

【老年感悟 - 老人快樂的法寶】
【老年感悟 - 老人快樂的法寶】
图文:网络      编辑: 小丝
老年,應該是快樂享受一輩子勞動成果的時候。然而,如何能做到享受快樂?《美國退休人員協會雜誌》近日載文,刊出老年專家戴伍·伯納德總結出的“老人快樂的10 大要素”。
1. 擁有快樂老伴。一起歷經多年風雨,老夫老妻歡笑依舊。夫妻感情更加成熟固化。有快樂老伴的陪伴和支持,能夠更好地應對生活中不可避免的變化。
2. 保持忙碌與休閒平衡。幾乎沒有人會滿足於完全無所事事的老年生活。隨著忙碌工作生涯的結束,退休後的最初幾個月或頭一年可能會讓你感到能好好地喘口氣。但是,接下來的若干年中,如果只是休閒,則會讓人感到無聊乏味。最好能在各種活動與休閒放鬆之間保持平衡。
4 .堅持運動。老人做事放慢節奏是自然現象。但運動不能放棄。堅持每天適量運動,不僅有助於健康,還能開闊心胸,放鬆心情。
5 .回憶往事。衰老最殘酷的結果之一是記憶衰退。對一生中最精彩時光的記憶可能變得模糊。一些人有幸擁有敏銳的頭腦,能回憶起往事的細枝末節。
6 .經濟獨立。理想的退休生活是能保持獨立性,相對安全地在家頤養天年,有足夠的錢支付賬單,能維持較高質量的晚年生活。
7 .做個好爺爺好奶奶。當上爺爺或奶奶後,兒孫繞膝共享天倫,無疑是人生一大樂事。偶爾遇到麻煩時,老人可以打電話給孩子父母求援。但是老人的工作就是嬌寵、愛護令人高興的小人們,讓他們快樂幸福。成為好爺爺好奶奶的條件是:一些愛和關注,一點耐心和幽默感。
8 .做事有計劃。無論是想探索從未涉足的領域,還是只想過悠閒的退休生活,最好想像一下“何種生活能帶來最大快樂?”“什麼活動什麼愛好會讓日子更充實?”“選擇誰和自己一起活動?”等。
9 .分享愛。好友、家庭成員甚至寵物,無不需要愛。對很多人而言,給予愛比接受愛更令人快樂。
10 .不成為負擔。為人父母時,老人是孩子的依賴對象,為他們上學、安全和健康等操心,給予他們支持。如今退休了,希望避免角色轉換,不要成為孩子們忙碌生活的負擔。
Old age, should be happy forever enjoy the fruit of labor. However, how can we do to enjoy birthday?[American Retirees Association Magazine Printed Text, recently published older expert wear ng · Bernard of "elderly happy 10 major elements".
1. Happy wife. With many years of rain, the old couples are laughing still. Couple more mature emotional curing. Have birthday old partner accompany and support, to be able to cope better with life's inevitable changes.
2. Keep busy with leisure balance. Almost no one will be satisfied completely random old age life. With the busy working life after retirement, the end of the first few months or a year head might make you feel able to breathe properly. However, the next several years, if it's just casual, will make people feel boring. Boring. It would be useful in a variety of activities to relax and balance.
3. More to help others. Help others such meaningful things will bring a strong sense of achievement for the elderly. It could be the neighbourhood simple help, but also the volunteers of the volunteer activities or something.
4. Insist on movement. Work slow rhythm of the elderly is a natural phenomenon. But Sports can't give up. Every day, regular exercise, not only contribute to health, but also be open minded, relaxed mood.
5. Memories from my past. The most brutal of aging is one of the results of memory. To the most wonderful memories of times may become blurred. Some people are blessed with sharp mind, can recall memories of the thing.
6. Economic Independence. Ideal retirement life is able to maintain independence, safely home relatively healthy, have enough money to pay bills, can maintain a higher quality of life in their twilight years.
7. Being a good grandpa great grandma. When your grandpa or grandma and grandson around after knee sharing with their family, is undoubtedly one of the great pleasures in life. Occasional trouble, when the elderly can call parents help kids. But the work of the elderly is spoiled, love making people happy little people, let them with happiness. Be a good grandpa great grandma's condition is: some love and attention, a little patience and a sense of humor.
8. Have a plan. No matter whether we want to explore the uncharted waters or just thought about relaxing retirement life, the best " imagine what kind of life can bring the greatest happiness?"" what activities will let what hobby days more enriching?"" choose who and myself With activities?" etc.
9. Share the love. Friends, family members or even pet, there is no need to love. For many people, to give love than to accept love even more amazing birthday.
10. Don't be a burden. Parents, the elderly are dependent on the object of the kids for their school, security and health care, give them support. Now retired, hope to avoid the roles, don't become the kids busy life's burdens.
*****欢迎光临感谢欣赏,小丝祝您欣赏愉快,天天快乐 ******
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