家
national     adj. 国家的,民族的
nationality   n. 国籍
person     n. 人
personal   adj. 个人的
personality   n. 人品人格
★job[dVCb]    n. 工作
① n. 职业,工作,有报酬的工作,既可以是体力的,也可以是脑力的
What is your job?
② n. (一件)工作,话计
The whole job takes about 40 minutes.
③ n. 职责
It’s your job to be on time.
work [wE:k]   n. 工作,广义的概念,泛指的劳动
working class   工人阶级
★keyboard  n. 电脑键盘
key [ki:]      n. 钥匙
board [bC:d]   n. 木板
blackboard    n. 黑板
★operator  n. 操作人员
-or  字母组合,表示某种人   actor    n. 男演员
特殊疑问词:what、where 、who 、when、which、why 、whom、how、how many、how much、how long、how far、how often、how soon
What make is it? 它是什么牌子?
What color is it? 它是什么颜色的?
What nationality…?
What time is it?
What size is this skirt?
ROBERT:    I am a new student.
My name's Robert.
SOPHIE: Nice to meet you. My name's Sophie.
ROBERT:    Are you French?
SOPHIE: Yes, I am.
Are you French, too?
ROBERT:    No, I am not.
SOPHIE: What nationality are you?
ROBERT:    I'm Italian.
Are you a teacher?
SOPHIE: No, I'm not.
ROBERT:    What's your job?
SOPHIE: I'm a keyboard operator.
What's your job?
ROBERT:    I'm an engineer.
1、Are you French, too?
2、Wha nationality are you?
用于询问对方国藉,相当于Where are you from?或Where do you come from?
3、What’s your job?
询问对方从事何种职业也可以说:What do you do?
Lesson 8   What's your job?
policeman                           [pE5li:smEn]                 n. 警察
policewoman                      [pE`li:s9wJmEn]       n.女警察
taxi driver                           [5tAksi-5draivE]    n. 出租汽车司机
air hostess                          [ZE-5hEustEs]             n. 空中小姐
postman                             [5pEJstmEn]                    n. 邮递员
nurse                                 [nE:s]                                  n. 护士
mechanic                            [mi5kAnik]                     n. 机械师
hairdresser                         [5heEdresE]                  n. 理发师
housewife                          [5haJswaif]                   n. 家庭妇女
milkman                            [5milkmEn]                     n. 送牛奶的人
★nurse  [nE:s]       n. 护士
① n. 护士;照料者
② v. 照料;照看
All her time goes into nursing her child.
③ v. 养护;培养
nurse a young tree  养护树苗
nurse an author of promise  培养有前途的作家
Lesson 9   How are you today?
hello                    int. 喂(表示问候)
hi                       int. 喂,嗨
how                      adv. 怎样
today                    adv. 今天
well                     adj. 身体好
fine                     adj. 美好的
thanks                   int. 谢谢
goodbye                  int. 再见
see                      v. 见
★how   adv. 怎样
How about that?     怎么会这样?那一个怎么样?
How come?=Why?   为什么?
How goes it? = How is it going?      事情进展如何?
★fine  adj. 美好的
① 健康的;舒适的
② 极好的,优秀的
a fine view  美好的景色
③ 优雅的,雅致的
He is a man with fine manners.  他是一个举止优雅的男人。
★see   v. 见
see   表示看见的结果
look  表示看的动作
look at sth.       look out of the window       look into my eyes
watch   观看移动的一些东西    watch TV
How …?的一些社交上的用法:
How are you? /How have you been?  你一向可好?
2、How do you do ?是正式介绍中的一句套话,从不用来询问健康。
How’s life?  生活如何?
How are things?  情况怎样?
How’s work?  工作怎么样?
What’s Tom like?  He’s very fat.
STEVEN:    Hello, Helen.
HELEN: Hi, Steven.
STEVEN:    How are you today?
HELEN: I'm very well, thank you. And you?
STEVEN:    I'm fine, thanks.
How is Tony?
HELEN: He's fine, thanks.
How's Emma?
STEVEN:    She's very well, too, Helen.
Goodbye, Helen. Nice to see you.
HELEN: Nice to see you, too, Steven.
Lesson 10   Look at…
fat                      adj. 胖的
woman                    n. 女人
thin                     adj. 瘦的
tall                     adj. 高的
short                    adj. 矮的
dirty                    adj. 脏的
clean                    adj. 干净的
hot                      adj. 热的
cold                     adj. 冷的
old                      adj. 老的
young                    adj. 年轻的
busy                     adj. 忙的
lazy                     adj. 懒的
① 看,瞧,观,望
Look carefully before you cross the street.
The room looks on the sea.  房间面向大海。
Two windows look to the south.  两扇窗子朝南。
Lesson 11   Is this your shirt?
whose                    pron. 谁的
blue                     adj. 蓝色的
perhaps                  adv. 大概
white                    adj. 白色的
catch                    v. 抓住
★whose   pron. 谁的
★blue   adj. 蓝色的
① 蓝色的,蔚蓝的
② 沮丧的,忧郁的
His mood is blue.  他的情绪低落。
He looks a bit blue.  他看上去有点儿忧郁。
★catch   v. 抓住
① v. 接住,拦住
② v. 逮住,捕获  catch a thief
③ v. 染上(疾病)
I have caught a bad cold.  我得了重感冒。
I have my way, and she has hers.
This is Tim's shirt. (形容词性)
This shirt is Tim's.  (名词性)
TEACHER: Whose shirt is that?
Is this your shirt, Dave?
DAVE:     No. Sir. It's not my shirt.
This is my shirt. My shirt's blue.
TEACHER: Is this shirt Tim's?
DAVE:     Perhaps it is, sir. Tim's shirt's white.
TIM:      Yes, sir?
TEACHER: Is this your shirt?
TIM:      Yes, sir.
TEACHER: Here you are. Catch!
TIM:      Thank you, sir.
Here you are.  给你
这是给对方东西时的用语,也可用Here it is.或Here they are.(指复数的物)。句中的are和is一般应重读。
Lesson 12  Whose is this…? This is my/your/his/her…
Whose is that…? That is my/your/his/her…
father                   n. 父亲
mother                   n. 母亲
blouse                   n. 女衬衫
sister                   n. 姐,妹
tie                      n. 领带
brother                  n. 兄,弟
his                      possessive adjective. 他的
her                      possessive adjective. 她的
Lesson 13   A new dress
colour                   n. 颜色=color(美)
green                    adj. 绿色
come                     v. 来
upstairs                 adj. 楼上
smart                    adj. 时髦的,巧妙的
hat                      n. 帽子
same                     adj. 相同的
lovely                   adj. 可爱的
★colour   n. 颜色=color(美)
what colour is…?
What make is …?   什么车牌?
★come v. 来
come on:快点来;拜托,得了吧;过来
Come on. I’m not 18 years old again.  拜托,得了吧。
★smart   adj. 时髦的,巧妙的
① 漂亮的,时髦的,巧妙的
You look smart in that new dress.
② 聪明的,伶俐的,精明的
He is a smart businessman.
LOUISE: What colour's your new dress?
ANNA:  It's green.
Come upstairs and see it.
LOUISE: Thank you.
ANNA:   Look! Here it is!
LOUISE: That's a nice dress.
It's very smart.
ANNA:   My hat's new, too.
LOUISE: What colour is it?
ANNA:  It's the same colour.
It's green, too.
LOUISE: That is a lovely hat!
It’s the same colour.  一样的颜色。
two boys of the same age  两个同龄的男孩子
Lesson 14   What colour's your…?
case                     n. 箱子
carpet                   n. 地毯
dog                      n. 狗
Lesson 15   Your passport, please.
customs                  n. 海关
officer                  n. 官员
girl                     n. 女孩,姑娘
Danish                   adj.& n. 丹麦人
friend                   n. 朋友
Norwegian                adj.& n. 挪威人
passport                 n. 护照
brown                    adj. 棕色的
tourist [5tuErist]          n. 旅游者
★customs   n. 海关
customs,Customs  n. [复]海关;征收关税的程序
The spy was stopped at the Customs and questioned.
custom  n. 风俗,习惯
When risiting a foreign country, we might find the country’s customs strange to us.
It is his custom to go for a walk in the evening.
★friend   n. 朋友
A friend in need is a friend indeed.  患难之交才是真朋友。
★tourist  n. 旅游者
tour   n. 观光,旅游
tour guide   导游
travel   n. 旅行(泛指)
traveler  n. 旅行者
trip   v.&n. 旅行(短途)
1、普通名词(可数名词):a pen、a book
3、专有名词:Mt. Tai(泰山)、the Great Wall(长城)、Summer Palace(颐和园)
1、普通的名词后边直接加 s
a book/ two books
加 -s 后的读音 [s] [z] [iz]
2、以辅音字母加 y 结尾的单词要把 y 变 i 加 es
baby -> babies
3、以 -ch -sh -x -s -z 结尾的单词要加 -es 读音为[iz]
4、以 f 或 fe 结尾的单词要变为 ves
knife -> knives              wife -> wives
5、辅音字母加 o 结尾的单词要加 es
potato -> potatoes          zoo -> zoos
元音字母加 o 结尾的单词要加 s
man——men                       swoman——women
milkman——milkmen          policwwman——policwomen
CUSTOMS OFFICER:    Are you Swedish?
GIRLS:              No, we are not. We are Danish.
CUSTOMS OFFICER:    Are your friends Danish, too?
GIRLS:              No, they aren't.
They are Norwegian.
CUSTOMS OFFICER:    Your passports, please.
GIRLS:              Here they are.
CUSTOMS OFFICER:    Are these your cases?
GIRLS:              No, they aren't.
Our cases are brown.
Here they are.
CUSTOMS OFFICER:    Are you tourists?
GIRLS:              Yes, we are.
CUSTOMS OFFICER:    Are your friends tourists too?
GIRLS:              Yes, they are.
CUSTOMS OFFICER:    That's fine.
GIRLS:              Thank you very much.
Lesson 16   Are you…?
Russian                  adj.&n. 俄罗斯人
Dutch                    adj.&n. 荷兰人
these                    pron. 这些(复数)
red                      adj. 红色的
grey                     adj. 灰色的
yellow                   adj. 黄色的
black                    adj.黑色的
orange                   adj. 橘黄色的
★grey   adj. 灰色的
① 灰色的,偏灰的
② 头发灰白的
Her hair is grey.
③ 面色苍白的
Tony looks grey and tired.  托尼面色苍白,显得疲惫。
① 如果名词词尾的发音是一个清辅音([s]、[F]、[tF]除外),-s发[s]的音
如:books [buks]          suits[su:ts]
② 如果名词词尾的发音是一个浊辅音([z]、[V]、[dV]除外)或元音,-s发[z]的音,
③ 如果名词词尾的发音是[s]、[z]、[F]、[V]、[tF]、[dV],-s发 [iz]的音
Lesson 17   How do you do?
employee                 n. 雇员
hard-working             adj. 勤奋的
sales reps               推销员=sales representatives
man                      n. 男人
office                   n. 办公室
assistant                n. 助手
★employee   n. 雇员
一个动词后有 -ee,是被这个动作影响的人;一个动词后有 -er,是做出这个动作的人。
V+-ee  被……的人
V+er   发出……的人
employ  v. 雇拥
I need to employ some people to help me do this work.
employee  n. 雇员
employer  n. 雇主
employment  n. 工作
-ment 名词后缀
train   v. 训练
trainee  n. 被训练的人
trainer  n. 训练者
★hard-working   adj. 勤奋的
hard  adj&adv. 艰苦的,坚硬的,努力地
work  n&v.  工作
hard-working   adj. 勤奋的
Lucy is a hard-working employee.
They are hard-working.
hard-work   n. 艰苦的工作
This is a hard-work.
work hard 努力地工作
★assistant  n. 助手
office assistant  指办公室干杂务的工作人员
assist   v. 援助
MR. JACKSON:     Come and meet our employees, Mr. Richards.
MR. RICHARDS:    Thank you, Mr. Jackson.
MR. JACKSON: This is Nicola Grey, and this is Claire Taylor.
MR. RICHARDS:    How do you do?
Those women are very hard-working.
What are their jobs?
MR. JACKSON: They're keyboard operators.
This is Michael Baker, and this is Jeremy Short.
MR. RICHARDS:    How do you do?
They aren't very busy!
What are their jobs?
MR. JACKSON: They're sales reps.
They're very lazy.
MR. RICHARDS:    Who is this young man?
MR. JACKSON: This is Jim.
He's our office assistant.
Lesson 18   What are their jobs?
twenty  thirty  forty   fifty  sixty  seventy   eighty   ninety
one/a hundred    one/a thousand
101:one hundred and one
1564:one thousand five hundred and sixty four
9059:nine thousand and fifty nine
63,152:sixty three thousand one hundred and fifty two
331,278:three hundred and thirty one thousand two hundred and seventy eight
Lesson 19   Tired and thirty
matter                   n. 事情
children                 n. 孩子们 (child 的复数)
tired                    adj. 累,疲乏
boy                      n. 男孩
thirsty                  adj. 渴
Mum                      n. 妈妈
sit down                 坐下
right                    adj. 好,可以
ice cream                冰淇淋(有时可数,有时不可数)
★matter   n. 事情
① n. 事情,事件
It’s a private matter.
He’s not very interested in financial matters.
② n. 麻烦事,困难
What's the matter? =Tell me what’s wrong? =What’s wrong?
What’s the matter with+sb.
What's the matter with the children?
It doesn't matter. 没关系
It matters.  有关系
Does it matter?  有关系吗?可以吗?
★thirsty   adj. 渴
① adj. 渴的,口干的
② adj. (工地等)干旱的
a dry and thirsty land  干旱的土地
③ adj. 渴望的,渴求的(for / after)
The students there are thirsty for knowledge.
There be 句型
there be 句型:表示某处有某物
there is + 可数名词的单数/不可数名词
There is a pen, two books and a knife on the desk.
there are + 可数名词的复数形式
out of:在…外,从里面出来
among 在…中间(两者以上)
1、    跟在be动词之后
2、    跟在一些不及物动词之后
MOTHER:   What's the matter, children?
GIRL:      We're tired …
BOY:            … and thirsty, Mum.
MOTHER:   Sit down here.
Are you all right now?
BOY:        No, we aren't.
MOTHER:   Look!
There's an ice cream man.
MOTHER:   Two ice cream please.
Here you are, children.
CHILDREN: Thanks, Mum.
GIRL:       These ice creams are nice.
MOTHER:   Are you all right now?
CHILDREN: Yes, we are, thank you!
Lesson 20   Look at them!
big                      adj. 大的
small                    adj. 小的
open                     adj. 开着的
shut                     adj. 关着的
light                    adj. 轻的
heavy                    adj. 重的
long                     adj. 长的
shoe                     n. 鞋子
grandfather              n. 祖父
grandmother              n. 祖母
Lesson 21   Which book?
give                     v. 给
one                      pron. 一个
which                    哪一个
buy me a book=buy a book for me
Give me a book.=Give a book to me.
MAN:     Give me a book please, Jane.
WOMAN: Which book? This one?
MAN:    No, not that one.
The red one.
WOMAN: This one?
MAN:     Yes, please.
WOMAN: Here you are.
MAN:     Thank you.
Lesson 22   Give me/him/her/us/them a …
Which one?
empty                    adj. 空的
full                     adj. 满的
large                    adj. 大的
little                   adj. 小的
sharp                    adj. 尖的,锋利的
blunt                    adj. 钝的
box (boxes)              n. 盒子,箱子
glass (glasses)          n. 杯子
cup (cups)               n. 茶杯
bottle (bottles)         n. 瓶子
tin (tins)               n. 罐头
knife (knives)           n. 刀子
fork (forks)             n. 叉子
spoon (spoons)           n. 勺子
★large   adj. 大的
★big   adj. 大的
Look at that large woman in white.
She’s very big in the filmdom.
★little   adj. 小的
★small   adj. 小的
I want the small one with the yellow handle.
She has the sweetest little smiles.
★glass   n. 杯子
① n. 玻璃杯或有脚的玻璃杯
② n. 杯中物,酒
He has had a glass too much.  他多喝了一杯(喝醉了)。
I’d like to enjoy a glass now and then.  我喜欢不时喝点酒。
★cup   n. 杯子
① n. 杯子(一般带柄,用于盛热饮或咖啡)
I have a beautiful set of tea cups.
② n. 一杯饮料,一杯咖啡
You can get a good cup at Lucy’s Café.
Lesson 23  Which glasses?
on                       prep. 在……之上
shelf                    n. 架子,搁板 on the shelf
a book on the desk
This is the boy I saw yesterday.
MAN:     Give me some glasses please, Jane.
WOMAN: Which glasses?
These glasses?
MAN:     No, not those.
The ones on the shelf.
WOMAN: These?
MAN:     Yes, please.
WOMAN: Here you are.
MAN:     Thanks.
Lesson 24  Give me/him/her/us/them some…
desk                     n. 课桌
table                    n. 桌子
plate                    n. 盘子
cupboard                 n. 食橱
cigarette                n. 香烟
television               n. 电视机
floor                    n. 地板 on the floor
dressing table           n. 梳妆台
magazine                 n. 杂志
bed                      n. 床
newspaper                n. 报纸
stereo                   n. 立体声音响
★desk    n. 课桌
★table   n. 桌子
He is working at his desk.  他正在自己的书桌前用功。
I’ve booked a table for two at 7.00.
They sat round the talbe and made this big decision.
Lesson 25   Mrs. Smith's Kitchen
Mrs.                     夫人
kitchen                  n. 厨房
refrigerator             n. 电冰箱
right                    n. 右边
electric                 adj. 带电的,可通电的
left                     n. 左边
cooker                   n. 炉子,炊具
middle                   n. 中间
of                       prep.(属于)……的
room                     n. 房间
★cooker   n. 炉子,炊具
Mrs. Smith's kitchen is small.
There is a refrigerator in the kitchen.
The refrigerator is white.
It is on the right.
There is an electric cooker in the kitchen.
The cooker is blue.
It is on the left.
There is a table in the middle of the room.
There is a bottle on the table.
The bottle is empty.
There is a cup on the table, too.
The cup is clean.
Lesson 26   Where is it?
where                    adv. 在哪里
in                       prep. 在…里
Lesson 27   Mrs. Smith's living room
living room              客厅
near                     prep. 靠近
widow                    n. 窗户
armchair                 n. 扶手椅
door                     n. 门 near the door
picture                  n. 图画
wall                     n. 墙 on the wall
★living room  客厅
living   生活
★near   prep. 靠近
① adj. 靠近的,接近的
② adj. 关系接近的,亲近的
She is near frined of mine.
My uncle is nearest relation.
③ adj. 近似的,几乎的
The picture may not be an exact replica but its pretty near.
★widow  n. 窗户
win  赢
wind  吹风
★armchair  n. 扶手椅
chairman  主席
president  n. 总统
some, any 一些:
some 和 any 跟可数名词的复数或者是不可数名词;
Have you got some paper-clips in that box?  (回形针)
Would you like something to drink? 你想喝点什么吗?
Mrs. Smith's living room is large.
There is a television in the room.
The television is near the window.
There are some magazines on the television.
There is a table in the room.
There are some newspapers on the table.
There are some armchairs in the room.
The armchairs are near the table.
There is a stereo in the room.
The stereo is near the door.
There are some books on the stereo.
There are some pictures in the room.
The pictures are on the wall.
Lesson 28   Where are they?
trousers                 n. 长裤
Lesson 29   Come in, Amy?
shut                     v. 关门
bedroom                  n. 卧室
untidy                   adj. 乱,不整齐
must                     modal verb 必须,应该
open                     v. 打开
air                      v. 使 … 通风,换换空气
put                      v. 放置
clothes                  n. 衣服
wardrobe [5wC:drEub] n. 大衣柜
dust                     v. 掸掉灰尘土
sweep                    v. 扫
★untidy  adj. 乱,不整齐
un-前缀,表示否定;tity  adj. 整齐的,干净的
happy——unhappy  不幸福的
lucky——unlucky  不幸的
known——unknown  未知的
★air   v. 使 … 通风,换换空气
① n. 空气,新鲜空气
Let’s go out and breathe some fresh air.
② n. 空中,空间
He likes to stay in the open air.  他喜欢在户外呆着。
③ v. 晾(衣服、被褥等);使通风
Leave the trousers on the washing-line to air.
★dust   v. 掸掉灰尘土
★sweep   v. 用笤帚扫地
dust   ① v. 掸掉……上的灰尘;② n. 灰尘
clear  adj. 清晰的  v. 清除
clean   adj. 清洁的,干净的  v. 使……干净(不管用什么方法)
cleanse  v. 用水彻底把……弄干净
wipe   v. 用抹布去擦
1 情态动词表示人的情感、状态或情绪变化的一种助动词,它本身具有实际意义。
2 情态动词不能单独做谓语,只能和后面的原形动词一起构成谓语。
3 情态动词没有人称和数格的变化。
4 含有情态动词的句子,否定句在它后面加not,一般疑问句把它提前。
must是情态动词,表示“必须”、“应当”,与have to相似,表示不可逃避的义务。在说话人看来,没有选择的余地。但must带有个人色彩,表示说话人的主观意图。表示个人感情时通常用must。
You must…(你必须……)表示说话人说/认为……是必要的。
You must open the window.
You mustn't open the window?
Must I open the window?
Yes, you must.
No, you needn't.
MRS. JONES:  Come in, Amy.
Shut the door, please.
MRS. JONES:  This bedroom's very untidy.
AMY:         What must I do, Mrs. Jones?
MRS. JONES:  Open the window and air the room.
Then put these clothes in the wardrobe.
MRS. JONES:  Then make the bed.
MRS. JONES:  Dust the dressing table.
Then sweep the floor.
Lesson 30   What must I do?
empty                    v. 倒空,使…变空
read                     v. 读
sharpen                  v. 削尖,使锋利
put on                   穿上
take off                 脱掉
turn on                  开(电灯)
turn off                 关(电灯)
★empty   adj. 空的
① v. 使空;把……倒出(移出)
They emptied the house.   他们把房屋搬空了。
② v. 流出;走出
The river emptied itself into the sea.   河水流入大海。
It was raining, and the streets began to empty.
③ adj. 空的
Her purse is empty.   她的钱包是空的。
④ adj. 空虚的,无意义的
It’s an empty dream.  这是个不现实的梦想。
Officials were flattered by empty complements.
⑤ adj. 呆板的,毫无表情的
She looked at him with empty eyes.  她木然地看着他。
He said all this in an empty voice.
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