

1 on and off           and other odds and ends

2. have become friends over the years.

3. therapist        draw together local agencies     

Would you please draw together the snag in my cuff? 


4.they have an intense emotional attachment

5. Band-Aid    homes with chock-full yards or porches are eyesores

That new multi-storey carpark is a real eyesore. 那座新的多层停车场实在难看。 

6.newspapers piled near kitchen stoves or rats infiltrating apartment complexes.

7.To foot the bill

 I was in a jam because I didn't have enough money to foot the bill


8.hosted by none other than the First Lady herself.

9.prompted imitators :  引起模仿(者)....

10  take a cash prize       

 It's like trying to shovel sand off the beach with a teaspoon

11.Some task forces sprang up because city officials didn't know how to deal with hoarders.
   上句 无间断,中间没有标点符号

12. passing the buck ( 取自 现在进行时句中)

13.We're not there to strong-arm them 
14.they were bagging up these papers  

15.and she sleepsnestled among bags of clean clothes.

She nestled the eggs safely in the straw in Jim's basket.

16.cat burglar

17.Its manufacturing workers toil for

   a small fraction of the cost of their American or German competitors

18.China’s boomtowns

19. little more than    one-twentieth of the average monthly wage in America

His violincello had become little more than  meal ticket. 


20.As China’s economy has bounced back, wages have followed suit

In the wake of his success, other filmmakers began to follow suit.

21. spate of strikes has thrown a spanner into the workshop of the world.

22.Why the goons were called off

23. Chinese workers were never as docile as the popularcaricature suggested

24.has swiftly quashed previous bouts of labour unrest

25. China is reluctant to get heavy-handed with workers in big-brand firms

         that attract global media attention.

26. spooking foreign investors                                    spook  scare 

27.In the wake of  the financial crisis

28.That is mostly because workers get such a small slice of the national cake

29.Letting wages rise at the expense of profits

       would allow workers to enjoy more of the fruits of their labour.

30.     twofold (  two,three,four,five,six,seven,......twelvefold..............+fold)

    double 2         triple3             quadruple 4          quintuple5       sixtuple6       septuple7                  octuple  8     

31. China’s floating population will have to drop anchor.

32.Her quip, written in 1962, 

My advice is to ride it out, make an occasional smart-aleck quip


His smart aleck comments made him thelaughing stock
 of the class. 


33. zillions of  gallons of oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico

34. gaffes gushed from his lips              

He didn't realize what a gaffe he'd made. 他没意识到自己已出乖露丑。 

receive severance pay

35. fabulously  remunerated for doing what turned out to be a lousy job.

an adequately remunerated job.


You will be remunerated and so will your staff.


36.business-bashing     loot 

37. catastrophic failure  

38.Penalise failure too harshly

39.golden parachutes

40.two years in exceptional cases:例外的情况下,会付两年的(薪酬)

41.efforts are afoot to make it harder for bad bosses to walk away with a fortune.

42.the reviled BP: 被辱骂的BP

43.does nothing of the sort.

44.a mistake in the eyes of activists,

45. parlous state of the economy         严峻形势  

46.The severity of these regulations,  by and large, is at the government’s discretion

47.Many states are also pressing ahead with planned curbs onemissions

48.it aims to pare its emissions back by 85% by 2050.

49. under existing state

50.America could belch out 13% less by 2020.:     到2020年 锐减? 少13%?

51.And it is the optimistic scenario

52.for fear of appearing undemocratic

53.Even if officials around America do promulgate  fierce regulations

     those will take some time to come into force, =   come into operation  =  go into effect   = become effective  = validate  = take effect  

54.and are bound to be the subject of endless lawsuits

55.There’s a sense of ruefulness in the industry.” It is widely shared.

He rubbed his cheek with pseudo ruefulness. 他露出假装悔恨的表情摸摸自己的脸颊。

56. is being hailed as a big step towards overhauling  Kenya’s creaking political system

While the battle raged, the bullets flew thick as hail. 战斗激烈进行时,枪弹密如雨点。

as thick as hail 

57.the ensuing violence left 1,500 people dead and 300,000-plus homeless.

58.the government has been assertive and astute in trying to keep the peace

Astute salesmen know how to invest emotionally. 


59.the most combustible bit of the country

It was surrounded with heaps of combustible materials. 它周围是一堆易燃物质。

a high-strung combustible nature


60.endorse the new document

I can endorse their opinion wholeheartedly.


61.But lukewarm support                could lead to strife

The reactionary ruling clique was torn by internal strife.


62. checks and balances               presidential fiat

He has tried to impose solutions to the country's problems by fiat. 


63.fixed terms    

The police will be smartened up (勤奋)     

Some fresh flowers should smarten up the room. 几枝鲜花会使房间漂亮起来。 

 are at pains to emphasise that 

Most academic staff are hired on afixed termcontract.


64.their civil rights would be trampled by the Christian majority in the hinterland.

65.Another area of contention is land reform

66.The new document allows for the reallocation of land

67.may be applied arbitrarily.

68.without compensation      dual citizen           diaspora

In addition to China's population, there is a widespread Chinese diaspora. 


69.Another clause lets foreigners buy land only on a 99-yearlease, but not with freehold.

70.most ardent proponents (opponent)   by police death squads

71.it is deplorable that    Some of the worst villains are still in government.

The Chief Constable said that sexual harassment was deplorable.


It is deplorable that anyone should come between a child and its parents.


72.Individual freedoms are more keenly demanded

73.The media are vibrant    The private sector is growing fast 

a nation vibrant with enthusiasm
a vibrant personality
a youthful vibrant voice

His voice was quiet, yet vibrant with controlled rage. 


74.government revenues have grown apace 

75. Aside from the niceties of the constitutional debate 

76. jockeying for....            jockey for position

77. plumped for     the dangers that have afflicted Kenya will not  evaporate

78.has dismally failed to address the main causes of instability

79. Far too many young men   

   Rift Valley

80.fetid slums      the anger of such people could boil over again in 2012

the fetid stench of vomit.

The air of the room was fetid with stale tobacco smoke. 

81.mayhem   incumbent rulers cling leech-like to power   

Their arrival caused mayhem as crowds of refugees rushed towards them. 他们到达后大批难民一拥而上,引起一片混乱。
82.and economic heft in Iraq to jolt its politicians into heeding the wishes of Iraq's voters

83. So by what right can America  meddle in its internal politics?

84.without doing anything that risks rocking the fragile boat.

85.the better part of  valour        

86.say with a straight face         God willing

They couldn't keep a straight face. 他们没法不笑出来。 

87. I expect more than a little bit of the peace dividend

88.some were sabotaged      some became inoperative  

89.little or no maintenance      There was terrific bungling , no doubt about that

You can't do a thing without bungling it. 你做事总是笨手笨脚。 

90.We have a lot of other fish to fry

91.schizophrenic     the story omits .......

92.offices werelooted       and more pragmatic approach 

93.Obama had his marching orders from his benefactors  

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