

1.bugging andeavesdropping

2.Finicky miniature cameras and tape recorders

Even the most finicky eater will find something appetizing here. 

A carper willcavil at anything. 爱挑剔的人对什么都挑剔。

There is no captious client but faulty product and service . 没有挑剔的客户,只有不完善的产品和服务。

Despite strong principles he was never censorious.

He was fastidious about his appearance. 他非常讲究仪表。 


3. in the old days              Encrypted electronic communications


In those impregnable mountains, the guerrillas could hold out for years.


a message that is impregnably encoded

5.As with the Russians arrested last month in America

6. moving around inconspicuously

7.receiving money by undetectable means

8..these are ideal bugging and tracking devices,

9. but instantly arouses suspicion

10.even the most dull-witted watcher may infer that a clandestine   meeting is afoot

11.take a scuffed  passport,

12.Missing links, in fact, ......

13.espionage            Biometric passports are making matters worse

14. cisterns and waste bins in public lavatories

15. laborious

16. a beer bottle stuffed with money  

17.you should ponder what cameras and sensors may be hidden in the trees nearby.

18.illegal= espionage =spy

19. are drawing to a close

20. freelancers

21.lobster tails      cardboard boxes 

22. in violation of a Honduran regulation

23.They had fallen foul of the Lacey Act :  与拉西法案冲突

24.poaching elephants in Kenya  

25.Yet three of them got eight years apiece

26.stamp on it.        This created a ratchet effect:

27.America’s incarceration rate has quadrupled since 1970.

28.and the disparity has grown                  

                     arcane         arcanum (arcanums=arcana复数)

Death is a gruesome and terrible Arcanum. 


29. always feud about the right level of punishment

30.should go to prison for long periods of time

31.seems increasingly counterproductive

32. even when the circumstances of a case cry out for it

33. prescription drugs

34.Many are incomprehensible      wrongdoer

35. threaten him with a gargantuan sentence

a marketing event of gargantuan proportions.


36.pose a threat          small-time drug dealers

37.  prisons are now packed not only with thugs and rapists but also with petty thieves,

38.reintegrate       pointlessly vindictive gesture

I don't like Kevin—he's got a nasty vindictive streak in him. 我不喜欢凯文——他报复心(不好的特征)太重,叫人讨厌。 

39.give so many draconian powers to its government

The government has introduced a draconian regulation intended to gag the press. 


40.undesirable    Yet to quibble  over the exact criteria

I tried to avoid the back room where the undesirable elements were gathered. 


Let's not quibble.

It is most desirable that  they should both come. 他们俩都来,这是最好不过了。

41. the  asymmetry of information       lost faith in rating agencies

42.their insistence on the maxim: trust but verify  

43.In this regard      no panic,

44.Methuselah     anti-aging         “Epic of Gilgamesh

45.elixir        Strictly speaking

There is no elixir of life in the world. 世界上没有长生不老药

46.Today, cosmetics companies dance around truth-in-advertising laws to

               imply that their creams and lotions can keep the years at bay.

47. leavened with the occasional iconoclastic scientist

Is it utopian to hope that such iconoclastic ideas will gain ground?...


The first performance of the iconoclastic composition caused a tremendous hullabaloo in the audience. 


48.a thoroughly disreputable field

49.draws readers down the blind alleys

50.tantalising =tantalizing

An intensive, creamy all-over body moisturizer with a tantalising, wild cherry fragrance.


51.chronic inflammation

52. Insulin, a hormone that regulates the metabolism of glucose, also crops up.

53.Most intriguing of all is something that

54.a side-effect of respiration

55.propounds a relatively new theory that

56.designed to help animals endure hard times

57.centenarian       Proponents of this theory       supporter

58.in the hope of              The book’s tone is refreshing

59.  jarring           Hype is an   occupational    hazard of anti-ageing research

The media seems obsessed with hyping upindividuals or groups...


He felt the film was hyped up too much.


60.is just around the corner   

61.some modest improvement in life expectancy 

62. a big reduction in the diseases of old age, are indeed pharmaceutically possible

63. is on the verge of

64.Some religious leaders and self-appointed sages have offered

    a variety of portentous reasons for embracing decrepitude instead of fighting it

The building had a general air of decrepitude and neglect.


It can decelerate  decrepitude, brighten skin, fade mark and make skin white, tender and healthy.


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