

1.As the supply of migrant labour dwindles

Exports are dwindling and the trade deficit is swelling...


I'd rather not dwell on the past. 我不想再沉湎于过去了。 

It's morbid to dwell on cemeteries and such like. 不厌其烦地谈论墓地以及诸如此类的事是一种病态

They are concerned for the fate of the forest and the Indians who dwell in it...


2. as docile, diligent and dirt cheap 

3.But the recent unrest has put Chinese labour at odds with foreign capital.

4.Firms may have to get used to bolshier workers 

5.The malcontents may also represent a generational shift among migrant workers.

6. indulge nationalist sentiment.

7. their wages were  disproportionately  lower than those of their foreign managers.

8.to crack down on the recent unrest

9.shouted their grievances to journalists

10.Others think this conclusion premature.

11.and so forth

12.a surplus of labour in the countryside can coexist with shortages on the coasts

13.bindle stiff

I want you to carry a stiff upper lip whatever happens.


Moira sat stiffly upright in her straight-backed chair.

14. shoulder their bindle stick and seek their fortunes.

15.Census Bureau

16.have declined for two years in a row,

17. In so far as they can be tracked

 In so far as you are a student, you are free to use the library. 


18.is often touted as the next China.

19. triple       quadruple        quintuple  

20.Workers downed tools 95 times in the first three months of this year

21.Vietnam is not perhaps the sanctuary from strife
   that firms fleeing China’s coasts might wish for.


23.Three inland provinces are wooing Foxconn

24. after a string of suicides by workers

25.but its income per person belongs to another realm

26. forklift trucks

27.its hilly topography accentuated by the skyscrapers above and the deep pitsbelow

His shaven head accentuates his large round face...

28. pays homage to sb/sth

We pay homage to the genius of Shakespeare. 我们对莎士比亚的天才表示敬仰。

They bowed in homage to the Unknown Soldiers. 他们向无名烈士墓鞠躬致敬。

29.Hewlett-Packard (HP)  ,made its first laptop in the municipality

30.among other things

31.Sold up the river

32.Chamber of Commerce        Pearl river delta

33.cars traverse a 3.8km tunnel through a mountain.

34.western boomtowns    

35.Higher consumer spending will increase demand for services

36. such as housing, retailing and haircuts, which consumers favour,

37.in its present predicament

38.China cannot rescue the world economy on its own.

39. Its consumer spending amounts to only 13% of American GDP,  相当于.....

40.the moribund rich world.

41.In principle,

42.As long as the central bank remains vigilant 

43.shoppers push their trolleys around a Wal-Mart supercentre,

      the company’s third store in the city.

44.Bumpy ride to polling day

45.has suffered a dramatic reversalof fortune.

46.the opinion polls have turned savagely against the Labor

47.giving Labor a moment to catch its breath,

48.if it hopes to hold onto power it will have to rely on second-preference votes cast by Greens.

49. hard luck = tough  luck

50.the Labor leader whom she deposed as prime minister in June

51.succumbed immediately to his own bad luck
52.It was another spate of disastrous opinion polls

53.earlier this year, that triggered the coup that brought Mr Rudd down.

54.saw the dismal figures and moved quickly to dump him

55.But that may not be enough to quell the disquiet

56.there will have to be a public rapprochement between the two

57.a revamp of the government’s plans to fight climate change

58.has been widely derided

59.has admitted on that she now faces a rugged fight

60.“It is going to be a photo finish.”

61.Playing perfect tit for tat,  ??????  完美的以牙还牙

62. Ms. Gillard needs to cuss  ,  Has she tried cussing?

63.Welcome to the fickle Australia electorate

64.labours have an upper hand

65.victory belongs to those who beleive it in the most

66.filling in a pre-poll absentee vote the other day

67.Sb has had a tumultuoustime

68.see as an interloping Southerner from Victoria

69.She has placed the issue of the economy squarely back into the centre of the battleground

70.castigated the high-flying sb........

71.Labor and the LNP are now on equal pegging with Australian voters

72.over the line

73.pandering to the extreme right of his Party   pander 

74.wavering voters

75.who are paying off high-price mortgages on their homes

76.has a tough, grinding and worrisome fight on her hands

77. It remains to be seen

78.Looking at it from afar,

79.Making a run 'til November        'til =until =till

80. have long been disgruntled with sb the cadre of politicos that .....

81.Mr Jean’s candidacy would be a mixed blessing for Haitian democracy

82.eligible voters      grumbled about its sloppy management. 

83.may be a loophole      The constitution is paper, and bayonets are steel.”

84. someone who has Haiti's reconstruction at heart,

85.  from that perspective

86.Given the current situation on the ground,

87."Hail Mary pass"    Good natures of people are played..

   one element is overlooked

88.As for governance know-how

89.In the wake of the Haitian earthquake

90.But would do-gooders be better off sending their money elsewhere?

91. Smoking Gun     funny money

The Smoking Gun looks at the foundation’s funny money
92.For one,

93.Leviathan Inc:    形容BP的

94.in an effort to get the economy moving

95.has turned his back on the laissez-faire approach of the past

96.are pressing for policies that support manufacturing

97.state’s new meddling in business

98.seems to be working wonders

99.the West was in awe of
 Japan and its inexorable rise;


101.the state released its stifling grip and

    opened the country to private enterprise and to the world.

02.The likes of sb...........

03.choke them off      choke off

04     coddle     pamper       pamper spoil

05.......... faster than ever before.

06.utility vehicle

07. vacuum cleaners    tufted carpets  

08.to cite examples noted by sb/ sth 

09.get seduced by the hype of     voguish   high-tech sectors

10.sb blinded by .........

11.subsidised school       subsidised the industry so lavishly

112.  it slashed its subsidies
13. keep the beast  at bay      Not all such money is wasted, of course.       all  such

14. a pharmaceutical company

15. increase the number of its bets  in order to raise its hit rate.

16.But that is a cavalier way to behave with taxpayers’ money.

  cavalier way

17.In an age of austerity

18.they can ill afford to lavish money      on extravagant industrial projects.

 steps to improve the environment for business—less red tape,
20. favoured firms: 受优惠的/有特权的Inc

21.Competition will do far more for jobs than coddling

22.Europeans ought to  be seeking to strengthen the rules of their single market

    rather than pushing to dilute them;

23.donning hard hat

24.or else
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