

For years traveling has been a part of my job as a project manager and now thinking back on the hundreds of trips that I have made to all kinds of places, it reminds me of things that were funny yet became a part of my memories.
  When I was attending college in a small town in central Texas, my younger brother was attending high school in central Oklahoma. The city where he was living in Oklahoma, was nearly due north of the city where I lived in Texas, about a 12 hour train ride making all the stops in every little town. It really fit my schedule because I could catch it on Friday evening at about 20:00, sleep all night in a soft seat, that didn\'t lean back very far, but was comfortable enough for a 20 year old to sleep in and get to my destination at about 08:00 the next day.
  That afternoon, after class some of my male friends went to a club and while enjoying the music from the juke box and playing some pool we sipped a few beers, just having a good time. So when I boarded the train that evening I was not feeling any pain and was in a happy friendly mood. The car that I boarded was full with every seat taken, so I walked to the space between the cars and was enjoying the fresh air coming in. The conductor saw me and told me to follow him and stand beside a row of seats about mid way in the car, because soon the train would make a stop and one of the passengers there would get off the train. Sure enough when the train stopped a passenger stood up and got off the train and I sat down in the aisle seat by a young lady about my age that was fast asleep. Soon I had settled back in my seat and was fast asleep aided by the clicky-clacky rhythm sound of the wheels on the rails as we made our way north. The trains at that time did not have seat numbers so you just took any seat that you could find.
  I guess I was tired after a long day in classes, but relaxed with the beer that I had consumed and went to sleep immediately, because the first thing I knew it was daylight when I woke up. At first I was not sure where I was, but then became aware of the train movement and the sounds of the wheels on the track. What confused me more was the fact that my head was on a very soft shoulder with my arms wrapped around an arm. Instantly I knew that I was snuggled up next to someone and I was not sure who it was, but for sure it definitely was a stranger. All I could hope for was that it was not a man and that this person was still asleep. Well luck was not with me! Without moving I slowly moved only my eyes and looked up to see if I could see the face of my human pillow. As my eyes made their way up, I immediately saw that it was a woman with a very nice figure and after a few seconds of enjoying the view, my eyes continued on up without moving any part of my body except my eyes. As my view finally reached a point where I could see her face, I saw this lovely lady looking straight into my eyes with the bluest and friendliest eyes and smile that I had ever seen.
  Immediately I sat up and gently started to unwind my arm from around her arm and get back on my side of the seat. I\'m sure that my face was fire engine red as I was very embarrassed and did not know exactly how to explain my behavior, except to start off with \'I am really sorry! I was not trying to be fresh!\' She surprised me by saying \'I knew you were not being fresh, but just were tired, because you have been snoring.\'
  Her easy going manner and friendliness immediately put me at ease and for the next 30 minutes before she got off at her stop while we talked and traded stories about our lives. I found out that she was three years older than I was and was headed home to meet her boyfriend. They were to be married in a couple more months. I was impressed with the way she handled the situation. Many women would have acted much differently, by acting offended, indignant and angry, but we both went away friends and laughing. My parting words were \'I envy the man you marry, because you have the most comfortable shoulder that I have ever slept on.\' That was my first train ride in the USA and it burned a very good memory in my mind.
  Traveling by train in China was a new and very different experience for me. Not knowing the language and not being familiar with the way the trains operated, I had to go through a learning curve on my first couple of trips. My first train ride there was a round trip from Changsha to Wuhan with some male American friends. They purchased the tickets so that we could all sit together. We left on a Saturday and planned to return on Sunday with some books that my friend wanted to purchase. He and his wife had lived in Changsha for over 3 years and were familiar with traveling in China. We had an un-eventful trip to Wuhan and arrived early in the evening to be met by friends of the other 5 men in the group. They scurried off and left me at a taxi stand where I wanted to get a ride to a hotel near a book store that I wanted to visit the next day with only the approximate location of the hotel I wanted to stay in. So by hand signs, drawing on a paper and having a crowd gather around the driver and me, I finally persuaded the driver to drive with me showing him. He was much more skeptical and doubtful than I was, but we did manage to get there.
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