

Unit 8   Adventure
编制人:王小惠             审批人:刘功良                   编制日期:2011.11.22.
1.        讨论喜马拉雅山探险,设计探险假日
2.        了解历史人物,旅行家马可。波罗的实际及贡献
3.        熟悉了解南极探险故事集探险家们不畏艰险的大无畏精神
1.        熟读识记本单元的重点单词,词组。阅读lesson1,lesson3,lesson4的相关课文及文中重点句型
2.        完成学案相关练习
1.presenter n.节目主持人---___________adj.出席的,到场的
1.       让人惊讶的喜马拉雅山出现在了地平线上,它看起来棒极了。(lesson1)
2  火上煮着的食物闻起来很棒,当你在喝茶的时候,你很放松,并且可以看着夕阳西下。
3.       除了导游,每个队还有厨师和搬运工。
4.       马可惊奇的发现中国市场上流通是纸币(lesson3)
5.       他回去之后不久当地就八法了一场战争,马可被投入了监狱。
6.       虽然人们爱都他的书,但许多人认为马可写的关于中国的东西太离奇而不可信。
7.       然后便是极地冬季特有的极夜了。(Lesson4)
8.       他让成队的狗为他拉雪橇,所有的队员都配备有滑雪板。
9.       这些石块证明在遥远的过去,南极洲曾经被植被覆盖过。
1.       tiring.adj令人疲惫的,累人的.tired.感到累的,疲惫的
tire sb. out_____________:be tired out_____________________
be tired of_____________:be tired with/from________________
eg:(2009.黄冈)After a long journey aross the whole country from north to south,they found themselves_________.     A.picked out   B.called out    C.caught out    D.tired out
2.in order to do引导目的状语位于句首或句中。
引导目的状语的还有 :
so as to位于________;to do位于________________
So that/in order that引导目的状语从句,从句中的动词常与_________动词连用
Eg:(2009河南重点联考)In order to protect our planet,__________.
A.all kinds of pollution should be reduced    B.we should reduce all kinds of pollution
C.the environment should be protected first   D.it’s important to protect our environment
(2009湖南师大附中)---He made an apology________be blamed____what he had done.
A.so as to not;of   B.in order to not;for   C.so as not to;for   D.in order not to;of
a good/great many ;a large/great/good number of ;many+可数名词复数(作主语谓语用复数)
a great /good deal; a large/great amount of; much+不可数名词(作主语谓语用单数)
a lot of=lots of; plenty of; a large/great quantity of+可数不可数均可(作主语根据名词确定)
其中quantities/amounts of +名词作主语时,谓语动词一般用复数
Many a/more than one+单数可数名词 作主语谓语用单数
Eg;Large quantities of money_______needed when you want to study abroad.
A.have   B.are   C.is    D.has
With more forests destroyed, huge quantities of great earth_______each year.
A.is washing away   B.is being washed away  C.are washed away  D.are being washed away
4.disadvantage  n.缺点;不利,不利条件
At a disadvantage处于不利条件 ; have /gain/win an advantage over__________________
have the advantage of______________;have an advantage in_______________________
Take (full)advantage of____________________
Is there any advantage you can take of computer games?
Eg:(2009皖北联考)He was a much older player but he had the great______the experience.
A.interest  B.success   C.advantage   D.honor
Within the reach of..在。。。能够得着的地方———out of the reach of
Within doors 在户内    within one’s power在某人的权利范围之内;力所能及
Within five days在五天之内     live within one’s income量入为出
辨析 in&within
A.     表达时间,in和within的区别在于,前者是指期限之外,而后者是指期限之内;而且within短语总是用于一般将来时,而in无此限制。
Eg;Tom will return in a week’s time  .Tom将在一周后回来
Tom will return within a week’s time.  Tom将在一周内回来。
B.      引导抽象名词,两者都可以使用,但是意义有所不同。
In one’s power在某人的能力以内  within one’s power在某人的权利之内
Eg:(2009.山东)It saves time in the kitchen to have things you use a lot_____easy reach.
A.near    B.upon    C.within    D.around
6.get across使理解(某事)
Get about/around______________     get down______________
Get over___________               get ahead______________
Get together_______________        get in________________
Get into_________________          get along with_________________
Eg:(2009唐山)The manager tried to explain the problem, but what he said didn’t______to the players.
A.get about   B.get over   C.get down   D.get across
(2009江苏南通)I don’t think that your lecture _______the audience, for they appeared quite puzzled.
A.got across to   B.got close to   C.got away with   D.got along with
7.put into prison关进监狱  / prisoner犯人;囚犯
Put/throw/cast sb. into prison=send sb.to prison 把某人关进监狱
In prison坐牢    go to prison 去坐牢
Be in prison在坐牢 be in the prison在监狱里 /Go to school去上学 go to the school到学校去
Go to college上大学 go to the college到学院去/Go to church做礼拜 go to the church到教堂去
In hospital住院 in the hospital在医院  /At table吃饭  at the table在桌子旁
Take place发生  take the place of代替  /Out of question 毫无疑问 out of the question不可能
Two of us我们中的两个 the two of us我们两个/On earth究竟,到底 on the earth 在地球上
Eg:(2009.聊城调研)The prisoner_______prison for ten years.
A.had been put in   B.had been sent fto   C.had been thrown into  D.had been in
8.stand by 坚持(某种)说法;站在旁边;袖手旁观;支持
Stand on one’s own feet_____________  stand for________________
Stand out____________               stand up_______________
Eg;We can’t stand by and allow such a thing happen.___________________________(翻译)
Eg;(2009.重庆调研)How can you________and do nothing when she needs help?
A.stand for   B.stand out   C.stand up   D.stand by
1.The space technology of China is developed at an ____speed, which many foreigners are __at..
A amazing; amazed  B. amazing; amazing  C. amazed; amazed  D. amazed ;amazing
2.How can you get this language point _______to the students?
A. down   B. into   C. round   D. across
3.When a fire_ _______at the National Exhibition in London ,at least twenty priceless painting were completely destroyed.
A. beoke off    B.broke out   C.broke down   D.broke up
4 He spent ____ money on books and ____ his books are about space and satellite.
A. a great deal of; a good many of           B. a good many of; a great number of
C. a large quantity of; a large amount of       D. a lots of; plenty of
5..Although he_______in America for a long time, my uncle has never regretted his making mind to return to his own country.
A. worked  B. was working   C. had been working   D. had worked
6.Australian English differs_______ pronunciation______ British English.
A. in; from   B. from; in   C. in; between  D. from; between
He didn’t arrive home on time, so his parents got a bit________.
A .anxious   B. ashamed   C. weak   D .patient
7.If your race car isn’t insured, you may _______losing everything when it hits something solid.
A. delay   B. deny   C. avoid   D. risk
8.Joe,_______the music. Why______ you dance like crazy at 2 o’clock in the morning?
A. urn up; could   B. turn on; should   C. turn down; must   D .turn off; would.
9.Though the man was badly hurt in the accident, he was still ______and could think clearly.
A. awake  B. aware  C. conscious  D. confused
10.-Sophia,will you go on the outing with us tomorrow?
--Sorry. I want to, but my money has almost_______.
A. run out   B. used up   C. finished   D. spent
11.-Don’t worry !I will have Bob ______the job at once!
--Yes, he has, but he had it _______already.
A. do; doing  B. doing; do  C. done ;done  D. do ;done
Take off; in order to; upside down; turn up; back out ;get across; in turn; break down; stand by; run out of; carry on
1.       People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and this__________ creates further problems.
2.       The sun was setting when my car______________ near a remote and poor village.
3.       A young man, wet from head to toe, explained that he had _____________petrol about 30km up the road.
4.       Some of the students have already learned enough English to_________ a conversation with a native English speaker.
5.       Internet shopping will really _________ when people make sure that it is safe.
6.       A lot of people became homeless because the earthquake__________.
7.       She__________ her husband in times of trouble and they set a good example for all the couple in the world.
8.       He stood on a chair__________ reach the top of the shelf.
9.       The teacher tried to explain the problem but the explanation did not____________to the class.
10.   My brother said he would come, but hasn’t_____________.
要点:1. 简要描述这一交通问题;2. 分析造成该问题的主要原因;3. 提出相应的建议。
In spite of the fast development of transportation in the major cities of China, more and more traffic problems are arising.
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